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Soul Satisfying Journeys: Creating A Homeopathic First Aid Kit

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Soul Satisfying Journeys: Creating A Homeopathic First Aid Kit


Homeopathy is a medical system that uses infinitesimal doses of natural

substances to stimulate a person's immune system and body's natural defenses.

Homeopathic remedies are named for the plant or animal ingredients they are made

from. Homeopathy not only offers relief from temporary disorders but, can

provide long term healing of a person due to its individual and " wholistic "



A homeopathic first aid kit is very useful to have around the house, in the car

or on vacation. Make sure your kit is readily available when you need it! There

are many possibilities for remedies when creating your kit. This is an example

of what I use in my practice and on vacation.


This kit contains the top ten homeopathic remedies that would normally be enough

to treat most first aid situations:


1. Arnica suave used for all pain, bruises, sprains, strains, headaches, jet

lag, sunburn.


2. Arnica pellets used for all pain issues, bruising, sprains, strains,

headaches (taken internally).


3. Apis Mel used for bites, stings, fluid retention, swelling of legs and feet

during travel.


4. Argentum used for gastroenteritis, sore throat, hurriedness, stress.


5. Cocculus used for sleep pattern disturbances, tetanus, seasickness.


6. Gelsemium sore throats, cough, colds, influenza with shivering.


7. Ignatia Amara used for irritability, hypersensitivity, hysteria, nervousness.


8. Mezereum used for burning pain, bone pain, sensitivity to cold, headaches.


9. Nux Vomica use for food poisoning, travel sickness, upset stomach, jet lag,

hangovers, indigestion.


10. Rhus Tox used for muscular aches, pain, stiffness, overexertion



Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac


Therapies for healing

mind, body, spirit

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