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Who'd be a modern man?

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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/femail/article.html?in_article_id=437939 & i\



Three years ago I started to research a novel called Another Man's Life. The

concept was fairly simple: twin brothers in their late 30s - one of them

successful and single, the other a put-upon married man - switch lives.


The idea came to me as my friends started to split into two distinct groups:

those who were married and fantasised about living the life of a single man, and

those who were single and professed to wanting a wife and 2.4 children.


I thought of it as a 'grass is greener' book. The two major male characters

wanted what they didn't have. The married men wanted abundant time, peace and

quiet and the ability to party whenever they liked. The single men were all

looking for 'meaning' in their lives, which they felt would be afforded them by

settling into a family life.



I hoped men would be able to see themselves in the pages, while the women would

enjoy the book because it offered an insight into the male psyche (and a few

laughs at their expense, too).


With great confidence and with no intention at all of making a grand statement,

I began to do the research. But the more men I spoke to in order to gather

material, the more an uncomfortable truth became clear: men in their 30s and 40s

share a common sense of frustration about their circumstances that I can only

describe as bewilderment. Worse still, many are depressed.


" I thought I'd be financially secure by now, " said a friend. He's a marketing

executive in his late 30s with a wife and young son. " But every month I still

have to decide which bills to pay. If it wasn't for my wife's dad there's no way

we'd have been able to buy a house. "


I heard similar comments from a number of men. And while to some it may sound

like the onset of middle-age (and signs of grumpy-old-manhood), to me, it

appeared to be emblematic of a broader shift in the way that men's lives have

changed over the past 30 years and the terrible pressures they now face.


A generation ago men's lives were relatively simple. We knew what time we would

finish work and that dinner would be on the table when we got home. The

children, bathed and ready for bed, would be ushered upstairs in time for us to

settle down for Panorama and, on Wednesdays, Sports Night.


We knew that, barring disasters, we'd be richer every year, in a modest way,

than we were the year before, and that the only culinary function we would have

to master would be carving the Sunday roast.


Occasionally this went awry after we'd nipped out for a couple of lunchtime

nerve-steadiers at the King's Head while the wife peeled the potatoes and put

the meat on. But apart from that life was as straightforward and cast iron

guaranteed as rain during Wimbledon fortnight and England's non-appearance at

the World Cup Finals.


For men today however these certainties (other than the rain at Wimbledon) are

no longer the case. We live knowing that our careers will not be linear affairs

and that the state will not be able to provide for us in our old age. We're not

sure if we'll still have our job next year, next month or even next week, or if

we'll be able to maintain the payments on the nowadays enormous mortgage.


We're not sure that we're bringing our kids up the right way or whether our body

mass index is good or bad. We're not sure if our wives will like the new shirt

we bought - or if she'll even be home from work in time to relieve the Eastern

European child minder whom we're not able to pay by legal means because of the

tax implications.


The demands placed upon men by our wives have 'rightly' changed too. Women

require their partners to be more involved in domestic life, to play an active

role in child rearing, and to be caring and thoughtful as well as keeping the

bank at bay.


Oh, and let's not forget that we're required to be Olympic standard lovers too.

(And that's just before breakfast.)


My own position is that my wife and I have been married for nearly ten years and

have two daughters. Both of us work long hours and juggle our responsibilities

as parents with the necessity of servicing a financial burden that appears, at

best, daunting.


Like millions of others, our paths often cross only late at night once the

children are asleep and the last work e-mails have been dealt with. It's a life

that's radically different from those of our parents, who had time for each

other and had time for themselves.


Many women I spoke to about this shift were more philosophical about the changes

in gender roles.


" Men today might be responsible for a lot more than making sure that the

mortgage is paid and there's food on the table, " said one. " And why shouldn't

they be? My father never lifted a finger except to occasionally do the washing-

up. Why shouldn't men pull their weight at home? "


Fair enough. Most men I know wouldn't want it any other way. They view their

marriages as a partnership in which financial, domestic and child-rearing duties

are shared. Men cook and do the laundry, they work, and they look after the



Research shows that, on average, today's fathers spend around an hour a day more

with their children than their fathers spent with them.


Most of today's dads are determined to be part of their children's lives, not

only to foster a closer bond with their offspring but often as a reaction to

their own father's absence.


" My dad was either at work, at the pub or watching TV, " said one friend who

works as a publicist. " It's not that we thought he didn't love us - we knew he

did. We just simply didn't see very much of him. There wasn't much intimacy. "


Of course, this is to be applauded. The attempt by many men to offer a high

degree of attention to their role at home not only has a positive affect on

their immediate family, but also offers society as a whole a broader sense of

social responsibility and, by extension, cohesion.


However, this can often come at a price. Men today feel under overwhelming

pressure to fulfill their domestic duties as well as holding down a successful

career. A number of male friends regularly leave work to put their children to

bed before returning to the office to work late into the night.


This kind of intense pressure and shortage of 'me' time, which has traditionally

been a female predicament, is now becoming more common in men.


A survey last year discovered that more than one in three men relied on alcohol

to switch off after work. " I'm still buzzing from work when I get home and need

a drink to wind down, " says one thirty-something who works in financial

services. " But I'll keep getting messages from work on my Blackberry pretty much

all evening. I don't answer them after 11pm, though, as I've usually had too

much to drink by then. "


" It's a reward, " says another. " My wife and I are so stressed after work and

getting the chores done that we see a bottle of wine as a quick fix after a busy

day. "


Stressful jobs and a heavy reliance on alcohol does not bode well for our

futures. Put very simply, men are twice as likely as women to die before the age

of 75. We're more susceptible to serious diseases, such as cancer and heart

disease, and far more likely to commit suicide, thanks to our higher disposition

to mental illness.


" I was given a choice by my doctor, " says one photo editor. " Stop stressing

about work and money, and cut back on the booze, otherwise face the fact that

I'm not going to live to a ripe old age. "


And why are we working so hard? Oh, that's right, so we can have a roof over our

heads. As property prices spiral from the laughable to the plain barmy, many men

find that their salaries are swallowed up by monthly outgoings that leave them

precious few savings or pension options.


According to another survey, only 13 per cent of men expect to be able to retire

by the age of 60, while a quarter are doubtful they'll be able to retire at 65

(while most us knew people in the previous generation who retired at 55 on very

comfortable index-linked pensions, thank you).


An Oxbridge-educated friend recently told me: " It's either a pension or the

school fees.


Hopefully the kids will be able look after us in our old age. "


Most married men I know spend close to half their income on their mortgage,

gambling that increasing house prices will mean that, when they come to retire,

they can cash in and use some of the equity as a retirement fund while they

downscale their living arrangements. Borrowing used to have a social stigma. Now

it's an exercise in survival.


But what if house prices don't continue their meteoric rise? That could lead to

increased working hours in middle age, just when you thought things might get

easier. The truth is that today's men are working ever harder just to attain the

same standard of living as their fathers and grandfathers who, often, didn't

have such good jobs.


I remember buying my house a few years ago, a modest threebedroom affair in an

unfashionable part of London. As I proudly stood in the garden surveying my

purchase, a friend remarked to me: 'It's amazing, you work your a*** off and end

up buying a house exactly the same as your grandparents'. "


In other words, our grandparents could buy the same quality of house with a lot

less effort and stress even from a lower status career.


For many men in early middle age in the UK, their 30s and 40s should be the time

when, established in their careers, they're beginning to enjoy the fruits of

their labours. Instead, many find themselves overworked, overstressed and

concerned about their ability to enjoy any retirement before dropping dead in



Robbed of the certainties our fathers enjoyed, they're struggling to maintain a

standard of living the previous generation took for granted.


There is some small consolation. A recent study showed that women prefer

long-term partners to be of medium status rather than high status.


This will come as a big relief to the majority of us peddling frantically just

to get by.


Chin up, fellas.




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