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Articles on detoxing body from depleted uranium

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I have no way of verifying the accuracy these articles, or if radiation

detoxification is possible, but I am including all that I have found about

radiation detoxification, in the hopes that it may be helpful to someone that


been exposed to it. Please send me additional information that you may have,

or results of using these methods, so that I can share it with others.





Most important points on radiation detoxification:


strict diet of brown rice, miso and tamari soy soup, wakame, kombu and

other seaweed, Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt. He also prohibited the


of sugar and sweets since they suppress the immune system.


sea vegetables contain substances that bind radioactive particles and escort

them out of the body


In Chernobyl, for instance, spirulina was used to help save many children

from radiation poisoning. By taking 5 grams of spirulina a day for 45 days, the

Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk even proved that children on this

protocol experienced enhanced immune systems, T-cell counts and reduced




Chlorella algae, a known immune system builder and heavy metal detoxifier,

has also shown radioprotective effects.



Basically, an anti-radiation diet should focus on the following foods:


1. Miso soup

2. Spirulina, chlorella and the algaes

3. Brassica vegetables and high beta carotene vegetables

4. Beans and lentils

5. Potassium, calcium and mineral rich foods

6. High nucleotide content foods to assist cellular repair including _

spirulina, chlorella, algae, yeast, sardines,liver, anchovies and mackerel

7. Cod liver oil and olive oil

8. Avoid sugars and sweets and wheat

9. A good multivitamin/multimineral supplement


In short, yeasts, beta glucans, bee pollen and various forms of ginseng

have all been shown to bolster the immune system after radiation incidents.


Those particular foods include beet juice, liver extract, spleen extract,

and shark alkyglycerols. Most oncologists don't know that shark liver oil, with

alkyglycerols, can help platelet counts rebound in days.


In areas contaminated by depleted uranium dusts, it therefore makes sense to

switch to drinking slightly alkaline water and to favor a non-acidic diet to

assist in this detoxification. Any of the heavy metal detoxifiers, such as

miso soup, chlorella, spirulina and seaweeds, are also commonsense warranted.




One homeopathic, in particular, is URANIUM NITRICUM (nitrate of uranium)

which homeopaths suggest should be used in cases of depleted uranium exposure or

uranium poisoning.













How to Detox Your Body of Depleted Uranium Residues, the Effects of

Radiation, and Radioactive Contamination


It's sad but true that there are thousands of scientific references and

medical studies out there on the fact that radiation and radioactivity can harm

you, yet despite millions of dollars spent by the government to study

radiation, virtually nothing is available about a detoxification diet or


supplements you might use if you are exposed to radioactive contamination.

Here's some of the information we do know from the only book in the world on the

topic. Keep this information in the back of your mind as it may one day help

save you or someone you know.


Most people are aware taking potassium iodide (KI) or potassium iodate

(KIO3) tablets will help block your thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive


should there ever be a dirty bomb explosion or nuclear power plant mishap

such as the Three Mile Island incident. In 1999, another such accident happened

in Tokaimura, Japan where several individuals died from radiation exposure

in a fuel processing facility.


What people don't recognize is that potassium iodide or iodate tablets only

protect the thyroid gland and do not provide protection from any other

radiation exposure, so taking them should not give you a false sense of


It's important to detox your body after radioactive exposure!


One question is, what do you do if KI or KIO3 tablets aren't available

during an emergency? Interestingly enough, according to research by Ken Miller,

health physicist at the Hershey Medical Center, he found that an adult could get

a blocking dose of stable iodine by painting 8 ml of a 2 percent tincture of

Iodine on the abdomen or forearm approximately 2 hours prior to I-131

contamination. Potassium iodine tablets are best, but if they're not available

this is the next best thing.


An entirely different problem arises after you've been exposed to

radioactive contamination because now you have to get rid of any radioactive


you may have ingested through the air you breathed, water you drank, or food

you ate. Some people suggest Epson salt, Clorox or clay baths to remove any

residues on your skin and to leach out any heavy metals you may have absorbed,

but the big worry is internal contamination. To gain some insights into what

to do, we have to turn to the story of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki.



At the time of the atomic bombing, Tatsuichiro Akizuki, M.D. was Director of

the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis's Hospital in Nagasaki and

he fed his staff and patients a strict diet of brown rice, miso and tamari

soy soup, wakame, kombu and other seaweed, Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt. He

also prohibited the consumption of sugar and sweets since they suppress the

immune system. By imposing this diet on his staff and patients, no one

succumbed to radiation poisoning whereas the occupants of hospitals located


further away from the blast incident suffered severe radiation fatalities.



Much of this positive result has to do with the fact that the sea vegetables

contain substances that bind radioactive particles and escort them out of

the body. This is why seaweed sales usually skyrocket after radiation

disasters, and why various seaweeds and algae are typically used to treat




In Chernobyl, for instance, spirulina was used to help save many children

from radiation poisoning. By taking 5 grams of spirulina a day for 45 days, the

Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk even proved that children on this

protocol experienced enhanced immune systems, T-cell counts and reduced

radioactivity. Israeli scientists have since treated Chernobyl children with


of natural beta carotene from Dunaliella algae and proved that it helped

normalize their blood chemistry. Chlorella algae, a known immune system builder

and heavy metal detoxifier, has also shown radioprotective effects. Because

they bind heavy metals, algae should therefore be consumed after exposure to

any type of radioactive contamination.


In 1968 a group of Canadian researchers at McGill University of Montreal,

headed by Dr. Stanley Skoryna, actually set out to devise a method to counteract

the effects of nuclear fallout. The key finding from their studies was that

sea vegetables contained a polysaccharide substance, called sodium alginate,

which selectively bound radioactive strontium and eliminated it from the



Sodium alginate is found in many seaweeds, especially kelp, and since that

time the Russians have been seriously researching the use of their own kelps

from Vladivlostok, from which they have isolated the polysaccharide

U-Fucoidan, which is another radioactive detoxifier. Because miso soup was so


in helping prevent radiation sickness, the Japanese have also done research

identifying the presence of an active ingredient called zybicolin, discovered

in 1972, which acts as a binding agent to also detoxify and eliminate

radioactive elements (such as strontium) and other pollutants from the body


The kelps and algaes aren't the only natural foods with radio-detoxifying

effects. In terms of fluids to drink, black and green tea have shown

radioprotective effects whether consumed either before or after exposure to


This anti-radiation effect was observed in several Japanese studies, and

studies from China also suggest that the ingredients in tea are radioactive



In short, after any sort of radioactive exposure you want to be eating

seaweeds and algaes along with almost any type of commercial heavy metal


formula to bind radioactive particles and help escort them out of the body.

Whether you're worried about depleted uranium, plutonium or other isotopes,

this is the wise thing to do which can possibly help, and certainly won't

hurt. Many nutritional supplements have been developed for the purpose of

detoxifying heavy metals, most of which contain the algaes and plant fibers and

other binding substances.


Basically, an anti-radiation diet should focus on the following foods:


1. Miso soup

2. Spirulina, chlorella and the algaes

3. Brassica vegetables and high beta carotene vegetables

4. Beans and lentils

5. Potassium, calcium and mineral rich foods

6. High nucleotide content foods to assist cellular repair including _

spirulina, chlorella, algae, yeast, sardines,liver, anchovies and mackerel

7. Cod liver oil and olive oil

8. Avoid sugars and sweets and wheat

9. A good multivitamin/multimineral supplement


Yet another benefit of the sea vegetables rarely discussed is their high

mineral content, which is a bonus in the case of radioactive exposure. Consuming

natural iodine, such as in the seaweeds, helps prevent the uptake of

iodine-131 while iron inhibits the absorption of plutonium-238 and


Vitamin B-12 inhibits cobalt-60 uptake (used in nuclear medicine), zinc


zinc-65 uptake and sulfur is preventative for sulfur-35 (a product of

nuclear reactors) incorporation by the body.


Since nuclear workers are potentially exposed to radioactive sulfur, this

means that workers in the atomic power industry need a higher content of sulfur

in their diet. MSM supplements provide a source of dietary sulfur, but thiol

supplements such as cysteine, lipoic acid and glutathione serve double-duty

in this area because they help detoxify the body and attack all sorts of other

health problems as well.


The immune system is usually hit hard after radiation exposure, and a number

of steps can be taken to help prevent opportunistic infections after a

radioactive incident. Though the full dimensions of the protective mechanism is

still unknown, Siberian ginseng is one form of ginseng that exerts a definite

radioprotective effect and has been demonstrated to lessen the side effects of

radiation. It was widely distributed by the Soviet Union to those exposed

Chernobyl radiation and is commonly used to help cancer patients undergoing

radiation therapy.


Consuming Reishi mushrooms is another proven way to bolster your immune

system after radiation exposure and helps reduce the damage from radiation. It's

been used to decrease radiation sickness in animals and help them recover

faster after potentially deadly exposure.


Panax ginseng has prevented hemorrhaging after radiation exposure, prevents

bone marrow death and stimulates blood cell formation, so it's another

supplement to add to one's protocol. In short, yeasts, beta glucans, bee pollen


various forms of ginseng have all been shown to bolster the immune system

after radiation incidents. In terms of radiation burns, aloe vera has a proven

ability to treat serious radiation burns and offers other radioprotective

effects, and can easily be grown in your house.



The amino acid L-Glutamine can be used to help repair the intestine in case

of the gastrointestinal syndrome usually suffered due to radiation exposure,

and a variety of substances can help rebuild blood cells to prevent

hematopoietic syndrome. Those particular foods include beet juice, liver


spleen extract, and shark alkyglycerols. Most oncologists don't know that shark

liver oil, with alkyglycerols, can help platelet counts rebound in days.


Depleted uranium is currently in the journalistic spotlight because US

weapons are made from this material, and after being fired leave a legacy of

depleted uranium dust in the environment, which anyone can absorb. Because the

kidneys are usually the first organs to show chemical damage upon uranium

exposure, military manuals suggest doses or infusions of sodium bicarbonate to


alkalinize the urine if this happens. This makes the uranyl ion less

kidney-toxic and promotes excretion of the nontoxic uranium carbonate complex.


In areas contaminated by depleted uranium dusts, it therefore makes sense to

switch to drinking slightly alkaline water and to favor a non-acidic diet to

assist in this detoxification. Any of the heavy metal detoxifiers, such as

miso soup, chlorella, spirulina and seaweeds, are also commonsense warranted.



Another thing you can do is use homeopathics for radiation exposure. People

commonly argue over whether homeopathics work or not, but if you assume the

position that they produce no results whatsoever then you must also assume

that they certainly won't hurt you, which means the only loss from using them is

a few dollars. Frankly, there are countless cases and double-blind studies

where homeopathic tinctures do provoke physical healing effects in the body.

Therefore they are a viable adjunct treatment option. One homeopathic, in

particular, is URANIUM NITRICUM (nitrate of uranium) which homeopaths suggest

should be used in cases of depleted uranium exposure or uranium poisoning. Not

just soldiers or civilians exposed to battlefield dusts, but uranium miners

and radiation workers may find it quite useful.



While we've discussed just a few of the many supplements and protocols you

can use to help detox the body of the lingering results of radioactive

contamination, including the residues of depleted uranium, the last thing that


be of interest is that there is a plant that is a natural geiger counter.

The spiderwort plant is so sensitive to changes in radiation levels (its petals

change color upon exposure) that it's often used as a natural radiation

detector (dosimeter), just as they use canaries in mines as detectors of

poisonous gas. Some people like knowing that they have an ongoing monitoring


for radiation in the environment, and this is just another tip available in

" How to Neutralize the Harmful Effects of Radiation or Radioactive Exposure. "


Source: _http://www.radiationdetox.com/depleted-uranium.htm_








Chelated Chromium is often given by IV to help rid the body of heavy



Kelp with iodine has long been used for thyroid health...iodine is given to

those exposed to radiation in the military...


Zinc naturally binds such contaminents so that they can pass through the

body without being absorbed readily...


Burdock root has been studied recently for the claims about helping with

circulation health...and those claims have been confirmed in those studies...


Milk Thistle is a natural agent to keep heavy metals from damaging the liver

and kidneys...


Many folks who have had problems with such contaminents find themselves also

dealing with diabetes...nopales...prickley pear cactus has been used to

regulate blood sugar and has proven to even reduce the need for any medicines as

the body chemistry regains balance...






I had leukemia related to a very high exposure to radiation on a

submarine...and I am but one of thousands of folks who have used the


with medical approval or suggestion...


Chelated Chromium is often given by IV to help rid the body of heavy



Kelp with iodine has long been used for thyroid health...iodine is given to

those exposed to radiation in the military...


Zinc naturally binds such contaminents so that they can pass through the

body without being absorbed readily...


Burdock root has been studied recently for the claims about helping with

circulation health...and those claims have been confirmed in those studies...


Milk Thistle is a natural agent to keep heavy metals from damaging the liver

and kidneys...


Many folks who have had problems with such contaminents find themselves also

dealing with diabetes...nopales...prickley pear cactus has been used to

regulate blood sugar and has proven to even reduce the need for any medicines


the body chemistry regains balance...


Most of today's medicines are a result of taking long time cures known to

Indigenous cultures or using healing properties of plants and then turning them

into chemical representations of those same things and filing a patent so

that huge profits can be derived from those who are ill and need those

meds...but believe me...it doesn't take away from the effectiveness of the


remedies and cures...I am on a group which has alot of info about these things

and also a link for another group with recipes for overall better

health...here is the link should you wish to join and do some research on the

group...also you can do a search at _news.google.com_ (http://news.google.com/)


recent date for the most current articles regarding studies and effectiveness of

the items I mentioned...






Mike Price

Disabled Navy Veteran

Wolf Clan Saco Tribe Abenaki Nation


Links to radiation treatments from Mike:


_http://www.ngwrc.http_ (http://www.ngwrc.org/) <_http://www.ngwrc.http_

(http://www.ngwrc.org/) >


_http://www.miltoxprhttp://_ (http://www.miltoxproj.org/)

<_http://www.miltoxprhttp://_ (http://www.miltoxproj.org/) >





(http://www.garynull.com/Documents/Gulf%20War/gulfwartherapy.htm) >


_http://www.hiddenwahttp://_ (http://www.hiddenwars.org/)

<_http://www.hiddenwahttp://_ (http://www.hiddenwars.org/) >


_http://www.theoilfahttp://ww_ (http://www.theoilfactor.com/)

<_http://www.theoilfahttp://ww_ (http://www.theoilfactor.com/) >





(http://www.skewsme.com/depleted_uranium.html) >











-veterans-affairs_1994-12-08.htm) >





(http://www.lef.org/protocols/abstracts/abstr-156.html) >



DR CLARK IS BEING SUED FOR CURING PEOPLE. I think a lot of us downwind of

the nuclear plants would live healthy if we followed her advise. The

testimonials are overwhelming and the cures are based on her observations from a





She has to be doing something right to be sued by the US FEDERAL TRADE

COMMISSION. I don't think they sue the bad guys.


_http://www.drclark.com_ (http://www.drclark.com/)









_Natural Treatments Offer Hope To People Affected By DU (or other Radiation)

(Sep. 27, 2006)_






Natural Treatments Offer Hope To People Affected By DU (or other Radiation)


By Gayle Eversole, DHom, PhD, MH, NP, ND, The Leaflady

_www.Leaflady.org_ (http://www.leaflady.org/)



September 27, 2006


Natural Treatments Offer Hope To People Affected By DU (or other Radiation)

(Sep. 27, 2006)





Folks who are in the midst of the fields of exposure may be helped by taking

kelp or iodine tablets daily in an effort to protect endocrine and immune



Kelp and Iodine are controversial, but many holistic physicians are using

this type of treatment. Some researchers, however, advise that kelp can contain

fluoride, so it may be a 'Catch 22'. The benefit may outweigh the risk is

this situation.


Water soluble iodine or natural nutritional protein bound iodine tablets are

generally more effective and safer than Potassium Iodide.


Diabetes in this case may develop from loss of function of the thyroid

gland, which in turn effects function of all other endocrine glands, including


pancreas. High quality digestive enzymes and other natural pancreatic

support may be helpful.


Dry Skin Brushing follow with a 30 minute tub of hot water with 4 to 5

pounds of pure sea salt and 1-2 cups of miso broth added. Drink 1-cup miso broth

while soaking for thirty minutes, Finish with a cool shower.


Sea salt and Baking soda baths: 50/50 mix - is helpful to re-balance the

body after exposure to radiation.


Some treatments can be adapted for use in the field.


Red Clover and Chaparral Tea helps cleanse the blood, and it seems to

benefit lymphoma type reactions.


Dandelion herb helps the liver and kidneys. It is high in minerals and

especially vitamin A. Any help to these organs of elimination is beneficial.

Dandelion root is especially helpful to keep blood sugar balanced.


Eleuthero or what is called Siberian ginseng helps support the adrenal

glands. Other help for these glands are vitamin C and bee pollen. These glands


the 'fight or flight' center of your body and are often exhausted in stress.


Alfalfa and spirulina may also be good to use for general support.


Five Flower Remedy and Yarrow Environmental Formula are flower essence

remedies that help in anxiety and panic (Five Flower) and environmental over

exposure (YES).


Thyroid testing is an important diagnostic tool. Sadly most physicians do

not order the correct set of tests to thoroughly evaluate thyroid function. This

panel should at least be - ultrasensitive TSH, Free T3 and Free T4. One

cannot accurately 'infer' the T3 level from TSH and T4 as many doctors claim.


immune dis-orders such as lupus and others are suspected then a reverse T3 is

necessary (rT3).


The current range for TSH, since 2003, is 0.3 - 3.2. The optimal rage is 1.5

to 2. If the reading is high you tend to have low thyroid, if opposite you

tend to have hyperthyroid. Home kits for thyroid evaluations are available

through my office.


Avoid any products containing aspartame, acesulfame K and sucralose.


Please know that each individual responds to this type of environmental

trauma differently. For the best results it is important to treat each person

accordingly, and in relation to their symptoms.


Please refer to these web pages for more information -


_www.leaflady.org/veterans.htm_ (http://www.leaflady.org/veterans.htm)

_www.leaflady.org/cancer.htm_ (http://www.leaflady.org/cancer.htm)










By Gayle Eversole, DHom, PhD, MH, NP, ND The Leaflady



For more information on the usefullness of Iodine, go here:







Good news!


To counteract the recent bad news I am delving into finding more choices for

exposures to depleted uranium. First of all there are already studies out

there on several different choices for fighting back against depleted uranium

exposure. So like I said before ignore the dire warnings that there is no hope

for DU exposures that came from the MD of that last report.


Some of these studies focus on chealators and I too still think PCA- RX

would affectively deal with DU. But for people who still have mercury amalgams


their mouths it could cause more harm. (as noted before it could continue to

pull mercury out of the affixed amalgam) Other chelators have their own risk

involved and must be used under the direction of a doctor highly trained to

administer them. Not to say they are not good choices. I am saying they must

be administered by someone who uses the right chelator and knows exactly what

they are doing. But that is not a good choices for everyone because it can

cost into the thousands with insurance companies rarely ever paying a dime.


That's ok, we have better choices that cost MUCH less and there is no need

for a doctor to administer them or to pay a hefty price to a supplement

provider. These are choices that everyone can afford and that is the kind of


I always seek out.


Now to the choice for dealing with DU poisoning. Ready? It's Sodium Citrate

otherwise known as citric acid. Citric acid is found in common fruits. It is

highly concentrated in lemons, limes, and grapefruits. Also found in oranges.

Squeezing a lemon or lime into your pure water can give you a good amount of

citric acid. Can you believe how simple that is? I was thrilled to find this

study and see we had a good choice affordable to all people.


What was fascinating about this connection to fruit juices and DU was the

direct link to many alternative cancer therapies that also involve drinking a

LOT of freshly prepared fruit juices to kill cancer cells. At first some of

that did not make sense to me for healing mainly due to the high natural sugar

content of some of the fruits. But the only way to get the purest forms of the

natural enzymes and all of the benefits of fruit juice is to drink it right

after it is prepared.


Few people know that once fruit juice (or any liquid like milk,etc) is

pasteurized those beneficial properties are destroyed. Some even say that if we


not drink freshly made juice within the first 30 minutes that it loses a

great deal of it's healing properties like the natural enzymes that are

extremely important for healing. So it appears as if even buying organic juices


are in cartons is really a waste of money if we are seeking all the benefits

we could have gained from fruit juices. For even organic juices that I have

seen are indeed pasteurized.


Now for other choices to address the exposures of DU. Few know that when

they tested the atomic bomb (Manhattan Project in the 1940's) they discovered

that DU will adhere to cotton clothing and it was hard to remove from it.

Laundry detergents would not remove it and this is vital for those who are


and in high risk areas. If you have family in the Middle East (in the

military or business), or in Europe like I do, this information could be vital


them too. I want to also note that people in Utah, Chicago, and New York

tested at higher DU levels then other areas.


The longer that clothes contaminated with DU remain next to the skin the

higher the concentrations of DU in their bloodstream. If the person is sweating,

and their pores are open -like we would see people doing in the hot climates

of the Middle East, the concentrations of the DU is even higher. That is why

it is vital to not wear the same clothing in contaminated areas for long term

periods and even more vital to know how to get it out before wearing the

garments again.


What do we use to get it out of our clothes? Ready for this? Cheap, and easy

to obtain, baking soda will remove DU from clothing! Isn't that great! A

choice everyone can afford and easily find. For many people like us who already

use baking soda and vinegar to enhance cleaning in our clothes we will already

be affectively dealing with that issue. About 6 ounces of baking soda in 2

gallons of water is what is suggested.


They also warn that certain oils and lotions meant to make products absorb

deeper into the skin are also dangerous when exposed to DU. That made sense to

me. We already discussed the issue of chemical filled beauty products and how

the added ingredients that pull those toxins further into our system made

them more dangerous. But I wonder about products containing citric acids in

them? Many organic products use forms of these acids as a natural preservative.

What about aloe based products? Aloe is well noted to affectively heal skin

wounds caused by radiation exposures like x-rays. If the aloe product used

citric acid as a preservative I would think it would also be a good protective

barrier. Wouldn't that affectively block it? I do not know but it's good Food

for thought.


Many people also sprinkle baking soda in their carpets instead of using

toxic chemical filled scents that only mask the odors. I wonder if doing that

could be affectively helping the vacuum filter out DU particles trapped in a



I wonder if the baking soda would help city water that has DU in it too?

Either way it wouldn't hurt to throw in some baking soda when we wash our pets

to ensure we can get DU off of them too and if we are using it in our laundry

then it would enter the city water supply. We could look at it like a gift

to our community.


When I came across this information I had to share it. We have enough to be

terrified with. The only way to combat fear of the unknown is to have choices

to combat it. If we are ever exposed ( or if we are currently being exposed)

there will be less fear if we know what we can do.


Also note that it is equally important to understand how DU most affects the

kidneys and bones at minimum exposures. I would say that it would not be a

bad idea to start a preventative program anyway. Drinking a few glasses of

fresh water with citrus fruits squeezed in every day could help to keep the

kidneys flushed and affectively deal with DU exposures at the same time. The

benefits of grapefruit cannot be underestimated either. It's natural

anti-parasitic properties alone could be thwarting many issues inside that

would never

materialize to full blown illnesses on such a regimen.


The extra bonus of the citric acid revealed in this study was that it showed

cellular regeneration and tubular regeneration in the animals of the

studies. That is true healing anyway you look at it. Not unlike the cellular


abilities of aloe this could also be quite an affective healing tool to add

to daily life.


Below you will see the source for the original study conducted on animals

that were treated with citric acid before and after exposure to lethal doses of

uranium. Has this study been conducted on humans? not that I could find.

Like I said it can't hurt to just add this to our diet. Citric acid has many

healing properties to it so this is not like added a dangerous substance to a

daily program. It IS a choice and that is what we need far more of.



Effect of sodium citrate on uranium poisoning in dogs. GE Gustafson, S

Koletsky and AH Free, , 416-423, 1944. This study showed that sodium citrate

administered either intravenously (230 mg/kg) or by oral gastric intubation


g/kg)gave dramatic protection from uranium poisoning. All 7 dogs given

sodium citrate orally and all 3 given sodium citrate intravenously survived a

lethal dose of uranyl nitrate (i.v.), whereas 5 of the 10 dogs not receiving

sodium citrate died within 10 days from uremia and the other 5 were put to


at various times between 2.5 and 7 days. for kidney histology. Renal lesions

in citrate treated animals were much less severe and recovery was rapid

compared to animals receiving uranyl nitrate only.




The stimulating influence of sodium citrate on cellular regeneration and

repair in the kidney injured by uranium nitrate. Donnelly, G.L. and Holman, R.L.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics75, 11-17, 1942. Dogs

given 5 mg uranyl nitrate alone showed acute signs of toxicity and 12 of 13

dogs died between 9 and

13 days after uranium treatment. When 230 mg sodium citrate was given

(i.v.) each day for 5 d prior and 5 d after U treatment, only 1 dog died and

survivors showed little, if any signs of intoxication from the same dose of

U. There was also significant tubular regeneration in the citrate treated





Maximum permissible amounts of natural uranium in the body, air and drinking

water based on human experimental data. Bernard, S.R. Health Physics 1,

288-305, 1958. Eight terminally ill brain tumor patients

(age 26 to 63) were injected with uranium compounds (uranyl or uranium

tetrachloride) - six were comatose prior to injection. The amount injected


ranged from 4 to 50 mg U. Uranyl was cleared rapidly in the urine (69 percent

in first day). Autopsies revealed uranyl ion migrates mainly to kidney and

bones, whereas U(IV) goes mainly to liver and bones, with similar U burdens in

kidneys and bones. This study was intended for the purpose of producing

useful data on humans with regard to maximum permissible concentrations. The

author states that the kidneys become the critical organ for toxic effects of

uranium that limits exposure, rather than the radiation damage, although it is

not clear how this conclusion was drawn. This paper was from the Oak Ridge

National Laboratory.



This is the source for all three studies above:


(http://myweb.brooklyn.liu.edu/lawrence/duproject/lit_sum.htm#10) ]





What are practical protective measures for exposed individuals? During the

Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb in the early 1940s, many

scientists investigated the toxic properties of uranium. They found that uranium

oxides stick very well to cotton cloth, but did not wash out with soap or


detergent [34]. The uranium would wash out with a 2% solution of sodium

bicarbonate (baking soda). Clothing can become contaminated with DU dust and

normal laundering will not remove it. Those at risk of DU dust exposure should

have their clothing washed with baking soda (about 6 ounces of baking soda in 2

gallons of water).


Other studies done in the 1940s found that some uranium compounds could be

absorbed through the skin (of lab animals) [34]. More recent studies done in

the late 1980s and 1990s found that even relatively insoluble uranium oxide

could damage skin cells when applied daily for a month, resulting in the skin

becoming thinner and more permeable [35]. If the uranium oxides dissolve, they

are more easily absorbed [36, 37], and certain oils and lotions may cause the

uranium to be absorbed through the skin more quickly. Some uranium oxides

can dissolve in sweat, making it easier for them to be absorbed. If clothing is

highly contaminated with DU dust, and if it remains in contact with sweaty

skin for long periods of time, there could be significant amounts dissolved

and absorbed through the skin. Therefore, it is important to get the clothing

clean and free of uranium contamination.


Source of this information: _http://www.idust.net/Docs/Lawrence002.htm_









DEPLETED URANIUM DECONTAMINATION Mainpage Uranium exposure assessment It

is known already for several years the " Gulfwar syndrome " and more recently

the " Balkan syndrome " are caused by the use of several toxic agents.


These toxic substances are mainly adminstered by medical personnel in the

form of vaccines mixed with mercury, drugs and sprays against nerve gas en

several kinds of parasites. It is doubtful these medics achieve this wide


of protection. The immune system is forced to response to too many vaccines

and drugs and ends up in a mess. Of course this is known to the medical staff

so the soldiers are used as guinea pigs in a macabre experiment.


The main toxine is adminstered by the military itself to its own personnel:

depleted uranium dust. This substance radiates the body from the inside. The

local peoples are even more the vicitims of this dust: they have to live in a

contaminated neighbourhood. Dr Len Dietz has calculated the amount of alpha

radiation from one tiny dust particle which can be inhaled easily deep in the

lung and can stay there for several years. Only that one small particle with

a diameter of 2.5 micron of this highly concentrated metal oxide generates an

alpha radiation of 1000 times the ICRP limits (170 REM/Y) locally in the

lung tissue. (ICRP = International Commission for Radiological Protection)


The measurements of the Canadian chemist dr. Hari Sharma tell us: the

half-life of DU in the human body is more than 9 years because in the urine of

British Gulfwar vets the amount of uranium is 100 times the average

concentration. This is caused by the inhaled DU particles trapped in bone-,

lung- brain-

and lymphetissue. These DU particles in the lung, lymphe nodes, bone and brain

release by ongoing corrosion smaller uranium particles which can be measured

in the urine and stool. These uranium particles are still billions of

uranium atoms tied together. These alpha radiating particles can travel through


whole body and trap in an organ or a particular tissue.


Those particles are not found in nature: they are man-made. 24 hours a day

these particles release alpha particles which damage the nucleus of the

neighbouring cells. Uranium is stored in practically every tissue or organ in


human body. After ingesting or inhaling depleted uranium people are slowly

getting sick by the radiation. The body tries to get rid of this heavy metal by

detoxifying actions of the liver, Most uranium is excreted in the gut, but is

reuptaken again. Some uranium leaves the body via the urine and can be

measured by isotopic separtation: TI - MS If you are poisoned by DU you should


decontaminatet from DU.


You should see uranium as the same as any other heavy metal like lead,

mercury, cadmium a.s.o. Only uranium is also radioactive. Uranium and other


metals are seen by the body as nutrition. Heavy metals atoms are build in

the bone and cells like calcium atoms. Uranium might end up in the bone marrow

where it radiates the stem cells, the precursors of the complete range of

blood cells: lymphocytes, monocytes, bloodplatelets, red blood cells. Therefore

it is very urgent to force the depleted uranium atoms out of the body. This

is a process which will take several years. Most likely it will never reach

zero level, but can be kept as low as reasonable achevable (ALARA) by taking

vitamins, chelating agents and minirals.


Decontamination from DU It will be translated a.s.a.p.


There are some substances which are helpful force the uranium out of the



1. Chlorophyl present in a.o. young grasses like wheat grass and algae like

spirulina. Pure chlorophyl is sold in bottles, tablets and pouwder. Chlorophyl

ties the heavy metal atom by exchange it with a magnesium atom. present in

a.o. joung grasses and algae like chlorella and spirulina

(in de handel in flessen van een halve liter (Vita producten) en in


(Spirulina, tarwegras, Green Magma etc.) elke dag een scheut of theelepel in


(bron)water). Bindt zware metalen: d.m.v. uitwisseling van het

magnesiumatoom in het chlorofyl molecuul tegen een heavy metal atoom.


2. Ginkgo Biloba en/of superoxide dismuthase (sod) Twee maal per dag 50

milligram. Werkt oxidatie tegen: sterke antioxidatieve werking.


3. Multivitamin 1 tablet per dag. Bevat volledige reeks vitaminen en

mineralen als aanvulling op het tekort dat is ontstaan door chronische heavy



(U kunt een multi-vitamine nemen van Solgar, Biotics, Orthica of ander

serieus merk)


4. Selenium, dit is een essentiëel sporen element, een van de eigenschappen

is dat het methionine en cysteine stimuleert zich te binden aan kwik als een

onoplosbare en goed uit te scheiden verbinding. Essentieel voor de heavy metal

ontgiftiging van b.v. de hersenen. Wees in het begin voorzichting met

Selenium, zie hierover de Selenium(klik hier) documentatie.


5. Acidophilus + bifidus 500 mg per dag. Zorgt voor gezonde darmflora.


6. Zink. Per dag 50 milligram. Kwik verdringt het zink uit het lichaam en

het is daarom belangrijk voor extra zinkopname te zorgen. Zink is van belang

voor enzymproduktie

(zink zit ook in de meeste multivitaminen, maar vaak in een te lage

dosering). Zeer veel belangrijke functies in het menselijk organisme zijn


van zink.


7. Magnesium. Dagelijks 500 tot 700 milligram (zit ook in lage doseringen in

de meeste goede multivitaminen) Als je niet veel melkprodukten neemt moet je

ook apart extra calcium gebruiken, anders krijg je een verstoring van de

mg/ca - balans.


8. Alkavital (Orthica) een halve theelepel per dag oplossen in water: dit

maakt uw lichaam (en speeksel) alkalisch . U kunt ook brandnetelthee drinken

om minder zuur te worden Het bevordert bovendien dat het U238 gemakkelijker

het lichaam verlaat.


9. Vitamin C ls calciumascorbaat, dus geen ascorbinezuur als u nog

vullingen heeft. 1 gram vit. C per dag, verdeeld over de dag in kleinere

hoeveelheden. Vitamine C zorgt voor uitscheiding van U238 door het verbeteren




10.Vitamine B6. Dagelijks 50 tot 200 milligram. (zit in de meeste



11.Vitamine B5. Dagelijks 100 tot 400 milligram.(zit in sommige multi's)


12.Vitamine E. Dagelijks 100 tot 400 IE. (zit ook in de meeste



13.Anderhalve liter bronwater per dag om extra via de nieren af te voeren,

nog beter is om af en toe een week alleen gedestilleerd water te drinken.


14. Other good products are: Koreander (Eng : Cilantro), knoflook preparaten

o.a. Bärlauch, chlorella (algen), actieve koolstof dus Norit e.d.. Het beste

is eerst een half jaar met chlorella,Bärlauch en of knoflook te ontgiften en

na dat half jaar Koreander toe te voegen om het hersenweefsel te ontgiften.

Hans de Jonge





EDTA, DMPS and DMSA are the FAST detoxifiers. There is a range of adverse

effects if it is not taken properly. The best method is to take a small amount

(100 mg) orally. The danger is kidney poisoning because too much heavy

metal ions are passing by.


Test parameters to test before/after DMPS for side-effects :


1.Creatinine Clearance, urine albumin and protein levels

2.Urine and blood amylase, protease and lipase, fecal fats


4.Liver function/glutathione/sulfation

5.Neutrophil count ( decreases massively )

6.T4/T8-count and ratio, CD26/Ta1 autoreactivity panel


8.Immunoglobulin levels

9.Autoimmune neural myelin sheath antimyelin IgM

10.AntiThyroid ab's

11.AntiLiver ab's

12.antiKidney ab's ( brush membrane, tubular ... )

13.magnesium, zinc, chromium levels

14.Nerve Conduction studies

15.Balance test etc etc etc. That is just a little starter what can go wrong

with DMPS and what to monitor at least.


IMPO, DMPS should never be the first choice of chelation, and even less so

as an IV. Orally in small doses like 100 mg max I have told that I might accept

it, keeping the backfire risks down. IV DMPS has so sad side-effect profile

and in any case, it is just plain playing with fire, when most of the

physicians administering it STILL DO NOT DO THEIR homework well enuff.


All I can say is that I hope you belong to the lucky 80 % that do not get

damaged bad ( those with good sulfoxidation, strong mineral storages, no

sulfa-allergies, stomach made of steel, low poisoning levels ( little

redistribution effects ) and good B6/folate/b12 status ...


Very Good Luck, Ray





This may help remove mercury. I grow and eat a lot coriander, just love it.





Here is a recipe for mercury chelation that was sent to me by a lady in

Kennewick Washington. It appears to work for other metals also. Alpha lipoic


can also be considered for mercury and other heavy metals chelation.


This is from an article found in the newsletter " Alternative " dated June,

1998. A Dr. Yoshiaki Omura discovered almost by accident that the leaves of

the coriander plant can accelerate the excretion of mercury, lead and aluminum

from the body. He performed a study in which three amalgam fillings were

removed from an individual using all the precautions available to prevent

absorption of the mercury from the amalgam. Significant amounts were later


in the individual's lungs, kidneys, endocrine organs, liver and heart. There

was no mercury in these tissues prior to the amalgam removal.


Remarkably, without the help of any chelation agents, cilantro was able to

remove the mercury in two to three weeks. (Acupunct Electrother Res



Recipe for Cilantro Pesto (Make that " Chelation Pesto " )


1 Clove garlic

1/2 cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts

1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves

2 tablespoons lemon juice

6 tablespoons olive oil


Put the cilantro and olive oil in blender and process until the cilantro is

chopped. Add the rest of the ingredients and process to a lumpy paste. (You

may need to add a touch of hot water and scrape the sides of the blender.)

You can change the consistency by altering the amount of olive oil and lemon

juice, but keep the

3:1 ratio of oil to juice. (It freezes well, so you can make several

batches at once.


He recommends a couple of teaspoons a day for two to three weeks once or

twice a year.





Technology's Curse : Diet for the Atomic Age (Hardcover)



1_1/103-9407239-5857440?ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1186369668 & sr=1-1_



-5857440?ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1186369668 & sr=1-1)




Removing DU from the human body

Posted by: " Moriyah " _moriyah_ (moriyah)


Removing DU from the human body is only possible using Ionized Water, which

has a high concentration of Positively Charged Oxygen and Negatively Charged

Hydrogen(OH- rather than H2O), in conjunction with a full spectrum of Ionic or

Colloidal Minerals, SBO's, Pre Biotics and Pro Biotics. End of story.


Everything else is just mediation, remediation or worse. Fact is, the world

is awash in DU and it is only going to get a million, million times worse. All

terms above can be googled for extensive information and support services.


Diet for the Atomic Age is a great book on Selective Mineral Uptake. DU is

simply a radioactive mineral. Armed Forces serving in Fire Zones need that

book. They also need to be educating themselves in what to do now as well as

later. They are getting, or have got already, DU in their bodies.


The horse is already out of the barn and it is a little late to close the

barn door. You can't stop the war machine.


Preventive and recuperative action on an individual, personal level is the

only choice. Personal responsibility is required.


Ignore the naysayers. The VA might give you a big check, eventually, but not

before most of you are dead.


The Creator of the Universe, whose name is Yahweh, made your body to cleanse

itself given the proper nutrients.


Stop talking and start doing what you can while you still can. Moriyah




Tracy <_tracyjones23_ (tracyjones23) > wrote:


Radiation remedies:


DETOXIFICATION OF RADIATION is characterized by nausea, nervousness, and a

feeling of extreme sensitivity in the body. Radiation-poisoning can come from

medication, medical testing, Xrays, fluorescent lighting, television, computer

monitors, laser printers, irradiated food, microwaves, scanners and

industrial pollution


Eating avocados with oranges, or with melons facilitates the body's ability

to throw off stored radiation. If a person has had barium, eating raw meat

with plenty of beef fat helps detoxify it. For individuals who have taken

radioactive medication, drinking raw milk with unheated honey helps detoxify


See Radiation burn, page 238.

(We Want To Live, Aajonus Vonderplanitz, pg 198)


(Ginseng. The Ginseng Book, Fulder, Ph.D, pg 80)


IV Vitamin C daily.

(Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C, Smith, M.D., pg 37) Tracy




Also a very important remedy that was used in ancient times: water-soluble



One more remedy includes Willard Water.

(Aqua Vitae, Jacobsen, pg 49) Tracy








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