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GE food study done by Dutch teen: Mice Reject Genetically Engineered Food

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Mice Reject Genetically Engineered Food

JoAnn Guest

Jan 13, 2007 14:39 PST


GE food study done by Dutch teen:

Mice Reject Genetically Engineered Food



A study done on mice in England By Greg Lance.


An interesting report from THE ECOLOGIST, vol. 32, #5, June 2002

page 33


The mice it would appear are brighter than the supermarket shoppers!


The mice didn't believe the politicians - all too often the sheeple



(Note: particularly for those whose first language is not English,

" sheeple " is not a misprint but an allusion to people who behave

like sheep in following their - supposedly benign - authority figures)


GE food study done by Dutch teen:

Mice Reject Genetically Engineered Food


Following is from a British journal (June 2002) excerpt:


" While the International scientific community spares no effort in

branding GM food as " substantially equivalent' to conventional food

(essentially so as to prop up the ailing biotech industry), a

17-year-old Dutch undergraduate has created scientific history with


simple & disturbing experiments on mice. "


By Devinder Sharma




" Hinze Hogendoorn conclusively demonstrated that not everything

endorsed by Nobel laureates & other so-called authorities like the UK's Royal

Society is scientifically correct. Hogendoorn may not find a place

of honor in the pro-GM stuffed Royal Society, but he has surely put the august

body to shame.


Following basic scientific conventions, H. conducted his experiments

on mice. He picked up 30 female 6-week-old mice from a herpetology

centre. These rodents were originally bred to feed snakes.


Then, like any other net-savvy teenager, he searched the web for

information on how to take care of mice. Accordingly, he bought some

rodent mix, some Kellogg's and Quaker cereals and some oatmeal that


specified to be 'GM-free'. H. also bought some GM maize and soy.


foodstuffs were to form the staple diet for the mice.


The mice were let loose in big cages with 2 piles of food--one GM

and one non GM--stacked in 4 bowls. Unaware of received opinion on the virtues

of GM 'functional foods', the mice delivered their own


They completely emptied the bowls containing the non-GM food. The

bowls with GM food remained untouched.


But H. was still not satisfied. He conducted a series of other tests

to find out what would happen when the mice were force-fed with GM



Significantly, but for unknown reasons, one of the mice died. The


GM-fed mice initially appeared heavier, but by the end of the

experiment they had actually lost weight. A rival group of mice was fed a non-GM



These mice ate less and gained more weight, and continued to gain



Equally worrying were the behavioral changes that the diet induced

in the mice. The GM-fed mice 'seemed less active', more nervous &

distressed' and were completely at a loss.

'Many,' Hogendoorn was

quoted as saying, 'were running round and round the basket, scrabbling

desperately in the sawdust, & even frantically jumping up the

sides--something I'd never seen before.'


The Royal Society has so far refrained from commenting on H's

experiments... As a face-saving device, it has drawn attention to

the potential risks GM foods pose for babies. The latter are


susceptible to changes in the nutritional make-up of food.


But the Royal Society report is full of contradictions. It states

that consumption of genetically modified DNA has no effect on human


Are babies not human? "



JoAnn Guest



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