Guest guest Posted November 15, 2006 Report Share Posted November 15, 2006 The deceptive milkstache ads. JoAnn Guest Nov 15, 2006 11:53 PST I recently came across a website that I like a lot! It's maintained byJock Doubleday, founder and director of Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.Here is the link to his site: Jock has shared a letter with me and given permission to reproduce thatletter, portions of which appear in today's squirt of NOTMILK wisdom. Should you ever want to write to your congressman, school district, newspaper, Better Business Bureau, or to the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, DC, this letter could serve as your model. Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Jock Doubleday, and I would like to lodge a formal complaintagainst the National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board, which, inrecent print advertisements, makes false claims about the ability ofmilk to combat osteoporosis. In 1984, the British Medical Journal published a report indicating that calcium intake is completely irrelevant to bone loss. In a Dairy Council-sponsored study, women who drank an extra three eight-ounce glasses of low fat milk every day for a year showed no significant increase in calcium balance. The additional protein load from the milk tended to wash calcium and other minerals out of the subjects' bodies, and thus throw them into " negative calcium balance. " Throughout the world, the incidence of osteoporosis correlates directly with protein intake, not calcium intake. In any given population, the greater the intake of protein, the more common and severe the osteoporosis. Eskimos have the highest dietary calcium intake of any people in the world--more than 2,000 mg. a day from fish bones. Their diet is also the very highest in protein--250 to 400 grams a day from fish, walrus, and whale. The native Eskimo people have one of the very highest rates of osteoporosis. Studies comparing the bone densities of people with different diet styles show a pattern completely opposed to the dairy industry's declarations. In spite of its high calcium content, milk, due to its high protein content, appears to contribute to the accelerating development of osteoporosis Jock Doubleday Thanks, Jock. Nice letter! A few weeks ago, a similar letter was filed with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) by the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). The subject of that letter was " Deceptive Trade Practice and the Milk Mustache Campaign. " Last week, the Dairy Education Board also filed a complaint with the Attorney General of the United States and the FTC. Additional letters by readers of this column might very well be an effective way to remove the misleading, deceptive, and dangerous brainwashing promotions of the dairy industry. Robert Cohen 29 ---------------------------- Tuesday, June 29, 1999 - CANADA confirms the milk-diabetes connection. Early exposure to milk proteins is accepted as the cause of diabetes. REPORT ON DIABETES AND MILK CONSUMPTION WED, 23 JUNE, 1999 Investigator Dr.John Dupre, M.D., at the London Health Sciences Centre in London, Ontario, has a new study, still unpublished, which provides absolute proof of the missing link that has been so controversial. CANADIAN TELEVISION CTV reported this story. " It's a controversial theory that now has new scientific fuel...can cow's milk trigger diabetes in children who are prone to the disease? " The study suggests that if babies considered at risk of developing the disease are taken off cow's milk formula they may be protected against getting diabetes later in life. SCIENTISTS ASK THIS QUESTION " Can juvenile diabetes be PREVENTED in children at risk of the disease simply by eliminating cow's milk from their diet? " THE ANSWER - Dr John Vandermullen Dr.John Vandermuellen's response: " The data is building that there may in fact be something there. " Vandermuellen and a number of Canadian researchers helped design a study conducted on 200 infants in Finland. The children all had a family history of diabetes. After being breast fed, they were given either cow's milk or an infant formula modified to eliminate cow's milk protein. By the time the children were age two there was a striking difference between the two groups. Among the children who avoided cow's milk formula, nearly 2% showed signs of possible diabetes development. Among those given the cow's milk, over 12% had signs that diabetes could be developing. MILK PROTEINS CAUSE DIABETES The theory is that milk proteins in the cow's milk may trigger the child's immune system to attack it, along with similar looking BETA- cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. The data are so intriguing that Canadian researchers have begun an even larger study on thousands of children at fourteen diabetes centers across Canada. Thanks to Bob Ryziuk for sending this article to the Dairy Education Board. Bob obtained a transcript of the report from CTV television (416-332- 5000). Robert Cohen 28 ---------------------------- Monday, June 28, 1999 - " BS " Tea with crumpets? A new English form of MAD-COW disease? Mad cows and mad Englisnmen. Hormone trials milk posed cancer risk - June 20, 1999 The Observer THOUSANDS of British consumers were exposed to an experimental cancer- causing chemical during the late 1980s after the Tory Government gave permission for its use. The name of the chemical? BST! The Observer has learned that Monsanto's hormone was given to cattle on 38 farms in a clandestine experiment lasting three years. The farms were located in southern England. Cows were injected with the genetically engineered hormone rbST, designed to increase milk yields by 10 to 15 percent. The Government allowed this milk and some dairy products derived from it to be sold to the public without any warning. Earlier this year, the European Union's scientific committee concluded that the hormone increased the risk of breast and prostate cancer. In January of this year, Canada banned the use of rbST, recombinant bovine somatotropin. BST milk is widely used in the United States, and Monsanto claims that it is safe. But Donald Broom, a professor of animal welfare at Cambridge University who helped carry out the study for the European Union, said Monsanto's research was flawed. Robert Cohen 26 ---------------------------- Saturday, June 26, 1999 - LETTER TO THE NOTMILKMAN: " Is there pus in cheese? I am cooking out this weekend and want to make veggie-cheese burgers. What is the answer? " I receive a lot of requests for information, but this one topped the cake, or the veggie burger. Alice from California wanted to know, so I did a little math. The FDA allows 750 million pus cells in a quart of milk, about 2 pounds. Nobody can say how many pus cells are actually in that quart, so for argument's sake, let's round off, ok? Let's give the dairy industry the benefit of the doubt, and say that there are 1/3 that amount, or 250 million pus cells in a typical quart. There are four eight-ounce glasses of liquid in a quart of milk, so that adds up to about 60,000+ pus cells per glass. Depending upon how you sip your milk (I assume that there are 20 sips per glass), there are 3000 pus cells per mouthful. HOW MUCH PUS IS IN A SLICE OF CHEESE? It takes ten pounds of milk to make a pound of cheese, and after the water evaporates, the pus is concentrated. Therefore, 2.5 billion pus cells make a pound of cheese. There are typically sixteen pre-wrapped slices of American cheese in a pound. Divide that by sixteen and you eat approximately 160 million pus cells in each slice of cheese. If that isn't a disgusting enough thought for this weekend's barbecue, consider the hormones and glue! Robert Cohen 25 ---------------------------- Friday, June 25, 1999 - A LETTER TO THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Last week, the Wall Street Journal published a letter from a raw milk advocate, Sally Fallon. That letter described Fallon's mistaken impression that unpasteurized milk is safer than the pasteurized version which most Americans drink. Nothing could be further from the truth. I decided to write a letter to the Wall Street Journal, which follows. Will they print it? That remains to be seen. LETTER TO WALL STREET JOURNAL GOT BACTERIA? Unpasteurized milk and dairy products contain surprises for milk producers, including dangerous bacteria, despite the claims made in Sally Fallon's June 17th WSJ letter. When cows are milked, their body fluids are stored in refrigerated bulk tanks while waiting for the trucks to take the milk to the processor. Many farmers drink the raw unpasteurized milk produced on their farms and they should reconsider that practice. The May 10, 1999 issue of HOARD'S DAIRYMAN, the dairy industry magazine d to by 108,000 " insiders " (dairy farmers and milk producers), revealed that dangerous bacteria are naturally present in milk. The Hoard's article revealed that scientists at South Dakota State University tested bulk tank milk from 131 dairy herds and found that 32% of the samples contained one or more species of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, a survey of those farms revealed that on 60 percent of the surveyed farms, dad, mom and kids consumed raw milk. What were they drinking? The study revealed the presence of salmonella, listeria, campylobacter, yersinia, E. coli, and staphylococcus. Milk from hundreds of dairy farms are usually mixed together and added to that carton of milk sold in supermarkets. Many bacteria are not killed by pasteurization. Rod-shaped bacteria form a " spore " at the first sign of heat ( " spore " is the Greek word for " seed " ). When the milk cools, the spore re-emerges into its original form. Robert Cohen 24 ---------------------------- Thursday, June 24, 1999 - More government/pharmaceutical company " insider trading. " FDA bureaucrat goes to work for Monsanto. Add one more name to the long list. MORE OF THE SAME B.A. might mean Bachelor of Arts, but, for today's column, B.A. means: BAD ACTOR. Of course, M.S. is an advanced degree and today it's just MORE OF THE SAME. Ultimately, PhD means piled hire and deeper. What is this all about? A big pile of B.S! MONSANTO The most controversial pharmaceutical company of our time is the Monsanto Agricultural Company of St. Louis, MO. This pharmaceutical giant has brought many " gifts " to mankind, including dioxins, Agent Orange, NutraSweet, and genetically engineered hormones, including the cow hormone, rbST/rbGH. INSIDER TRADING Monsanto and our FDA and USDA have had an open door policy as far as employment opportunities are concerned. Monsanto's law firm, King & Spalding, has seventeen attorneys, with a cumulative 40 years experience, at either FDA or USDA. Their long list of esquires includes Clarence Thomas, now a Supreme Court Justice. SIXTY MINUTES Two years ago, I helped Isadore Roesmarin, a producer for 60 MINUTES, by providing him with key research on NutraSweet. CBS kept delaying the airing of the show and I did not understand why. When the show aired, it all became clear to me. The key study in which rhesus monkeys developed grand-mal epileptic seizures had been left out of the final story. FDA DEFENDED MONSANTO'S DRUG FDA spokesman, Michael Friedman, adamantly defended Monsanto's controversial drug. NOT SUCH A SURPRISE This week, Michael Friedman was named as a new senior vice president for clinical affairs at Searle Pharmaceuticals, a division of Monsanto. ETHICS? According to federal ethics guidelines, Friedman will be barred for a year from representing Searle before his former agency, including its advisory committees. Does anybody really believe that Friedman's hiring is not going to make a very big difference for Monsanto, particularly with controversial new drug applications? Both Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala and Jane Henney, the commissioner of the FDA, praised Friedman's work during his time at the agency. ``He has distinguished himself as a leader not only within the ranks of government, but in the medical, academic, science and research communities as well,'' said Shalala. Indeed! Friedman has left the red-light district (FDA) for employment in greener ($$$) pastures. His hiring is a symbol to those who have served before him and those who will follow. FDA employment is just a stepping stone leading to the big dollars. Robert Cohen 23 ---------------------------- Wednesday, June 23, 1999 - The Dairy Calcium Myth Continues; eat a gallon of Ben & Jerry's Broccoli Ice Cream. The Dairy Bureau of Canada is funding advertising containing this headline: " WARNING: THIS MYTH CAN BE DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH " The dairy industry argues that " Protein rich foods like meat and dairy products contain phorphorus which actually promotes calcium retention. " That is true, of course, but plants have phosphorus too. Calcium absorption is a complicated process, and bones are living tissues with cells, not rock-hard masses of calcium. Helen Bishop MacDonald, Dietitian, wrote the dairy ad. WHAT EVERY DIETICIAN SHOULD KNOW Plants are rich in calcium. That's how cows get this essential mineral. In order for your body to absorb one milligram of calcium, you need an equal milligram of magnesium. Magnesium is the center atom of chlorophyll, which means that dark green leafy vegetables provide calcium and magnesium in just the right proportion for your body to efficiently utilize. THE " PHONY " CALCIUM CRISIS Why doesn't the dairy industry promote a " magnesium crisis? " The answer is, there is very little magnesium in milk, as compared to green vegetables. Let's compare 100-gram portions (3 1/2 ounces) of milk with broccoli and kale. Values are in milligrams. (food values are from USDA) MILK KALE BROCCOLI CALCIUM 119 13 54 MAGNESIUM 13 3 42 PHOSPHORUS 93 5 65 HOW MUCH CALCIUM IS ABSORBED With milk, only thirteen milligrams of calcium are absorbed, about 11%. In the broccoli, 24 milligrams of calcium are absorbed, that's 52%. In the case of kale, 34 milligrams of calcium are absorbed, a whopping 61%! THE REAL DIETARY GUIDELINE The RDA for calcium is 1200 mg per day. The dairy industry would have you take 1200 mg of calcium in milk, ice cream, and cheese. Only eleven percent of the milk and dairy calcium can be absorbed because of the relative low amount of magnesium. With dairy, your body only absorbs 132 milligrams of calcium. Is it any wonder that 30 million American women have osteoporosis? SOLUTIONS Eat a large salad every day with dark green leafy vegetables. Either that or buy the dark green BEN & JERRY'S Broccoli Ice Cream. Robert Cohen 22 ---------------------------- Tuesday, June 22, 1999 - Dairy cow breaks the world's record for milk production, a big surprise! An Illinois dairy cow broke the world's record by producing 38,878 pounds of milk in 365 days. She was a Holstein, and her production averaged out to over 106 pounds per day, testing at 3.9 % butterfat. This cow began her " record " year at the age of 8 and she was milked three times per day. She weighed 1,900 pounds at the end of her " historic lactation period. " WHAT DID 'BESSIE' EAT? This cow's diet included three bales of leafy-green alfalfa hay per day, 12 pounds of molasses beet pulp, and " liberal quantities " of a commercial dairy ration. SURPRISE This story appeared in the January 10, 1957 issue of Hoard's Dairyman, the dairy industry magazine. Those were the days when " cream rose to the top " of milk bottles. I had not yet started public school, but I remember the early morning deliveries of milk to my front porch. WHAT IS THE MODERN DAY RECORD? If you can, take a look at this cow...the size of her udders will astound you! LUCINDA PRODUCES 75% MORE MILK THAN THE 1957 RECORD HOLDER Last year, a Wisconsin cow Produced a world record amount of milk, 67,914 pounds or 88 quarts per day. Dairy insiders predicted that the new record would stand for a long time. Four-year-old Holstein, Muranda and her owners, the Baumann family, were honored for this bovine's amazing production. Industry sponsors, Land 0' Lakes and Monsanto (among others), honored the Baumanns for their use of dairy management tools which included the genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, a controversial drug that caused cancer in laboratory animals. THE CURRENT RECORD Recently a new world's record was established. A North Carolina cow produced 75,275 pounds of milk in a 365-day period. (HOARD'S, January 25, 1999, page 49). That's a 94 % increase over the 1957 record-holder, and 11 % more than last year's mother-of all cows. Udderly amazing! THERE IS NO DISPUTE Cows injected with rbST produce more milk! However, the cows in America are bred differently and pumped full of hormones then they were just a few years ago, and they are no longer the same animals we knew in our youth. Robert Cohen 21 ---------------------------- Monday, June 21, 1999 Today, the DAIRY EDUCATION BOARD filed two formal complaints against the dairy industry, one with Janet Reno, the Attorney General of the United States, and the second with Commissioner Robert Pitofsky, Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission. Robert Cohen, Executive Director of the Dairy Education Board (201-871-5871), has denounced a recent Milk Mustache ad as being " illegal, immoral and deceptive. " BACKGROUND: " Dawson's Creek, " a prime-time television " soap opera " aired a well-publicized story in which a high school student had an affair with his English teacher. In an obvious attempt to capitalize on the relationship between young men and " older women, " the Milk Promotion Board hired the actor, Joshua Jackson, to join their popular milk mustache campaign. " Television dealt with the affair properly and the teacher resigned, " says Cohen, Executive Director of the Dairy Education Board, an anti-dairy organization with 2,500 members including many prominent doctors and scientists. " The dairy industry, on the other hand, glorifies the incident. When a teacher has sexual relations with a student, even consensual, it's statutory rape. " Milk spokesman, Joshua Jackson, sits in a rowboat and says: " I can't help it. Women of all ages look up to me. Why? I'm 6'2 " . Thanks in part to milk…Considering 15% of your adult height is added when you're a teenager, that's good to know. Especially if you want to impress, let's say, an older woman. Cohen is not the only one to condemn this advertisement. Religious leaders are joining to protest. Rabbi Steven Arnold of Vassar Temple in Poughkeepsie New York commented, " I believe this ad is utterly irresponsible; and I urge its immediate removal, with an apology to the American public! " Reverend Michael Carrano, regional director of the Roman Catholic Diocese of New York said, " I agree with Mr. Cohen and what he has said. " The Dairy Education Board complaints cite the recent case of a teacher who had a consensual affair with her student and is now in jail: " Teachers who seduce their students are subject to severe penalties. A Seattle teacher had an affair with a student and had his child. She now resides in a federal prison. The dairy industry message to America's teenage males is to wear a milk mustache, especially if you want to " impress, let's say, an older woman. " Robert Cohen's anti-dairy philosophy is presented on an Internet site He can be contacted at 888-NOT-MILK (888-668-6455). 20 ---------------------------- Weekly Column 19 ----------------------------- Saturday, June 19, 1999 - Toxic chemical runoff from farms is scaring the lab coats off of scientists. Read the shocking news about the strange effect on wildlife. HOW MUCH WASTE CAN A COW PRODUCE? A Cow can eat 70-100 pounds of commercial feed and drink the equivalent of a 55- gallon drum of water each day. GOT MILK? Then you've GOT BODY WASTE! There are more than nine million cows in America and there are no standards to limit the levels of dangerous pesticides given to them in feed. Those toxins accumulate in their flesh and body fluids which Americans then eat. Those toxins are sprayed on crops and find their way into America's streams and rivers. So do the toxins excreted in body waste. Nine million cows produce one billion pounds of body waste each day. There are ten times that amount of hogs and beef cattle, not to mention chickens, lambs, and other animals raised to feed America. In 1985, a pond in California was so severly polluted by a combination of agricultural factors that the government determined would serve as a model for a long-range study of the effect of agricultural chemicals on the environment. WHAT'S NEW? ANIMALS WERE RECENTLY AUTOPSIED Michael Delamore, chief of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's drainage program in Fresno, has been analyzing a study of toxic farm chemicals in waterways and he is more than perplexed. BOTH MALE AND FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS were found in one-third of the 87 field mice, house mice, harvest mice, and California voles trapped last year on land that once collected toxic runoff at the Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge in Los Banos, California. WHAT DO BIOLOGISTS SAY? Technically, the rodents seem to be pseudo-hermaphroditic, according to biologist Gary Santolo, who led the investigation. They appear to be males from the outside and lack external female genitalia, but have a fully developed set of internal female organs in addition to functional male sexual organs. Dr. Richard Auchus, an endocrinologist at the University of California at San Francisco, had this comment: " It's fair to say that if it happened in four species and happened suddenly, it's indicative of an environmental cause of some sort. " WHY BLAME IT ON AGRICULTURE? ACCORDING TO CNN (June 14, 1999): " Animals in the area have been monitored yearly since an investigation in 1985 revealed that selenium, a byproduct of agricultural runoff, was killing or deforming thousands of birds. " Massive quantities of selenium, pesticides and other toxic chemicals were being deposited in the refuge in ponds that served as a dump for farm runoff. " Robert Cohen 18 ----------------------------- Friday, June 18, 1999 - Easy Money for you and you help bring the NOTMILK message to the world. EASY MONEY First let me take this opportunity to thank Marr and Terry, Jack and Ann, Richard and Lorraine. The above members of the Dairy Education Board have called their local radio stations and gotten me interviews... a total of 50 in the past six weeks. That's $2,500 we've paid out, and we're anxious to spend more money! CALL ANN TO COORDINATE Call 1-888-NOT MILK (888-668-6455) We can send or fax you the contact telephone numbers for your local area. You make the calls and we mail the press kits. After the show " airs " you get a check for $50! Christmas in June? Chanukah in July? Everybody can use extra spending money, and you are making an enormous difference by helping to spread the TRUTH about milk and dairy products. BECOME PART OF THE TEAM I sometimes do 5 radio shows per day. This is the message that all Americans should hear: " There's one good reason to drink milk. Drink it, and you'll get a milkstache and be beautiful like Spike Lee and Larry King. Every sip of milk contains virus, pus, bacteria, powerful growth hormones, proteins that cause allergies, antibiotics, pesticides, dioxins, fat, and cholesterol. " Keep those bookings rolling in! Robert Cohen 17 ----------------------------- Thursday, June 17, 1999 VITA MIX manufactures the greatest food processing machine that I've ever seen. I love food and attended America's premier cooking school (the Culinary Institute of America) in 1973. Combine my love for food with a love for gadgets and you'll find one very interesting kitchen in my home. I have a mandolin (French food slicer) and multi-sized Parisian scoops, along with molds for vegetarian aspics, bread machines, name it, I've got one. By far, the most useful tool in my kitchen is the VITA MIX machine. The Vita Mix makes puddings, sauces, nut butters, smoothies, total juices, fruit toppings, and frozen fruit sorberts. You can even make fertilizer and compost from peels, seeds and organic kitchen waste. This machine is so powerful that it crushes two quarts of ice in under three seconds. The Vita Mix Total Nutrition Center's blades rotate fast...up to 37,000 RPM. When molecules move that fast they produce friction heat and a new way of cooking. When you're done, just one drop of dish detergent can be added to 2 quarts of hot water. Turn it on and at 37,000 RPM it becomes its own dishwasher. I use my machine to mill the grain for my bread. I also grind sesame seeds into Tahini, then add garlic and chick peas to produce the world's freshest and tastiest hummus. I make smoothies and frozen desserts and wonderful soups. I have owned the same machine for twenty-four years, having bought mine at a restaurant show in 1975. Five years ago the motor broke and the company repaired it for free! Here is a picture of the machine: The VITA MIX Company sells the unit direct to you for $599 and discounts it at health shows for $449. I can now offer it to you at the same deeply discounted show price and, for a limited time, offer you FREE SHIPPING. This is the SUPER-DELUXE top-of the line model and includes the dry grain attachment. Folks...this machine is the ultimate toy, and once you own one, food preparation will never be the same. You'll eat a total food that is delicious, nutritious and easy to digest. Robert Cohen 16 ----------------------------- Wednesday, June 16, 1999 Do you spend too much of your income for food? How does your budget compare to the average budget of 1980? What has been the trend since 1950? I DISCOVERED A GOLD MINE I recently responded to an ad on a dairy Internet chat group. A farmer wished to sell his 50 year collection of Hoard's Dairyman, the industry magazine. His collection consisted of nearly 1,000 issues. We soon agreed upon a price, and I picked up the magazines last week in Providence, Rhode Island. STUCK IN TRAFFIC On the way home, construction closed Route 95 for 30 minutes, so I picked up one issue at random. A most fascinating editorial was written in the November 25, 1980 issue. MILK SPENDING CUT IN HALF In 1950, the average family spent 22.4 percent of its disposable income on food, and four percent of total income was used to purchase milk. By 1960, the average family spent 20.2 percent of its disposable income on food and 3.5 percent of total income was spent on milk. THE DOWNWARD TREND CONTINUES. By 1970, the average family spent 17.3 percent of its disposable income on food and 2.4 percent of total income was spent on milk. In 1980 the average family spent 16.5 percent of its disposable income on food and 2.1 percent of total income was spent on milk. WHAT ARE THE MOST RECENT NUMBERS? I called USDA and learned: In 1997 the average family spent 10.7 percent of its disposable income on food and 1.99 percent of total income was spent on milk. GREAT NEWS We're making progress! At this rate, sometime during the next millenium...early in the next century, perhaps, the average family will spend absolutely nothing on milk. Hooray! Robert Cohen 15 ----------------------------- Tuesday, June 15, 1999: Juvenile delinquency is directly linked to milk consumption in an important scientific study. The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine (Volume 7, No. 1, 1995, Melvyn Werbach, M.D.) reviewed the " Aggressive Behavior Syndrome " in teenage children. Violent behavior has many clinical names including Antisocial Personality Disorder, Hyperactivity Disorder, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. When violent teen behavior is directly linked to a specific food consumed, it is labeled Organic Personality Syndrome. AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR Aggressive behavior is marked by restlessness, irritability, impulsivity, and an overall tendency towards violence. In May of 1995, the Townsend Medical Letter listed eleven symptoms to milk consumption, including mood swings, depression, and irritability. This scientific peer reviewed journal article examined nutritional factors in violence and quoted the conclusion of the following study: " While the research literature suggests that any commonly ingested food or food additive may be responsible for provoking pathological psychological and behavioral reactions, milk may be a special case. Schauss and Simonsen found that chronic juvenile delinquents consumed much more milk than matched controls without a history of delinquency. The male offenders consumed an average of a gallon of milk daily compared to a little less than a quart a day for the controls, and the females showed similar differences. " (Schauss AG, Simonsen CE: Critical analysis of the diets of chronic juvenile offenders: Part I. J. Orthomol. Psychiatry 8(3):149-57, 1979). THE DOCTOR'S CONCLUSION Clues from case reports, open trials, observational (correlational) studies, and animal studies suggest that attention to nutritional factors may reduce overaggressive behaviors and the devastation resulting from them. Those clues, plus the safety of most nutritional interventions, argue that a nutritional approach should be considered in the treatment of the Aggressive Behavioral Syndrome. Thanks to Jerry Fass for bringing this GEM to the attention of the Dairy Education Board. Robert Cohen 14 ----------------------------- Monday, June 14, 1999: Attention all females: Drinking milk as a child increases the onset of early sexual maturity... and increases your chances of developing breast cancer. WESTPORT, Jun 07 (Reuters Health) - Factors associated with rapid growth during adolescence may predict which women are at greater risk for developing breast cancer, according to researchers from the US. A SURPRISE? Milk contains insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I), the most powerful growth hormone in a cow's body, and coincidentally, an exact duplicate match for the most powerful growth hormone in the human body. Add to that estrogen and progesterone, and little girls become much more than sugar, spice and everything nice. Little girls grow up, long before nature's natural clock had programmed them to. In Japan, the average citizen ate 5.5 pounds of milk and dairy products in 1950. By 1975, the average Japanese ate 117.4 pounds of milk and dairy products. During that 25-year period, the average 12-year-old girl gained 19 pounds, and grew 4 1/2 inches. The age of a Japanese female's sexual maturity, as measured by her first menstruation, decreased from 15.2 years to 12.2 years THE STUDY Dr. Catherine S. Berkey, of Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, and colleagues examined data from 65,000 participants in the Nurses' Health Study. Of the participants, 806 developed breast cancer before menopause and 1,485 developed breast cancer after menopause. " Earlier menarche and taller adult height were predictive of elevated breast carcinoma risk, " Dr. Berkey's team reports in the journal. " Our work provided evidence that breast [cancer] risk is influenced by preadulthood factors, and thus prevention efforts that begin in childhood and adolescence may someday be useful, " Dr. Berkey and colleagues conclude in the journal Cancer 1999;85:2400-2409. Robert Cohen 13 ----------------------------- Weekly Column 12 ----------------------------- Saturday, June 12, 1999: If you visited England and ate meat or drank milk, do NOT donate blood! Mad cow disease is no laughing matter. Thousands of Americans have died of an Alzheimer's-type of disease called CJD, Cruetzfeldt-Jacob disease. Their brains slowly turn into a sponge-like mass and deteriorate. Last week Americans received this warning: GAITHERSBURG, Md. (AP) - At least some Americans who visited Britain frequently at the height of the mad cow disease scare should be forbidden to donate blood back home, a federal panel recommended Wednesday. The advisers to the Food and Drug Administration expressed concern about a theoretical risk that a similar human brain disease might be able to spread through blood. Panel members stressed their vote did not mean that frequent travelers to Britain are at risk of getting a fatal illness linked to mad cow disease or of spreading it through their blood. The problem is scientists don't know if the illness can be spread that way. PRION The substance in milk or meat, which causes this degenerative neural condition, cannot be destroyed by 1000 degree heat. Its incubation period can be as long as thirty years. GOT MILK? Drink body fluids from cows, or eat their flesh, and you might very well be ingesting a ticking time bomb. Robert Cohen 11 ----------------------------- Friday, June 11, 1999: The Dairy Industry's PHONY CANCER CLAIM The dairy industry has been claiming that a substance in milk prevents cancer. That substance is called CLA and cows get it by eating grass! HOW DO COWS EAT GRASS WHEN THEY ARE CHAINED TO THEIR STALLS? Most dairy cows no longer feed on grass, which was the way cows used to eat Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). Today their feeds contain corn and barley which is rich in CLA. Most experiments with CLA have been performed in vitro (in glass test tubes) and are inconclusive. What we have learned from CLA research is that meat and dairy products rich in CLA contain approximately seven milligrams of CLA per gram of fat. In order to obtain the recommended daily dosage of CLA from from meat and dairy, one would have to eat thousands of grams of animal fats every day. HOW DOES CLA WORK? CLA acts in a similar way to Omega-3 oils found in fish or sunflower and safflower oil. One of the most efficient and successful products on the market is " TONALIN " which is made entirely of vegetable sources, NOTMILK. HOW DO COWS GET CLA? Cows have CLA in their milk for the same reason that they have calcium...they get these " essentials " from the wonderful plants that are part of their diet. In such form, these important nutritional factors are easily absorbed and utilized by the body. The good news is that you too can get CLA and not ingest it by eating dairy products containing pus, bacteria, cholesterol and powerful growth hormones. Now, that is good news! 10 ----------------------------- Thursday, June 10, 1999: BOSTON NEWSPAPER SLAUGHTERS THE DAIRY INDUSTRY! June 8, 1999 BOSTON (Boston Globe) - " For generations, mothers have told children 'drink your milk' and recently celebrities sporting milk mustaches have offered similar advice in glossy ads, making the beverage seem as American as, well, motherhood and apple pie. But now milk is at the center of a major food fight. " The dairy industry is now doing damage control as a result of this revealing article. HARVARD UNIVESITY CRITIC: " There is a major campaign being planned to try to get adults to drink three glasses of milk every day. That's what the milk mustache campaign wants to do, " said Dr. Walter C. Willett, professor and chairman of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. Willett and other health professionals argue that dairy products should be listed as just one source of calcium and should not be featured on the food pyramid as a separate category, the " milk, yogurt and cheese group, " from which two to three servings a day should be chosen. Dr. Willit calls milk a key factor in bone disease and heart disease. THE DAIRY INDUSTRY RESPONSE " The issue really is that there is a calcium crisis in this country, " said Susan Ruland, a spokeswoman for the National Fluid Milk Processors Promotion Board, a group created by the US Department of Agriculture and financed by the dairy industry. THE CALCIUM FALLACY When is the last time you heard of a magnesium crisis? For every milligram of calcium you wish to absorb, you need an equal milligram of magnesium. The RDA for magnesium is exactly the same as the RDA for calcium, yet, there is little magnesium in milk and dairy products, so the milk promoters do not promote magnesium. Magnesium is the center atom of chlorophyll. To get magnesium and calcium in the right proportions, eat dark-green, leafy vegetables. A SECOND OPINION Milton Mills, MD, was also quoted by the Boston Globe article and had this to say about milk and dairy products: " Very clearly, a number of persons of color are out there suffering needlessly, spending all sorts of money on medication they don't need. " Dr. Mills said he has diagnosed lactose intolerance in many of his minority patients who thought they had irritable bowel syndrome, spastic colon, or some other chronic lower abdominal disorder. Robert Cohen 9 ----------------------------- Wednesday, June 9, 1999: ABC WORLD NEWS: Taking on conventional wisdom. MILK: What it doesn't do for your health! NEW WORLD NEWS TONIGHT SEGMENT: TAKING ON CONVENTIONAL WISDOM " Milk is good for your aging bones, or so you thought. " So began ABC's network coverage of a claim filed with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). DOCTOR'S COMMITTEE FILES A PROTEST Neal Barnard, founder of the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), argues that the dairy industry's milk mustache ads are misleading and deceptive. FTC MUST ACT Stay tuned...FTC will be examining the ads and making a decision. ABC INTERVIEWED DR. WALTER WILLETT OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY Dr. Willard commented: " There is no evidence that milk reduces fractures. " ABC ASKED THE LISTENING AUDIENCE: " Milk mustache ads may be cute, but are they correct? " QUESTION? Do you think milk mustache ads are deceptive and misleading? EMAIL the NOTMILKMAN and your letter will be made a part of the FTC file. Read the dairy industry response to this ABC report: Robert Cohen 8 ----------------------------- Tuesday, June 8, 1999: GOT STOMACHACHES? Why are kids hospitalized during the school year, and not on vacation? Is it stress or is it what they eat? A STOMACH ACHE STUDY For years, doctors have been diagnosing ulcers, having concluded that the etiology of gastric pain begins in the brain. Stress, tension, and worry result in prescriptions for pharmaceuticals. Recently, the not- so-cognizant medical profession and over-medicating physicians learned that ulcers are caused by the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria. Last week's issue of the British Medical Journal (1999; 318: 1455) reported that children are more likely to be admitted to hospitals with stomach pains during the school year, rather than during vacation time. After tracking 4,600 cases of abdominal pain admissions to one British hospital, the authors of this study noted that eighty percent of gastrointestinal stomach disorders and abdominal pain occurred while kids were in school. Kids are in school 180 days out of the year. There are 52 weekends, summer vacations and other holidays in which they are not in school. One would expect half or less of the 4600 cases to randomly occur on school days, not eighty percent. THE BRITISH SCIENTIST'S HYPOTHESIS: ``This raises the possibility that psychological and behavioral factors may be involved in the condition.'' WHAT DOCTORS REFUSE TO CONSIDER Children have different diets during vacation time. Children have different diets on weekends. Saturdays and Sundays provide much- needed rest and kids love to sleep late. Summer vacations provide two months of the " sleeping late lifestyle. " I have three kids, and was a stay-at home dad during their early years. That more than qualifies me to offer expert testimony on a subject the British scientists missed. My kids used to have stomachaches. They used to drink milk. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT School-day breakfasts are rush-rush affairs. Typically, a parent has about 45 seconds to open the box of cereal and pour the milk, while the kid eats the breakfast in 30 seconds. GULP! On weekends, and during vacation time, there is no need to rapidly slurp down milk and alter gastic acidity in the morning and afternoon. When taking away the stomach's ability to do the job it was designed to do, we create problems for ourselves and our children. MILK CHANGES THE ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH The pH (level of acidity) of the human stomach is about 1.8, which is strong enough to convert animal flesh into amino acids. After drinking a 12-ounce glass of milk, the stomach's acidity changes. A powerful acid environment is buffered up to a 6.0, so that everything ferments and putrefies for the next four hours. One would not leave milk out of the fridge for 1 hour in 80 Fahrenheit degree heat; yet, parents do not consider the effect of allowing milk to sit in a child's stomach for four hours. As usual, when it comes to nutrition, doctors are clueless. After breakfast's indigestion, there's just enough time for your little one to drink a container of chocolate milk with his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. GOT STOMACH PAIN? In addition to gastric distress, we create a society of irritable children, unwilling and unable to learn. SUMMER VACATION School is out! Kids sleep late. Moms and dads go to work. Kids scavenge their refrigerators for leftover scraps of dinner. They go to malls for fast food. Burger King and MacDonalds promote soda, NOTMILK. They'd rather not risk having parents associate " Kid's Meals " with stomachaches. Robert Cohen 7 ----------------------------- Monday, June 7, 1999: Real women do NOT drink milk. Read about two of the healthiest women in America. STUNTWOMEN Spice Williams is a member of the ANTIDAIRY Coalition. Besides being an accomplished actress, stuntwoman and bodybuilder, she's also a nutritional author. She's mother to a 4-year-old son and her website features the best tasting meat substitutes that I've ever experienced. You'll swear you're eating the real thing: In hundreds of television and movie roles, Spice has demolished cars, played a Klingon commander in Star Trek V, dove through glass windows, fallen down stairs, and doubled for Louise Fletcher, Meg Foster, and Katherine Ross. She's fallen off of 50-foot high falls and hung from helicopters 300 feet above the ground, and is perhaps best known for her ability to pick up a 300-pound man over her head in a fireman's carry. Not a bad resume for a NOTMILK drinker. A nice endorsement for a vegan diet. Spice recently sent me a letter from a friend of hers, Barbara Anne Klein, another well-known stuntwoman. Barbara Anne has " doubled " for stars including Demi Moore, Goldie Hawn, and Meg Ryan. Her television credits include Baywatch, Days or Our Lives, and Melrose Place. You might have seen her in Con Air, Conspiracy Theory, and Independence Day. Here's Barbara Anne's NOTMILK letter: " As a kid growing up, I enjoyed watching my mother and father collect and refinish antiques. My mother drove all over Nebraska and Iowa to find her treasures, and meticulously took them apart and refinished them to be gleaming beauties, fit for a showroom. She had a workshop set up in the garage and used several strong chemicals to strip the old varnish, paint and glue from the wood, one product in particular was called ZIP STRIP. These chemicals were so strong that if one were to spill the formula on his/her skin, it would burn instantly. Some of the antiques from the farms were painted with what was nicknamed " milk paint, " which was milk, with large amounts of food coloring (or vegetable dyes) added. (It was probably used because on the farms, milk was plentiful, and cheap.) My mother soon became exasperated when the " ZIP STRIP " would not loosen the milk paint from the wood one bit! My mother would even use larger amounts, and let is sit on the surface for twice the amount of time, then attack it with her scraping tools, and the milk paint would not come off! She ended up trashing some of the items and would never attempt to strip off milk paint again. Many people are still drinking milk...literally PAINTING the insides of their bodies! Ick. " Robert Cohen 6 ----------------------------- Weekly Column 5 ----------------------------- Saturday, June 5, 1999: An insider's admission of GUILT: Surprise testing reveals the presence of pathogenic bacteria in milk. AN ADMISSION OF GUILT The May 10, 1999 issue of HOARD'S DAIRYMAN, the dairy industry magazine d to by 108,000 " insiders " (dairy farmers and milk producers) revealed something that the ANTIDAIRY Coalition have been reporting for many years: DANGEROUS BACTERIA ARE NATURALLY PRESENT IN MILK! When cows are milked, their body fluids are stored in refrigerated bulk tanks while waiting for the trucks to take the milk to the processor. Many farmers drink the raw unpasteurized milk produced on their farms and they should reconsider that practice. A SURPRISE STUDY A scientist at South Dakota State University tested bulk tank milk from 131 dairy herds and found that 32% of the samples contained one or more species of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, a survey of those farms revealed that on 60 percent of the surveyed farms, dad, mom and kids consumed raw milk. What were they drinking? The scientist found: WHAT'S IN MILK? Salmonella, listeria, campylobacter, yersinia, E. coli and staphylococcus. Milk from hundreds of dairy farms are usually mixed together and added to that carton of milk sold in your supermarket. Many bacteria are not killed by pasteurization. Rod-shaped bacteria form a " spore " at the first sign of heat ( " spore " is the Greek word for " seed " ). When the milk cools, the spore re-emerges into its original form. Given this news, would it be wise for any human to drink body fluids from diseased animals? Robert Cohen 4 ----------------------------- Friday, June 4, 1999: Dazed and Fatigued in the Toxic 21st Century DAZED AND FATIGUED Does your own body sometimes overwhelm you? Do your muscles ache just a little bit more than the previous day, and does your spirit sag, energies drained while feeling depressed and un-motivated? Mark Llewellyn Hall experienced the shock of his life as a senior at Cal Berkeley. " It hit me like a two-by-four right smack in the face. I woke up dazed, disoriented, my head throbbed, my body ached. " From there it was downhill. MARK'S MEMOIR Hall documents his illness and cure in a fascinating diary of alternatives to the American lifestyle. He went through health books, tried macrobiotics, went on a wheat grass diet, juiced carrots, eliminated meat, fish and dairy, studied Yoga, and visualized his multiple chakras. I couldn't put his book " DAZED AND FATIGUED " down, reading his 260- page life experience in one three-hour sitting. I particularly enjoyed Mark's milk commentary on page 102: " THE QUACKERY MUST CONTINUE " " Most doctors still have very little understanding of basic nutrition. I had one doctor tell me I absolutely had to eat meat to get iron, and consume dairy products for calcium. 'It's good for your bones,' he said. Dairy products are the worst form of food on the planet. In fact, they shouldn't be considered food at all, and nutritionally should fall somewhere between Ding-Dongs and cow pie. Tainted with steroids and antibiotics, most adults are incapable of digesting them properly - they don't have the enzymes in their stomach necessary to break them down. Why else would Lactaid be a million dollar industry? " Mark Hall's body shut down. His immune system failed. He repaired all that was wrong through proper diet. One year after his near-death experience, healthier, older and wiser, this book was written. DAZED AND FATIGUED IN THE TOXIC 21ST CENTURY by Mark Llewellyn Hall $12.95 + $3 S & H 800-655-4897 Consafos Press, P.O. Box 931568, Los Angeles, CA 90093 Robert Cohen 3 ----------------------------- Thursday, June 3, 1999: A pain in the butt and a kick in the posterior for the dairy industry means good news for you! MILK IS A PAIN IN THE BUTT AFTER SURGERY Doctors recently attended the yearly convention of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons in Washington, DC, and were surprised to receive this astonishing news: Patients placed on a " full-liquid " dairy-based diet had a harder time recovering from surgery than patients enjoying a dairy-free soft- solid feeding plan. Patients on the dairy-free diet left the hospital after seven days, while patients on the standard diet of milk and dairy products spent three days longer in the hospital. One hundred and ninety-three bowel-surgery patients participated in the study. One third of the dairy group experienced diarrhea during recovery, while only 5 percent of the patients eating the dairy-free diet suffered the same experience. YOUR HEALTH Should a friend or a loved one have any form of surgery, be sure to give a copy of this article to his or her physician. The study was performed by Peter Fielding, MD, of York Hospital in Pennsylvania. Dr. Fielding's team reported substantial cost savings for patients eating the dairy- free diet. Typically, a ten-day hospital stay for a patient costs $10,337, while the seven-day costs were $6,751. THE DILEMMA What will hospitals do? Should hospitals decrease their cash flow by thirty percent and release healthier patients earlier? Each year about 65,000 people require similar surgery and treatment. That amounts to $250 million dollars saved. Coincidentally, that is the same amount of money invested each year by the National Fluid Milk Producers in their milkstache campaign. Robert Cohen 2 ----------------------------- Wednesday, June 2, 1999: Salmonella in cheese? Why does the department of health wait so long to alert consumers? CHEESE BLAMED IN 1997 SALMONELLA OUTBREAK Last week the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that a 1997 outbreak of diarrhea and nausea had been traced to a drug- resistant strain of salmonella bacteria. FOOD POISONING. GOT CHEESE? Nobody died. That's the good news. However, one out of seven people affected by this cheese-borne illness was hospitalized. FDA allows 750 million pus cells in one liter of milk. In order to culture many cheeses, milk cannot be pasteurized. Cows naturally put bacteria into their milk. Salmonella, E. coli, lysteria, camphlobacter are just a few. By eating body fluids from diseased animals, we place families and ourselves at great risk. I used to love the pus-filled cheeses with the blue molds (Stilton, Roquefort, blue cheese) but now view such products as pus with hormones and glue. Consider the health and safety of your children and family while doing the same. Bacteria can live in cheese for up to six months. Robert Cohen 1 ----------------------------- TUESDAY, June 1, 1999: TOMORROW'S Milk demonstration in New York's state Capitol. Will milk containing the cow hormone be labeled? Do consumers have a right to know? BAD NEWS FOR MONSANTO MEANS GOOD NEWS FOR CONSUMERS There is a pending bill in New York's legislature that would require milk and dairy products containing Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, Posilac, to be so labeled. The state assembly will soon vote on that bill. The proposed law enjoys bipartisan backing in the Assembly. WHY DON'T FARMERS OR CONSUMERS WANT THIS HORMONE IN MILK? Milk from cows injected with rbST/rbGH contains increased amounts of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which has been identified as a key factor in the growth and proliferation of breast and prostate cancer. Both Canada and the European Union have banned the hormone after reviewing and finding problems, which FDA missed. IGF-I in cows is identical to human IGF-I. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE PRESS CONFERENCE Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 2, there will be a press conference and demonstration at the State Capitol in Albany, New York. The press conference will feature Bruce Krug, a dairyman, Michael Hansen, Consumers Union Scientist, Andy Zimmerman, a consumer advocate and organizer, and an untreated Posilac-free cow. Meetings are also planned with a number of legislators. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND: Contact Andy Zimmerman at 914-478-8639 Everybody is welcome! The day should be fun and educational. IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND, HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN DO: CALL your Assembly members at 518-455-4100 Ask them to support the Milk Labeling Bill " A. 2668. " Robert Cohen End of June 1999 File Robert Cohen author of: MILK - The Deadly Poison (201-871-5871) Executive Director Dairy Education Board JoAnn Guest mrsjo- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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