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FDA tried to prevent knowledge of its healthful effects -Stevia outlawed by the European Union

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Stevia Natural Sweetener Competes With AspartameFrom Betty Martini Bettym19






I have just received as well two studies on Stevia safety from the Stevita Company (petro) one on diabetics and one on diabetic rats showing safety. I believe they have about 500 other studies showing safety. Stevita makes a Stevia that taste very much like sugar and has drinks, etc.


Below is the story of Stevia and how industry and the FDA have tried to prevent the knowledge of its healthful effects, so that the deadly neurotoxic drug aspartame will have no competition. Aspartame, of course, can precipitate diabetes, keeps blood sugar out of control, destroys the optic nerve and can cause diabetics to go into convulsions. It also interacts with insulin and no doubt is responsible for the epidemic of diabetes.


Stevia was outlawed by the European Union and when I visited them in Belgium and asked why was told there were no studies to show safety. I explained there were about 500, tell me where to send them. What I got was "silence". The article explains why. Parliament has voted now to re-examine aspartame and Stevia, but its only the first step.


Aspartame is also the reason for the epidemic of obesity as its a neurotoxic drug that makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight. (See protest of National Soft Drink Association on www.dorway.com). It is also makes the liver so toxic as it embalms you (Trocho Study, l998), that its hard to even lose weight.


In April l994, Dr. Robert Atkins (recently deceased) wrote a special supplement to his newsletter, Health Revelations. It was titled Artificial Sugar: A Sweet and Dangerous Lure. All about aspartame. It called it Low-cal Weight Gain and said: "In a pecular finding that strikes at the very existence of the sweetener, 39 of the people in Roberts study (referring to H. J. Roberts, M.D., diabetic specialist and world expert on aspartame, author of the medical text on the global plague of aspartame disease - Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, www.sunsentpress.com) gained weight, averaging 19 pounds per person. Considerable evidence supports this metabolic effect. Dr. John Olney of Washington University Medical Center devoted two decades of his brilliant career to demonstrating the harmful effects of glutamate (MSG) which produces the same effect as aspartate, one of the main constitutents of aspartame. Olney showed that:


* Glutamate, in animal experiments, damaged areas of the brain controlling endocrine function, which led to pathological obesity.


* Aspartate has the same ability as glutamate to destroy those brain cells.


What a painful irony if you and I switch to aartificial sweeteners in our desire to lose weight and then are sabotaged by the metabolic effects of this "weight loss" ingredient.


Don't forget, obesity in America has increased by 30 percent in the past decade, the same period in which aspartame has been introduced. It now accounts for 70 percent of our artificial sweetener use and a quarter of total sweetener use.


Obesity, of course, is metabolically related to diabetes, and Roberts noted many cases of diabetics whose blood glucose control was thrown off by aspartame. We at the Atkins Center have initiated a study of overweight people with sugar disorders to see if their weight and glucose control vary with aspartame intake." (end of Dr. Atkins quote from his newsletter).


I might mention that the European Union was presented with a good deal of Dr. Roberts' research and shown the 1038 page medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic.


To show you beyond any shadow of a doubt that in saying their review showed safety of aspartame they knew they were being deceptive, they actually left out of their review all of Dr. Roberts damaging research!!!! And failed to mention that a huge medical text had been had been published on the deadly, deadly effects of aspartame,the drug interactions and the legal implications of mass poisoning the public.


Over and over again, I mentioned to them "you have to care, you have to care". They have shown they didn't care. I asked them if they were aligned with industry and they said no, obviously they are. You couldn't look at all the damning reports I left with Mr. Peter Wagstaffe and Mr. Miguel-Angel.Granero-Rosell and not know that the we are dealing with a global plague of Aspartame Disease. I gave them the testimony of Dr. Louis Elsas, pediatric professor, genetics, Emory University, on how aspartame triggers birth defects and mental retardation.


I showed them the report Aspartame Murders Infants and how it destroys every part of the fertility process. And said again, you have to care about millions of babies being murdered in their mother's womb. It made no difference to them. I gave them the Board of Inquiry Report of the FDA saying aspartame is not safe, triggers brain tumors, and petition is revoked and aspartame can't be approved.


Of course, we know of the politics that was involved and how Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes over-ruled that Board of Inquiry and then went to work for the PR Agency of the manufacturer. To help the effort and get the truth to the public, Bob Flint, Mission Possible Maine has put the largest congressional hearing (there were 3) on CD along with the Board of Inquiry report of the FDA saying aspartame is not safe, and Dr. John Olney's testimony to the Board of Inquiry, for only $5.00. Anyone who wants to read these damning government reports can get them off www.greatfallspro.com


The summation only of the Board of Inquiry is on www.dorway.com along with the actual FDA audit, the Bressler Report. I want you to know I have personally spoke to Jerome Bressler and thanked for writing the truth, and he informed his report was so damning that the FDA removed 20% of it as well as a cover letter. He told me of two mice studies that were also very very damning. Originally the FDA wanted the manufacturer indicted for fraud but the pharmaceutical company was so powerful that both United States Prosecutors hired on with the defense team and the statute of limitations expired.


Read on about this wonderful, safe sweetener they actually outlawed in Europe, that needs to be re-approved. I got a call from the UK from someone telling me Monsanto was behind it, hearsay though it might be, I hear what they are saying, and have heard it for years. There is a saying where there is smoke there is fire, but this is a large conflagration blazing out of control.


I am glad to see this article on Stevia which tells the story we've been telling for years. Parliament needs to read it as well. Incidentally, Dr. Atkins in this supplement also mentioned Stevia. Remember this was written in l994. He says: "In Japan, stevia has been used for 17 years to replace sugar. It now constitutes 4o to 50 percent of the sweetener ingested in Japan. More than 300,000 pounds are consumed a year, and no adverse reactions have been described in Japanese scientific literature." However, just a few weeks ago Japan released a new study on aspartame again showing DNA damage (which we have known about for over 20 years) and infertility in men.


Dr. James Bowen in Aspartame Murders Infants (www.dorway.com) said: "At every point in the fertility process aspartame destroys, beginning with the gleam in Mom and Pop's eyes it ruins female sexual response and induces male sexual dysfunction. Beyond this aspartame disrupts fetal development by aborting it or inducing defects. And if a live child is born aspartame may have heinously damaged the DNA of the baby cursing future generations." I left this paper with the European Union and begged them to care which they didn't. There is now a 59 page report of rebuttal on the European Union report showing all their errors and coverup.


Read on for the article on Stevia and lets all lend our support and knowledge to the European Parliament to bring back this wonderful, healthful herb and remove aspartame from the planet. Stay away from other toxic sweeteners. A very bad one is Sucralose or Splenda which has a chlorinated base like DDT and can cause autoimmune disease. Asculfame K is another horrible sweetener that caused cancer and leukemia in original studies and we often get reactions to these toxins.


Betty Martini, Founder, Mission Possible Intl, 9270 River Club Parkway, Duluth, Georgia 30097, 770 242-2599 www.dorway.com



From Marianne Payton mpayton To Betty Martini


The convoluted history of FDA's protection of the artificial swetener market for Aspartame (nutrasweet/equal) follows:


What is STEVIA?


http://www.ccherb.com/index.htm Cross Creek Home


A South American herb that is up to 400 times sweeter than sugar with only ten (10) calories per pound, stevia is the perfect sugar replacement for persons suffering from diabetes, which helps to actually regulate blood-sugar levels. Medical doctors in Japan and Germany routinely use stevia in their treatment of diabetic patients, as well as those with candidiasis (a chronic yeast infection that thrives on sugar, also implicated in auto-immune disorders (AIDS), chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.) And unlike aspartame (Nutrasweet) and its cousins, stevia is perfect for use in baking, cooking and as a food additive that happens to sweeten. It is so powerfully sweet that 1/2 teaspoon is approximately equivalent to one (1) cup of sugar in sweetening capabilities.


The History Behind STEVIA.


Used as a sweetener for a thousand years in what is now northeastern Paraguay by native peoples, stevia rebuadiana is perhaps the only known plant to worry the sweetener industry today. First published accounts of the miraculous uses of this herb go as far back as 1576 by Spanish physician Francisco Hernandez in his book, "Natural History of Plants of the New Spain" after Spanish conquistadors arrived on the shores of South America. This widespread native use to sweeten the taste of mate' and other bitter beverages and medicinal potions, and to treat many ailments was much chronicled in historical documents. Introduced to settlers, the use spread to other parts of the continent, notably Brazil and Argentina, and was again documented in 1887 when Dr. Moises Santiage Bertoni began "rediscovering" this herb after much research, naming his variety after a chemist named Rebaudi who became the first to extract the plants' sweet constituent. So impressed by the plants' sweetening capabilities, he declared it "so superior to sugar that it is no need to wait for results of analyses and cultures to affirm its economic advantage - the simple test proves it." In 1908, the first harvest of a stevia crop occurred, a ton from its natural habitat. Soon stevia plantations sprung up, making this a viable agricultural crop with use increasing even outside of Latin America.


Brought to the attention of the U.S. Government in 1918 by a U.S. Department of Agriculture botanist, the herb raised concerns in the business community.


Three years later American Trade Commissioner George S. Brady presented stevia to the USDA, taking note of its non-toxicity, is ability to be used in natural form with only drying and grinding, and claims of "an idea and safe sugar for diabetics". Nothing further became of Stevias' potential introduction to the American market, although a German report later mentioned receiving specimens "of the well known plant which alarmed sugar producers some years ago." In 1931, chemists in France isolated the two chemical compounds responsible for the sweet taste, developing the first crystalline extract.


Within decades the Japanese began using stevia as the idea replacement for sugar and its synthetic substitutes after banning or strictly regulating artificial sweeteners and other chemicals in food sources during the 1960's.


By 1988, stevia products represented 41% of the market of sweet substances consumed in Japan, as well as being commonly found to sweeten a variety of food products on the manufacturing level, including ice cream, soft drinks, bread and candies. Today the use of stevia has spread to many countries not only in Japan and South America, but in China, Germany, Korea, Israel, and others. Stevias' safety has been repeatedly proven through extensive scientific testing and hundreds of years of use.


Why is STEVIA not well known in the United States?


By the mid-1980's, stevia was poised to debut on the American marketplace, with Celestial Seasonings and Thomas J. Lipton Tea Company eager to market herbal teas using this herb that is natural, almost non-caloric and is safe for diabetics. Suddenly, due to an "anonymous trade complaint" from a company that did not want stevia made available to consumers (generally acknowledged as coming from the makers of aspartame), the FDA banned import of the herb into the U.S., and initiated search and seizures (complete with armed federal marshals) in manufacturing facilities, storage warehouses - anywhere where there was potential distribution or use of the herb. Claiming the herb as "a non-safe food additive" despite acknowledging it has "been used throughout history," the FDA refused to respond to petitions filed by the American Herbal Products and Lipton Tea Company, denying official GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status, even trying to prohibit the petitions to be filed, a routine procedure that does not require any approval. The FDA's citing of "studies" regarding the safety of stevia are so incomplete and unrealistic they are deemed absurd by most standards with the professor of one study (Professor Joseph Kuc) stating the "studies need to be redone," conceding his findings "do not constitute an important reason for keeping stevia off the U.S. market." The FDA refuses to even read or acknowledge studies indicating safety and benefits of the herb from Japan and Germany.


Yet, the FDA shows a double standard regarding the tens of thousands of consumer complaints regarding aspartame (Nutrasweet and the like), much less the reports and studies of brain tumors, headaches, blindness and seizures.


The potential deadly and toxic effects of this pharmachemical far surpasses any remote possible effects of stevia in even the highest dosages. Fortunately, with the passing of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act in 1994, legislation was enacted to market many vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals as a "dietary supplement." Such supplements are no longer classified as "food additives" and are not subject to intensive safety testing. While there is some potential of mis-use and exploitation in this area, the benefits far outweigh the restrictions placed before consumers to use the natural substances of their choice. It is, and should be the consumer's responsibility and right to acquire knowledge of dietary products, particularly for health and medicinal use.


The Future of Stevia.


The release of stevia to be not only imported into this country, but also commercially grown, (you too can grow your own plants), opens the door for the future common availability of this herb in every supermarket and as an additive to processed food in the U.S. While the battle to market stevia as an alternative sweetener to sugar is far from over, the time will come sooner than later. Thomas J. Lipton is still involved with petitions and suites to gain status to have the herb labeled GRAS. More and more everyday folks are discovering this herb, and it will once again be America's "grass roots" movement, not corporate America or our government, that will succeed in deciding what we ultimately put into our bodies by choice.


How To Use Stevia Herb as a "Dietary Supplement."


Most stevia that is presently imported comes in its raw, powdered form, or cut and sifted, although there are some sources that provide a liquid extract, and even a white crystalline form. The raw, powdered form has a nicegreen color with some slight crystals. This is usually from the best of over 200 species of plants named Stevia rebuadiana Bertoni, which has little of the bitterness sometimes associated with some other species. The number and variety of species account for the wide range of sweetness comparisons to sugar, with 400 times sweeter being the highest, and 200-300 times as being the average. Such a small amount is needed to sweeten a cup of coffee or tea, for instance, that dipping the tip of your pinkie finger into the powder is as much stevia herb as would be required. Although it can be used in baking far more successfully than aspartame, it still doesn't rise as much as sugar, and doesn't really have the browning capabilities (your sugar cookie recipe will remain a pretty white). Most people experiment and often will start out by reducing the amount of sugar, replacing the other half with stevia.


Remember that a teaspoon is roughly equivalent to one cup of sugar. The powder is so fine, some cooks experienced in using stevia prefer using the extract drops. The key is to play and have fun finding the right amount of sweetness for your taste buds. The herb is available at most herb and wholistic health-oriented stores.


The best method of getting the word out to the general public is tell your friends and family about this great herb. Do research, read all that you can - you may be required to help put pressure or lend support to those who want to see the benefits of this herb reach the American public. Most of the information for this article was taken from a wonderful book entitled The Stevia Story by Linda Bonvie, Bill Bonvie and Donna Gates, published by B.E.D. Publications Co. [iSBN: 0-9638458-1-0]. This book is often available at wholistic bookstores and health/food markets, but your nearest regular bookstore can order it.


****** The benefits of stevia as a sweetener are unrivaled: * Stevia actually balances blood sugar levels, and is safe for use by both diabetics and hypoglycemics.


* Unlike aspartame, there are no reports of adverse effects from stevia's use and scientific studies throughout the world prove out its safety. Stevia has never been shown to cause brain tumors, seizures, blindness, or any of the other 92 adverse reactions associated with aspartame.


* Unlike aspartame, stevia reduces the craving for sweets, making it the ideal sweetener for a society desperate to lose weight. * Unlike sugar, stevia reduces cavities by retarding the growth of plaque. * Stevia is used as a digestive aid in Brazil. * Stevia contains antiseptic properties which have proven beneficial in speeding the healing process of skin wounds.


* Tests show that stevia's antimicrobial properties inhibit the growth of streptococcus and other bacteria. This is especially noteworthy since some forms of streptococcus have become antibiotic resistant.


Emperor's Herbologist JAJA Stevioside is sold in Germany, England, Australia, Japan, France, the USA, and many other countries around the world



"A man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions." Oliver Wendell Holmes


"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson*


"For the rest of my life I want to reflect on what Light is." Albert Einstein

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12/10/2007 1:53:08 PM

. ; . MedicalConspiracies@google; . MedicalConspiracies@

FDA tried to prevent knowledge of its healthful effects -Stevia outlawed by the European Union



Stevia Natural Sweetener Competes With AspartameFrom Betty Martini Bettym19 (AT) mindspring (DOT) com






I have just received as well two studies on Stevia safety from the Stevita Company (petro (AT) mindspring (DOT) com) one on diabetics and one on diabetic rats showing safety. I believe they have about 500 other studies showing safety. Stevita makes a Stevia that taste very much like sugar and has drinks, etc.

Below is the story of Stevia and how industry and the FDA have tried to prevent the knowledge of its healthful effects, so that the deadly neurotoxic drug aspartame will have no competition. Aspartame, of course, can precipitate diabetes, keeps blood sugar out of control, destroys the optic nerve and can cause diabetics to go into convulsions. It also interacts with insulin and no doubt is responsible for the epidemic of diabetes.

Stevia was outlawed by the European Union and when I visited them in Belgium and asked why was told there were no studies to show safety. I explained there were about 500, tell me where to send them. What I got was "silence". The article explains why. Parliament has voted now to re-examine aspartame and Stevia, but its only the first step.

Aspartame is also the reason for the epidemic of obesity as its a neurotoxic drug that makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight. (See protest of National Soft Drink Association on www.dorway.com). It is also makes the liver so toxic as it embalms you (Trocho Study, l998), that its hard to even lose weight.

In April l994, Dr. Robert Atkins (recently deceased) wrote a special supplement to his newsletter, Health Revelations. It was titled Artificial Sugar: A Sweet and Dangerous Lure. All about aspartame. It called it Low-cal Weight Gain and said: "In a pecular finding that strikes at the very existence of the sweetener, 39 of the people in Roberts study (referring to H. J. Roberts, M.D., diabetic specialist and world expert on aspartame, author of the medical text on the global plague of aspartame disease - Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, www.sunsentpress.com) gained weight, averaging 19 pounds per person. Considerable evidence supports this metabolic effect. Dr. John Olney of Washington University Medical Center devoted two decades of his brilliant career to demonstrating the harmful effects of glutamate (MSG) which produces the same effect as aspartate, one of the main constitutents of aspartame. Olney showed that:

* Glutamate, in animal experiments, damaged areas of the brain controlling endocrine function, which led to pathological obesity.

* Aspartate has the same ability as glutamate to destroy those brain cells.

What a painful irony if you and I switch to aartificial sweeteners in our desire to lose weight and then are sabotaged by the metabolic effects of this "weight loss" ingredient.

Don't forget, obesity in America has increased by 30 percent in the past decade, the same period in which aspartame has been introduced. It now accounts for 70 percent of our artificial sweetener use and a quarter of total sweetener use.

Obesity, of course, is metabolically related to diabetes, and Roberts noted many cases of diabetics whose blood glucose control was thrown off by aspartame. We at the Atkins Center have initiated a study of overweight people with sugar disorders to see if their weight and glucose control vary with aspartame intake." (end of Dr. Atkins quote from his newsletter).

I might mention that the European Union was presented with a good deal of Dr. Roberts' research and shown the 1038 page medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic.

To show you beyond any shadow of a doubt that in saying their review showed safety of aspartame they knew they were being deceptive, they actually left out of their review all of Dr. Roberts damaging research!!!! And failed to mention that a huge medical text had been had been published on the deadly, deadly effects of aspartame,the drug interactions and the legal implications of mass poisoning the public.

Over and over again, I mentioned to them "you have to care, you have to care". They have shown they didn't care. I asked them if they were aligned with industry and they said no, obviously they are. You couldn't look at all the damning reports I left with Mr. Peter Wagstaffe and Mr. Miguel-Angel.Granero-Rosell and not know that the we are dealing with a global plague of Aspartame Disease. I gave them the testimony of Dr. Louis Elsas, pediatric professor, genetics, Emory University, on how aspartame triggers birth defects and mental retardation.

I showed them the report Aspartame Murders Infants and how it destroys every part of the fertility process. And said again, you have to care about millions of babies being murdered in their mother's womb. It made no difference to them. I gave them the Board of Inquiry Report of the FDA saying aspartame is not safe, triggers brain tumors, and petition is revoked and aspartame can't be approved.

Of course, we know of the politics that was involved and how Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes over-ruled that Board of Inquiry and then went to work for the PR Agency of the manufacturer. To help the effort and get the truth to the public, Bob Flint, Mission Possible Maine has put the largest congressional hearing (there were 3) on CD along with the Board of Inquiry report of the FDA saying aspartame is not safe, and Dr. John Olney's testimony to the Board of Inquiry, for only $5.00. Anyone who wants to read these damning government reports can get them off www.greatfallspro.com

The summation only of the Board of Inquiry is on www.dorway.com along with the actual FDA audit, the Bressler Report. I want you to know I have personally spoke to Jerome Bressler and thanked for writing the truth, and he informed his report was so damning that the FDA removed 20% of it as well as a cover letter. He told me of two mice studies that were also very very damning. Originally the FDA wanted the manufacturer indicted for fraud but the pharmaceutical company was so powerful that both United States Prosecutors hired on with the defense team and the statute of limitations expired.

Read on about this wonderful, safe sweetener they actually outlawed in Europe, that needs to be re-approved. I got a call from the UK from someone telling me Monsanto was behind it, hearsay though it might be, I hear what they are saying, and have heard it for years. There is a saying where there is smoke there is fire, but this is a large conflagration blazing out of control.

I am glad to see this article on Stevia which tells the story we've been telling for years. Parliament needs to read it as well. Incidentally, Dr. Atkins in this supplement also mentioned Stevia. Remember this was written in l994. He says: "In Japan, stevia has been used for 17 years to replace sugar. It now constitutes 4o to 50 percent of the sweetener ingested in Japan. More than 300,000 pounds are consumed a year, and no adverse reactions have been described in Japanese scientific literature." However, just a few weeks ago Japan released a new study on aspartame again showing DNA damage (which we have known about for over 20 years) and infertility in men.

Dr. James Bowen in Aspartame Murders Infants (www.dorway.com) said: "At every point in the fertility process aspartame destroys, beginning with the gleam in Mom and Pop's eyes it ruins female sexual response and induces male sexual dysfunction. Beyond this aspartame disrupts fetal development by aborting it or inducing defects. And if a live child is born aspartame may have heinously damaged the DNA of the baby cursing future generations." I left this paper with the European Union and begged them to care which they didn't. There is now a 59 page report of rebuttal on the European Union report showing all their errors and coverup.

Read on for the article on Stevia and lets all lend our support and knowledge to the European Parliament to bring back this wonderful, healthful herb and remove aspartame from the planet. Stay away from other toxic sweeteners. A very bad one is Sucralose or Splenda which has a chlorinated base like DDT and can cause autoimmune disease. Asculfame K is another horrible sweetener that caused cancer and leukemia in original studies and we often get reactions to these toxins.

Betty Martini, Founder, Mission Possible Intl, 9270 River Club Parkway, Duluth, Georgia 30097, 770 242-2599 www.dorway.com


From Marianne Payton mpayton (AT) cfl (DOT) rr.com To Betty Martini

The convoluted history of FDA's protection of the artificial swetener market for Aspartame (nutrasweet/equal) follows:

What is STEVIA?

http://www.ccherb.com/index.htm Cross Creek Home

A South American herb that is up to 400 times sweeter than sugar with only ten (10) calories per pound, stevia is the perfect sugar replacement for persons suffering from diabetes, which helps to actually regulate blood-sugar levels. Medical doctors in Japan and Germany routinely use stevia in their treatment of diabetic patients, as well as those with candidiasis (a chronic yeast infection that thrives on sugar, also implicated in auto-immune disorders (AIDS), chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.) And unlike aspartame (Nutrasweet) and its cousins, stevia is perfect for use in baking, cooking and as a food additive that happens to sweeten. It is so powerfully sweet that 1/2 teaspoon is approximately equivalent to one (1) cup of sugar in sweetening capabilities.

The History Behind STEVIA.

Used as a sweetener for a thousand years in what is now northeastern Paraguay by native peoples, stevia rebuadiana is perhaps the only known plant to worry the sweetener industry today. First published accounts of the miraculous uses of this herb go as far back as 1576 by Spanish physician Francisco Hernandez in his book, "Natural History of Plants of the New Spain" after Spanish conquistadors arrived on the shores of South America. This widespread native use to sweeten the taste of mate' and other bitter beverages and medicinal potions, and to treat many ailments was much chronicled in historical documents. Introduced to settlers, the use spread to other parts of the continent, notably Brazil and Argentina, and was again documented in 1887 when Dr. Moises Santiage Bertoni began "rediscovering" this herb after much research, naming his variety after a chemist named Rebaudi who became the first to extract the plants' sweet constituent. So impressed by the plants' sweetening capabilities, he declared it "so superior to sugar that it is no need to wait for results of analyses and cultures to affirm its economic advantage - the simple test proves it." In 1908, the first harvest of a stevia crop occurred, a ton from its natural habitat. Soon stevia plantations sprung up, making this a viable agricultural crop with use increasing even outside of Latin America.

Brought to the attention of the U.S. Government in 1918 by a U.S. Department of Agriculture botanist, the herb raised concerns in the business community.

Three years later American Trade Commissioner George S. Brady presented stevia to the USDA, taking note of its non-toxicity, is ability to be used in natural form with only drying and grinding, and claims of "an idea and safe sugar for diabetics". Nothing further became of Stevias' potential introduction to the American market, although a German report later mentioned receiving specimens "of the well known plant which alarmed sugar producers some years ago." In 1931, chemists in France isolated the two chemical compounds responsible for the sweet taste, developing the first crystalline extract.

Within decades the Japanese began using stevia as the idea replacement for sugar and its synthetic substitutes after banning or strictly regulating artificial sweeteners and other chemicals in food sources during the 1960's.

By 1988, stevia products represented 41% of the market of sweet substances consumed in Japan, as well as being commonly found to sweeten a variety of food products on the manufacturing level, including ice cream, soft drinks, bread and candies. Today the use of stevia has spread to many countries not only in Japan and South America, but in China, Germany, Korea, Israel, and others. Stevias' safety has been repeatedly proven through extensive scientific testing and hundreds of years of use.

Why is STEVIA not well known in the United States?

By the mid-1980's, stevia was poised to debut on the American marketplace, with Celestial Seasonings and Thomas J. Lipton Tea Company eager to market herbal teas using this herb that is natural, almost non-caloric and is safe for diabetics. Suddenly, due to an "anonymous trade complaint" from a company that did not want stevia made available to consumers (generally acknowledged as coming from the makers of aspartame), the FDA banned import of the herb into the U.S., and initiated search and seizures (complete with armed federal marshals) in manufacturing facilities, storage warehouses - anywhere where there was potential distribution or use of the herb. Claiming the herb as "a non-safe food additive" despite acknowledging it has "been used throughout history," the FDA refused to respond to petitions filed by the American Herbal Products and Lipton Tea Company, denying official GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status, even trying to prohibit the petitions to be filed, a routine procedure that does not require any approval. The FDA's citing of "studies" regarding the safety of stevia are so incomplete and unrealistic they are deemed absurd by most standards with the professor of one study (Professor Joseph Kuc) stating the "studies need to be redone," conceding his findings "do not constitute an important reason for keeping stevia off the U.S. market." The FDA refuses to even read or acknowledge studies indicating safety and benefits of the herb from Japan and Germany.

Yet, the FDA shows a double standard regarding the tens of thousands of consumer complaints regarding aspartame (Nutrasweet and the like), much less the reports and studies of brain tumors, headaches, blindness and seizures.

The potential deadly and toxic effects of this pharmachemical far surpasses any remote possible effects of stevia in even the highest dosages. Fortunately, with the passing of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act in 1994, legislation was enacted to market many vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals as a "dietary supplement." Such supplements are no longer classified as "food additives" and are not subject to intensive safety testing. While there is some potential of mis-use and exploitation in this area, the benefits far outweigh the restrictions placed before consumers to use the natural substances of their choice. It is, and should be the consumer's responsibility and right to acquire knowledge of dietary products, particularly for health and medicinal use.

The Future of Stevia.

The release of stevia to be not only imported into this country, but also commercially grown, (you too can grow your own plants), opens the door for the future common availability of this herb in every supermarket and as an additive to processed food in the U.S. While the battle to market stevia as an alternative sweetener to sugar is far from over, the time will come sooner than later. Thomas J. Lipton is still involved with petitions and suites to gain status to have the herb labeled GRAS. More and more everyday folks are discovering this herb, and it will once again be America's "grass roots" movement, not corporate America or our government, that will succeed in deciding what we ultimately put into our bodies by choice.

How To Use Stevia Herb as a "Dietary Supplement."

Most stevia that is presently imported comes in its raw, powdered form, or cut and sifted, although there are some sources that provide a liquid extract, and even a white crystalline form. The raw, powdered form has a nicegreen color with some slight crystals. This is usually from the best of over 200 species of plants named Stevia rebuadiana Bertoni, which has little of the bitterness sometimes associated with some other species. The number and variety of species account for the wide range of sweetness comparisons to sugar, with 400 times sweeter being the highest, and 200-300 times as being the average. Such a small amount is needed to sweeten a cup of coffee or tea, for instance, that dipping the tip of your pinkie finger into the powder is as much stevia herb as would be required. Although it can be used in baking far more successfully than aspartame, it still doesn't rise as much as sugar, and doesn't really have the browning capabilities (your sugar cookie recipe will remain a pretty white). Most people experiment and often will start out by reducing the amount of sugar, replacing the other half with stevia.

Remember that a teaspoon is roughly equivalent to one cup of sugar. The powder is so fine, some cooks experienced in using stevia prefer using the extract drops. The key is to play and have fun finding the right amount of sweetness for your taste buds. The herb is available at most herb and wholistic health-oriented stores.

The best method of getting the word out to the general public is tell your friends and family about this great herb. Do research, read all that you can - you may be required to help put pressure or lend support to those who want to see the benefits of this herb reach the American public. Most of the information for this article was taken from a wonderful book entitled The Stevia Story by Linda Bonvie, Bill Bonvie and Donna Gates, published by B.E.D. Publications Co. [iSBN: 0-9638458-1-0]. This book is often available at wholistic bookstores and health/food markets, but your nearest regular bookstore can order it.

****** The benefits of stevia as a sweetener are unrivaled: * Stevia actually balances blood sugar levels, and is safe for use by both diabetics and hypoglycemics.

* Unlike aspartame, there are no reports of adverse effects from stevia's use and scientific studies throughout the world prove out its safety. Stevia has never been shown to cause brain tumors, seizures, blindness, or any of the other 92 adverse reactions associated with aspartame.

* Unlike aspartame, stevia reduces the craving for sweets, making it the ideal sweetener for a society desperate to lose weight. * Unlike sugar, stevia reduces cavities by retarding the growth of plaque. * Stevia is used as a digestive aid in Brazil. * Stevia contains antiseptic properties which have proven beneficial in speeding the healing process of skin wounds.

* Tests show that stevia's antimicrobial properties inhibit the growth of streptococcus and other bacteria. This is especially noteworthy since some forms of streptococcus have become antibiotic resistant.

Emperor's Herbologist JAJA Stevioside is sold in Germany, England, Australia, Japan, France, the USA, and many other countries around the world


"A man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions." Oliver Wendell Holmes

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson*

"For the rest of my life I want to reflect on what Light is." Albert Einstein


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