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The Best Herbals for High blood pressure.

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The Best Herbals for High blood pressure.

JoAnn Guest

Jan 13, 2007 12:21 PST




High blood pressure.

Vandy, Maggie Houston, Michael Wedge, Jan 1996, afh


Newsgroup: alt.folklore.herbs

vandy.avana.net (Vandy)

31 Jan 1996 22:41:16 GMT

Re: high blood pressure


I have high blood pressure. I have had it since the age of 29. My

family has a history of it. I have tried many of the medications

used to treat high blood pressure. I have had a reaction to every

medication. I would like to try an herb to lower it. I am currently

taking, cayenne, garlic, and dandelion.

I have tried black cohosh, but it gives me a severe headache.


Is there something else that I can do?


What is causing the high blood pressure? Yes, a predisposition to

high blood pressure can be inherited, but you have to do something

to trigger the tendency. Weight control, ample exercise, avoiding


drugs (cold tables, sleep aids, diet aids), avoiding foods/beverages

containing stimulants (caffeine containing drinks, chocolate, high

processed sugar contents) are all a part of proper body maintenance.


Taking some drug to reduce the blood pressure with out removing the

causal agent, confuses the normal body functions leading to an ever

greater need for more drugs to control the unwanted bad condition.


If you have done all of the above, think about changing jobs or life

styles to a less stressful mode. Try some of the teas that are used


sooth children to sleep. Research your condition and discover

the 'root' problem, then solve it.


Too many doctors (IMHO) prefer to hand out pills, rather than


heal the patient. Find a good doctor that will work with you to


the condition, rather than just treat it.




Maggie Houston <maggua.vnet.net>


One of the best herbs for high blood pressure comes from Europe.


women were claimed to be witches because they had this bush growing


their yards.

I've used hawthorneberry tincture and cayenne for several years on


off as I've needed it.


Several years ago I was dizzy and the problem was very high blood

pressure. Instead of checking into the hospital I went home and


taking these two tinctures several times a day.


I would take as much cayenne as I could stand each time. Within 4


my blood pressure returned to normal.


Also I added meditation to my routine and I can't tell you the major

benefits I have received. I have learned that for many women high


pressure comes as a symptom of menopause.




Michael Wedge <mikew.alaska.net>


There are a variety of ways to control blood pressure. The best


is a comprehensive one taking into consideration diet, exercise,


nutritional supplementation and herbs.


Supplementation or incresed dietary intake of potassium and


are important.


From the herbal perspective use European mistletoe and hawthorn


If stress is a contributing factor add valerian or skullcap.


Dandelion leaf as a diuretic may be needed. There are a varity of


Western herbs that can be used. Whatever herbs you use keep in mind


the specific mix and ration are adjusted in an attempt to correct




From the Chinese herbal perspective, there are also many effective


and combinations of herbs to correct hypertension. For this approach


should see a practitioner of Chinese herbal medicine.


Mike M.Ac.O.M., L.Ac.


Circulation, high blood pressure.

Christopher Hedley, Apr1994, herblist




Wed, 6 Apr 1994 23:36:44 BST

Sender: " Medicinal and Aromatic Plants discussion list "


Christopher Hedley <christopher.GN.APC.ORG>

Circulation herbs


*Gingko has the best reputation for failing cerebral circulation in

elderly people.


*High Blood Pressure has to be treated holisticaly. The basic




1. Address stress levels, using herbs such as Valerian or Lime


(Linden spp).

2. Support the Heart, using herbs such as Hawthorne flowers



3. Relax the arteries, using herbs such as Cramp bark (Viburnum spp)


Yarrow (Achillea)

4. Reduce blood volume, using diuretics such as Dandilion leaf or


Carrot leaf (Daucus).


You could make a general tea, made up in this way, which would

complement most other treatments, but you also need to address any


problems that may exist ie. treat holistically.

*cut out sodium- common salt & MSG.


*Garlic is beneficial in any circulatory problem


Christopher Hedley MNIMH



Cream of tartar: high BP.

Deb Phillips, Paula Heuschkel, Aug 1995, herblist




Tue, 15 Aug 1995 12:13:36 -0400


Deb Phillips <ARmidwife.AOL.COM>

Re: Herb of the week


garlic for high blood pressure


A good cure for elevated bp is 2 T of cream of tartar in the juice


half a lemon with a little water. Take once a day for three days,


one day and repeat. It will drop the bp about 30/15.


I only had to take the first three days to show a significant drop.




Deb Phillips <ARmidwife.AOL.COM>


Do you actually mean 2 Tablespoons cream of tartar.


My error. It is 2 teaspoons in juice of half lemon with half cup of

water (or as desired on the water).


This info is posted in Susan Weed's Wise Woman Herbal for the

Childbearing Years. I have seen it work on myself. I didn't have to

repeat it until 6 months later when I went through another stress.


Then 2 years later I had to do it again. This was the only thing I


for my bp except take a little garlic.


This remedy is not so hard to take as some have asked. It is a


chalky but is not bad to the taste. I always added a little more


after drinking it first so as to not leave any of the cream of

tartar in

the bottom of the glass.


I have had some friends who took it along with the blood pressure


they were taking. I think they even asked their doc who of course

had no

idea about it and thinking it was just a food product (which it is)


he couldn't see why they shouldn't take it.


I have used it extensively in my pregnant clients with great success.


Deb Phillips




Paula Heuschkel <Senequier.AOL.COM>


I have also used cream of tartar when I had a urinary tract


and could not reach my doctor (saturday or sunday, after hours, you

know). I use one tsp with some lemon in a small glass of water. It


care of the spasms and the pain fairly promptly.


High blood pressure.

Steve Dyer, John Badanes, Sharon Rust, May 1995, afh




Newsgroups: alt.folklore.herbs

help for high blood pressure

spw203.lulu.acns.nwu.edu (Pat Welsh)

12 May 1995 21:31:57 GMT


What (natural methods) do you recommend for treating high blood





dyer.spdcc.com (Steve Dyer)


What (natural methods) do you recommend for treating high blood



Mild weight loss (assuming the individual is overweight) often makes


remarkable difference.




romdas.HIP.berkeley.edu (John Badanes)


What (natural methods) do you recommend for treating high blood



Avoid gratuitous salt & fat, and don't eat anything advertised on



Slowly work-up to doing regular, modest, aerobic exercise adjusted


_your_ particular age, weight, and cardiovascular condition.


Don't forget to _enjoy_ your life...if you're not doing something


for yourself already...start.


Take five or so minutes each day at a particular time and devote it


_letting_ your thoughts wander aimlessly.


Not bad advice no matter what your blood pressure...but particularly

good for many people with mild hypertension. All 'natural' too,

doncha-know ;')






ntlor.primenet.com (Sebastian Rust)


Steve Dyer and John have given good dietary and exercise advise. In

addition I would like to say that my grandparents both used the


which brought there Bp enough that the meds were no longer needed.


S Rust



Irregular heart beat.

Steve Dube, Jan Fey, Bill Cuneo, Apr 95, afh




Newsgroups: alt.folklore.herbs

Re: Irregular Heart Beat

SKJF93A.prodigy.com (Steve Dube)

1 Apr 1995 18:19:57 GMT


Try Hawthorne Berry. Take about 10 drops of the liquid twice a day.

Should see improvement within a couple of months. Also stop drinking

coffee for awile and then experiment with returning to coffee.






jfey.aol.com (JFey)


I also would suggest that she try not consuming coffee or chocolate.


Coffee has caffeine and chocolate has a caffeine derrivative that


be even worse. I ended up going to the doctor for this when I was 20

years old. I had been drinking a lot of coffee at work and decided


cut back by drinking hot chocolate instead! Bad idea.


I can still end up with an irregular heartbeat whenever I eat/drink

chocolate -- and as I get older it takes less and less to set it


Even a candy bar can start it going. (... that's an allergy. -



One way the doctor used to decide that my irregular heartbeat wasn't

life threatening when I first went in -- he had me do jumping jacks


a few minutes. That stopped the irregular beat for a while. I guess


may not be the case with irregular heartbeat from other causes (?)

Anyway, hope this information helps.


Jan (JFey.AOL.com)




bill.cuneo.wdn.com (BILL CUNEO)


Try getting your magnesium intake up. Not by pills. Rather, by a


servings of dark green veges a day, a couple tablespoons of nuts a


and a tablespoon of dark molasses (in warm goaat milk, say, just




Years ago I had a thumping skipping heart during some hi intensity

times, and I " cured " it as described above. Magnesium deficiency is

handily achieved in contemporary mainstream nutrition. I was on such


track in that blip of time. Further, Magnesium might just be a

tracer, a

beacon.. might be other companion minerals, whatever that accompany

magnesium in real food.


Regards.. Bill bill.cuneo.wdn.com


Swollen feet.

George Law, Mar 1996, afh




Newsgroups: alt.folklore.herbs

Re: Help for swelling ankles and feet

gl.infolink.net (George Law)

Mon, 11 Mar 1996 07:45:34 GMT


My mother is complaining of swelling in here ankles and feet. Are


any herbs she can take to try to remedy this.


Make sure her diet doesn't contain too much sodium (salt). Have her


bananas often, it contains potassium and can rid of excessive sodium

which can causes edema (water retention) and high blood pressure.


I am not sure if your mom's swelling is caused by edema (water

retention) or not, but is no harm to eat banana as long as she


have low blood pressure.


Banana helps to lower blood pressure. Also have her take vitaimin

B6 ,

deficient in this vitamin can cause edema (swelling) in legs.



JoAnn Guest



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