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The Usefulness of Iodine

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The Usefulness of Iodine


An Excerpt from

Folk Medicine by D.C. Jarvis, MD

About Hypothyroidism http://www.jcrows.com/hypothyroidism.html


FOLK MEDICINE IN VERMONT is interested in three R's-Resistance, Repair, and

Recovery. First the individual asks himself whether his resistance to disease

is as it should be. Next, is he able to repair tissue injury due to accident

should it occur? Finally, if sickness should come, is his body able to bring

about recovery? Somehow during the passing years he has learned that iodine is

related to the ability to resist disease.


Iodine is necessary for the thyroid gland's proper performance of its work.

The human thyroid gland is located in the front of the lower part of the neck.

All the blood in the body passes through the thyroid gland every 17 minutes.

Because the cells making up this gland have an affinity for iodine, during this

17-minute passage the gland's secretion of iodine kills weak germs that may

have gained entry into the blood through an injury to the skin, the lining of

nose or throat, or through absorption of food from the digestive tract.

Strong, virulent germs are rendered weaker during their passage through the


gland. With each 17 minutes that rolls around they are made still weaker until

finally they are killed if the gland has its normal supply of iodine. If it

does not, it cannot kill harmful germs circulating in the blood as Nature

intended it should.


It is well established that the iodine content of the thyroid gland is

dependent upon the iodine available in the food and water intake of the


If the iodine intake is low the gland is deprived of an element it needs to do

its work.


We learn in Vermont folk medicine, however, that this gland performs other

functions besides killing harmful germs in the blood. The first is the

rebuilding of energy with which to do the day's work. There is a definite


be-tween the amount of energy you have and your iodine intake. The first

question in the presence of a condition of depleted energy is, Is the soil of


state in which one lives iodine-poor? Second, is the deficiency being made up

by supple-mentary means? All soils containing granite are iodine-poor and

Vermont is one of them. This fact is very important to people living in Vermont


well may be important to those living elsewhere. When energy and endurance

run low in relation to doing the day's work, then the taking of iodine needs to

be considered.


A second function of iodine is to calm the body and relieve nervous tension.

When nervous tension runs high there is irritability and difficulty in

sleeping well at night, and the body is continually on a combat basis, organized


fight and flight. All these points stress a body's need for iodine to lessen

nervous tension, relax the body and enable it to or-ganize for peace and quiet,

by the building and storing of body reserves against time of need. I have

learned through Vermont folk medicine that it is possible to repeatedly change


irritable, impatient, and restless child under ten years of age into a calm,

patient individual within two hours' time by giving one drop of Lugol's

solution of iodine by mouth in a vegetable or fruit juice or in a glass of water

made acid in reaction by adding a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar. I have

repeatedly prescribed this in order to make it possible for a mother of a

racehorse-type little boy or girl to be able to live comfortably with the child.


have never seen it fail to calm down a nervous child.


A third function of iodine in the human body relates to clear thinking. The

mind simply works better when the body is supplied the iodine it needs.


Then there is the matter of the storing of unwanted fat. Iodine is one of the

best oxidizing catalysts we have. A catalyst is the match which touches off

in the body the fire that burns up the food we take in each day. If this food

is not properly burned off, it may be stored as unwanted fat.


Now while the thyroid gland helpfully stores iodine from the blood passing

through it every 17 minutes, the gland may also be made to lose that stored

iodine if, for example, we take in drinking water to which chlorine is added, or

use too much sodium chloride, whose common name is table salt. There is a

well-known law of halogen displacement.


The halogen group is made up as follows:



Halogen Atomic Weight

Fluorine 19.

Chlorine 35.5

Bromine 80.

Iodine 127.


The critical activity of any one of these four halogens is in inverse

proportion to its atomic weight. This means that any one of the four can

displace the

element with a higher atomic weight, but cannot displace an element with a

lower atomic weight. For example, fluorine can displace chlorine, bromine and

iodine because fluorine has a lower atomic weight than the other three.

Similarly, chlorine can displace bromine and iodine because they both have a


atomic weight. Likewise, bromine can displace iodine from the body because

iodine has a higher atomic weight. But a reverse order is not possible. A


of this well-known chemical law brings us to a consideration of the addition

of chlorine to our drinking water as a purifying agent. We secure a drinking

water that is harmful to the body not because of its harmful germ content but

because the chlorine content now causes the body to lose the much-needed



Because we may live in an iodine-poor area; because drinking water may be

treated with chlorine; because we may be sick too often, lack energy and

endurance, develop nervous tension, lack the ability of clear thinking, and


unwanted fat, how shall we go about bringing up the iodine content of the

body to the point needed?


There are three ways:

1. Eating foods which analysis has shown are particularly rich in iodine.

Among these are: all food out of the ocean, radishes, asparagus, carrots,

tomatoes, spinach, rhubarb, potatoes, peas, strawberries, mushrooms, lettuce,

bananas, cabbage, egg yolk, and onions.


2. Painting a small area of the body with tincture of iodine.


3. Taking preparations known to be rich in iodine. One of these is cod-liver

oil. Another is Lugol's solution of iodine. Still another is kelp.


In 1880 a French physician named Lugol originated a solution which contains

iodine in a solution of potassium iodide. It has been used steadily ever since

it was originated.


When used to maintain the iodine content of the body the dose is small and is

taken only on certain days of the week. When the mineral content of the body

is analyzed, only a trace of iodine is found. Ten drops of iodine represent

more iodine than is found in the entire body. For this reason, the dose of

Lugol's solution of iodine is one or two drops, depending on your body weight.


you weigh 150 pounds or less, for example, your dose to maintain the normal

iodine content of the body is one drop, taken at one meal on Tuesday and Friday

of each week. If you weigh more than 150 pounds, the dose should be two drops

instead of one. It is useful to remember that the human body works on the

minimum of anything it needs. If there should be a rise in sickness in the area

where you live, it would be well to take the Lugol's solution three times a week

instead of two, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for the purpose of storing

up reserve.


How is the drop of the solution to be taken, on the directed days? In

general, medical men prescribe iodine to be taken on an empty stomach,

preferably 20

minutes before food is taken. During the passing years Vermont folk medicine

has worked out a different plan and it is one I like to follow. It has been

referred to in another connection elsewhere in this book. To repeat, adding one

teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water to make the water acid

in reaction, holding the medicine dropper horizontal in order to get a maximum

drop, one drop of the Lugol's solution is added to the mixture. The contents

are stirred with a spoon and sipped through the course of the meal, as one

would drink a cup of coffee or tea.


In relation to supplemental use of iodine, my studies of certain dairy herds

has revealed interesting evidences of the relationship between host and

microorganisms, viruses, insects, and other parasites .With one herd the


bill had generally run $150.00 and sometimes more a year. At my suggestion,

three drops of Lugol's solution of iodine was added to the daily four ounces of

apple cider vinegar. Thereafter it was only neccessary to call the veterinary

once in a period of eight months, to see a sick cow. In contrast to this,

another herd, to which Lugol's solution was not given, had plenty of sick-ness.


an 8-month period it was necessary to spend $50.00 for penicillin in order to

save seriously sick cows.


I have observed that lice will leave the hide of a cow that receives apple

cider vinegar and iodine; also that flies will not bite the cows when they are

on pasture, though flies will and do bite young cattle not receiving the apple

cider vinegar and iodine.

In a herd troubled with abortions-evidence of the work of the Bru celia

abortus microorganism which grows on an alkaline medium and causes contagious

abortion in cattle called Bang's disease, or brucellosis-abortions promptly


when each feeding ration received a supplemental three drops of Lugol's

solution of iodine to each two ounces of the apple cider vinegar.


While studying selected herds, I became interested in the problem of cattle

grubs. These are the larvae, or maggots, of the heel fly. The adult fly does

not bite or sting, but it produces great fear and is a serious annoyance to the

cattle. Eggs are deposited in a row attached to a single hair of a cow's heel

during the first sunny days of spring. The eggs incubate and hatch in three

or four days and the newly hatched maggots penetrate the hide of the cow,

causing itching and a flow of serum that mats the hair. The young grubs then


their way upward between the muscles and may be found in a few months in the

body cavities. They continue to burrow along the surface of the paunch,

intestines, and other internal organs. At certain times many of them are found

in the

wall of the esophagus, leading from the mouth to the stomach. During the fall

and winter the grubs will finally come to the top of the back and lie just

under the hide. Each grub cuts a hole through the hide to the surface to get the

air which it now needs, and to permit it to escape when ripe. The period spent

beneath the hide usually runs from 30 to 90 days. These grubs emerge from the

hide dur-ing February and March, dropping to the ground to hatch into heel

flies. In 18 to 80 days after escaping from the back of the cow, the adult fly

hatches and is ready to mate within a half hour.


My object was to rout these cattle grubs by means of the apple cider vinegar

and iodine combination; this would demonstrate, to me at least, what the

combination would do in the way of making the body as a host unsuitable soil for

the development and continuing existence of microorgan isms, viruses, insects,

and other parasites.


During one year's time only ten grubs were discovered on the backs of a herd

of 45 registered Jersey cows. Usually these grubs are a little larger round

than a pencil, but these ten grubs had such hard going in the cows' bodies

against the vinegar and iodine that they were no larger around than toothpicks.


observed further with reference to a ration supplement high in iodine value

that when it was used, the bacterial count of the milk went down; when iodine


discontinued, the count went up but could be driven down again immediately

with resumption of the iodine.


From Dr. William Weston of South Carolina and his experience with race horses

wintered there, I gained interesting and valuable insight into the value of

iodine in the body, and its relation to endurance.About 100 race horses are

wintered where he lives. Two years previous to a visit I paid him, the man in

charge of the horses came to him saying that a horse was under his care which

had everything it takes to win the Kentucky Derby. If they could just learn

precisely how to feed this horse to maintain its speed capability, he believed


horse would have an outstanding racing season. Would Dr. Weston help him by

planning the feeding of the horse?


Dr. Weston was greatly interested and consented to do so As a first step he

asked for samples of any and all foods given the horse. The samples were

analyzed at the South Carolina Food Research Laboratory. As a result of the

analysis, Dr. Weston advised increasing the iodine content of the ration by

incorporating into it foods specifically rich in iodine. This was done. In the


season the horse won every race in which it was entered.


As a result of the experience, two wealthy race-horse owners invited Dr.

Weston to come to their horse farms to discuss the feeding of their stock. Again

iodine-rich foods were added to the usual rations, with the same result; every

horse fed on iodine-rich diet won every race in which it was entered. This

seems to be a complete demonstration of the relation of iodine to energy and

endurance. Subsequently, Dr. Weston sent me a copy of a letter addressed to him


chairman of the South Carolina Food Research Commission. It well illustrates

the need of observing the obligation to Nature which must be observed by a

daily intake of iodine. The letter ran as follows:


Dear Dr. Weston:

Now that we have reached the halfway mark of this racing season, I should

like to tell you some of our observations of the results of wintering our horses

in South Carolina, and feeding them your home grown feeds.


After six years of experiment with several hundred horses, we are more

convinced than ever that your foods, abundant in iodine and balanced in mineral

content, are the saving factor in many of our horses. Allow me to give you an

example. This summer an epidemic of influenza and coughing broke out among two

year olds at the New York tracks. It spread like wildfire through the stables,

and all the old cures and preventives were useless against it. We have checked

carefully and find that none of the horses that were wintered in South

Carolina, were affected. Naturally we spoke of this often, and by so doing


the attention of many people to South Carolina, and the merits of your theories

and findings.


We have found that our horses are almost immune to skin diseases, distemper,

and other contagious diseases after they have been wintered in South Carolina

and brought to the tracks where these ailments are taking their toll. You have

observed how quickly we can cure these various ailments in young horses. We

believe that the blood is so cleansed by the action of iodine from your feeds

and water, that all common infections are removed, and the system so toned up

that it is in shape to fight and ward off anything except direct infection

through an open wound. A few years ago a good trainer was one who could bring


horses to the races well fed and bulging with muscle. But the make-up of these

muscles, and the contents of the bloodstream feeding them, is the determining

factor in having a really fit and ready horse. In appreciation of the good

you have done our horses, and the things we have learned from your efforts, we

trust that you will find time this coming season to again spend considerable

time at the fair grounds, and conduct further experiments on our stock.


In order to learn whether instinct played a part in leading dairy cows to

food rich in iodine, the owner of a mixed herd of 54 cows which I had previously

studied built a special feeding station for me at the end of the lane leading

from the barnyard. The station was divided into four compartments, roofed over

to protect them from rain. In one compartment was placed a feeding

supplement,nationally advertised, which contained iodine and other minerals in


form. The second compartment was supplied with bone meal, the third

compartment with a feeding supplement made of ocean kelp, in which all the

minerals are

in organic form. The fourth compartment contained salt. We stood nearby to

observe what happened when the cows passed this feeding station for the first



Each cow sniffed at each compartment. They passed by without touching the

feeding supplement made of inorganic minerals. A few took some of the bone meal,

and a few some of the salt. But what they really converged on was the kelp,

which as has been said contains more iodine than anything else that grows. As

fast as we could fill up the compartment they would clean it out. This settled

the point for us: COWS like iodine and in organic, which is to say natural,

form. Subsequently I offered kelp to two registered Jersey bulls in the barn.

They took it quickly and teased for more.


One of my friends raises hunting dogs as a hobby. The dogs are Brittany

spaniels. When they have been trained to hunt, he sells them.


Being impressed by the favorable effects of apple cider vinegar on his own

health and body endurance, he asked me if it would be all right to try giving

the vinegar to his dogs. He thought they tired too easily when hunting. We

decided on the following method. When the dogs were not hunting, one


of apple cider vinegar would be added to the ration of each dog once a day.

When they were hunting, there would be a tablespoonful added twice a day. After

following this method for three years at these kennels, the following

conclusions were reached:

If a hunting dog has (1) one tablespoonful of apple cider vinegar added to

his ration once a day during the off-hunting season; (2), one tablespoonful

added to his ration twice a day when used for hunting; (3) one tablespoonful


to his drinking water while hunting, whenever he is given a drink; (4) one

tablespoonful of undiluted vinegar when the dog is thirsty and no drinking water

is available, the following results were noted:


1. A dog receiving the apple cider vinegar will not tire easily. The average

dog that has not received it is good for three to four hours of hunting a day.

A dog receiving it will hunt eight to ten hours steady during the day. Apple

cider vinegar clearly increases the hunting dog's endurance.

2. A dog receiving the apple cider vinegar will be able to point and retrieve

every bird for as many as four hunters hunting at the same time.

3. A dog receiving the vinegar will not show shortness of breath at any time

while hunting.

4. A dog receiving the vinegar will maintain a good appetite and eat every

meal while being used for hunting.

5. A dog receiving the vinegar will not lose weight while hunting.


Having now traced the use of iodine to increase the speed and endurance of

race horses and the endurance of hunting dogs, let us adapt what we have learned

to the health side of the daily life of a business executive. On rising in

the morning he will drink a glass of water while dressing into which one or two

teaspoonfuls of apple cider vinegar has been mixed. What may he expect to

accomplish by doing this?


The knowledge that acids thin body fluids has been brought over from the days

when blood-letting was a common form of treatment. We have found in the barn

that the milk of a normal cow is weakly acid. When the reaction of the milk

changes to alkaline, the milk becomes soup-thick. This thickness will disappear

and the milk will return to its normal watery character, however, if and when

the cow is given four ounces of apple cider vinegar and four ounces of water

by mouth from a bottle, night and morning.


There are other ways of observing this principle in action but this is

sufficient here. The point is, no busy executive wants his blood to be on the


side, like soup; he under-stands that it should be thin, in order to circulate

easily throughout the body, making easy work for his heart as it pumps blood

with each beat.


At breakfast this man omits wheat foods, wheat cereals, white sugar, and

citrus fruits and fruit juices because in the majority of people these foods

change the normal acid reaction of the urine to alkaline. The alkalinity is a

signal that the blood is thicker than it should be, that it is not easily

circulated and requires more heart effort to pump it. There-fore this man


these unwise foods with rye and corn foods and cereals. Instead of white sugar


uses honey. In place of citrus foods and citrus juices he takes the contents

of a bottle of fruit sold at the grocery store under the name Junior Foods. Or,

if he chooses, he may take apple, grape, or cranberry juice.


At lunchtime he takes two teaspoonfuls of apple cider vinegar and two

teaspoonfuls of honey in a glass of water. In this way he obtains acid taken up


the soil by fruit, berries, edible leaves, and roots, and the energy from the

sun which exists in honey. This is a prime pick-up drink. He may take it

before, during, or after lunch. A vinegar made from the whole crushed apple is


for the purpose.


When a person is organizing his body for a day of dynamic action, the

organization shifts the urine reaction from the normal, or acid, to the

alkaline. It

is not advisable, therefore, to eat foods at the morning meal which will, so

to speak, duplicate the shift. For this reason the wheat foods, white sugar,

and citrus fruits and their juices are omitted, so that at the end of the day he

will return home with less mental and physical fatigue.


At the evening meal he will also take the two teaspoonfuls of honey and two

teaspoonfuls of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. He may like to take it

before the meal, as a cocktail, or during the meal.


It is beneficial also to start the meal with a leafy green salad, to get the

benefit of the acid from the soil and the energy from the sun stored up in the

leaves. If the day has been one of overwork and anxiety, turn to fish or

other seafood, for that will supply the iodine and potassium that will calm down

the nervous system. Try to have such muscle meats as beef, lamb, or pork only

twice a week, and then on days when you have a light schedule, because muscle

meat organizes your body on a combat basis, which you do not want from food.

Try to bear in mind that the internal organs of an animal, such as the liver,

represent the animal storehouse against the time of need. It will be well for

you to have liver or liverwurst once a week. Gradually, by following the

foregoing plan, you can make changes in your daily food selection so that the


will counterbalance your heavy expenditure of strength and energy.


Supposing you do follow the suggestions outlined above and yet find that some

weeks the pressures of your private and your business life are causing you to

lose the ability to bounce back. Then you should add a drop of Lugol's

solution of iodine to your glass of apple or grape juice at breakfast, or you


take it in the mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. The point is that the

potassium in the solution blocks off the body mechanism that organizes for

aggressive action, releasing its hold on the body when opportunity for rest and

relaxation arises. The iodine swings into action the body mechanism which

organizes the body for peace and quiet and the building up and storing of body

reserves. When working under pressure, include the Lugol's solution dose each


until the period of pressure passes. If it should happen that your body becomes

saturated with iodine, you will find that there is an increase of moisture in

the nose. If this occurs, omit the iodine until the nose is normal.


As you study yourself you will soon learn to tell when you need iodine. When

a night's sleep does not bring you to the beginning of the new day with the

energy you are accustomed to have, you will begin to think of iodine. If you

learn how to use it, it will restore the capacity to bounce back and sustain







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