Guest guest Posted November 26, 2007 Report Share Posted November 26, 2007 Dear IMVA, About 9 years ago a man from Ireland taught me that the true genius stands on the shoulders of other geniuses and jumps from there. I have been fortunate enough to associate with several doctors and medical scientists of this type who have inspired and guided me through my research. First was Dr. Boyd Haley, former chairman of the chemistry department at Kentucky University, the rock of chemistry upon which I based my science on. Then there was Dr. Rashid Buttar who inspired me with all things transdermal. Dr. Alan Greenberg, Dr. George Georgiou and Dr. Garry Gordon guided me into the halls of safe natural chelation. Then came Dr. Tullio Simoncini with the power of sodium bicarbonate to vanquish cancer tumors, Dr. Winn Parker and Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj with water issues, Dr. Carolyn Dean on magnesium and Dr. Gary Goldman who taught me the rigors of scientific writing. And last but certainly not least is my old friend Dr. Augusto Vinholis, a courageous Brazilian MD turned Naturopath who has shown me what is possible in medicine when you do things right. One has to add to this eminent group a long list of doctors and medical scientists from universities around the world, who I quote quite freely in this and all my work. Genius is what has been needed to create a renaissance in medicine. The best minds and hearts needed to be pulled together to forge something medically more appropriate to respond to the huge health disaster that is plaguing the human race. With the overwhelming array of answers out there something needed to be added to unify and simplify so that patients, desperate for solutions to their life threatening health problems, could feel secure in following a medical path that makes sense. Many years ago I developed the Psychology of Listening and with its tools I learned to listen to the point of total identification with that which I was listening to. Through this process of identification I was able to become one with these master doctors and scientists, was able to incorporate their genius and put it all together into medical reviews that I have published frequently on the Internet. Pure listening yields a higher level of intelligence that can be harnessed in both clinical practice as well as medical science. Dr. Viera Scheibner speaks harshly about physicians who do not listen. "The inability to listen and observe the truth has created a breed of medical practitioners who inflict illness rather than healing, who become accusers rather than helpers, and who are ultimately just covering up, whether consciously or unknowingly, but with frighteningly increasing frequency-for the disasters created by their useless and deadly concoctions and sanctimonious ministrations." Listening is very important in medicine and it is a crucial key to accurate diagnosis. These are words in one of ‘many’ introductory chapters of Survival Medicine, which is just about to make its appearance in the world. My heart is very warmed by the initial response from my loyal readers to this work and my advanced offering of it at a discounted price. Though it is being offered as an advanced html formatted e-book I am looking into having it printed in two volumes so people don’t burn out their printers, but that will not come until late in the fall. I have two groundbreaking chapters I will share with you all soon, one on transdermal iodine and the other which revolutionizes oral and dental care. This latter one demonstrates how the same substances used to treat cancer can be applied simply and easily to head disease off in the mouth, which is often where our problems all begin in the first place. I was talking with my publisher Adam Abraham last night and am even thinking of adding my work on iodine to the Transdermal Magnesium Therapy book turning it into the Transdermal Magnesium and Iodine Therapy book. This book is required reading in Survival Medicine making up as it does the most fundamental aspect of my work. Magnesium remains first on my protocol with iodine running close in second place. (Any of my readers who would like to invest financially in our publishing efforts please contact me.)Magnesium deficiency is a predictor of diabetes; diabetics both need more magnesium and lose more magnesium than most people. In twonew studies, in both men and women, those who consumed the most magnesium in their diet were least likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Journal Diabetes Care January 2006 It is known that carcinogenesis induces magnesium distribution disturbances, which cause magnesium mobilization through blood cells and magnesium depletion in non-neoplastic tissues. Magnesium deficiency seems to be carcinogenic, and in cases of solid tumors, high levels of magnesium inhibit carcinogenesis. Both carcinogenesis and magnesium deficiency increase the plasma membrane permeability and fluidity. A healthy cell has high magnesium and low calcium levels. The problem that comes with low magnesium (Mg) levels is the calcium builds up inside the cells while energy production decreases as the mitochondria gradually calcify. Dr Seeger and Dr Budwig in Germany have shown that cancer is in part the result of a faulty energy metabolism in the powerhouses of the cells, the mitochondria. ATP and most of the enzymes involved in the production of energy require magnesium. Iodine is also important in metabolism required as it is for thyroid hormone and you can bet your bottom dollar that I am going to create a stampede into atomic iodine in both 1 and 7 percent solutions when I release this next chapter on iodine and its use for the treatment of breast and skin cancer. Iodine along with magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate are the ultimate weapons for skin and breast cancer. Most authors, when they release a book like I did on the transdermal use of natural magnesium chloride brines, focus intensely on their work and promote it strongly. I have not had that luxury because I have been moving so fast to develop the full Survival Medicine protocol but that does not diminish the vital importance in health and medicine of replenishing magnesium stores and doing that in the very best and quickest way. That is transdermally with HEAVY application through at least four months of intense treatment. Dr. Carolyn Dean writes, "When this mineral is part of your diet, you are guarding against and helping to alleviate health threats such as heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, depression, arthritis, and asthma." Survival Medicine will have some new chapters on magnesium, our favorite miracle from the sea. I know its hard for people to relate to a metal with love and affection but the Chinese new what they were talking about when they called it the “beautiful mineral” as my friend Daniel Reid, author of the Tao of Detox likes to remind me. Talking about beauty below is my best friend and partner in the Sanctuary Cancer Clinic in Brazil, Dr. Augusto Vinholis, who is standing in a river in the first plot of land being sold in an eco village that he has created, not too far from my Sanctuary. Dr. Vinholis invited me about six months ago to travel with him to Florida to attend a young man who had been in a coma for six months. The doctors were without a clue about how to bring him back to life and the parents, out of desperation, reached all the way down to Brazil to this famous doctor for help. I declined for several reasons but he went with a wonderful member of his staff. After only a few days of treatment, in front of the nursing staff, suddenly the boy jerked back to consciousness literally scaring the wits out of everyone in the room. He is a miracle medical machine and more of a doctor of oriental medicine than I am. On the radio this weekend Dr. Winn Parker called me a doctor of orthomolecular medicine, and I guess I am in reality, though that is not to be seen on any of my degrees. For more information on Survival Medicine please contact Luciana Valentim. Please also write her for information on our online clinic/support system, for information on the Sanctuary Cancer Clinic in Brazil, and for referals to the first clinics around the world using sodium bicarbonate and the IMVA protocols for cancer treatment. I would say this image shows the youthfulness of this doctor and I mention that for his work is also in the field of longevity and life extension. I used to laugh at him when he told me he was going to live to 126 but I am not laughing anymore. This man just turned sixty! I can only hope more of his ways rub off on me when we work together in the interior. He is standing above in the river in the first lot of his eco-village to be sold, hopefully, to one Brazilian man and his brother-in-law in Spain who responded to my communications from a month or so ago. I will not mention the price but for this first lot the sales price was set way below its true value. I show this for more reasons than I could possible share in this newsletter. I did not choose the title Survival Medicine for anything even approximating a casual reason. A significant part of Survival Medicine is concerned with detoxification and chelation of heavy metals and the first principle surrounding both of these issues is to AVOID EXPOSURE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Living and healing in such pristine locations is almost half the answer and all you have to do is be there and breathe the clean air and drink the magnificant water and you know you will feel better. In today’s world this is the most difficult thing to do and in certain areas like the United States, China and India and Europe it’s impossible. I have talked to several people with cancer in California, Washington and Oregon and how do you tell people their cancer is a result of where they live? The mercury rain is most intense on the west coast coming as it does from way off China. Then you have dirty nuclear weapons being tested above ground at Livermore and the navy practicing off the coast with depleted uranium. No matter what the treatment, if toxic exposure to uranium and mercury are provoking cancer, how can you expect it not to come back, even if you “cure” it? My work in Survival Medicine leads me to look at problems and solutions. The problem is that the problems have problems layered one on top of the other and most of these are on a convergent path and just about everyone is in denial, walking around like deer caught in a set of headlights. “It’s very hard for people to realize just how incredibly stupid civilization has been. Building a modern society on finite resources and then failing to accept its finality or shortsightedness, let alone do anything about it has been suicidal. We’re committing speciescide of our own race. Worse, we destroyed the ecological base along the way where we obtain our sustenance,” are words you will find on In 2003, 17,107 farmers in India committed suicide. “The danger is in assuming that everything will remain the same as it is today. The safety and security we’ve all come to expect is one primary area. Material abundance and availability of essential goods and supplies, including their distribution and transportation is another major area of concern. None of these should be ‘assumed’ as being available in the future, because all are integral to the availability of cheap energy, livable climate and abundant water supplies.” My own publisher kind of angrily asked me if I had a crystal ball and I hastily said yes. But you have to be a blind man not to see what is going to happen. Have a laugh before you cry watching George Carlin talk about the people we are trusting to pull our societies through it all. It is hard to believe that anyone today would believe and trust in the politicians and the super wealthy that control them. Democracy is a fraud and even our freedom is a fading illusion. Again from that survival site you will read, “This will be the time of “every man for himself” and will be the most difficult period of all to survive. Starvation will be acute and compounding this will be extremely ruthless people who will make life extremely difficult. Do not underestimate the violence anyone is capable of. Remote areas are areas that are extremely limited in population and offer the best in security, privacy and ‘aloneness’ with the least amount of threat from your fellow citizens. These areas can be found all over the world and are located far away from major and small populations. They will remain small in population due to the sheer distance from others.” “During the collapse stage, the problem of individual safety will be most pronounced. Finding a safe place to be where your neighbors don’t attack you or steal you blind will be pretty difficult. Building trusting relationships now will help, but not entirely prevent this problem. You will just never know when you’ve become a liability instead of an asset. I know this sounds very pessimistic, but anyone that doubts this only needs to look around now at how neighbors treat each other. Reliance upon each other only works based upon mutual need and trust.” When I say or print things like this usually very few people . And still it’s a bit unnerving to have to point these things out. When I published about the purchase and building of Sanctuary this past year I was hoping for some people to move and join with me. Now many people are reaching out to me about their cancer issues. Part of the idea of Sanctuary is to provide healing in a pristine environment giving the body a time out from intense bombardment of chemical and radioactive poisons. I invite my readers to buy land here in Brazil because of all the above issues. I recommend the stocking of survival medicines for the same reasons for most of the things we take for granted will soon be absent. The same medicinal substances we can use for treating and preventing cancer are the same ones we can use to keep our mouths clean. They are the same ones we can use to help our kids get through their infectious diseases and they are the same ones that make most antibiotics unnecessary and certainly they are the same medicines that highlight the almost complete medical insanity surrounding vaccines and slash and burn cancer treatments. Despite the central banks throwing hundreds of billions of dollars at the system this past week Wall Street pulled back sharply today on anxiety about the pace of consumer spending amid a disappointing outlook from Wal-Mart Stores Inc., and word that a large money market fund was struggling because of weeks of volatility. The world's biggest retailer cut its profit outlook as economic conditions have begun crimping consumer spending and this is just the problems being mentioned in the first paragraph of today’s news. If the central banks had not pumped in huge amounts of liquidity the great crash of 2007 would be well underway. What is amazing is that with all this cash help the market is still heading south. The Fed is propping up mortgage markets, and thereby the housing market. The Fed's response shows that it is worried about the growing mortgage crises and willing to do anything to buy its way out of it. John Paul Koning "In other words, we’re looking at the start, not the end, of the lending meltdown," writes Koning. "The US government is on a ‘burning platform’ of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare underfunding, immigration and overseas military commitments threatening a crisis," warns David Walker, comptroller general of the US, who issued an unusually downbeat assessment today of America's chilling future. These include “dramatic” tax rises, slashed government services and the large-scale dumping by foreign governments of holdings of US debt. Drawing parallels with the end of the Roman empire, Mr Walker warned there were “striking similarities” between America’s current situation and the factors that brought down Rome. "You’re losing money right now. This very minute. You’re losing money if you own an apartment. You’re losing money if you own a country home. You’re losing money if you own a stock or bond mutual fund. You’re losing money if you have a pension plan. You’re probably losing money here or there, you’re probably losing money everywhere (except maybe from your savings account and wallet)," writes James J. Cramer. So batten down the hatches and I wish from the bottom of my heart that so many people did not have to suffer. So many are already and the numbers will swell beyond anyone’s comprehension. When we crack through our walls of denial we can begin to take fruitful action. Doctors and healthcare officials should be out front in warning people to protect themselves from the poisons and to be chelating out the heavy metals but the system is too busy attacking the field of chelation. They are too busy selling their poisons so how can they warn patients against themselves? I am selling land in the interior of Brazil for my friends. I am setting up a cancer center and a retreat center for radical cure that includes components that treat the soul. I am interfacing with some courageous doctors and nurses who are coming online to begin using the comprehensive protocol that I have put together in Survival Medicine. And the full force of my soul is directed at doing the best I can to protect my wife, kids and little babies providing them hope for a long life. Lately many tears have been flowing down my face at the drop of a hat because I really care. I have empathy, compassion for strangers and friends alike. I live in a paradise of a city on the northeastern coast of Brazil yet am building my future in an even greater paradise far away in the interior. I wanted options for my family, choices and one way or another we should all be allocating some of our resources to protect our loved ones and ourselves from the harm that is already raining on our heads. Hundreds of pages in Survival Medicine are dedicated to identifying the chemical and radioactive threats that the medical authorities and do not want you to know about but scientists know better. Scientists at NASA also know that at this exact moment, just weeks before the sun goes down over the Artic Circle, the ice has disappeared at a rate never seen, meaning the black ocean is sucking in the suns energy heating the waters and the earth at an ever accelerating pace. Prepare or beware and please do not get angry with me for just trying to provide a little bit of advanced warning. Even the most blind will see sooner than any one of us thinks. Mark Sircus Ac., OMDDirector International Medical Veritas Association http://www.imva.info Special Note to New Readers: We are trying to install our system that will automatically send several IMVA publications to you to bring you up to speed about the work of the IMVA. Please be patient. Durlach J, Bara M, Guiet-Bara A, Collery P. Relationship between magnesium, cancer and carcinogenic or anticancer metals. Anticancer Res. 1986 Nov-Dec;6(6):1353-61. International Medical Veritas Association Copyright 2007 All rights reserved. IMPORTANT Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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