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A simple and easy way to neutralize fluorides

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I came across this today and I was wondering if anybody else had tried

it or care to comment on it!







A simple and easy way to neutralize fluorides


Fluoride ions in water can be precipitated by adding soluble calcium

salt. Calcium and fluoride ions would then bind together, producing

calcium fluoride, which is insoluble and would eventually precipitate to

the bottom of the container.


But even if you swallow it, there would be no harm, at least not nearly

as much as when you swallow fluoride ions, or soluble fluoride salts.


Calcium fluoride is used to make laser windows, spectroscopic windows,

prisms and lenses. In other words, it is almost like glass in some of

its physical properties.


As a matter of fact, industrial method of neutralizing fluorides is

essentially the same, only calcium chloride salt is used for that

purpose. The effluent is then passed through membrane filters, which are

flushed periodically.

You can find descriptions of this industrial process if you do a search

on " fluoride removal " .


The easiest way to make soluble calcium salt is by putting eggshells

into a container and pouring vinegar in it.


Make sure you fill the container no more than by half, or the foam would

be pouring over the top.


After a day or two, depending on temperature, the reaction would stop

and you would get a solution of soluble calcium salt.

It might be a good idea to filter it to reduce the biological residue

content and keep it in a refrigerator.


I use gauze as a filter, you can rinse it easily after it gets plugged

by small suspended pieces of biological residue from the eggshells.


Add a few drops into a glass of water, stir it, and here is your

fluoride-free water. It adds a peculiar taste, but at least you would

not be ingesting fluoride poison.


If you have a carbon filter at home, run the water through it first and

only then add the " eggshell solution " . You would need quite literally a

few drops per glass.


Adding a few droples of a soluble calcium salt to every cup and glass of

water is probably too much trouble, it is much easier to have a separate

container for water that is ready to drink, add calcium salt there and

fill your cups, kettle, casseroles, bottles from it.


You would not be able to see the precipitated salt, as the amounts are

very small. However, if you have a separate container for fluoride-free

water, after a week or so you may notice a layer of sediment on the

bottom, provided, of course, you let it settle, instead of pouring it

into containers a few moments after you added calcium acetate.


You can add this " eggshell solution " to juices, as well.

Unfortunately, many juices contain considerable amounts of fluorides,

which are mostly residues of pesticides used by fruit growers.


A part of fluorides may come from local water, as most juices are

reconstituted, which means they are shipped to the destination point as

a concentrate and then diluted with local water, which is likely to be



If you use frozen juice concentrate, run the water through the carbon

filter first, then add " eggshell solution " and only then use it to mix

with juice.


However, even though you can neutralize ionized fluoride this way, it is

of little help against other contaminants.


The stuff that is used for water fluoridation is not pharmaceutical

grade, often it is unprocessed sediment, which is collected from chimney

scrubbers in metal smelters and pesticide plants and includes many very

dangerous contaminants - arsenic, mercury, lead, to name just a few.


Just a reminder, that this stuff is in our water supply courtesy of

fluoridation lobby.


There are companies which are getting into the act and offering a

" pharmaceutical grade " sodium fluoride. Obviously, they want to

capitalize on the natural concern of the people, who have these poisons

added to their drinking water.


But whether it is a " pharmaceutical grade " rat poison, or it has other

contaminants, it is still a rat poison.


But, of course, if your water has pharmaceutical grade rat poison, then,

after neutralizing it with a soluble calcium salt, you would not have to

ingest arsenic, mercury, other stuff.

This option is definitely better!


There is lots of materials on the Internet about this criminal tampering

with our water supply!

You would be doing yourself a great favor by finding out some facts of

this probably the biggest of all conspiracies that is going on!



Here is an illustration of how well calcium fluoride precipitates:


I always carry bottles of water with me to work. I also take a bottle or

two if I go somewhere for an extended period of time.


I use filtered water to which I add calcium acetate (eggshell solution).

Normally I wash those bottles from inside 2-3-4-5 times a week,

depending on season, and replace them every couple weeks.


However, once I decided to see how much calcium fluoride would

precipitate over a course of some couple months.


And so I was using the same bottle for that long. I was washing it

regularly, to make sure there will be no mold inside. I have a special

brush with a long handle, so the whole operation takes just a minute or

even less.


In the end a rather substantial amount of calcium fluoride sediment

ended up inside the bottle, even though it would probably be reasonable

to assume that only a very small part of the calcium fluoride molecules

got attached to the bottle and formed a hard sediment, which can only be

removed with a scraper.


I could have gotten that much fluoride into my bones if not for this

trick to neutralize that poison!








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