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Another reason why I am suspicious of the " Carbon Dioxide is heating us up " .






S 2191: The Carbon Credit Enslavement System


Lee Rogers

Intel Strike

November 27, 2007


The push towards a global carbon credit mechanism continues to be one

of the top agendas of the world elite. Despite the fact that numerous

scientific studies have concluded that the entire solar system is

getting warmer as part of a natural cycle, non-stop propaganda from

the major corporate news networks continue to blame man made carbon

emissions for planetary warming. In addition, the establishment media

pushes unfounded claims that global warming will result in a myriad of

environmental disasters. Despite the fact that man made global warming

is a complete fraud, the world elite are selling fear as a way for

them to bring in a world carbon credit enslavement system. This carbon

credit system will be used as a funding mechanism to consolidate

wealth into the hands of the big global corporations and to

potentially fund regional and global governmental institutions. In

2005, the European Union began the foundational steps to setup a

credit system based off of carbon emissions through the European Union

Emission Trading Scheme. Now, they are seeking to expand that system

to include airliners. Peter Liese a German member of the European

Parliament even stated that they want this carbon credit scheme to be

global in scale. Below is a blurb from the International Herald

Tribune, in which he advocates the need for this carbon credit

enslavement system.


A bold attempt by the European Union to impose caps on aircraft

emissions received a boost on Tuesday as legislators voted to raise

the costs on airlines and to include international flights sooner than



The measures, approved by the European Parliament, are fiercely

opposed by the United States and the airline industry, which could

cost companies billions of dollars and lead to sharp price rises for

passengers. On the opposing side, some environmental groups criticized

the proposed measure, which still must be approved by individual EU

states, as far too timid.


But members of the European Parliament said that regulating aircraft

pollution would set a important precedent and could be emulated by

other countries.


" We want a worldwide system as soon as possible, " said Peter Liese, a

German member of parliament who helped to guide the legislation

through parliament, which met in Strasbourg, France. " There must be an

end to the status quo that nothing is done in the aviation sector and

which has predominated for many years now, " Liese said.


As the European Union pushes the carbon credit scam forward in Europe,

the United States Senate is now pushing Senate Bill 2191 which is

called America's Climate Security Act of 2007. The bill originally

proposed by Joe Lieberman and co-sponsored by establishment hacks on

both sides of the phony right-left political paradigm if passed into

law will establish a draconian carbon credit system here in the United

States that will give the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

extraordinary enforcement powers over this system. Below is a full

analysis of this bill which promises nothing short of total enslavement.


Facilities that emit or import fuel that could potentially emit more

than 10,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year would be affected

by this bill. This is described in section 4 of the bill and labels

these facilities as a " covered facility " and they would be forced to

abide by the rules and regulations established by this bill.

Considering that the average automobile emits approximately six tons

of carbon dioxide on a yearly basis, 10,000 metric tons is really not

a whole lot of carbon dioxide. The relevant subsections of section 4

are listed below.


(5) CARBON DIOXIDE EQUIVALENT- The term `carbon dioxide equivalent'

means, for each greenhouse gas, the quantity of the greenhouse gas

that the Administrator determines makes the same contribution to

global warming as 1 metric ton of carbon dioxide.


(7) COVERED FACILITY- The term `covered facility' means–


(A) any facility within the electric power sector that contains fossil

fuel-fired electricity generating units that together emit more than

10,000 carbon dioxide equivalents of greenhouse gas in any year;


(B) any facility within the industrial sector that emits more than

10,000 carbon dioxide equivalents of greenhouse gas in any year;


© any facility that in any year produces, or any entity that in any

year imports, petroleum- or coal-based transportation fuel, the use of

which will emit more than 10,000 carbon dioxide equivalents of

greenhouse gas, assuming no capture and permanent sequestration of

that gas; or


(D) any facility that in any year produces, or any entity that in any

year imports, nonfuel chemicals that will emit more than 10,000 carbon

dioxide equivalents of greenhouse gas, assuming no capture and

destruction or permanent sequestration of that gas.


Based off of the definition of a " covered facility " , the bill defines

what an " affected facility " is defined as. It defines any " covered

facility " as also being an " affected facility " but the broad language

goes well beyond that. In the definition it essentially states that

the Administrator of the EPA can actually designate whatever facility

they want to designate as to be an affected facility if it emits a

greenhouse gas. If you have farm animals, operate a fireplace or any

number of things, the EPA at their discretion could declare that you

are an " affected facility " and you will be forced to abide by the

regulations set forth in the bill. It also states that " in general " ,

this is what is defined as an " affected facility " , so the bill allows

the EPA to bend the rules and use an outrageous amount of discretion.

So if you get on the bad side of the people at the EPA, they will have

the power to designate your place of business or home as an " affected

facility " even if you do not emit or import fuel that could

potentially emit over 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide.




In this subtitle:




(A) IN GENERAL- The term `affected facility' means–


(i) a covered facility;


(ii) another facility that emits a greenhouse gas, as determined by

the Administrator; and


(iii) at the option of the Administrator, a vehicle fleet with

emissions of more than 10,000 carbon dioxide equivalents per year,

assuming no double-counting of emissions.


Any facility considered to be an " affected facility " would be forced

to report annually and quarterly an obscene amount of data to the

Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. The bill

establishes a federal greenhouse gas registry where this information

would be collected. Section 1103 describes the reporting requirements

of " affected facilities " which would force these facilities to report

the quantity and type of fossil fuels utilized, the amount of

electricity generated or consumed, the amount of greenhouse gases

emitted and more. These facilities would undoubtedly be forced to

operate under the carbon credit enslavement system. The full list is

shown below.




(a) In General- Subject to this section, each affected facility shall

submit to the Administrator, for inclusion in the Registry, periodic

reports, including annual and quarterly data, that–


(1) include the quantity and type of fossil fuels, including feedstock

fossil fuels, that are extracted, produced, refined, imported,

exported, or consumed at or by the facility;


(2) include the quantity of hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons,

sulfur hexafluoride, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide that has been

captured and sequestered, and other greenhouse gases generated,

produced, imported, exported, or consumed at or by the facility;


(3) include the quantity of electricity generated, imported, exported,

or consumed by or at the facility, and information on the quantity of

greenhouse gases emitted when the imported, exported, or consumed

electricity was generated, as determined by the Administrator;


(4) include the aggregate quantity of all greenhouse gas emissions

from sources at the facility, including stationary combustion source

emissions, process emissions, and fugitive emissions;


(5) include greenhouse gas emissions expressed in metric tons of each

greenhouse gas emitted and in the quantity of carbon dioxide

equivalents of each greenhouse gas emitted;


(6) include a list and description of sources of greenhouse gas

emissions at the facility;


(7) quantify greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the

measurement standards established under section 1104;


(8) include other data necessary for accurate and complete accounting

of greenhouse gas emissions, as determined by the Administrator;


(9) include an appropriate certification regarding the accuracy and

completeness of reported data, as determined by the Administrator; and


(10) are submitted electronically to the Administrator, in such form

and to such extent as may be required by the Administrator.


Failure to abide by these reporting requirements will result in

draconian fines. Section 1106 declares that the Administrator of the

Environmental Protection Agency could bring civil action against

owners or operators of facilities that do not abide by the regulations

outlined in this bill. It also outlines a fine of $25,000 each day of





(a) Civil Actions- The Administrator may bring a civil action in

United States district court against the owner or operator of an

affected facility that fails to comply with any requirement of this



(b) Penalty- Any person that has violated or is violating this

subtitle shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $25,000

per day of each violation.


In Section 1201 the bill gives the Administrator of the EPA authority

to enforce a total amount of carbon dioxide emissions allowed in the

country. Each year, the EPA will enforce rules in which fewer total

carbon dioxide emissions will be allowed. It even states that carbon

emissions will not be considered a property right.




(a) In General- The Administrator shall establish a separate quantity

of emission allowances for each of calendar years 2012 through 2050.


(b) Identification Numbers- The Administrator shall assign to each

emission allowance established under subsection (a) a unique

identification number that includes the calendar year for which that

emission allowance was established.


© Legal Status of Emission Allowances-


(1) IN GENERAL- An emission allowance shall not be a property right.


(2) TERMINATION OR LIMITATION- Nothing in this Act or any other

provision of law limits the authority of the United States to

terminate or limit an emission allowance.


(3) OTHER PROVISIONS UNAFFECTED- Nothing in this Act relating to

emission allowances shall affect the application of, or compliance

with, any other provision of law to or by a covered facility.


Even more ridiculous is that facilities that emit more carbon than

they are allowed will be subject to more outrageous fines under the

authority of the EPA.


The bill states in section 2501 that " affected facilities " would be

able to use international allowances or credits to satisfy up to 15%

of their carbon emission allowance. This indicates without a doubt

that the grand plan is to have an international carbon credit system

in place. Why would they include this section in the bill, if there

wasn't discussion of plans for an international system? Section 2501

is listed below.




The owner or operator of a covered facility may satisfy up to 15

percent of the allowance submission requirement of the covered

facility under section 1202(a) by submitting allowances or credits

obtained on a foreign greenhouse gas emissions trading market, on the

condition that the Administrator has certified the market in

accordance with the regulations promulgated pursuant to section 2502(a).


The bill would also establish a nonprofit private corporation called

the " Climate Change Credit Corporation " that would essentially collect

money based off of carbon credit auctions. This is outlined in Section

4201 of the bill which is shown below.




(a) In General- There is established, as a nonprofit corporation

without stock, a corporation to be known as the `Climate Change Credit



(b) Treatment- The Corporation shall not be considered to be an agency

or establishment of the Federal Government.


This private corporation in the bill would be run by a board of

directors composed of 5 people all appointed by the President and

confirmed by the Senate. Essentially, the President and the Senate

would have a staged theatrical confirmation hearing much like they do

when a new Chairman of the Federal Reserve is selected. It is

specifically stated that this institution will not be an agency or

establishment of the U.S. government, so therefore it would not be

directly accountable to the people. Since that's the case, why even

have a staged confirmation hearing if the corporation is going to

exist outside of the scope of the U.S. government?


The bill does state that the intention of the corporation is to use

the money they collect to be used towards alternative fuels, but since

it operates outside of the scope of the federal government, there is

no way to determine how this private corporation would be held

accountable for their actions. It would essentially give them a blank

check to funnel money back into the military industrial complex under

the guise of researching non-carbon emitting alternative fuels. Even

the language in section 4401, states that " in general " , the

corporation will use the amounts collected via their carbon credit

auctions but it doesn't force them to do this.




For each calendar year, the Corporation shall use the amounts

described in section 4301© and 4302(b) to carry out the programs

established under this subtitle, as follows:


(1) Not more than 45 percent of the funds shall be used to carry out

the zero- or low-carbon energy technologies program under section 4402.


(2) Not more than 35 percent of the funds shall be used as follows:


(A) Not more than 28 percent shall be used to carry out the advanced

coal and sequestration technologies program under section 4403.


(B) Not more than 7 percent shall be used to carry out the cellulosic

biomass ethanol technology deployment programs under section 4404.


(3) Not more than 20 percent shall be used to carry out the advanced

technology vehicles manufacturing incentive program under section 4405.


The market of carbon credits will be overseen by a new institution

called the " Carbon Market Efficiency Board " . This board will

essentially serve as a price fixer for the carbon credit market.

Section 2601 through Section 2605 describes the duties of the board.

The bill gives the board the ability to set interest rates on the

borrowing of carbon credits and to determine if at certain periods of

time, more carbon credits are needed to ensure the economy functions

properly. It will essentially be a Federal Reserve System for carbon

credits, and they will be given the power to manipulate the carbon

credit market as they see fit.


Boiling the bill down to brass tax, it gives the EPA draconian powers

to determine who and who doesn't need to abide by the regulations in

this bill. The language is so broad that the EPA can literally decide

that any business or facility must abide by these rules and

regulations at their discretion even if they fall outside the scope of

a " covered facility " . The EPA could even decide that homes with

fireplaces could be considered an " affected facility " by the bill

considering the amount of discretion they are given in determining

what is considered to be an " affected facility " . Whomever the EPA

decides is affected by this bill must report all sorts of ridiculous

information detailing their carbon footprint to the EPA on a quarterly

basis. It gives the EPA extraordinary powers to enforce a carbon

credit system and gives them the mandate to levy draconian fines on

those in non-compliance with this legislation. There is no exemption

for humans or animals which naturally emit carbon dioxide so the EPA

at some point could even include employees and farm animals as

contributing to a facilities carbon footprint. The broad language in

the bill gives a blank check to the EPA to be the nation's carbon

police where people would need permission from the government by way

of carbon credits to conduct normal everyday activities including



The bill also sets up the carbon credit system so that fewer and fewer

carbon credits are issued on a yearly basis. This will not be a

problem for the big multinational corporations, but it will be a huge

problem for smaller and medium sized businesses trying to grow. The

" Climate Change Credit Corporation " which the bill establishes would

collect large amounts of money by auctioning off increasingly more

valuable carbon credits. The bill authorizes this corporation to

auction off an increasing amount of carbon credits over time.

Considering that the bill mandates that fewer and fewer carbon credits

will be made available over time, these carbon credits will become

increasingly more valuable and more money will be funneled into this

tax exempt corporation.


The " Carbon Market Efficiency Board " that the bill establishes would

serve to be price fixers for the market of carbon credits. Much like

how the Federal Reserve manipulates the value of Federal Reserve

Notes, the Carbon Market Efficiency Board will manipulate the value of

carbon credits.


This is a horrible piece of legislation and essentially gives the EPA

the ability to enforce a credit system on life itself. This is nothing

more than an enslavement system which will consolidate more wealth

into the hands of the military industrial complex and ensure that

smaller and medium sized businesses can't grow and compete with them.

This bill represents nothing more than out of control corporate

fascism giving broad police powers to the EPA, establishing a board

with the power to manipulate the value of carbon credits and

establishing a nonprofit corporation with no definitive government

accountability that will have a great deal of wealth funneled into it

by auctioning off what in the future will be increasingly more

valuable carbon credits. Joe Lieberman and the associated gaggle of

the bill's co-sponsors are traitors and care not about the American

people or their welfare by introducing this legislation.


It is clear that this global carbon credit system is at the very

forefront of the elite's agenda to completely enslave the middle class

and poor in developed nations. This bill needs to be defeated, and the

traitors that are supporting this should be removed from office




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