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Lung Cancer Epidemic From DU Has Begun in U.S.

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Lung Cancer Epidemic From DU Has Begun in U.S.



In the year 2005 there were 175,000 new cases of lung cancer in the United

States. The months of January and February of 2006 have already yielded 172,000

new cases of lung cancer in our nation. What has lead to this shocking new



Second hand smoke exposure and cigarette smoking obviously can not explain

this dramatic rise in lung cancer. Following exposure to radioactive iodine

particulate debris in the air from shells and bombs, between 2 to 5 years of


is needed to lead to the appearance of malignancies. Our bombing of

Afghanistan began in October 2001 (four and a half years ago) and the new

bombing in

Iraq began in March 2003 (exactly three years ago). Aerial bombs are more

effective than artillery shells in increasing airborne radioiodine because they

release more dust into the atmosphere. The radioactive iodine increment from


bombings was registered in the UK in the Aldermaston Report [1] released on

Feb. 19, 2006.


The U.S. government has not released any information about the levels of

radioactivity being observed in the U.S. and the controlled media in Europe and

the U.S. has said nothing about the 4 genocidal nuclear wars the United States

and it’s British ally have foisted off on the populace of the world. (Bosnia,

Iraq twice and Afghanistan). The DU wars surely reflect the population lowering

program for the world being implemented by the New World Order elitists

(Tilateral Commisson., Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, 33 rd degree Masons,

Illuminati, Council of Foreign Relations.)


Breathing radioactive particlulate matter has long been known to cause lung

cancer. Miners working in uranium mines and other types of mining where

radioactivity is an occupational hazard have a higher incidence of lung cancer.


danger from airborne radioactive iodine is greater than that found from

cigarette smoking. The radioactive iodine particles go directly to DNA which is


trashedâ€. There are no ways the human body can rid itself of the radioactive

particles so the health damage is permanent. This results in severe health

problems particularly malignancies which have no effective therapies. Physicians


Bosnia are seeing patients present for care with three simultaneous

malignancies something never previously reported in medicine.


Children in Iraq are dying in epidemic numbers from malignancies. In most

nations cancer in children is uncommon. This makes depleted uranium shells and

bombs an ideal vehicle to diminish the world population. The absence of media

exposure critical of this genocidal program makes DU warfare a low risk program

for lowering world population. One of the attractive features of using

radioactive uranium for biologic warfare and population lowering is that there

are no

known effective ways to heal an individual who develops a malignancy after

radioiodine iodine exposure.


A frightening aspect of depleted uranium warfare is that there is no way to

protect oneself from this hazard. Clothing and gas masks are easily penetrated.

The key persons running the New World Order are brilliant planners. They

would not want themselves to die from lung cancer along with the rest of


My guess is they have discovered methods to protect themselves from

developing lung cancer. Certainly one has to be impressed with how effectively


Rockefeller, Zignev Brezinski and Henry Kissinger appear to have managed to

avoid the infirmities of aging at least to outward appearances.


I do not know if persons living in the Southern hemisphere are also being

exposed to radioiodine fallout. Recently Christopher Reeves wife, Dana, died of

lung cancer at age 44. She was a healthy non smoker so her death appeared

puzzling. The DU fallout may provide a rational explanation.


Because prevailing winds have carried radioiodine dust to Europe and probably

the U.S. it appears that at least half the persons on planet earth are

currently breathing radioiodine. The topic of depleted uranium bombs and shells


not be discussed in the media because the world’s media is controlled by the

New World Order elitists. World wide public outrage could ruin their plans to

rapidly lower the world’s population by 90 % if this issue was publicly



When a biologic warfare agent like the borrelia burgdorfi spirochete (Lyme

Disease) turns out to spread person to person it becomes a gigantic success. We

all must breath to stay alive. With at least half the persons on earth now

breathing radioactive iodine the bio-warfare scientists appear to have their

second big winner. Expect lung cancer deaths to rapidly increase worldwide.


1. CNN American Morning program March 8, 2006 Miles and Soledad O'Brien





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