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Add your name to the Citizen's Petition to Protect America's Health Freedom from CODEX

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http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/action/step3/petition-letter.shtml (printable

copy of letter at this site)

Add your name to the Citizen's Petition to Protect America's Health Freedom from


Become a petitioner of the Natural Solutions Citizen's Petition to Protect

America's Health Freedom from CODEX and add your voice to the growing chorus of

Americans telling the U.S. Governement that it must follow its own laws and keep

America CODEX-free!


It's easy, simple and puts you back in the driver's seat by exercising your

constitutional rights.


Here's all you have to do:


1.. Scroll to the bottom of this page to the yellow box.


2.. Replace the fields (name, address, etc.) at the bottom with your personal


3.. Click the " Create Printable Version " button then use your browser's Print

function to print the page.

4.. Sign the printout and fax it to the Natural Solutions Foundation at

914-730-9805, and we will present it to Dr. Ed. Scarbrough, the head of the U.S.

CODEX Office.

Note: you can also scan your signed letter and email it to

info, or send it by postal mail to Natural Solutions

Foundation, 88 Batten Road, Croton on Hudson, NY, 10520, U.S.A.

5.. Join our mailing list and keep apprised of new developments in the Codex

fight. Your personal information will never be sold or shared.

Edward Scarbrough, PhD

US Manager for Codex

US Department of Agriculture

South Building, Room 4861

1400 Independence Ave., SW

Washington DC 20250


Barbara Schneeman, PhD

Director, Office of Nutritional Products

Food and Drug Administration

5600 Fishers Lane

Rockville MD 20857-0001


Dear Drs. Schneeman and Scarbrough:


I am deeply concerned about health and health freedom in the US under the

continuing assault of both Codex Alimentarius and those domestic forces which

seek to undermine my access to natural health promotion options (including

nutritional supplements and clean, unadulterated food). Therefore I wish to join

the Natural Solutions Foundation in urging you to support the adoption and

implementation through legislation and regulation of the Revised Vitamin and

Mineral Guideline (VMG) which would put the US in a position of Codex Compliance

per our Vitamin and Mineral laws and regulations (thus avoiding the possibility

of huge WTO trade sanctions in disputes around those nutrients). This Revised

VMG would, at the same time, strengthen and solidify the principles of DSHEA for

the benefit of the health of both the populace and the Wellness Industry. Please

direct Codex Delegates to foster those policies and do so in your domestic

policy dealings as well.


I urge you to adopt US Codex policies which support of the spirit and the letter

of the protective tradition, regulation and legislation representing the best of

public policy. Those policies should be strictly in line with US law preventing

harmonization with any international standard or guideline which conflict or

contradicts United States law as specified in the Citizen Petition and its

Amendments provided to your offices by the Natural Solutions Foundation.


I wish to join the petition and add my voice to those of other Americans who

want their health and health freedom supported by their government domestically

and internationally in support of the positions, hearing requests and Revised

Vitamin and Mineral Guideline presented in that Petition as delineated in the

most recent Amendment (submitted to you on October 14, 2005 by the Natural

Solutions Foundation), and to the Secretaries of Agriculture, Health and Human

Services, Commerce, Transportation, Commissioners of the EPA and FDA, President

Bush, Vice President Cheney and the Majority and Minority leaders of both Houses

of Congress.


Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. Codex standards, guidelines

and regulations threaten our rights and laws in serious ways by lowering the

protective bar to satisfy trade, not health, considerations. This is highly

detrimental to us all and is a violation of the significant protection offered

to us in this country by laws like DSHEA and similar statutes.


Please bring US Codex Policy and activities of the US Codex Office and FDA in

line with US law and protective public policy.


Yours in health and freedom,


Your Name


City, State, Zip


MUCH MORE INFO AT http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/action/step3.shtml





" Going to church no more makes you a Christian than sleeping in your garage

makes you a car. " : Garrison Keiler


" ...if by a liberal they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone

who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the

welfare of the people- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs,

their civil rights, their civil liberties.. if that is what they mean by a

" liberal " then I am proud to be a liberal. " : John F. Kennedy


NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may

have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this

without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor

protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President.




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