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The Truth About CODEX??

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> While I am no fan of the FDA, I think this article bears reading..have we

> been being fed internet hype?


> http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/vitamins.asp


Hi Sharyn,

Here is a salient reply to the snopes article from someone who is " in the thick

of it " .





IAHF Webmaster: Breaking News, What's New, What to Do, Codex, EU FSD, All



IAHF List: See my detailed response below to Barbara Mikkelson of SNOPES

(erstwhile debunkers of Urban Legends, aka Internet Hoaxes. Lynn Miller called

this to my attention and I have responded in detail, below. I emailed Mikkelson

challenging her to a radio debate on this issue and demanding she remove her

inane pro FDA drivel from the Snopes website since Codex is most definitely NOT

a " hoax. " If Snopes annoys you as they did me, kindly send them an email via the

form on their website to give Mikkelson a piece of your mind.....


See comments below in [square brackets]. Barbara Mikkelson of Snopes was way too

quick on the trigger. Ironically, while terming Codex an " urban legend " ,

Mikkelson is perpetuating FDA's own spin against my message.


In addition to reading my detailed response (below) she should call me to get

her facts straight because she is in way over her head when it comes to

assessing this complex issue. I emailed her directly via a form on Snopes

website asking for her email address and urging her to call me. I challenged her

to a radio debate on this issue which she knows nothing about.


There WERE some inaccuracies in what Wallace Heath said in his widely circulated

alert. Its too bad he didn't run that past me for editorial input before he sent

it out, but his CONCERNS weren't unjustified, he just didn't have a solid enough

understanding of the issue to be able to distribute an unassailable alert.

Mikkelson, on the other hand, is clearly an apologist for the Pharma Cartel- she

is openly calling for the Repealment of the Dietary Supplement Health &

Education Act & her whole orientation is to obfuscate this all too VALID issue:

(IAHF response to Snopes comments below [square brackets]


Snopes website said:



Claim: American consumers risk losing their right to purchase and use

vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements.


IAHF Comment: [This is true. The SNOPES analysis below is grossly simplistic. To

assert that Codex is a " non issue " just because S.722 and HR 3377 have not yet

been reintroduced in the new congress is patently absurd, especially given that

quick phonecalls to both Durbin's and Davis's offices indicates that they fully

intend to reintroduce both bills, with slight changes, under new bill numbers,

sometime in this new congress. We go through this EVERY Congress, and the REST

of Mikkelson's simplistic analysis totally falls apart especially because she

merely echoes the FDA's spin. (complete details below) Anyone can believe FDA

(and Snopes) spin on this issue if they want to- but they'd be totally ignoring

a slew of unassailable FACTS presented below.]


[i am not the originator of Wallace Heath's information, either. He never ran

his alert past me for editorial input before he circulated it. I never even KNEW

the guy til after he circulated it. He lives in Bellingham, Washington (one hour

south of me) and his was an honest attempt to try to fight back, but he wasn't

up to speed on the issue before he circulated his alert and he unwittingly

played right into the spin doctor's hands.]


[He is a lot more up to speed now because he drove to my house and has met with

me twice since he ciruclated his alert. We live in the same county. Wally Heath

is a retired professor from Western Washington University, and he's a really

good man who is using dietary supplements to treat BPH- Benign Prostate



[His concerns on this issue were motivated by a very REAL threat which he lacked

thorough understanding of before he sounded his heavily circulated alarm. While

some of his specifics were inaccurate and misleading, the basic THREAT he was

trying to alert people to is all too REAL, and Snopes has just done us all a

serious disservice with their misinformation, because it has created even MORE

confusion. See below.... this whole thing is a classic example of the trouble I

have when well intentioned, but not thoroughly informed people circulate alerts

that they haven't run past me first for editorial input and scrutiny: See my

responses to Snopes spin in [square brackets] below....]


Snopes said:



In June 2005 the USA will be forced to accept Codex regulation of vitamins,

minerals, and dietary supplements: False.



IAHF: [This IS false, but I never said vitamins would be banned in the USA in

June of 2005, Wallace Heath said that due to not having all his facts straight,

What I have been telling people is that between July 4th and 9th 1995 the 28th

General Session of the UN's Codex Alimentarius Commission will be held in Rome,

Italy and a highly draconian global trade standard for vitamins and minerals

will be ratified at that time unless a last ditch global campaign to stop this

criminal agenda succeeds.]


[unless we succeed in stopping this, the USA would be set up to lose in a future

WTO trade dispute as a result of which Congress would be forced via the threat

of cross sector sanctioning to harmonize our supplement laws to the Codex

standard or huge sanctions could be levied against broad sectors of our economy.

At the same time this is happening, huge domestic attacks are occurring against

the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, with the Institute of

Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences being joined by the National Center

for Complementary and Alternative MEdicine in calling for the Repealment of



[This attack is not happening in a vaccuum, its part of a broader global pattern

of pharma attack against the natural supplements industry which I've been

documenting since I created IAHF in '96 to catalyse awareness of this complex



[An example of the WTO forcing our Congress to change a law happened just prior

to the recent US Presidential election when the WTO ruled that US Tariffs

protecting our steel industry were illegal under international law. We lost in a

trade dispute over this, and the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body told Bush that

unless Congress scrapped the tariff that they'd begin imposing trade sanctions

beginning with Florida Citrus Growers...... (Gee- guess where Bush needed


http://www.globalexchange.org/campaigns/wto/800.html We're up against a

mechanized system of international coersion. If we can't protect an industry as

important as our STEEL INDUSTRY what makes people think we can protect ANY of

our industries including our dietary supplement industry?]


[The fact is, WE CAN'T protect our supplement laws in the USA unless we can kill

ratification of the global trade standard for vitamins and minerals which stands

to be ratified at the Codex meeting in Rome between July 4-9th 2005 or else get

this country out of the WTO. (Last time anyone tried that was Ron Paul in 2000

via House Joint Resolution 90 (see legislative history here

http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/cpquery/? & db_id=cp106 & r_n=hr672.106 & sel=TOC_7355 &

HJRes 90 was slammed.)]


[The fact is that Pharma interests controlling the vitamin trade associations

have been effectively pulling the wool over their members eyes on this issue

since 1996 when they first began echoing the FDA's spin against IAHF's message,

but none of them can explain away anything I'm saying, especially not this

statement made by former acting FDA Commissioner Friedman who very CLEARLY

stated what FDA's intentions were regarding Codex back in 1997 and his speech

before the Senate Labor Committee is right on the FDA's own web site:


On March 17, 1997 acting FDA Commissioner Michael A. Friedman stated the

following in a speech before the Senate Labor Committee " FDA plans to amend its

regulations and procedures for consideration of standards adopted by Codex. This

action is being taken to provide for the systematic review of Codex standards in

order to enhance consumer protection, promote international harmonization, and

fulfill the United States obligations under international agreements. " FDA/CFSAN

Federal Register 62 FR 36243 July 7, 1997 http://www.fda.gov/ola/1997/319.html ]


[A draconian Codex vitamin standard was finalized last November, 2004 at the

meeting of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses

in Bonn, Germany- see this article by Scott Tips, JD, Legal Director of the

National Health Federation http://ahha.org/codextips2004.htm and see this link

to the website of the Codex Alimentarius Commission which shows their schedule

http://www.codexalimentarius.net/web/current.jsp?lang=en The FDA is setting the

USA up for harmonization to a grossly restrictive international standard. Snopes

analysis is grossly simplistic. Too bad]




Bills proposing the regulation of dietary supplements are currently before

Congress: Not any more. (Says Snopes)- but look at this:


[s.722 and HR 3377 have not yet been reintroduced, but they will be. I know this

from communications with Senator Durbin's office (sponsor last congress of

S.722) and Congresswoman Susan Davis' office (HR 3377). Talk with Patricia

Zabala in Davis' office. They are in a process now of rewriting these bills, but

they'll be back, and we must remain vigilant regarding them. If you'd like to

verify what I'm saying, contact Durbin's and Davis's offices via 202-225-3121

(Congressional Switchboard to reach any congressional office) and talk with

April Fulton in Durbin's office, and Patricia Zabala in Davis' office. In any

case, anyone who understands the Codex issue realizes that the larger threat has

always come from offshore via our membership in the WTO and the process of

globalization which no one can deny is real. More on this below....]


Snopes says:


Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2005]


Your right to choose your vitamin, mineral and other supplements may end in June

of this year (2005). After that U.S. supplements will be defined and controlled

by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).


The CODEX ALIMENTARIUS (Food Code) is setting the supplement standards for all

countries in the WTO. They will be enforced by the WTO and will over ride U.S.

laws. The U.S. President and Congress agreed to this take-over when the WTO

Treaty was signed. Violations are punished by WTO trade sanctions.


CODEX drastically restricts vitamins, minerals, herbs and other supplements.

CODEX met secretly in November, 2004 and finalized " Step 8 (the final stage) " to

begin implementation in June, 2005.


IAHF: [They did not " meet secretly " . That is a slight over dramatization by

Wallace Heath in his efforts to condense this issue to just one page, but it is

none the less true that there is a gross lack of transparency in the Codex

process. I know. I videotaped part of the CCNFSDU meeting in Berlin Germany in

'98 but was stopped by the Chair of the meeting and was forced to turn my cam

corder off.]


[if I had not, at the very least they would have confiscated my videotape, and

if I had gone beyond what I had already done to disrupt the meeting, I would

have found myself in a German jail cell on trumped up charges. I digitized a

portion of the videotape and it was up on the web for a few years on a tripod

site (a free hosting site) but tripod later shut that site down. I still have

the footage, but its not in cyberspace at the current time. I was, however,

thrown off the US Delegation prior to the meeting in Berlin in 2000 by US Codex

Manager Dr.Ed Scarborough at the US Department of Agriculture who is US Codex

Manager at the US Codex Office- see details:



[i was thrown off the US Delegation just prior to the CCNFSDU meeting in Berlin

in 2000 due to efforts to be a whistleblower against Yetley- US Delegate to the

Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods For Special Dietary Uses. The German

government has permanently banned my participation in Codex meetings even though

I am a licensed, credentialled member of the press because of what happened afte

r the '98 meeting when I put my video footage on the web showing them force me

to shut my camcorder down. See my additional Comments to Snopes in square

brackets below: scroll down:


SNOPES SAID:(Providing Wallace Heath's Widely Forwarded Alert):


The CODE includes:

(1) No supplement can be sold for preventive or therapeutic use.

(2) Any potency higher than RDA (minimal strength) is a " drug " requiring a

prescription and must be produced by drug companies. Over 5000 safe items now in

health stores will be banned, terminating health stores as we now know them.

(3) CODEX regulations become binding internationally.

(4) New supplements are banned unless given very expensive CODEX testing and



CODEX now applies to Norway and Germany, among others, where zinc tablets rose

from $4 per bottle to $52. Echinacea (an ancient immune-enhancement herb) rose

from $14 to $153 (both examples are now allowed by prescription only). They are

now " drugs " . Vitamin C above 200 mg, niacin above 32 mg, vitamin B6 above 4 mg ­

all are banned over-the-counter as drugs. No amino acids (arginine, lysine,

carnitine, etc. = essential amino acids!), essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6,

9, etc.), or other essential supplements such as DMEA, DHEA, CoQ10, MSM,

beta-carotene, etc. are allowed.


The CODEX rules are not based on real science. They are made by a few people

meeting in secret (see web sites below), not necessarily scientists. In 1993 the

FDA and drug corporations tried to put all supplements under restriction and

prescription. But over 4 million Americans told Congress and the President to

protect their freedom of choice on health supplements. The DSHEA Law was passed

in 1994, which does so. But this will be over ruled by CODEX and the World Trade



Virtually nothing about it has been in the media. What the drug corporations

have failed to do through Congress they have gotten by sneak attack through

CODEX with the help of a silent media. What can be done at this late hour?


(1) Spread the word as much as possible. Inform yourselves fully at

http://www.ahha.org, www.iahf.com and www.alliance-natural-health.org.

(2) Oppose bills S. 722 and H.R. 3377. These support the CODEX restrictions with

U.S. laws, changing the DSHEA law.

(3) Support H.R. 1146 which would restore the sovereignty of the U.S.

Constitution over CODEX, etc.

(4) Express your wishes to the President, Senators and Representatives (They got

us into this!) ASAP.

(5) Contact multi-level health marketing groups that can get their members to

inform the government.

(6) Send donations, however small, to the British Alliance for Natural Health

(see web site above). It has succeeded in challenging the CODEX directives in

World Court later this month or next. They need help financially, having carried

the fight effectively for everyone. CODEX and the FDA wish to protect us by

controlling supplements in the same way they do prescription drugs.


A study of the latter by three medical scientists was reported in the Journal of

the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998 ­ Vol. 279, No. 15, p. 1200

" Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR's) was found to be extremely high. "

Covering 30 years (1966 to 1996) it was found that in the U.S. an average of

106,000 hospitalized patients per year (290 per day) die from ADR's and

2,200,000 need more hospitalization for recovery.


These were FDA approved drugs, properly administered by competent professionals

in hospitals ­ none were considered malpractice. This is the number four cause

of death in the U.S. When combined, these account for 7% of all hospitalized

patients. This is equivalent to a 9-11 attack every ten days.


There are very few fatalities from supplements or the news would be on every

front page. There is no need for more FDA control of supplements than is already

in place, which is substantial. Instead of drastically restricting supplements,

why doesn't the FDA better control and restrict the extremely dangerous

pharmaceutical drugs which are now killing us at the rate of a major airline

crash per day?


Wallace G. Heath, Ph.D.

1145 Marine Drive Bellingham, WA 98225





Origins: This e-mailed alert began circulating on the Internet in January

2005. Although the call to arms is worded in such a way as to convince those who

receive that their right to purchase vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements

in the U.S. is about to be lost to them unless they act decisively in defense of

it, it is outdated and the facts of what is being considered by American

lawmakers and why are radically dissimilar from the red cape being waved.




[Not true. The first Codex alert ever circulated was my article in Life

Extension Magazine in 1996. I was first educated on the issue by an American

named Ron Birckhead who had moved to Norway where he was running a vitamin

distribution company. His business was great til Norway began harmonizing their

laws to a mindlessly restrictive World Health Organization guideline that is

being paralleled today by what is coming out of Codex. Norway was a New World

Order test country to see how they could foist these regulations off on people,

and what they've learned there they're now attempting to implement globally via

Codex and the WTO. In '96 I was an observer on the US Delegation to the Codex

Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, and again in '98

where I observed Dr.Beth Yetley of the US FDA violate US law in a naked effort

to set us up for harmonization to an international Codex standard.]




First of all, this is another case of an issue that is now largely moot due to

outdated information. Back in 2003, two versions of a bill that proposed the

regulation of dietary supplements (S. 722, the " Dietary Supplement Safety Act of

2003, " and H.R. 3377, the " Dietary Supplement Access and Awareness Act " ) were

introduced to Congress. Neither of these bills was ever voted upon, much less

passed. They both expired with the end of the 108th Congress in 2004 and have

not been reintroduced to the currently sitting 109th Congress.




[barbara Mikkelson of Snopes never bothered to communicate with either Durbin or

Davis offices (sponsors of S.722, and HR 3377) before making this mindless

statement. She appears to be ignorant of the fact that whenever a new congress

begins, it takes a while for old legislation to be reintroduced, often under new

bill numbers.]


[if she had taken the trouble (as I have) to call Durbin and Davis's offices,

she'd have learned that both members of Congress are currently re-writing these

bills with the FULL INTENTION of reintroducing them under new numbers. When they

ARE reintroduced, we will not be able to take either one lightly. Both dovetail

with a recent 300 page report issued by the Institute of Medicine at the

National Academy of Sciences which is openly calling for the REPEALMENT of the

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. The American Herbal

Products Assn has issued a recent press release about the IOM report calling it

inaccurate- and you can see what they have to say about it here:

http://www.npicenter.com/anm/templates/newsATemp.aspx?articleid=11446 & zoneid=2 ]


[Not only is the National Academy of Sciences calling for the repealment of

DSHEA, but their call for repealment is being ECHOED by the Director of the

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). As a former

member of the ad hoc advisory board that created the Office of Alternative

Medicine from which NCCAM was spawned, it frustrates me greatly the way pharma

was able to get control of the entity which I helped create and to turn it

against us, but that is what has happened, and its due to that that former

Congressman Berkley Bedell (who was one of the prime movers behind creation of

the Office of Alternative Medicine at NIH was forced to form his own private

foundation, The National Foundation For Alternative Medicine

http://www.nfam.org/ See additional responses to Snopes inane drivel below in

blue, following their bad information....]




Moreover, neither of these items of potential legislation was forced on the U.S.

by an outside regulatory body, nor did they say anything about restricting the

American public's access to vitamins and minerals. Their sole target was dietary

supplements, a class of products that has been unregulated since 1994, when

Congress passed legislation that exempted them from federal regulation. Claims

that your right to take vitamins and minerals is about to be impaired or that

you will require doctors' prescriptions to obtain such products should be

regarded as attempts at rabble-rousing, deliberate moves to spur you into action

against one thing by convincing you that something very different and far closer

to your heart is at stake.


Vitamins and minerals are not under the gun. Dietary supplements are. And no

outside regulatory body is behind this move: the proposed legislation is the

work of American lawmakers looking to safeguard the public from the unscrupulous

and the hazardous. If you take nothing else from this article, take the

preceding three sentences.


IAHF: [Where should I BEGIN with these two outrageous statements? First of all,

it is NOT TRUE that dietary supplements are " unregulated " . Barbara Mikkelson of

Snopes has clearly bought the PARTY LINE of people who seek to REPEAL the

Dietary supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. As a professional lobbyist,

I have been defending consumer access to dietary supplements since 1989, but my

encyclopedic knowledge of the legislative history as pertains to the Food, Drug,

and Cosmetic Act goes back to the early 1900s- and I can cite chapter and verse

when it comes to the regulation of dietary supplements not only in America, but

globally since I'm now an International Lobbyist.]


[in 1976 the Proxmire Vitamin Act was passed in the face of a mindless FDA

rulemaking effort which threatened to curtail consumer access to high potency

vitamins, but the FDA attacked us again in 1989 when they got the Nutrition

Labelling and Education Act fast tracked through the House of Representatives.

It was on its way to the Senate like a guided missile aimed straight for the

heart of the supplement industry when many of us jumped in with both feet and we

were able to curb some of its worst excesses, but they were STILL in position to

SEVERELY IMPEDE consumer access to dietary supplements which forced us to

scramble and to pass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 to

protect our access.]


[Far from tying the FDA's hands, DSHEA actually gave the FDA many enforcement

powers over dietary supplements that they did not previously have. For example,

DSHEA gave the FDA the right to generate new Good Manufacturing Practice

regulations to govern the manufacturing of dietary supplements, and FDA will be

coming out with those new regulations within the coming year. FDA will no doubt

violate the law with the new GMP regs they're about to come out with, and that

will force small vitamin companies especially to file lawsuits against them, but

anyone saying that dietary supplements are presently " unregulated " in this

country is not telling you the truth because the fact is they are OVER



[Despite their presence on store shelves, not all dietary supplements are safe

for consumers to use, let alone are beneficial to their health. Products can be

100% natural yet deliver a deadly payload, as have some in the past. Lacking

regulation of such ingestibles, there is no protection afforded consumers, and

authoritative-looking labels are no guarantee that what is being vended in those

bottles they envelope is not harmful. Under current law, dangerous supplements

get onto the market and stay there, with serious physical harm resulting among

those who use them, as was the case with ephedra, which caused strokes, heart

attacks, and upwards of 150 deaths before the Food and Drug Administration was

finally able to get it out of the stores.]


[These statements are outrageous and aren't backed up by any solid evidence. See

this accurate assessment of the supposed " risks " posed by ingestion of dietary

supplements graphically compared in a table with the risk of ingesting

prescription drugs, the risk of dying from a bee sting, the risk of being hit by

lightening, the risk of dying from ingestion of food in common form, etc

http://www.laleva.cc/supplements/medical_injury_law.pdf In the early 90s the FDA

went on a witch hunt against the safe amino acid l-tryptophan.]


[A contaminated batch manufactured by Showa Denko in Japan contained a

contaminant which the Centers for Disease Control later identified as " Peake E " ,

but FDA ignored the fact that this contaminant had been identified and rather

than just ban l-tryptophan coming from Showa Denko til the company rectified the

problem that had caused the contaminated batch, the FDA banned ALL l-tryptophan

while seeking to try to DEMONIZE the entire supplement industry thru the slick

use of spin against this totally safe substance which is contained in bananas

and milk.]


[The real reason FDA attacked l-tryptophan was that at that time Eli Lilly

introduced Prozac to the market and FDA fraudulently approved it even though its

a very dangerous drug. Prozac acts on the reuptake mechanism for serotonin in

unpredictable ways, causing some people to commit suicide, others to commit

homicide, and it is nowhere NEAR as safe to use as l-tryptophan is (which is a

NATURAL serotonin precursor.)]


[A person using l-tryptophan will only manufacture as much serotonin as their

body needs and can handle, but Prozac is different- its much less safe, yet FDA

demonized it and got it banned, while protecting the business interests of Eli

Lilly by blocking this natural, unpatentable substance from interfering with the

sale of Prozac, a patented prescription drug.]


[The FDA attack on Ephedra was similarly motivated. See this review of ephedra

by the American Botanical Council

http://www.supplementquality.com/news/ABC_ephedra_monograph.html Ephedra is a

safe substance, certainly far safer than Ephedrine is which is found in a slew

of OTC cold preparations. Any honest examination of data gathered by the

National Association of Poison Control Centers will indicate that there is a

very SERIOUS problem with deaths caused by Ephedrine, but there have been very

FEW problems caused by Ephedra. The attack on Ephedra was nothing more than the

latest witch hunt against the supplement industry.]


[The FDA has a limited budget, and they are squandering precious resources,

committing a disproportionate amount of their budget to attack largely SAFE

dietary supplements while they FRAUDULENTLY APPROVE a slew of toxic, ineffective

pharmaceutical drugs such as VIOXX and many others that have been in the news

lately. FDA acts like a trade association for the drug companies because there

is a revolving door between their employees and these drugs companies such that

a " good ol' boy network " is very much in place between them. Additional response

to Snopes inane drivel follows below....]




In 2004, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative

Medicine, almost one in five Americans (19%) reported using a supplement, which

means the pool of folks at risk is great. Yet the incentives are there for the

dietary supplement industry to keep on doing what it has been doing: in 2002, it

reported $18.7 billion in sales. With so much profit at stake, there is little

desire on the part of manufacturers to police themselves or their products all

that carefully.


IAHF: [This sort of spin is outrageous. This table shows the relative risk of

ingesting dietary supplements compared with using prescription drugs, getting

hit by lightening, and numerous other objectively measured risks

http://www.laleva.cc/supplements/medical_injury_law.pdf ]


[As you can see from these statistics, the risk of injury from consuming foods

in common form is FAR greater than the risk of consuming dietary supplements,

but we don't see FDA engaging in a witch hunt against foods in common form.

(Gee, I WONDER why? ha ha) So WHAT if supplement sales totalled $18.7 billion in

sales in 2002?]


[Thats just a drop in the BUCKET compared with PHARMACEUTICAL SALES, and

statements like this are merely an indicator of how scared the drug companies

are as they see consumers fleeing from their midst in droves as more and more

people turn to using supplements as they take charge of their own health and

STAY CLEAR of hospitals and doctors completely. The vast majority of supplement

companies are very responsible when it comes to following good manufacturing

standards, and the assertion that these products are putting large numbers of

people at risk is outrageous and unsubstantiated.]


[NCCAM has been hijacked by the pharma elements that control NIH such that its

original purpose as envisioned by Senator Tom Harkin and Congressman Berkley

Bedell has been subverted, which forced Bedell to create his own private

Foundation http://www.nfam.org to do the work which the Office of Alternative

Medicine (later NCCAM) was supposed to do, but now ISN'T DOING. Additional

response to Snopes inane drivel follows below....]




It's not just about inherently dangerous substances being sold to the unwary as

the latest miracle answer for what ails them ­ even when dietary supplements

contain nothing obviously harmful, the current lack of regulation results in

improperly manufactured or contaminated products reaching the public. Quality

control is missing.


IAHF: [More disinformation. The fact is that the FDA has had the power under the

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act since 1994 to draft new Good

Manufacturing Practice Regulations for dietary supplements but they have dragged

their feet in doing so because they like being able to make this sort of

unfounded accusation, and if they come out with new GMP regs, this finger could

no longer be pointed.]


[in any case, most manufacturers already DO follow very rigourous GMP protocols

and FDA does inspect manufacturing facilities on a regular basis and they have

the power RIGHT NOW to shut down any manufacturing plant that is not doing what

must be done to safeguard consumers. I am a consultant to many dietary

supplement companies that have had FDA inspections of their manufacturing

facilities since passage of DSHEA in '94. Right on FDA's own website you will

find reports of successful FDA legal action against misbranded products proving

FDA's hands aren't tied as Durbin, Davis AND SNOPES would have you believe.

http://www.fda.gov Additional response to Snopes inane drive follows below...]




Absent regulation, consumers have little reason to trust they are getting the

dosage they believe they are taking. ConsumerLab.com, an independent laboratory

that tests dietary supplements, found that some name-brand products contain only

small quantities of the active ingredient on their label. " Some have none, some

have 80 percent, some have 20 percent, " Dr. Tod Cooperman, president of the lab,

told ABC News. Also, some contaminated supplements reach the market and thus

fall into the hands of unknowing consumers. In December 2004, pesticide was

found in ginseng being vended on the East Coast, and heavy metals such as

mercury and arsenic were discovered in herbal supplements.


IAHF: [ConsumerLab would have you believe that they are doing their own

independent laboratory analysis, but they are not. They are sending samples off

to outside labs, many of which are caught in conflicts of interest, such that

their results are suspect- and their whole way of doing things INSURES a gross

lack of objectivity, here is why:]


[Consumer Lab has highly unethical business practices: they won't publish

negative findings of companies that pay them to keep them from publishing the

lab results, only of companies that don't, so this calls into question the

objectivity of the labs that test products Consumer Labs wants tested. Their

credability would be a lot higher if they published ALL lab results of ALL

companies whose products they test, transparently list which labs they use to do

this testing (since they don't reveal that at all, and that makes it impossible

to assess any possible conflicts of interest. Many testing labs have strong

pharma ties and FDA often farms work out to private labs which know what side

their bread is buttered on.)]




Two bills put before Congress in 2003 looked to regulate dietary nostrums by

imposing quality and safety standards on them, and giving the FDA the ability to

take them off the market before a great number of folks have been harmed by

them. In March 2003, Senator Richard Durbin introduced bill S. 722, the " Dietary

Supplement Safety Act of 2003 " in the U.S. Senate.


The purpose of this legislation was to " protect consumers from dangerous dietary

supplements such as ephedra and other stimulants by requiring manufacturers to

submit proof that their product is safe prior to bringing it to market. " The

bill would require manufacturers of the most dangerous types of dietary

supplements (stimulants) to submit proof of their products' safety prior to

bringing them to market.


The bill also expands the FDA's authority to require from any dietary supplement

maker proof of its product's safety if that agency has received information

suggesting the product is causing death or other serious adverse health effects.

It would also require manufacturers to report serious adverse health events

(e.g.; heart attack, seizure, stroke, death), to the FDA no later than 15

calendar days after they learn of them. The bill also looks to close a loophole

in current law that, according to Senator Durbin, " has been exploited by many

dietary supplement manufacturers, allowing anabolic steroids to be sold widely

as dietary supplements " by clarifying that anabolic steroids are not dietary

supplements and are subject to regulation that restricts their availability

under the Controlled Substances Act.




[This is the spin Durbin has used to try to push S.722, and the reason he got

nowhere with his efforts to push the bill in the last congress are that there is

no NEED for this legislation and it flies totally in the face of the will of the

people and the will of congress as expressed via passage of DSHEA in 1994 which

it seeks to repeal. There are no dangerous dietary supplements, only dangerous

pharmaceutical drugs. Durbin is a Senator from Illinois where AMA Headquarters



[He is doing the bidding of the AMA and the major drug companies which want

S.722 to be passed in order to be able to put the burden of proof on supplement

manufacturers to proove the efficacy of unpatentable products where there is no

incentive for manufacturers to spend the sums of money which drug manufacturers

have to spend to get their toxic substances through FDA's approval process. The

drug companies don't like the competition provided by supplements so they're

pushing for a level playing field that is not warranted on a basis of safety as

they claim.]




In October 2003, Representatives Susan Davis (D-CA), Henry Waxman (D-CA) and

John Dingell (DMI) introduced bill H.R. 3377, the " Dietary Supplement Access and

Awareness Act " in the U.S. House of Representatives. This legislation would

increase the FDA's authority over dietary supplements, enabling that agency to

monitor the health risks of dietary supplements and take appropriate action if

problems develop. The proposed law was not intended to have any impact on the

regulation of vitamins and minerals, which are specifically excluded from the

bill. In addition, for dietary supplements that contain herbs, amino acids, and

other botanicals, the bill will ensure that FDA has basic information about who

makes them and the products' ingredients. It would also require dietary

supplement manufacturers to provide FDA with information about all adverse

events, so that the agency could spot warning signs and investigate if

necessary. It further allows the FDA to prohibit sales to minors of supplements

that may cause significant harm to children. Finally, it allows the FDA to

demand safety information from a manufacturer if the FDA has evidence that a

particular supplement may pose serious risks.




[More spin. S.722 and HR 3377 constitute an effort to bury supplement

manufacturers in totally superfluous and unecessary red tape. Dietary

Supplements aren't injuring and killing people, pharmaceutical drugs are and in

very large numbers. These bills are being pushed by pharma which doesn't want

people being healthy because it interferes with their " business with disease " .

FDA has all the power they need right now to regulate dietary supplements. The

people of America spoke in '94 when we passed DSHEA in the direct face of an FDA

rulemaking effort that would have crushed consumer access to supplements, and

now pharma is trying to once again subvert the will of the people and the will

of Congress. They're coming at us domestically, and via maneuvering offshore at

CODEX. Currently, the Codex threat is far greater than any domestic threat,

especially since S.722 and HR 3377 have yet to be reintroduced. When they are

reintroduced, they still won't move for the same reasons they didn't move in the

last congress. Codex still remains the far greater threat. See ADDITIONAL

RESPONSES to Snopes Inane Drive Below:]




Getting back to the e-mail's claim that a foreign regulatory body is behind all

this, we address the claim that:

Your right to choose your vitamin, mineral and other supplements may end in June

of this year (2005). After that U.S. supplements will be defined and controlled

by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1962 by two United Nations

organizations, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health



It is the body of government representatives and non-governmental organizations

charged by the United Nations with establishing international guidelines on food

law. This commission is empowered to set standards of operation for the health

industry and is working to control such things as the sale of dietary

supplements for preventative or therapeutic reasons and the potency of natural

remedies. It also seeks to convert definitions of many supplements to drugs and

to make its rules binding on every U.N. member nation.


However, what it seeks and what it can do are very different things. It has no

power to force its will on any nation. Codex standards are voluntary, which

means if the U.S. doesn't adopt them, they will not govern the regulation of

vitamins, minerals, or dietary supplements in the USA.




[bull. The USA has agreed to enter into a constant process of harmonization via

membership in the WTO. We signed the SPS and TBT Agreements which are

subsections of GATT. Codex standards and guidelines WERE VOLUNTARY up until the

Uruguay Round of GATT which created the WTO which has ENFORCEMENT POWER via a

new international court that doesn't follow our rules of evidence- the Dispute

Settlement Body. ]


[Every ruling this entity has made has gone against the environment, against the

public health, against human rights, against labor rights, against every

intangible that goes into the make up of any democratic nations laws. This is

why there was a huge demonstration in Seattle in '99 and why there have been

other huge demonstrations against the WTO in other countries. The FTAA is an

effort to create a carbon copy of the EU dictatorship in our hemisphere to

harmonize all the laws between the Artic Circle and Tierra del Fuego

(Argentina) See http://www.citizen.org/trade/index.cfm see

http://www.stoptheftaa.com see article Do Three Interlocking Events in November

Signal the End of Health Freedom?

http://www.thelawloft.com/Freedom/THREE_INTERLOCKING_EVENTS.mht See Additional

Response to Snopes Inane Drivel Below:]




In November 2004, the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Nutrition and Foods for

Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) reached agreement on the definitions and

regulatory guidelines for the worldwide use of vitamins and minerals in food

supplements and will present its " Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food

Supplements " to the Codex annual meeting in Rome in July 2005 for formal

approval. Once approved, countries are expected to consider these new guidelines

in developing or modifying their national food laws.


The Codex guidelines form a key reference point in case of international trade

disputes in the area of food supplements. That, in a nutshell, is the extent of

its teeth.


The e-mailed exhortation to rise up against Codex claims that commission's

guidelines regarding dietary supplements " will over ride U.S. law. " That's just

plain wrong.


United States law governs trade within the United States. Codex standards come

into play only when American manufacturers of dietary supplements look to vend

them on the international market, and even then only when the other nations

involved have incorporated Codex guidelines into their food laws.


Claims that in various European countries vitamins are now selling for a

horrendous amount or are available only by prescription are strawmen, because

the U.S. (as does every other nation) makes its own laws, and the new laws it is

proposing in S. 722 and H.R. 3377 specifically and deliberately omit mention of

vitamins or minerals, both of which are already adequately regulated.


Barbara " vitaminimized " Mikkelson


IAHF Response:


[barbara Mikkelson is clueless. Numerous WTO rulings have gone against US law,

forcing Congress to change our law under threat of cross sector trade sanctions

against broad sectors of our economy. See the example cited previously about

what happened to our Steel Tarrifs just before the last US Election. The US lost

a trade dispute.


The WTO's Dispute Settlement Body ruled that our Steel Tarrifs were illegal.

Just before the last election WTO told Bush they'd begin imposing cross sector

sanctions unless he got Congress to change our law by removing the tarrif. They

DID remove the tarrif, because no nation can withstand this sort of economic



The WTO has put the mechanisms in place to override ANY national law that

interferes with multinational corporate profits, and THAT is why Congressman Ron

Paul tried to REMOVE us from the WTO in 2000 via House Joint Resolution 90

(cited above). For similar reasons he's been trying to remove us from the UN

which the Codex Commission is part of. HR 1146 The American Sovereignty

Restoration Act would do that. It will be reintroduced, but like efforts to

remove us from the WTO has little chance of going anywhere given our Congress of



It is due to these concerns that IAHF, ANH and allied health freedom

organizations world wide have been calling attention to the Codex International

Threat to Health Freedom, a very REAL threat which is hardly a " hoax. " Read this

article Do Three Interlocking Events in November Signal the End of Health

Freedom? http://www.thelawloft.com/Freedom/THREE_INTERLOCKING_EVENTS.mht


Examine this information on the website of the American Holistic Health

Association's website http://ahha.org/codex.htm


Read this information on Gary Null's website:

http://www.garynull.com/Article.aspx?article=Issues/Index.aspx & Head=Issues


Read this alert from the Alliance for Natural Health (UK) to the US Supplement

Industry: http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/_docs/ANHwebsiteDoc_129.doc


Watch the DVD of the Emergency Health Freedom Meeting held at ACAM in San Diego

on November 18th, 2004 http://www.glycommunity.com/iahf Grasp that this

Emergency Meeting was emceed by Jonathan V. Wright, MD a Harvard Graduate, and of the world famous Tahoma Clinic near Seattle WA.


Wright is an icon in the health freedom movement. FDA did a Gestapo like raid on

his clinic in '92 which he survived, and in the process became a cause celebre.

He was on Larry King Live and helped catalyze the movement to pass DSHEA which

he realizes we are now attempting to defend on the world stage in the face of

Codex. He published an article about the Codex threat last September.


He wouldn't be staking his reputation on his concern about this if it were a

" non issue. " Dr.Rob Verkerk, exec dir of the UK based Alliance for Natural

Health would not have flown to California from England to speak at our meeting

if it were a " non issue " , and I wouldn't have gone to the trouble of organizing

this meeting if it were a " non issue. "


Aside from poorly informed pro pharma spin doctors such as Barbara Mikkelson of

Snopes who obviously didn't take the time to do a thorough research job, people

are being led to the cliff on this issue by the pharma dominated vitamin trade

associations including IADSA- exposed here http://www.iahf.com/iadsa/index.html

, CRN and NNFA.


CRN's membership is riddled with pharma interests including Wyeth, BASF, Bayer,

Monsanto, Cargill and many others http://www.crnusa.org/who_omc.html This is a

gross conflict of interest. NNFA members are being advised on Codex by NNFA's

legal counsel: Sidley, Austin, Brown and Wood LLP. This multinational law firm

has 1500 attorneys and offices on 3 continents- and they have a slew of pharma

clients- it is a gross conflict of interest that NNFA has retained them:





What can be done to STOP the Codex threat? We outlined that in our Emergency

Health Freedom Mtg in San Diego at ACAM in November and you can watch it here

http://www.glycommunity.com/iahf A core group of us are refining our battle

plan and are reaching out to a rapidly awakening industry which is reading

articles such as this one of mine

http://www.lef.org/featured-articles/emergency_update_020705.htm and they're

getting behind our plan.


Consumers wanting to help can sign on to the IAHF email distribution list at

http://www.iahf.com and can help get copies of our DVD " Push Back from Codex

Cliff " http://www.glycommunity.com/iahf out to health food stores and vitamin

companies. We need donations for ongoing public speaking on this issue, and we

hope to launch a lawsuit against the FDA to get an injunction to block

ratification of the Codex vitamin standard, as well as donations for a global PR

campaign against ratification and against the WTO.


So much for the Codex vitamin issue being an " urban legend " . It is not. We're up

against a deliberately incremental agenda that has been moving with intentional

slowness so as to not arouse a public backlash, but that sure doesn't make it

any less real. Please forward this massively.Urge everyone you know to sign on

to the IAHF email distribution list at http://www.iahf.com Please contribute to

help me get to Expo West in a month in California and to do additional public

speaking as the fuse burns closer to the bomb.



For Health Freedom,

John C. Hammell, President

International Advocates for Health Freedom

556 Boundary Bay Road

Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA



800-333-2553 N.America

360-945-0352 World

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May I forward this post, Bruce?





> Bruce Stordock [stordock]


> > While I am no fan of the FDA, I think this article bears

> reading..have

> > we been being fed internet hype?

> >

> > http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/vitamins.asp


> Hi Sharyn,

> Here is a salient reply to the snopes article from someone

> who is " in the thick of it " .







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