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throwing up

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My wife has acid reflux all the time and is throwing mouth fulls of yellow fluid

up. If she tries to eat, it is even worse. She was being fed thru an IV but she

stopped than because of the throwing up. Does anybody no about putting juice up

the rectum for nouriment.

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That could be a very serious sign. Please take her to the doctor immediately. And please let us know what they say.My Best,bypass42000 <jalbers4oleander soup Sent: Sun, May 9, 2010 6:35:43 AM throwing up



My wife has acid reflux all the time and is throwing mouth fulls of yellow fluid up. If she tries to eat, it is even worse. She was being fed thru an IV but she stopped than because of the throwing up. Does anybody no about putting juice up the rectum for nouriment.

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You might get some nourishment that way, but food really needs to be digested.

Did you know that many, if not most, people who have so-called acid reflux actually have too little stomach acid? What happens is that food lies in the stomach undigested and ferments and gives off gas that forces itself and bile/undigested food back up through the esophagus. Nasty stuff that is! Corrosive and tastes like Hades.

You can do an online search for "Apple Cider Vinegar stomach acid test"to find an easy test to check. It could be that a couple of spoonfuls of good organic non-distilled apple cider vinegar (such as Braggs) might do wonders.

It might also be a good idea to take some good probiotics. She HAS to get nourishment somehow. If her reflux problems subside, you might consider the wonderul whole foods nutritonal product intraMAX . Start off with a much reduced dose and build up would be my recommendation.

All the best,

oleander soup , "bypass42000" <jalbers4 wrote:>> My wife has acid reflux all the time and is throwing mouth fulls of yellow fluid up. If she tries to eat, it is even worse. She was being fed thru an IV but she stopped than because of the throwing up. Does anybody no about putting juice up the rectum for nouriment.>

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I second . Yellow is usually a sign of infection, although it also might

be the color of what she was getting in the IV.


I've not heard about food intake through the rectum except on a cartoon satire



She can take what are called " implants " of fresh wheat grass juice but such held

in enemas are used as a restorative and not meant to replace food.


Is she in a hospital now? People rarely get IV's at their homes. If she is at a

hospital, start shouting and demanding attention for her. Make enough noise to

get the head doc off the golf course, if you know what I mean. If not, how long

has it been since she was released? Please get her to a pro who knows what he is



Had she been on chemotherapy? When it is stopped, the docs are supposed to give

special pills to prevent projectile vomiting and a burning of the delicate

esophagal tissues. I know because I was given incorrect instructions on when to

take the pills and wound up (no idea of the color in my memory) projectile

vomiting nearly half way across a 30 foot long room.


Take good care.


Kathy K


oleander soup , " bypass42000 " <jalbers4 wrote:


> My wife has acid reflux all the time and is throwing mouth fulls of yellow

fluid up. If she tries to eat, it is even worse. She was being fed thru an IV

but she stopped than because of the throwing up. Does anybody no about putting

juice up the rectum for nouriment.


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Another solution for most acid reflux, which as Tony says, is caused by too little acid, is a betaine hydrochloride pill, available at most health food stores. Also, I would eat only easily digested food, like yogurt, which is milk protein predigested by the good bacteria in it, until you can get the digestive tract running. I have also used aromas like lavender held under the nose to stop the retching.Ted--- On Sun, 5/9/10, wrote:TonyI Re: throwing upoleander soup Date: Sunday, May 9, 2010, 12:22 PM



You might get some nourishment that way, but food really needs to be digested.

Did you know that many, if not most, people who have so-called acid reflux actually have too little stomach acid? What happens is that food lies in the stomach undigested and ferments and gives off gas that forces itself and bile/undigested food back up through the esophagus. Nasty stuff that is! Corrosive and tastes like Hades.

You can do an online search for "Apple Cider Vinegar stomach acid test"to find an easy test to check. It could be that a couple of spoonfuls of good organic non-distilled apple cider vinegar (such as Braggs) might do wonders.

It might also be a good idea to take some good probiotics. She HAS to get nourishment somehow. If her reflux problems subside, you might consider the wonderul whole foods nutritonal product intraMAX . Start off with a much reduced dose and build up would be my recommendation.

All the best,

oleander soup, "bypass42000" <jalbers4 wrote:>> My wife has acid reflux all the time and is throwing mouth fulls of yellow fluid up. If she tries to eat, it is even worse. She was being fed thru an IV but she stopped than because of the throwing up. Does anybody no about putting juice up the rectum for nouriment.>

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Wheatgrass implants are very cleansing and detoxing to the body. It is the best way to get the nourishment, better than drinking it according to the Hippocrates Institute.

I do wheatgrass implants with my colonhydrotherapy treatments.






oleander soup

Sunday, May 09, 2010 4:35 AM

throwing up

My wife has acid reflux all the time and is throwing mouth fulls of yellow fluid up. If she tries to eat, it is even worse. She was being fed thru an IV but she stopped than because of the throwing up. Does anybody no about putting juice up the rectum for nouriment.

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