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Canada's politicians showing sings of advanced mind control on pursuing SPP agen

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Tuesday 2. Oct 2007

Canada's politicians showing sings of advanced mind control on pursuing

Security and Prosperity Partnership agenda                             


-by Robert Lavinge



Canadian politicians have been acting a little odd lately. You might ask what

do I mean by that? A great many Canadian politicians specifically on matters

regarding the so-called " Security and Prosperity Partnership " (SPP) have not

been acting the way one would logically expect them to act. As a matter of

fact, the behaviour of great many politicians in Canada, on matters concerning


SPP can only be rationally explained by appreciating documented " mind

control " technology.


Mind control can be conceived of in a relatively informal context of

manipulating people through TV commercials into buying a product, or in a more

organized context, controlling people though dogma and rituals in organized


However, investigative journalists have reported the use of sophisticated

mind control experiments and ensuing techniques for use in military security

related applications. Yeah, that's right, the SPP is the very kind of context


" mind control " techniques have been developed to support -- the creation of

an Orwellian totalitarian society that is brought about without people even

knowing what is happening, so that they will not try to resist it.


Sounds kinda far-fetched you might think. I would like to also think so,

because the prospects of such " mind control " suggest an agenda to enslave

humankind. However, try explaining the following.


A great many Canadians passionately led by the leaders of the Liberal and NDP

political parties leading up to the 1988, were absolutely livid, and outraged

about the Free Trade Agreement that then Prime Minister Brian Mulroney

championed. Political leadership led by the Liberal and NDP political parties


that " free trade " as such had already pretty much already been obtained with

the U.S. at that time, and that the Agreement was really the " Sale of Canada

Act " , and other such descriptions. These leaders warned in 1988 that Brian's

Mulroney Agreement would lead to the destruction of our national social fabric;

the U.S. corporate economic take-over of Canada; and the political assimilation

of Canada into the United States.


The North American Union (NAU) SPP agenda that is being pursued by Canada's

Prime Minister Stephen Harper who leads a Conservative minority government,

with U.S. President George W. Bush, and the President of Mexico proves that the

anti-Free Trade champions were right. But check this out. The same people who

were passionate anti-Free Trade champions in 1988, rather than now saying " I

told you so " , crisscrossing the country with news conferences about the

prospective imminent sell out of Canada, and then easily reducing the


Party to perhaps a handful of parliamentary seats in Alberta, have now got

absolutely NOTHING to say.


Why aren't a critical mass of Liberals and NDP, including those who had been

around in 1988, NOW giving Prime Minister Harper, who leads a minority

government, such an apparently free ride, notwithstanding relatively peripheral


protests on issues? Why aren't Liberals and NDPers presenting the Common

Front that they sought in 1988, toward a no-confidence motion on the NAU SPP

agenda? Why has the NDP, ignored the opportunity to lobby the Canadian public


the toppling for Conservative minority government, in a manner that forgoes an

opportunity for the NDP to make a very easy substantial pick up of

parliamentary seats in the next federal election. Indeed, Canada's politicians

on the

SPP, appear to be transformed into some kind of political zombies that are being

remotely controlled.


That's why many Canadians cannot even believe the reports of intrigue in

which the Harper government has been reported be engaged, in relation to the


Canadians appear to think that the opposition political parties are keeping

Mr. Harper " honest " . However, such an assumption is inconsistent with the

evidence. Opposition outcries against the Harper government are relatively


while Canada's politicians are being assimilated into some kind of political

control by a oppressive consciousness that is assimilating Canada.


The desire for fascistic interests to develop technologies of mind control on

behalf of the creation of an Orwellian political-military-industrial complex

has been well documented. This includes the transmission of specific commands

into the subconscious. In Defense News, " U.S. Explores Russian Mind Control

Technology " , January, 11-17-1993, p. 4., Barbara Opall documents that " Pioneered

by the government-funded Department of Psycho-Correction at the Moscow

Medical Academy, acoustic psycho-correction involves the transmission of


commands via static or whitenoise bands into the human subconscious without

upsetting other intellectual functions. Experts said laboratory demonstrations

have shown encouraging results after exposure of less than one minute.


In U.S. News, 1-3-2000, in " Reading and changing your mind " , John Norseen

[Lockheed Martin neuroengineer in Intelligent Systems Division] documented

interest in the brain stems from a Soviet book he read in the mid-1980s,


that research on the mind would revolutionize the military and society at large.

[He] coined the term " Biofusion " to cover his plans to map and manipulate

[the brain] leading to advances in... national security... and... would be able

to convert thoughts into computer commands by deciphering the brain's

electrical activity. BioFusion would reveal the fingerprints of the brain by


mathematical models, [smirnov's computer program uses mathematical models also].

Various U.S. aeronautics, defence, and intelligence interests have apparently

all awarded research contracts to Mr. Norseen.


Mr. Norseen was documented by Cheryl Welsh in her list of " Mind Control

Symptoms " in 2003, to be " waiting to hear if the second stage of these contracts


portions of them classified -- comes through. Mr. Norseen's theories are

grounded in current science. By MRI, scientists can tell what the person was


at the time of the recording. Emotions from love to hate can be recognized

from the brain's electrical activity. Cheryl Welsh documented that Mr Norseen

predicted profiling by brain print will be in place by 2005. Somewhat

coincidently, the SPP was singed in Waco, Texas, also in 2005. Since around

2005, a

pattern of bizarre zombie-like support for the NAU SPP agenda, appears to have

taken further hold against Canada's political independence, in sharp contrast

with the late 1980's.


Mr. Norseen indicated that he " would like to draw upon Russian

brain-mimicking software and American brain-mapping breakthroughs to allow that

communication to take place in a less invasive way.


Apparently there has also been a desire by a political-military-industrial

complex to develop " mind control " to manipulate emotions, and other related

" biofusion " manipulation. In Ultrascience, " Weapons of War " , Learning Channel,

1997, featured Dr. Michael Persinger, Laurentian University, Canada, Dr.

Persinger described weapons using " psycho or influence technology " and


radiation frequencies to control what people think, for psychological warfare

purposes. Canada's political leaders may very well be controlled through some

kind of developed mind control technology in order to ensure Canada can be

taken over for the fascist architects of the SPP NAU New World Order agenda.
































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