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What dietary factors are important in High Blood Pressure?

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High blood pressure is a major risk factor for a heart attack or

stroke. The blood pressure denotes the resistance produced each time

the heart beats and sends blood coursing through the arteries. The

peak reading of the pressure exerted by this contraction is the

systolic pressure. Between beats the heart relaxes, and blood

pressure drops. The lowest reading is referred to as the diastolic

pressure. A normal blood pressure reading for an adult is: 120

(systolic) / 80 (diastolic). Readings above this level are a major

risk factor for heart attack and stroke. High blood pressure

readings can be divided into the following levels:


Prehypertension (120-139/80-89)

Borderline (120-160/90-94)

Mild (140-160/95-104)

Moderate 140-180/105-114)

Severe (160+/115+)

Borderline to moderate high blood pressure is generally without

symptoms. Severe hypertension may be associated with increased

sleepiness, confusion, headache, nausea, and vomiting.


What causes High Blood Pressure?


Although medical textbooks state that the cause is unknown in 95% of

cases. Genetics definitely play a role, but the cause of high blood

pressure is closely related to lifestyle and dietary factors. Some

of the important lifestyle factors that may cause high blood

pressure include: coffee consumption, alcohol intake, lack of

exercise, stress, and smoking. Some of the dietary factors include:

obesity; high sodium-to-potassium ratio; low-fiber, high-sugar diet;

high saturated-fat and low essential-fatty-acid intake; and a diet

low in calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C.




Achieving ideal body weight is the most important recommendation for

those with high blood pressure. However, overweight people who lose

even modest amounts of weight experience a reduction in blood

pressure. See Weight Loss for more information.


Vegetarians generally have a lower incidence of high blood pressure

and other cardiovascular diseases, than non vegetarians. While

dietary levels of sodium do not differ significantly between these

two groups, a vegetarian's diet typically contains more potassium,

complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, fiber, calcium,

magnesium, and vitamin C, and less saturated fat and refined

carbohydrate, all of which have a favorable influence on blood



A diet high in sodium and low in potassium is associated with high

blood pressure. Conversely, a diet high in potassium and low in

sodium can lower blood pressure. Numerous studies have shown that

sodium restriction alone does not improve blood pressure control in

most people; it must be accompanied by a high potassium intake. Most

Americans have a potassium-to-sodium ratio of less than 1:2, meaning

they ingest more than twice as much sodium as potassium. Researchers

recommend a dietary potassium-to-sodium ratio of greater than 5:1 to

maintain health. The easiest way to lower sodium intake is to avoid

prepared foods and table salt, and use potassium chloride salt

substitutes, such as the popular brands NoSalt® and Nu-Salt®,

instead. The best ways to boost potassium levels are to increase the

intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.


Two very large studies have shown quite clearly that diet can be

effective in lowering blood pressure. These studies, the " Dietary

Approaches to Stop Hypertension " (DASH) tested a diet rich in

fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy foods, and low in saturated

and total fat. The DASH diet was also low in cholesterol; high in

dietary fiber, potassium, calcium, and magnesium; and moderately

high in protein.


The first study showed that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and

low-fat dairy products can reduce blood pressure in the general

population and people with hypertension. The original DASH diet did

not require either sodium restriction or weight loss-the two

traditional dietary tools to control blood pressure-to be effective.

The second study from the DASH research group found that coupling

the original DASH diet with sodium restriction is more effective

than either dietary manipulation alone. In the first trial, the DASH

diet produced a net blood pressure reduction of 11.4 and 5.5 mmHg

systolic and diastolic, respectively, in patients with hypertension.

In the second trial, sodium intake was also quantified at a " higher "

intake of 3,300 mg per day; an " intermediate " intake of 2,400 mg per

day; and a " lower " intake of 1,500 mg per day. Compared to the

control diet, the DASH diet was associated with a significantly

lower systolic blood pressure at each sodium level. The DASH diet

with the lower sodium level led to a mean systolic blood pressure

that was 7.1 mmHg lower in participants without hypertension, and

11.5 mmHg lower in participants with hypertension. These results are

clinically significant and indicate that a sodium intake below the

recommended level of 2,400 mg daily can significantly and quickly

lower blood pressure.


Special foods for people with high blood pressure include celery;

garlic and onions to lower cholesterol; nuts and seeds, or their

oils, for their essential fatty acid content; cold-water fish, e.g.

salmon and mackerel, or fish oil products concentrated for the omega

3 fatty acids EPA and DHA; green leafy vegetables and sea vegetables

for their of calcium and magnesium; whole flaxseeds, whole grains

and legumes for their fiber; and foods rich in vitamin C, such as

broccoli and citrus fruits.


What nutritional supplements should I take for High Blood Pressure?


Nutritional supplement protocols are given below based upon the

response or lack of response to the program as well as the degree of

initial high blood pressure.


For Prehypertension (120-139/80-89); Borderline (120-160/90-94) and

Mild (140-160/95-104) follow Level 1 Support. For Moderate 140-

180/105-114) follow Level 2 Support; and for Severe (160+/115+)

follow Level 3 Support. Be sure to work closely with your physician

even if you simply have Prehypertension.


Level 1 Support


Foundation Supplements. There are three products from Natural

Factors that I think are critical in supporting good health:


MultiStart (age and gender specific multiple vitamin and mineral

formulas). Follow label instructions.

Enriching Greens - a great tasting " greens drink " containing highly

concentrated " greens " like chlorella, spirulina, wheat grass juice,

barley grass juice, etc., and herbal extracts. Take one serving (one

tablespoon) in 8 ounces of water daily.

RxOmega-3 Factors - A true pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplement.

Take two capsules daily.

Potassium supplementation can produce significant reductions in

blood pressure in hypertensive subjects. Typically, these studies

have utilized dosages ranging from 2.5 to 5.0 grams of potassium per

day. Significant drops in both systolic and diastolic values have

been achieved (e.g., 12 mm and 16 mm, respectively. Potassium

supplementation is especially useful in the treatment of high blood

pressure in persons over the age of sixty-five. Potassium

supplements are available either by prescription or over the counter

(OTC). However, the FDA restricts the amount of potassium available

in OTC potassium supplements to a mere 99 mg per dose because of

problems associated with high-dosage prescription potassium salts.

However, so-called salt substitutes, such as the popular brands

NoSalt and Nu-Salt, are in fact potassium chloride at a dosage of

530 mg of potassium per one-sixth teaspoon.


Magnesium supplementation has also been shown to lower blood

pressure, particularly in patients who are already on high blood

pressure medication. Take 150 to 250 mg three to four times daily.


WARNING: People with kidney disease or severe heart disease (such as

high-grade atrioventricular block) should not take magnesium or

potassium unless under the direct advice of a physician.



Pept-ACE from Natural Factors contains a purified mixture of small

peptides (proteins) derived from muscle of the fish bonito (a member

of the tuna family). Basically, these peptides work to lower blood

pressure by inhibiting ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme). This

enzyme converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II, which is a compound

that increases both the fluid volume and the degree of constriction

of the blood vessels. If we use a garden hose model to illustrate

the pressure in your arteries, the formation of angiotensin II would

be similar to pinching off the hose while turning up the faucet full

blast. By inhibiting the formation of this compound, anti-ACE

peptides relax the arterial walls and reduce fluid volume. The

peptides in Pept-ACE exert the strongest inhibition of ACE reported

for any naturally, occurring substance available.


Clinical studies have shown anti-ACE peptides from bonito are

effective in about two thirds of people with high blood pressure -

about the same percentage as many prescription drugs. The degree of

blood pressure reduction in these studies was quite significant,

typically reducing the systolic by at least 10 mm Hg and the

diastolic by 7 mm Hg in people with prehypertension and borderline

hypertension. Greater reductions will be seen in people with higher

initial blood pressure readings.


If after 2 months if there is no change or blood pressure remains

above normal, go to Level 2 Support.


Level 2 Support


Celery Seed Extract standardized to contain 85% 3-n-butylphthalide

(3nB). 3nB is a compound that is unique to celery and is responsible

for the characteristic flavor and odor of celery. 3nB was discovered

as the active component of celery in response to investigations by

researchers seeking to explain some of the medicinal effects of

celery including the lowering of blood pressure and the relief of

arthritis. 3nB first drew significant scientific attention when

researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center identified

it as the factor in celery responsible for the blood pressure

lowering effect of celery. The research was prompted by one of the

researcher's father, who after eating a quarter-pound of celery

every day for one week observed his blood pressure dropped from 158

over 96 to a normal reading of 118 over 82. Subsequent animal

studies found that a very small amount of 3nB lowered blood pressure

by 12 to 14% and also lowered cholesterol by about 7%. It appears to

have a similar effect in humans at a dosage of 75 to 150 mg twice



Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has been shown to lower blood pressure. The

dosage is 200 mg daily - make sure to use CoQ10 in a soft gel for

enhanced absorption.


If after 2 months if there is no change or blood pressure remains

above normal, go to Level 3 Support.


Level 3 Support


If you have severe hypertension or with the natural approach your

blood pressure has not dropped below 140/105, you will need to work

with a physician to select the most appropriate medication. If a

prescription drug is necessary, a calcium channel blockers or ACE

inhibitors alone or in combination with a diuretic appear to be the

safest when Level 3 Support is required. Follow the supplement

recommendations given for Level 2 Support. When satisfactory control

over the high blood pressure has been achieved, work with the

physician to taper off the medication.


How do I know if the program is working?


You will know if the program is working by monitoring your blood

pressure. As a reminder, high blood pressure must not be taken

lightly. By keeping your blood pressure in the normal range, you

will not only lengthen your life, but you will improve the quality

of your life as well. This is especially true if natural measures,

rather than drugs, are used to attain proper blood pressure; the

drugs carry significant side effects such as fatigue, headaches, and





Please let Dr. Murray know how this program has worked for you by

clicking here.




" Hi Dr. Murray, I wanted to let you know that at my mother's last

doctor's visit her blood pressure was 127/seventy something! That

was after about two months of taking Pept-Ace. We are all very happy

about this. Thank you so much for being an advocate for these safe

alternatives to drugs. I am so grateful. SG "

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