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By Byron J. Richards,

CCNJune 27, 2007



The FDA, emboldened by its transformation into a drug company, has embarked

upon an anti-American plan of interfering with business and intentionally

eliminating various dietary supplement companies from the market. The FDA

announcement came on Friday, June 22, 2007 under the guise of a final rule for


supplement good manufacturing practices (CGMPs). Within this 800 page rule the

FDA states, “We find that this final rule will have a significant economic

impact on a substantial number of small entities.... Establishments with above

average costs, and even establishments with average costs, could be hard

pressed to continue to operate. Some of these may decide it is too costly and


change product lines or go out of business.... 140 very small [less than 20

employees] and 32 small dietary supplement manufacturers [less than 500

employees] will be at risk of going out of business.... costs per establishment


proportionally higher for very small than for large establishments....The

regulatory costs of this final rule will also discourage new small businesses


entering the industry.â€


This FDA rule will directly raise the price of dietary supplements for all

consumers. The FDA acknowledges this and says “We expect that the majority of

these costs will be borne by consumers of dietary supplements, who will likely

respond to the increase in prices by reducing consumption.†Thus, the FDA is

intentionally seeking to shrink the size of the dietary supplement industry and

reduce the influence of safe and effective options to improve the dreadful

trend in the health of Americans. The goal is to leave toxic drugs as the


health option.


Independent analysis of this FDA rule has placed cost of compliance at 10

fold what the FDA estimates with as many as 50% of small companies unable to



The gutless cowards of Congress, a majority of whom are on the Big Pharma

payroll or will be on it once they leave Congress, have delegated their


powers granted by the U.S. Constitution to a bunch of Big Pharma-friendly

unelected bureaucrats at the FDA, who are in turn using this power to undermine

free commerce and help Big Pharma eliminate competition from the market. This

is the behavior of a government in tyranny, inviting a revolution by the

people. It is noteworthy that fascist governments of the past have eliminated


freedom and health options as a necessary condition to enslave and brainwash

a population. Congress has delegated its responsibility to the people to such

an extent that over half the laws in this country are now concocted by

unelected bureaucrats with vested interests.


A Vehicle for Unprecedented Harassment


Any company that can afford to comply with the costs and regulations of this

new FDA rule can be targeted and eliminated at will by the FDA. In essence,

the FDA is seeking to make the dietary supplement industry document every phase

of production, including expensive testing at multiple points in the

production process. Massive recordkeeping will be required, including all


complaints and returns for any reason! This is utterly draconian and unnecessary

interference and burden to free commerce. It is completely Anti-American. No

doubt, the FDA will impose user fees as an additional charge so that FDA agents

will have the funding required to enforce the regulations. Under the new rule

any flaw in bookkeeping can result in a company’s products being declared

adulterated, allowing the FDA to remove them from the market even though nothing

is wrong with them! A company can then be forced out of business because they

won’t be able to sell any products to raise the money to comply. The rules are

so complex and vague that the FDA can selectively target any company it

chooses, even those attempting to comply in good faith.


The FDA is doing this under the pretense of improved consumer safety.

Consumer safety could readily be guaranteed by simply having all companies test


final products for purity and potency. Instead of this simple approach the

FDA has gone to the extreme of burdening the dietary supplement industry with

regulations in excess of the drug industry! Supplements are foods, not drugs.

The food industry couldn’t begin to comply with these FDA rules, even though

food contamination is far more dangerous to health than dietary supplements.


The FDA intends to phase this rule in over the next three years. This means

that within five years half the industry and many of the health options

individuals rely on will either be gone or significantly more expensive. Even


chilling is that forces within the dietary supplement industry itself are in no

small part responsible for this FDA final rule.


Trade Groups and their Big Companies Turn on America


The Natural Products Association (formerly the National Nutritional Food

Association – NNFA) and the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) have been

instrumental in forcing these drug-like rules on dietary supplements. These

globalist organizations are selling out America, destroying American jobs,

undermining the U.S. Constitution, and working in conjunction with


companies to usher in Codex and the New World Order. Consumers of dietary

supplements should learn who these companies are before buying their products


helping to inadvertently fund the destruction of health freedom in this country.


When DSHEA was passed in 1994 part of that law required the FDA to establish

current good manufacturing practices (CGMPs) for the dietary supplement

industry. During a period of FDA outreach to the industry the FDA was surprised


learn that CRN and NPA were in favor of drug-like CGMPs for the dietary

supplement industry. These trade groups, working closely with Senators Orin


(R-UT) and Tom Harkin (D-IA), have intentionally taken the supplement industry

down a slippery slope. It is noteworthy that Hatch takes in more money from Big

Pharma than he does from dietary supplement companies. Not only is Hatch a big

supporter of the Medicare Part D drug rip off of Americans he has saved Big

Pharma billions by protecting them from generic competition, as he is currently

attempting to do with his legislation for new biologic drugs. Hatch also has

a son working for NPA and another son that lobbies for NPA and the dietary

supplement industry. When Hatch leaves the Senate he will be first in line for a

six or seven figure Big Pharma salary.


The CRN has been taken over by multinational drug and food companies. Key

players are the nutritional divisions of Bayer, BASF, Cargill, Monsanto, Wyeth,

and Archer Daniels Midland. Nutrition companies that participate are in most

cases owned by pharmaceutical companies, heavily invested in pharmaceutical

companies, or jockeying for position in the international market as part of the

New World Order. Key names include Mannatech, Shacklee, Herbalife, GNLD

International, The Vitamin Shoppe, and GNC. These companies are glad to


competition from small companies and start up ventures.


Carrying on the general theme of Big Pharma ownership and a globalist agenda

are the companies that control the NPA. One need only look at the new NPA

China board to understand who these key players are. Jarrow Formulas, Now Foods,

GNC, and Herbalife top the list. At the end of 2006 Jarrow and Now helped lead

the charge with Senators Hatch and Harkin to burden the dietary supplement

industry with bizarre Adverse Event Reporting legislation (AER) which insisted

that dietary supplement companies keep extensive records on any type of consumer

complaint. Aspects of this AER law are now implemented in the FDA final rule

on CGMPs. Of course, NPA was quick to offer expensive training to its members

to indoctrinate them into how to comply with the rules that NPA, working on

behalf of the FDA, just forced on its own members. Are their member companies

really this stupid? Or are they all working together? I would recommend that any

NPA member that believes itself to be a true American company that values our

constitution immediately withdraw from NPA membership – consumers will be

looking to see who you are.


The picture is now crystal clear for any person who cares to look. Numerous

dietary supplement companies are anti-American and actively selling out our

country and our constitution, working hand-in-glove with the FDA and Big Pharma.

The majority of such companies can be found as members of CRN and NPA. It will

be up to the American consumer to save the dietary industry from itself and

preserve their own access to safe and effective natural health remedies. This

is a relatively simple task. Quit buying products from or quit being a

distributor in these fascist organizations. Support the small companies that are


backbone of America, otherwise they will soon be extinct.


Update on S.1082 Threat to Dietary Supplements


Many of you have been following the extreme threat to dietary supplements

posed by S.1082. Similar legislation has now cleared the House Energy and

Commerce Committee and is headed for the floor of the House in the next week or


The House version of this bill now contains the “food and food ingredientsâ€

language that the FDA can use to apply drug-related risk/benefit analysis to

dietary supplements and have them removed from the market at their whim.


It is noteworthy that both CRN and NPA have posted on their websites

information stating that S.1082 is not a threat to dietary supplements. Both

organizations are flat out wrong. They cite a colloquy by Hatch, Harkin,

Kennedy, and

Enzi as their evidence. This colloquy was a direct result of our grassroots

campaign to alert the American consumer to this major threat. In no way does


colloquy protect dietary supplements. UNTIL THE LANGUAGE IN THE BILL IS



CRN and NPA also tell their members that the Codex initiative to scare

consumers into thinking that dietary supplements are unsafe above miniscule


and need to be regulated by international laws is also no big deal. It is

clear that CRN and NPA, again working hand-in-glove with the FDA, are a major


of the problem and are actively engaged in forwarding the globalist agenda of

the New World Order. While pretending to represent the dietary supplement

industry these organizations are in fact shooting the industry in the back and

undermining health options for Americans.


The FDA is Out of Control


The FDA is a tyrannical organization that is now emboldened and completely

out of control. It is not surprising that the FDA is seeking to eliminate

competition to Big Pharma, they have been doing that for much of the past


What is surprising is that they are openly stating in their final rule a plan

that directly eliminates small businesses from existence. This fascist

organization believes itself to be above the rule of law and is actively working

against America and the rights of Americans. It must be stopped.



© 2007 Truth in Wellness, LLC -



Byron J. Richards, Founder/Director of Wellness Resources, is a

Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist and nationally-renowned health expert,


personality, and educator. He is the author of Mastering Leptin, The Leptin

Diet, and

Fight for Your Health: Exposing the FDA's Betrayal of America. Richards

encourages individuals to take charge of their health, stand up for their health

rights, and not blindly succumb to propaganda from the vested-interests who

profit from keeping Americans sick. As founder of Wellness Resources, Inc. of

Minneapolis, MN, an independently-owned fine-quality dietary supplement company

since 1985, he has personally developed 75 unique nutraceutical-grade


formulas. www.wellnessresources.com

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