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I also have this on both Word and PDF files; email me at

surpriseshan2 if you would like one. Shan




By Walter Last


This is recommended at the start of any health improvement program and also

from time to time thereafter, say once a year. It is designed to clean out and

sanitize especially the gastrointestinal tract, the liver and the gall bladder

.. Eat apples only for the first three days, as many as you like. Granny Smith

apples are usually preferable, but if you feel that they are too acid for you

then use a sweeter variety. If organic apples are not available, you may

remove the skin and core of commercial apples.


In the evening have a hot castor oil pack on the liver and upper abdomen:

Coat the area liberally with castor oil, cover with a woollen cloth folded in

several layers and keep warm for one to two hours with a hot-water bottle. This

greatly increases the blood supply to these areas and stimulates liver and

bowel activities. At bedtime take a tablespoon of olive oil. Normally


is best but in this case light olive oil will be easier to swallow. You may

also shake the oil in a jar together with a spoonful of lecithin granules and

some fresh citrus juice. However, on the evening of the third day take half a

cupful of olive oil in this way. Then lie down immediately on your back or

right side. After the first bowel movement the next morning look in the toilet

bowl for gallstones. There may be hundreds of little greenish wax balls of

different sizes floating on top of the water.


First thing in the morning of the first to fourth day take a glass of water

with a crushed clove of garlic and about 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt (more or

less to cause a good bowel clean-out within a few hours). If you cannot take

Epsom salts then try another strong herbal laxative instead (e.g. senna). If you

have trouble taking raw garlic, you may fill it into empty gelatin capsules.


About one hour after the Epsom salt and garlic take a large dose of

acidophilus-bifido, either as high-potency capsules, powder, yoghurt or a


of these. If intending to test for allergies afterwards, avoid any cultures or

yoghurt made with cows' milk. Alternatively, use cows' milk yoghurt or culture

now and check for cows' milk allergy at the end of the testing program after

about one week of abstention from cows' milk products.


If you do not have the time or energy for the full cleanse, then you may now

return to your normal diet and do the rest at another time. However, continue

for several weeks taking acidophilus culture before meals. Otherwise, from the

fourth day on stop using the apples, Epsom salt and garlic and for another

five days drink only freshly pressed vegetable and grass juice, although this

may be flavoured with apple or some other fruit. Dilute the juice with pure

water for a total diluted juice intake of about 3 liters. In addition, every 3

hours or 5 times daily take a heaped teaspoon of psyllium hulls together with


teaspoons of ground linseed. Mix in a glass of water and drink immediately

followed by some more water. The linseed should be freshly ground in a blender

or coffee grinder and refrigerated.


On the morning after the last juice day or possibly already at bedtime the

night before take a tablespoon of Epsom salt in water or generally enough l

axative to produce a strong bowel clean-out during the morning. You may sit on a

bucket to investigate what has come out; often there are long strings and parts

of compacted matter looking like sections of bowel.


Additions and Alternatives


Preferably take a spoonful of lecithin granules, kelp as powder or tablets

and plenty of digestive enzymes together with the juices. With every glassful of

juice you may take 2 or 3 tablets such as pancreatin, bromelain or mixed

enzymes. Alternatively and even better, use mature green pawpaw if available,


it just turns yellow inside and the seeds are already black. You may make a

smoothie by blending it with some vegetable juice or yoghurt. Use about half a

medium-size pawpaw a day, but the more the better. You could also use the

juice of pawpaw leaves or immature fruit but this may need to be flavoured and

well diluted.


Furthermore, I recommend to combine this cleanse with an anti-parasite

program. Easy to use and effective are the Hulda Clark parasite remedies


ground cloves and green extract of black walnuts. These may be used

individually or as a combination remedy, for more details see the Parasite


Program http://users.mrbean.net.au/~wlast/diseasesummary2.html#parasites


There are many variations of this Basic Cleanse possible. For instance if you

do not have a juice extractor, you may either continue longer with apples or

have a few small raw salads instead. If you cannot get organic apples but have

plenty of good grass and vegetables for juicing, then you may extend the

juice schedule from 5 to 8 days, but also have the castor oil packs, olive oil,

garlic, Epsom salts and acidophilus during the first 3 or 4 days.


Another possibility, especially good for those with raised blood pressure, is

to use freshly pressed lemon juice instead of the vegetable juice and

possibly instead of the apple days as well. Use psyllium hulls and ground

linseed as

for the last 5 days of the Basic Cleanse but instead of vegetable juices drink

the juice of 5 to 8 lemons diluted to 3 or 4 liters with pure water. You may

do this for the full 8 days or just instead of the vegetable juice for the

last 5 days. If doing this for the full 8 days, then use castor oil packs, olive

oil, Epsom salts, garlic and acidophilus as described for the apples days.

Traditionally a spoonful of maple syrup has been stirred into the diluted lemon



Another alternative is to use an isotonic saltwater flush instead of the

Epsom salt flush. This may not be suitable if you are rather constipated and

overweight or with high blood pressure and weak kidneys. To one liter of warm


add 9 g or 1-heaped teaspoonful of sea salt and a crushed clove of garlic and

drink this within 5 minutes. If this does not produce a good bowel flush

within a few hours, then you may have to use the Epsom salts the next time.


Another often recommended additive is Bentonite, powdered absorbent clay.

This helps to remove plaque or old coating from colon walls and also absorbs

toxins. Each time you use the ground linseed and psyllium add either 1 teaspoon


powdered or 1 tablespoon of liquid Bentonite.


Allergy Testing


It is advisable to increase the variety of food very gradually while doing

some allergy testing at the same time. Start with foods that are not likely to

cause allergy such as cooked and raw vegetables, rice and other non-gluten

grains. Leave any processed food, wheat, oats, rye, barley, citrus fruit,

tomatoes, egg, yeast products and cows' milk products for later testing.


Keep a diary of the tested foods and any reactions, such as nausea, pain or

discomfort and also record your pulse rate before and after eating a test food

or meal. Usually the pulse rate rises slightly 30 to 60 minutes after food

intake. If it rises much more than after eating just unflavoured rice or steamed

vegetables, then there may be an allergy. The stronger the rise in the pulse

rate, the stronger the allergy. Allergy testing may not work if you are exposed

to tobacco smoke or use coffee, tea or other drugs. For more information on

food allergies and allergy testing see also Addictions & Allergies

http://users.mrbean.net.au/~wlast/HF1-4.html in HEALING FOODS.






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