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[the_omnivore] Health Freedom Update: Amend S.1082/HR1561 + REAL ID, Ron Paul

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Health Freedom Update: Amend S.1082/HR1561


Strip REAL ID language from Immigration Reform Bill


Help Ron Paul!



From the desk of John C. Hammell, President

International Advocates for Health Freedom:


Before I get to the latest on our campaign to amend S.1082/HR 1561 I have a

couple of announcements about equally important matters:


1. The new Senate Immigration bill contains REAL ID provisions that could

turn your life into a walking nightmare:   

Please go here to learn more and send a form letter to your Senators




To avoid having a microchip implanted in the back of your hand, it is first

necessary to stop the REAL ID CARD that would contain an RFID chip linked to

numerous intrusive databases as the long arm of Big Brother keeps trying to

reach deeper and deeper into our lives.


Go to the site above and fight back!



2. Presidential Candidate Congressman Ron Paul

(who has done more than anyone in Congress to help us defend health freedom) 

has been making a great showing in all recent televised debates!


He has also hit the  " third rail " with numerous bold statements that have

enraged the head honchos in the Republican Party and in the CIA-controlled media

because he's the only candidate with the courage to speak the truth about 911

and all aspects of the New World Order Dictatorship.


Due to this, they are attempting to BAN HIM from all future debates, so I'm

urging you to join IAHF in coming to his timely assistance.


There's much you can do on a grass roots basis to help this courageous man.

To learn how, please visit these sites and begin by watching any video footage

of the debates you might have missed: 










Please urge everyone you know to support this man, he is the only candidate

willing to take a stand against the North American Union, the FDA and Codex.


I'm not from Texas, but any time I've gone to DC to do any work in your

behalf, his office has welcomed me with open arms. Ron Paul is a true man of the

people, a true populist and he cares about our access to dietary supplements and

about ALL of our most deeply cherished personal freedoms.





This past week I've been doing a lot to help us build a bigger coalition to

amend this bill, and I need your help to educate owners and managers of health

food stores who are being actively misled on the issue by NPA (formerly NNFA)






Please read Byron Richard's most recent article:


Understanding the Threat to Dietary Supplements - Part 2




At the end of his article there is a form letter to send to your Senators and

Congressmen. Please especially send it to these members of the Dietary

Supplement Caucus:



Congressman Ron Paul  fax  (202) 226-6553


Congressman Dan Burton fax   (202) 225-0016


Congressman Peter De Fazio fax   202-225-0032


Congressman Chris Cannon fax   (202) 225-5629


Congressman Frank Pallone fax  202-225-9665



Please download the article and take it to every health food store in your

area and urge the owner and managers to read it and to alert the public!! Tell

them that back in '89 NNFA was wrong about the Nutrition Labelling and

Education Act, a terrible bill that they were originally FOR, but that when


membership threatened to mutiny they switched their position, but by then it was

too late, the NLEA passed, and that forced us to work very hard to pass DSHEA

in '94 in order to protect our access to supplements.


Tell them that today they're making JUST AS BIG A MISTAKE with their position

on S.1082/ HR 1561, let them know that respected Attorney Jonathan Emord, and

Certified Clinical Nutritionist Byron Richards (owner of Wellness Resources

vitamin company) says the Natural Products Assn (formerly NNFA) is WRONG on

this issue and that DSHEA is in danger if we don't get this amended!! They have

until August recess to pass this legislation. I'll be going to the Hill at some

point, but for now am trying to build a bigger grass roots coalition to back

me up for when I'm there!!


You can help by forwarding this to everyone you know, and by calling your

member of congress after you fax in the form letter contained in Byron's


Please urge more people to sign on to the IAHF email distribution list at


............................................... there's safety in numbers!



For Health Freedom,



John C. Hammell,

President International Advocates for Health Freedom

556 Boundary Bay Road

Point Roberts,

WA 98281-8702




800-333-2553 N.America

360-945-0352 World








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