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Mike Adams: Corporate greed, corruption=Collapse

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Virtually every government regulatory department, for example, is now run by

the corporations it is supposed to be regulating-- RONPAUL(ourplan) is our best

hope to fix this. Corporate greed, corruption, and the coming collapse of

America as we know it Friday, June 22, 2007 by: Mike Adams





The U.S. government, once crafted as a system that would serve the interests of

the people, has devolved into a system of plutocracy where corporations control

both the government and the people. Virtually every government regulatory

department, for example, is now run by the corporations it is supposed to be

regulating. Just look at the FDA, USDA, FTC, FCC, NRC (Nuclear Regulatory

Commission) and most other government regulatory bodies and you'll find a room

full of politicians and bureaucrats who utterly disregard the People while

prioritizing the financial needs of influential corporations.


Our nation's policies on health, finances, agricultural, national defense and

even education are increasingly slanted towards enriching the corporations,

usually at the expense of the People. Even worse, the People have come to fear

their government here in the United States, and any time a government gains so

much power that the people begin to fear it, the scenario is set for police

state atrocities against the citizens. In a healthy society, you see, the

government fears the people, and it's this fear of being replaced or kicked out

of office that keeps government bureaucrats in line. But in America, that's been

lost, replaced by a tyrannical system of government that treats the people like

common criminals. Don't believe me? Just try to board an airplane without being

detained and searched against your will. Try to bring a bottle of water on an

airplane and see how much " freedom " you still have left in America today.


How did the corporations gain so much power over government and the people? It's

simple: Campaign finances. The corporations hire hoards of lobbyists who dart in

and out of lawmakers' offices in Washington, leaving behind trails of cash and

corruption. Most lawmakers hardly ever meet with the actual people they claim to

represent. Instead, they spend their time cavorting with corporate rabblerousers

who operate based on the simple principle of greed. Think Enron, but times a

thousand. That's who controls Congress today.


To keep the People in line, public protests have been limited and outlawed in

many areas, where new fenced-in " free speech zones " have been set up to force

protestors to protest out of the way somewhere. (Note to all: If free speech is

limited to a " zone " then it isn't free speech at all!) At every turn, the U.S.

government seeks to marginalize the power of the People and expand its own reach

and power, usually at the behest of the wealthy corporations pulling the strings




The natural cycle of collapse and rebirthSo where is it all heading? To a

desperate place, unfortunately. It's a natural cycle of nation states. Following

abundance comes greed, then corruption, then police state tyranny, then

collapse. After the collapse there's rebirth, reconstruction and a new cycle of

abundance until the whole thing repeats itself over and over again, one century

after the next. Read your world history to hear this same story repeated over at

least fifty empires that once existed on Earth. The American empire will be no

different: It will drown in its own greed and corruption, collapsing into a

state of moral and financial bankruptcy, and then will likely be reborn as a

series of smaller nation-states like the Washington / Oregon / Idaho / Northern

California region that has very different values and interests than, say, the

Texas region.


txt continues @ http://www.newstarget.com/021911.html




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