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Totalitarians use misfits to disrupt free speech on the internet.

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Totalitarians use misfits to disrupt free speech on the internet.

Vladimir Lenin coined term " useful idiots " to describe those westerners

who would assist in building the totalitarian agenda.


The New World Order trains their " useful idiots " well.

Personal attacks are the general technique.


Invasive Federal tactics for Information Warfare on the internet.



Totalitarians use misfits to disrupt free speech on the internet.

The troll's usual reaction to a response will be amazingly similar to the

adolescent phrase:


" I know you are, but what am I? "


When the trolls become very desperate, they will resort to insulting the

normal member; by name, AND IN THE SUBJECT LINE, OF THE MESSAGE.



It is very simple:

We learn who the most effective human rights activists are,

by seeing who the government shills attack.

We learn who the government shills are,

by seeing who attacks the most effective human rights activists.


Trolls are quite predictable.

Within a few hours of the first time,

that that this message was posted ,

one of the internet's most active trolls posted a message,

with my name in the subject line,

saying that I am the ultimate troll.


After this message was first posted,

many people asked if there was a web page;

which gave a list of known trolls.

If you want the trolls to identify themselves,

just post this message,

and see who takes offence,

and pops in to comment.


It is safe to conclude that if one were to throw a rock into a pen full of


and one of them squealed,

that the one that squealed,

would be the one that you had hit.


Trolls are a way of destroying freedom of speech.

Read up on the invasive tactics for Information Warfare on the Internet







Invasive Federal tactics for Information Warfare on the Internet

(only a fed disinformer could object to this post.

Pass this around a bit and see who squeals).

This message might trigger the CAPCHA censorship window,

and might be diverted to the bulk mail folder.


Information Warfare on the Internet


LEARN about techniques for disrupting internet news groups. If you read about

the basic cointelpro techniques, most such disruptions are variations on those

themes. They are also deniable, and this uncertainty is cultivated and prized by

harassers because it can lead to (justified) paranoia and false accusations that

discredit the victim.



Information techniques

Distraction with irrelevant posts.

Discussion is lost in the noise. (In this case, the posts may make the group

" appealing " to a new audience, so a small silver lining is that new people can

be informed about mind control.)

Distraction by voluminous postings with no information by blowhards and empty

name-callers. (Can be hard to distinguish from genuine blowhards.) People who

wallow in the mud do not need to outdebate you; they only need to drag you down

there with them. Kill files can help if your newsreader has them.

Planting of provocateurs (and sleeper agents, etc.). These people will vary from

the posters who suddenly show up one day under an alias attacking regular

posters, to people who seem like regular posters themselves. They may work in

teams, supporting each other and giving the illusion of popular support on the

net. (Remember, net IDs are basically free, and one person can have many.) As

cointelpro showed, there is little that is more poisonous to an organization

than to have it tear itself apart from the inside with accusations of moles.

(The CIA knows all about this from its own mole hunts.) Moles love to accuse

others of being moles; then again, there are real moles. You have to judge for

yourself who to listen to or what to believe.

Hardware techniques

Spoofing. Forgeries and modified content. Does not need to be global over the

whole internet, for example just your local news server can be modified. If they

control your regular communication line like your phone line there is no end to

the illusions that can be created. There is a danger that some forms of spoofing

will be detected, though, and it is harder to do, so I think these techniques

are used less widely than the others.

Canceling posts. Posts disappear or only propagate in a limited region. This has

deniability as just network problems, since sometimes there really are network

problems. One technique is to secretly " localize " posts that are not approved by

some censor or gatekeeper. Most people will not notice if their post only

appears on their local news server, and will assume it has propagated worldwide.

They will just think no one has replied (though spoof replies can be posted

locally, too). I check to see that my posts show up at DejaNews. Hardly

foolproof, but at least then I know people can read them there (at least until

more sophisticated spoofing is available, perhaps tailored to domain names or

user names).

Delaying posts. By controlling when posts show up, the flow of the debate can be

controlled. A heads-up warning can be given to the plants on the group to

counter arguments ahead of time. They can also make the same arguments or

statements themselves ahead of time to build their own " credibility " or to steal


Controlling search engines. If no one can find it, it is not there. I do not

have any evidence that this has happened. The real danger is the possibility of

" voluntary " self-censorship like we have seen, for example, in the newspapers

with regard to radiation experiments.

Combined hardware/information techniques

Feedback pathways. An important aspect of psychological warfare is to have a

feedback path to the victim. (This is like a control signal in dynamical systems

theory.) The feedback path may be used covertly to manipulate the victim, the

victim may become aware of it on his or her own, or the victim may be purposely

made aware of it.

Harassers often want victims to think their harassers have control over them. To

know they are being watched. This can help induce psychological trauma and

regression in the victim. [According to the KUBARK interrogation manual, " All

coercive techniques are designed to induce regression. " ] A feedback path can

alert the victim that he is being manipulated. This can be done by telephones

ringing or fax machines. It can be done with sophisticated mind control methods.

It could even be done in newspapers if some person or agency knew the newspapers

the victim reads and could influence their content (e.g. the final cointelpro

link below).


But the internet is a fairly new medium that fits this bill perfectly if the

subject reads newsgroups. In a simple example, you cancel a person's post and

then post your own article hinting that you have done it. (Incidentally,

psychological torturers can pretend to have caused anything they are aware of

having happened.) The person gets angry, but they may not be sure, and if they

accuse the tormentor they are ridiculed. (Always try to goad the victims into

doing things in public that will discredit them.)


When the hardware is expanded to include home surveillance and mind control

techniques, the effects can be magnified immensely.




Can anyone truly doubt that these techniques have been extensively studied and

documented by our government? The stonewall of denial fights for every inch of

ground, no matter how trivial. People will still deny obvious, documented

(cointelpro) things like this to delay having to deny the next step of the chain

( " Yes, maybe they studied it but they would never test it on Americans [they

did], and they surely are not still doing it today [they are]. " )


Secret agencies are still arms of the federal government.


If a simple request for evidence gives rise to a vitriolic personal attack,

or an attempt to censor, rather than the addressing of the issue,

then one can only assume that the attacker has no other way to respond.

Any time that a simple request for evidence gives rise to a vitriolic personal


you can be assured that you are dealing with a hoax.


You will notice that no one's name is mentioned in this.

If there is anyone who thinks that this description accurately

applies to himself,

that person is invited to comment.








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