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MD's and autism

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Hi all,


Would you like to get healthier and feel better? Get rid of your liver

load of heavy metals? Here's how:


Go to a discount store like Costco, and get a bottle of 500 each 1000 mg

(1 gram) tablets of vitamin C. Take 2 tablets with breakfast, and two

tablets with dinner. (cost less than $20).


At lunch, take a multivitamin with at least 50 mg of B complex vitamins

and the RDA of minerals. I use Solgar VM-75, and have for 30 years, I

get nothing from them, not even a professional discount, and would

switch if I found better - and I've tried.


While teaching orthomolecular practice years ago, I got 50 small bottles

of 30 VM-75 and my class of 50 students each got one. The following

week over half of the class felt much better after only a week on it.

Many were already taking those " 1-a-day " types featuring the RDA

amounts. Only slightly better than nothing IMO.


About years ago, the government was concerned about the increase in

deficiency diseases such as pellagra, beri-beri, scurvy etc. (Would you

believe The new milling of wheat flour that removed fiber and most of

the vitamins and minerals in wheat to produce " white flour " was a major

culprit, and " white bread today MUST have added 4 ingredients making it

" enriched " . Take out 40+ vitamins and minerals, put back in 4, and it

becomes " enriched " . Another success by lobbies and advertising.


Contracts were given to ceereal companies to determine the MINIMUM DAILY

AMOUNT of vitamins that was needed to prevent these diseases.


This was done and the first MDA list was published.


Next, the drug and food lobbies spent lots of money to get that name

" Minimum " changed to " Recommended " . Sounds better, and sells more, and

leads to the universal wrong idea that this is enough for good health.


The fact that it is a " minimum " , and not " Healthy " amount has been

obscured over the years. Even MD's aren't aware that the RDA is

woefully inadequate for good health. The fact that different

individuals uptake different vitamins and minerals differently is

disregarded. Some victims of poor nutrition in wartime prison camps

actually required up to 100 times the RDA of different vitamins to

really survive well in freedom is forgotton.


To take the most common Vitamin C, real requirement for good health is

way above 75 mg. Ask any zoo vet what the RDA is for a 150 pound

primate (ape). It's 4 grams of vitamin C per day. Apes cost a lot of

money, and it's worth keeping them healthy. Virtually all non-primate

animals make vitamin C in their own bodies in similar or equivalent

amounts which vary according to stress needs. We primates seem to have

lost the enzyme needed about 65 million years ago. (I have been taking

2 grams at breakfast and 2 grams at dinner for years. My Heavy metals

are not even measurable at this point.)


The facts with regard to Vitamin C and vitamin E have not just been

disregarded, but have been savagely attacked by Big Pharma with phoney

tests, and lies. Dozens of " scientific " even " peer reviewed " research

has been published in med journals supposedly proving that vitamins C

and E are ineffective or even dangerous as compared to drugs. Of

course, the opposite is true, but there's little profit in vitamins.


Several Big Pharma sponsered research articles have used amounts of 500

or 1000 mg of vitamin C. This does not even come close to necessary

saturation of the blood stream. Since bacteria and viruses double in

numbers every 20 minutes or so (binary arithmetic), suppose that 1000 mg

kills off even 50% of the invaders before being used up.

Twenty minutes later, the " germs " are back to original numbers.

Conclusion of such phoney research is that vitamin C is ineffective

against bacteria or viruses.


Recently I had to go to 6-7 grams every 3 hours to kill what I think was

swine flu in 18 hours. See the difference?


Taking 4 grams per day of vitamin C is the basis for my therapy of

preventing autism in pregnant women. Lowering their heavy metal load is

that simple. Lowering your gradually acquired load is just as simple.

Try it, and see!




MD's are " educationally handicapped " . They are not stupid. It takes a

lot of intelligence to get thru med school.

The real problem is that they are not educated well in vitamins and

minerals with about 1 hour on basic vitamins and minerals, some of which

is wrong in many textbooks. After graduation, they are continually

" brainwashed " by phony articles and " peer reviewed " research that drugs

are better than vitamins. Big Pharma totally controls the content in

all medical journals, and " good " news is not allowed. Big Pharma also

totally controls the FDA as well to the detriment of all.


" Ask your doctor " , is a phrase cleverly coined by Big Pharma. It's not

always good advice. Would you ask your MD about what's wrong with your

car's carburetor? Why not? He might be an expert, but he didn't learn

it in med school. So, the simple moral is - don't ask your MD about

vitamins or minerals. He probably does't really know much, but he has to

be " all knowing " , so he'll " fake it " in most cases. With what he has

learned from Big Pharma!


Very few MD's are even aware that vitamin C in large amounts take out

all minerals in the bloodstream. They have been trained to use the

expensive drugs. As the only non-MD (PhD psychologist) in the

Orthomolecular Medical Society, I was working with schizophrenics using

the Hoffer/Osmund vitamin regimen. I found a patient with very high

copper/zinc ratio, but couldn't prescribe either EDTA or penicillamine

(the chelating drugs of that time).


Sometime in 1980, I talked to Carl Pfeiffer, the all time real expert on

chelation and heavy metals and nutritional minerals, and he referred me

to Linus Pauling. I then called Linus, and he spent a half hour of his

time expounding on vitamin C to take out minerals. It DOES take all

minerals out of the body!


I subsequently used large amounts of vitamin C to take heavy metals

(mostly copper and mercury) out of the blood successfully. I know this



To get the heavy metals of copper, mercury, lead, etc out of the body,

you have to take out all minerals, including the " good " nutritional

ones, then replace those nutritional ones. Yes, that's the cumbersome

way that's used. But there isn't a better way.


That's why I know that vitamin C works to " chelate " heavy metals and

MD's don't because they have been " trained " to use prescription drugs to

do this. Like I said MD's are " educationally handicapped " , certainly

not stupid.


Since autism has only recently become an " epidemic " , few, if any

pediatricians were trained in it at all. Again, only exceptional ones

know enough, and from the horror stories I hear at conventions and

meetings, it would seem that a witch doctor might know more.




There's been a lot of talk lately from some researchers about the role

of allergy stress in autism, with some theories expounded that allergy

not mercury is the main culprit. Or, that the genetic factor is it. Is

this real research or more subterfuge by Big Pharma to avoid

responsibility and big bucks in law suits?


Which comes first - the autism, or the allergy? The continuum of ADD to

Autism has always had high allergy stress, and ADD/ADHD is separated

from Autism by the factor of brain damage. The dividing line between

ADD/ADHD and Autism is brain damage. This brain damage might be caused

by an accident in pregnancy, or dropped as an infant. That's probably

true for the original 1 in 10,000 autism cases. Now, it's 1 in 150 and

going lower all the time. How much damage determines where on the

autism " spectrum " , the individual lies. It is difficult to separate

near that line. Misdiagnosis is common.


Part of this allergy stress seems to have a genetic basis, or at least

tendencies toward allergies. I suspect much of this downward trend is

caused by the poor nutrition in our cultural diet, along with the

increasing pollution of the planet. Allergy stress is certainly a major

factor in all disease, but is it a major cause of autism? There is no

evidence whatsoever that allergy stress causes brain damage!


Both Neurofeedback and Neuroliminal Training seem to solve allergy

stress, and both are very effective in solving ADD/ADHD within 8 weeks

of treatments. Both will " improve " autism symptoms, but Until and

unless the heavy metal toxicity is lowered, and other problems solved

minor improvements seem to be the limit. For more info on both these

therapies, go to: http://drbate.com.


The environment is worsening as we increase mercury in it, in the air,

the soil, the water, and the sea. Here's my theory:


The mother of the autistic child shares blood with the fetus during

pregnancy, and the increasing pollution of lead, aluminum and mercury

rises in her body to a level that is near toxic. Her liver is able to

store this, without brain damage, but the infant liver is much smaller.

At birth, while it may be able to handle some level of toxic heavy

metals, it continues to increase levels with breast feeding, plus

environment factors.


Suddenly comes along (mandated by the state and Big Pharma lobbying)

several vaccines all at one time. Each vaccine has a small amount of

mercury, or aluminum, used as a preservative. Now, that small liver is

overwhelmed, and cannot store any more, so the " brain blood barrier " is

compromised, and we have brain damage, and autism.


This results in huge toxic stress, adding to the allergy stress, and

this stress calls for increased nutrition, particularly the B and C

vitamins and amino acids. This need causes the " leaky gut syndrome " ,

opening up the passages between the bacteria filled digestion system and

the blood stream. This allows for larger particles of food not digested

fully to pass thru. This includes longer strings of amino acids

(peptides) to pass, and these resemble bacteria or virus to the immune

system, resulting in a food sensitivity - another allergy stress added,

calling for more nutrition. A downward spiral indeed.


What are the first foods an infant gets - milk and grains? What're the

most common food sensitivities - milk and grains - That's why the

gluten free casein free diets help to ease allergy stress in autism

cases. A sure sign of " Leaky Gut Syndrome.


In addition, this " disruption " of the gut normal activity results in

yeast overgrowth, and this decreases the nutrition supply even further.

Still more downward spiral and more stress with less needed nutrition.


That's a typical picture of an autistic child.


What's needed desperately are four different therapies at the earliest

age possible.


1. Remove Mercury and other heavy metal toxins.


2. Reduce Allergy/Sensitivity stress.


3. Solve digestive (gut) problems.


4. Provide adequate nutrition.


I wrote an article explaining how to do all of the above with simple,

effective, and affordable therapies done at home. It can make autism

not such a bankruptcy disease for average people. For a copy of this

article, go to:

http://drbate.com/Articles/Integrated 4 Part Therapy for Autism.doc




A reminder to newbies and others. There's lots of free advice and

articles available at www.drbate.com. Simply scroll down the left hand

Navigation table and click on subjects you are interested in. To

download or review over 40 articles, simply click on the red button

titled " Articles by Dr Bate.





Phil Bate PhD

http://drbate.com - Free Alternate Health Advice


Neuroliminal Training (NT) helps solve

mental problems without drugs at low cost.

ADD to Autism, Insomnia to depression & more.






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