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herbal remedies

[herbal remedies ] On Behalf Of acreativetouch

Thursday, May 12, 2005 10:09 PM

herbal remedies

Herbal Remedies - Need help




This is why I joined this group: to get help.


I was in a hit and run had a severe concussion and torn spine. It's been

almost four years,

and I'm still messed up. the mri's that have been done are 'negetive', and

the doctors ask

me 'why'? Like I'm supposed to explain it. They have me on about 16

medications, and

I'm no better than I was right after the accident.


I've been experimenting with alternatives. I would like to discuss this in

further detail.


I also want to learn more about herbs. I feel that the traditional medical

system is doing

more to keep people ill and kill them than help them to really get better.


Thank you.


dorothy carlson









Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following:

1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire.

2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural


3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and to

prescribe for your own health.

We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as

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It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from

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Dr. Ian Shillington

Doctor of Naturopathy



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  • 10 months later...
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I would put cayenne on those spots but you have to get to what the cause is, do a total body cleanse you will get rid of it. GinaJohn Smith <allenman75002 wrote: My roomate 5 months ago got these bad sores underneath his left underarm...he put perozide on them but to no avail they turned into abscesses...he had to have surgery to have them drained...the doctor said he tested positive for MRSV...last week he had gotten another sore on his right testes...he rose to a big bump...I thought it looked like a ingrown hair...he was having very severe pain with it...it did eventually come to a head and burst and started to drain...it was not yellow but clear fluid...was worried that it might be one of those abscesses... Long story short...how can he

streghthen his immune system...he lost his Gallbladder last year...he had Fibromyalgia...and poor circulation... Kind Regards... Please help.. R. Wilson How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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  • 1 year later...

it is a very spiritual thing. It could mean that you are searching for

something that will change your life. They are pack animals and only appear to

humans if you are searching deep within yourself from hunger of what you lack or

what you feel conflicted over. Basically you are searching for that which you

cannot live without. hope it helps. my dad was indian and many ofo my friends.



Believe with an Open Heart and Mind!


Cathy L. Kaiser & Laura Smith-Whaley


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Hey Jan


Not a drop of Native American blood but I have done quite a bit of

reading... I'm no expert so I'll just tell you what little I know


The Coyote is regarded as a trickster, a deciever, much like Loki in Norse



Loosely translated (very loosely), I would take it as a warning to be on

your guard against theft, a con artist or someone out to cheat or lie to



Best I can do and I hope someone else can answer this too. Would be

interested to see what they had to say.



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that is so funny~ just the way you put it~ I was gonna say

" that little brat was trying to figure out how to get into your warm

house! " but I like your version better~ Jan, she's right, they are

tricksters, so be on the lookout~ especially since a coyote ran in

front of my car last month as I drove down the road~ Then my sons

car was robbed in our garage~they took his 2000 stereo he had saved

to put in, and dd's coach luggage~

be aware, very aware~ARGH~

Good luck,




> Loosely translated (very loosely), I would take it as a warning to

be on

> your guard against theft, a con artist or someone out to cheat or

lie to

> you.


> Best I can do and I hope someone else can answer this too. Would be

> interested to see what they had to say.


> K


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Jan S wrote:


There is a coyote staring in at me, and had

been so for some time. Hubby's arrival scared him/her off.

What does this mean? I take it as a sign, omen and blessing.

Please help.

Jan S


I LOVE this!

Sounds like an Omen and a blessing to me.


I was about to tell you a special Coyote

story that happened to a friend of mine, but

just in time it occurred to me that it is not

my story to tell.


Let me just say that it supports the idea

of a Coyote appearance as a blessing.

And: keep your wits about you, and remember

he is a trickster!


Ien in the Kootenays

http://freegreenliving.com (blog)




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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Take Vitamin C. Lots of it. Your blood vessels are weak and need to be

strengthened with Vitamin C. That is why they are bleeding.

Begin taking 1000 mgs every 2 hours to bowel tolerance. Just take the

plain vitamin C or ascorbic acid NOT the ester C.



, " john.snow50 "

<john.snow50 wrote:


> Hi Group


> I just spent a night in the ER getting chest x-ray and cat scan

> because I was coughing up plegm-blood clumps. Doc said it is

> pneumonia and gave me three days worth of an antibiotic.


> My first question is: Does anyone know about this type of

> pneumonia? I did not think coughing up blood was connected with

> pneumonia.


> Second concern: Aren't I supposed to take several weeks of

> antibiotics to kill an infection?


> Third question: What can a cat scan really tell them? The only

> thing they found was this

> 'pneumonia' in my one lung lobe and I had high blood pressure when I

> got to the ER.


> Can anyone help with info who knows about this issue? The Dr in the

> ER did not take any time to explain anything and was not very open to

> questions.


> MOST IMPORTANTLY: What can I take in terms of alternative therapy to

> get my lungs and immune system stronger? I am not happy about taking

> the antibiotic but am scared not to because of the blood.


> -John


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Lung health is more complex than this - lung health relates to gut health -

eliminating milk products and increasing water intake - lemon drinks with

fresh lemons and white sugar to sweeten until the crisis is over is very

healing - pranayama - breathing and increasing oxygen levels, and MISO soup

is good for the lungs - Ferr Phos for support - the low potency ( 6x )

tissue salts from the HFS are ideal -







" jlkinkona " <josephine


Sunday, June 22, 2008 5:10 AM

Re: Need Help



Take Vitamin C. Lots of it. Your blood vessels are weak and need to be

strengthened with Vitamin C. That is why they are bleeding.

Begin taking 1000 mgs every 2 hours to bowel tolerance. Just take the

plain vitamin C or ascorbic acid NOT the ester C.



, " john.snow50 "

<john.snow50 wrote:


> Hi Group


> I just spent a night in the ER getting chest x-ray and cat scan

> because I was coughing up plegm-blood clumps. Doc said it is

> pneumonia and gave me three days worth of an antibiotic.


> My first question is: Does anyone know about this type of

> pneumonia? I did not think coughing up blood was connected with

> pneumonia.


> Second concern: Aren't I supposed to take several weeks of

> antibiotics to kill an infection?


> Third question: What can a cat scan really tell them? The only

> thing they found was this

> 'pneumonia' in my one lung lobe and I had high blood pressure when I

> got to the ER.


> Can anyone help with info who knows about this issue? The Dr in the

> ER did not take any time to explain anything and was not very open to

> questions.


> MOST IMPORTANTLY: What can I take in terms of alternative therapy to

> get my lungs and immune system stronger? I am not happy about taking

> the antibiotic but am scared not to because of the blood.


> -John












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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Jay,


I have never had shingles myself but I have made up a blend for a friend and it

looks like having positive results.

I made up a small bottle of hypericum oil or St Johns Wort infused oil some Hemp

seed oil a few drops of Neem oil as the base then I added some essential oils a

few drops of each Bergamot, Lavender, Tea tree and Ravensara, I have also heard

that Melissa essential oil also known as lemon balm is specific for shingles, it

is quite expensive but really effective for this type of virus. When working

with essential oils and inflammed skin even though the oils are diluted it is a

good idea to patch test on your skin first before applying it to a larger area.


I hope this is helpful to you

Have a lovely day


Healing Art


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At 07:37 AM 6/30/2009, wrote:

>please any advise as to what he should do, what to avoid, what essential

>oils can help.


a LOT of authorities recommend either ravensara aromatica or ravintsara in

a base of calophyllum inophyllum to ease the pain and inflammation of

shingles. We have had wonderful feedback from those using it.




Since 1995 - supplying Aromatherapy and Healthcare Professionals

Website: http://www.naturesgift.com

Blog: http://naturesgiftaromatherapy.blogspot.com/





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For shingles, I'd suggest a course of MMS (the miracle mineral supplement),

baking soda-laced baths, and frequent topical application of raw soy oil.

Any of the eo's suggested could be added to the soy oil.




Mary Sahs, ND


Mary's Natural, LLC


Howell, MI


810 599-7556


www.atasteforhealth.com <http://www.atasteforhealth.com/>











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  • 7 months later...

My husband went through chemo and radiation for Head and Neck Squamous Cell stage IV with mets . After the treatment I found out about Oleander and he has been on most of Tony's protocol for 6 weeks. We have the oleander plant here so I made the soup. He has only been able to do 1 tsp 2 times a day at the most without feeling ill. I'm looking at trying the Rose Laurel OPC to see if he can take more. He just had a PET scan that showed two tumors are shrinking but on tumor in his left lung went from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. The doctor suggested more chemo but we said no more. My questions is do you have any suggestions on a breathing treatment that is more effective for

tumors in the lung? We are very open to suggestions.SincerelyLee Ann

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you may want to put him on oxygen. I put my mother on oxygen and it made her feel much better. Cancer does not grow in an oxygenated environment.--- On Thu, 2/11/10, Lee Ann Brady <lambrady wrote:

Lee Ann Brady <lambrady Need Helpoleander soup Date: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 9:16 AM










My husband went through chemo and radiation for Head and Neck Squamous Cell stage IV with mets . After the treatment I found out about Oleander and he has been on most of Tony's protocol for 6 weeks. We have the oleander plant here so I made the soup. He has only been able to do 1 tsp 2 times a day at the most without feeling ill. I'm looking at trying the Rose Laurel OPC to see if he can take more. He just had a PET scan that showed two tumors are shrinking but on tumor in his left lung went from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. The doctor suggested more chemo but we said no more. My questions is do you have any suggestions on a breathing treatment that is more effective for tumors in the lung? We are very open to suggestions.SincerelyLee Ann

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Lee Ann,There has been some talk on here recently about using iodine drops in a nebulizer, which would work very well for lung issues. If your husband is not already supplementing with iodine, you should look into that as well.Regards,Ted--- On Thu, 2/11/10, Lee Ann Brady <lambrady wrote:Lee Ann Brady <lambrady Need Helpoleander soup Date: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 9:16 AM



My husband went through chemo and radiation for Head and Neck Squamous Cell stage IV with mets . After the treatment I found out about Oleander and he has been on most of Tony's protocol for 6 weeks. We have the oleander plant here so I made the soup. He has only been able to do 1 tsp 2 times a day at the most without feeling ill. I'm looking at trying the Rose Laurel OPC to see if he can take more. He just had a PET scan that showed two tumors are shrinking but on tumor in his left lung went from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. The doctor suggested more chemo but we said no

more. My questions is do you have any suggestions on a breathing treatment that is more effective for

tumors in the lung? We are very open to suggestions.SincerelyLee Ann

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Hi Lee Ann.


Here an article as how to use a Nebulizer for Lung and over all therapy for health, have a read and see if this is for your husband.


I hope this helps you.


Hugs Mary












Lee Ann Brady

oleander soup

Friday, February 12, 2010 1:16 AM

Need Help










My husband went through chemo and radiation for Head and Neck Squamous Cell stage IV with mets . After the treatment I found out about Oleander and he has been on most of Tony's protocol for 6 weeks. We have the oleander plant here so I made the soup. He has only been able to do 1 tsp 2 times a day at the most without feeling ill. I'm looking at trying the Rose Laurel OPC to see if he can take more. He just had a PET scan that showed two tumors are shrinking but on tumor in his left lung went from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. The doctor suggested more chemo but we said no more. My questions is do you have any suggestions on a breathing treatment that is more effective for tumors in the lung? We are very open to suggestions.SincerelyLee Ann

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Thank you Paul. Do you know where I can get a cheap oxygen system. Finances are really tight so I don't have much to spend and unless a doctor orders it the insurance won't pay.--- On Thu, 2/11/10, Paul Svejda <paulsvejda wrote:Paul Svejda <paulsvejdaRe: Need Helpoleander soup Date: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 6:19 PM



you may want to put him on oxygen. I put my mother on oxygen and it made her feel much better. Cancer does not grow in an oxygenated environment.--- On Thu, 2/11/10, Lee Ann Brady <lambrady > wrote:

Lee Ann Brady <lambrady > Need Helpoleander soupThursday, February 11, 2010, 9:16 AM










My husband went through chemo and radiation for Head and Neck Squamous Cell stage IV with mets . After the treatment I found out about Oleander and he has been on most of Tony's protocol for 6 weeks. We have the oleander plant here so I made the soup. He has only been able to do 1 tsp 2 times a day at the most without feeling ill. I'm looking at trying the Rose Laurel OPC to see if he can take more. He just had a PET scan that showed two tumors are shrinking but on tumor in his left lung went from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. The doctor suggested more chemo but we said no more. My questions is do you have any suggestions on a breathing treatment that is more effective for tumors in the lung? We are very open to suggestions.SincerelyLee Ann

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If you are old enough to be on Medicare, your doctor may have them pay for it. There should be some companies in your area that have the equipment available. You can Google it on the Internet. Let me know if you need any help.--- On Fri, 2/12/10, Lee Ann Brady <lambrady wrote:

Lee Ann Brady <lambradyRe: Need Helpoleander soup Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 11:20 AM





Thank you Paul. Do you know where I can get a cheap oxygen system. Finances are really tight so I don't have much to spend and unless a doctor orders it the insurance won't pay.--- On Thu, 2/11/10, Paul Svejda <paulsvejda > wrote:

Paul Svejda <paulsvejda >Re: Need Helpoleander soupThursday, February 11, 2010, 6:19 PM





you may want to put him on oxygen. I put my mother on oxygen and it made her feel much better. Cancer does not grow in an oxygenated environment.--- On Thu, 2/11/10, Lee Ann Brady <lambrady > wrote:

Lee Ann Brady <lambrady > Need Helpoleander soupThursday, February 11, 2010, 9:16 AM










My husband went through chemo and radiation for Head and Neck Squamous Cell stage IV with mets . After the treatment I found out about Oleander and he has been on most of Tony's protocol for 6 weeks. We have the oleander plant here so I made the soup. He has only been able to do 1 tsp 2 times a day at the most without feeling ill. I'm looking at trying the Rose Laurel OPC to see if he can take more. He just had a PET scan that showed two tumors are shrinking but on tumor in his left lung went from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. The doctor suggested more chemo but we said no more. My questions is do you have any suggestions on a breathing treatment that is more effective for tumors in the lung? We are very open to suggestions.SincerelyLee


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Hospice supplies oxygen for free, but a Dr has to say he is dying to get him on it.Ted--- On Fri, 2/12/10, Paul Svejda <paulsvejda wrote:Paul Svejda <paulsvejdaRe: Need Helpoleander soup Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 1:31 PM



If you are old enough to be on Medicare, your doctor may have them pay for it. There should be some companies in your area that have the equipment available. You can Google it on the Internet. Let me know if you need any help.--- On Fri, 2/12/10, Lee Ann Brady <lambrady > wrote:

Lee Ann Brady <lambrady >Re: Need Helpoleander soupFriday, February 12, 2010, 11:20 AM





Thank you Paul. Do you know where I can get a cheap oxygen system. Finances are really tight so I don't have much to spend and unless a doctor orders it the insurance won't pay.--- On Thu, 2/11/10, Paul Svejda <paulsvejda > wrote:

Paul Svejda <paulsvejda >Re: Need Helpoleander soupThursday, February 11, 2010, 6:19 PM





you may want to put him on oxygen. I put my mother on oxygen and it made her feel much better. Cancer does not grow in an oxygenated environment.--- On Thu, 2/11/10, Lee Ann Brady <lambrady > wrote:

Lee Ann Brady <lambrady > Need Helpoleander soupThursday, February 11, 2010, 9:16 AM










My husband went through chemo and radiation for Head and Neck Squamous Cell stage IV with mets . After the treatment I found out about Oleander and he has been on most of Tony's protocol for 6 weeks. We have the oleander plant here so I made the soup. He has only been able to do 1 tsp 2 times a day at the most without feeling ill. I'm looking at trying the Rose Laurel OPC to see if he can take more. He just had a PET scan that showed two tumors are shrinking but on tumor in his left lung went from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. The doctor suggested more chemo but we said no more. My questions is do you have any suggestions on a breathing treatment that is more effective for tumors in the lung? We are very open to suggestions.SincerelyLee


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I have a good relationship with my mother's doctor and I just asked him to write a perscription for the oxygen tank and she went there with a friend who is on oxygen and they gave her two tanks (one as a backup).--- On Fri, 2/12/10, TED SANFORD <tedsanford wrote:

TED SANFORD <tedsanfordRe: Need Helpoleander soup Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 3:11 PM





Hospice supplies oxygen for free, but a Dr has to say he is dying to get him on it.

Ted--- On Fri, 2/12/10, Paul Svejda <paulsvejda > wrote:

Paul Svejda <paulsvejda >Re: Need Helpoleander soupFriday, February 12, 2010, 1:31 PM





If you are old enough to be on Medicare, your doctor may have them pay for it. There should be some companies in your area that have the equipment available. You can Google it on the Internet. Let me know if you need any help.--- On Fri, 2/12/10, Lee Ann Brady <lambrady > wrote:

Lee Ann Brady <lambrady >Re: Need Helpoleander soupFriday, February 12, 2010, 11:20 AM





Thank you Paul. Do you know where I can get a cheap oxygen system. Finances are really tight so I don't have much to spend and unless a doctor orders it the insurance won't pay.--- On Thu, 2/11/10, Paul Svejda <paulsvejda > wrote:

Paul Svejda <paulsvejda >Re: Need Helpoleander soupThursday, February 11, 2010, 6:19 PM





you may want to put him on oxygen. I put my mother on oxygen and it made her feel much better. Cancer does not grow in an oxygenated environment.--- On Thu, 2/11/10, Lee Ann Brady <lambrady > wrote:

Lee Ann Brady <lambrady > Need Helpoleander soupThursday, February 11, 2010, 9:16 AM








My husband went through chemo and radiation for Head and Neck Squamous Cell stage IV with mets . After the treatment I found out about Oleander and he has been on most of Tony's protocol for 6 weeks. We have the oleander plant here so I made the soup. He has only been able to do 1 tsp 2 times a day at the most without feeling ill. I'm looking at trying the Rose Laurel OPC to see if he can take more. He just had a PET scan that showed two tumors are shrinking but on tumor in his left lung went from 1.5 cm to 3 cm. The doctor suggested more chemo but we said no more. My questions is do you have any suggestions on a breathing treatment that is more effective for tumors in the lung? We are very open to suggestions.SincerelyLee


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Some oxygen is good - a lot of oxygen - in the form of oxygen gas inhaled directly into the lings - is toxic however. But the best way of getting oxygen to the parts of the body is not by breathing in oxygen directly. Instead you need to improve the body's ability to carry oxygen around the body. This is the basis of the Budwig Protocol which involves whipping flaxseed oil up with quark or low fat cottage cheese and eating 6-10 tablespoons a day - add cayenne pepper is good. You can get full details of the protocol at the flaxseedoil2 .Good luckJonathanJonathan Chamberlain www.fightingcancer.com

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