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My Son Very Ill

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Hi,I am Jan,

I am just going to send this letter to anyone I think

might be interested.

We just had our Christmas yesterday with family.

It is always kind of sad as we lost our oldest son

in a very tragic way a few years back,he was 37

yrs old.

Our youngest son had a complete personality change due to his death

& his new marriage.He

lives 100 miles away & has not been here to visit or for Christmas in

at least 10 yrs.Our son died of

Aids and my daughter in law will not associate with us.He was not

Gay,not that it matters but he was

abused by men & that is a long tragic story like

you have most likely never heard.

Our 2nd oldest son Bob is very ill.He has hepatitus C & went through

treatment for a year,

this was 5 years ago & he has not been the same


Almost contant Depression & then the various

drugs given to him and a Heart Attack with 3 stents

and now to make a long sad story shorter,he is

SEVERELY addicted to Prescription drugs.

(I could write a book on what I think of all these

WONDERFUL drugs the Doctors give out so


He also for many years has been plagued with

Cluster headaches,VERY SEVERE too & would

need more Imitrex shots then a normal person,he would get almost

paralyzed with pain.

What has all this done to my son.???

I looked at him yesterday & I thought he looked like he was 85 yrs

old.He is 47 yrs old & looks far

older than his Dad.

I could go on & on I guess,but this family is really

suffering & I wish I could help him

My husband & I are retired & on Social Security

so we are so limited in money.

My husband is also not so good as he has lung

problems & just got out of the hospital with a

partially collapsed lung & still being treated too.

We have good insurance for our care which helps.

But I wish my son could go to Mayo Clinic where

they would just start from the beginning & really

put a better picture together.He has just a small

town Doctor that has possibly contributed to his


My heart aches for my son & the thought of losing

another son is overwhelming.I've already lost one to death & one


Can someone help at all,I think my son's insurance might cover some

of Mayo but not all,

he has no money as its been hard for him to work steady.

My husband would like to go to Mayo with him but

we don't even have the money for motel to stay

while he go's through the clinic.

I have never been like a beggar but I am very

desparate to help him.

Please contact me,A MOM

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Dear " Mom, "


Viruses can be killed by frequency generators set to the frequencies

for the individual virus. There are also natural remedies for



Wm Kotheimer






, " hatfields101 "

<hatsbooks wrote:


> Hi,I am Jan,

> I am just going to send this letter to anyone I think

> might be interested.

> We just had our Christmas yesterday with family.

> It is always kind of sad as we lost our oldest son

> in a very tragic way a few years back,he was 37

> yrs old.

> Our youngest son had a complete personality change due to his


> & his new marriage.He

> lives 100 miles away & has not been here to visit or for Christmas


> at least 10 yrs.Our son died of

> Aids and my daughter in law will not associate with us.He was not

> Gay,not that it matters but he was

> abused by men & that is a long tragic story like

> you have most likely never heard.

> Our 2nd oldest son Bob is very ill.He has hepatitus C & went


> treatment for a year,

> this was 5 years ago & he has not been the same

> since.

> Almost contant Depression & then the various

> drugs given to him and a Heart Attack with 3 stents

> and now to make a long sad story shorter,he is

> SEVERELY addicted to Prescription drugs.

> (I could write a book on what I think of all these

> WONDERFUL drugs the Doctors give out so

> freely.

> He also for many years has been plagued with

> Cluster headaches,VERY SEVERE too & would

> need more Imitrex shots then a normal person,he would get almost

> paralyzed with pain.

> What has all this done to my son.???

> I looked at him yesterday & I thought he looked like he was 85 yrs

> old.He is 47 yrs old & looks far

> older than his Dad.

> I could go on & on I guess,but this family is really

> suffering & I wish I could help him

> My husband & I are retired & on Social Security

> so we are so limited in money.

> My husband is also not so good as he has lung

> problems & just got out of the hospital with a

> partially collapsed lung & still being treated too.

> We have good insurance for our care which helps.

> But I wish my son could go to Mayo Clinic where

> they would just start from the beginning & really

> put a better picture together.He has just a small

> town Doctor that has possibly contributed to his

> problems.

> My heart aches for my son & the thought of losing

> another son is overwhelming.I've already lost one to death & one

> living.

> Can someone help at all,I think my son's insurance might cover


> of Mayo but not all,

> he has no money as its been hard for him to work steady.

> My husband would like to go to Mayo with him but

> we don't even have the money for motel to stay

> while he go's through the clinic.

> I have never been like a beggar but I am very

> desparate to help him.

> Please contact me,A MOM


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<vanokat Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by . Learn more Sun, 11 Nov 2007 21:31:03 -0500 How to make Colloidal Silver I hope this helps!You can put this in eyes, ears, nose, drink it, skin (great for MRSA)and put it on the plants in your gardens. How to make Colloidal Silver ( see below )How I ended all disease with three nine volt batteries."We now know what 'wealth' is. Wealth is the ability to regeneratelife. How many people can you take care of for how many days?" Imagine having your own hospital. Not just any hospital either.After all,

the mortality rate generally drops when hospitals goon strike.(1,2, 3,4) Death due to toxic drugs, unnecessary treatment,rampant ignorance and a sea of antibiotic-resistan t bacteria make mosthospitals the Devil's own playground.No, I'm talking about a hospital that makes people well again.Now, imagine that your new hospital is essentially cost free, worksanywhere and is the size of a transistor radio, neatly fitting in yourshirt pocket. Impossible? Not at all. The only thing unbelievableabout it is that every American doesn't already have one.The "hospital" I am talking about is a Colloidal Silver generator.Silver is a powerful, natural prophylactic/ antibiotic, used forthousands of years. Ancient Greeks lined their eating and drinkingvessels with silver, as did many other cultures throughout the world.Pioneers of the American West would put a silver dollar

in a jug ofmilk to keep it fresh without refridgeration. (6) Did you ever wonderwhy silverware was made from silver?One of the properties of silver is that it kills bacteria on contactin six minutes or less.(7) It may be that gold and silver were firstused as valued currency because of their medical properties.Dr. Robert O. Becker, "The Body Electric," recognized a correlationbetween low silver levels and sickness. He said silver deficiency wasresponsible for the improper functioning of the immune system. Dr.Becker's experiments conclude that silver works on the full spectrumof pathogens without any side effects or damage to the body. He alsostates that silver does more than kill disease-causing organisms. Italso causes major growth stimulation of injured tissues.Burn patients and even elderly patients notice more rapid healing. Andhe discovered that all

cancer cells can change back to normal cells.All strains of pathogens resistant to other antibiotics are killed bysilver.What is Colloidal Silver?Colloidal Silver is the result of an electro-magnetic process thatpulls microscopic particles from a larger piece of silver into aliquid, such as water.(8) These microscopic particles can more easilypenetrate and travel throughout the body. Colloidal Silver works as acatalyst, disabling the enzyme that all one celled bacteria, fungi andviruses use for their oxygen metabolism. In short, the bad guyssuffocate. Unlike with antibiotics, resistant strains have never beenknown to develop.In fact, antibiotics are only effective against perhaps a dozen formsof bacteria and fungi, but never viruses. Because no knowndisease-causing organism can live in the presence of even minutetraces of the chemical

element of metallic silver,Colloidal Silver is effective against more than 650 differentdisease-causing pathogens.(9) Since there is not enough room to listall the diseases against which Colloidal Silver has been usedsuccessfully, here is a tiny sample: acne, allergies, appendicitis,arthritis, blood parasites, bubonic plague, burns (colloidal silver isone of the few treatments that can keep severe burn patients alive),cancer,(10) cholera, conjunctivitis, diabetes, gonorrhea, hay fever,herpes, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis, Lyme disease, malaria,meningitis, parasitic infections both viral and fungal, pneumonia,rheumatism, ringworm, scarlet fever, septic conditions of the eyes,ears, mouth and throat, shingles, skin cancer, staph infections, strepinfections, syphilis, toxemia, trenchfoot, all forms of viruses, wartsand stomach ulcer.In addition it

also has veterinary uses, such as for canine parvovirus. You'll also find Colloidal Silver very handy in the gardensince it can be used against bacterial, fungal and viral attacks onplants. Simply spray diluted Colloidal Silver on the leaves, and addto soil water.It would appear highly unlikely that even germ warfare agents couldsurvive an encounter with Colloidal Silver, since viruses like E Bolaand Hanta, or even the dreaded "flesh-eating bacteria" are, in theend, merely hapless viruses and bacteria.To top it off, Colloidal Silver is virtually non-toxic, making itsafe for both children and adults, as well as pets.(11, 12)In short, anything bigger than a one-cell animal seems to like it.Nor does one have to worry about that FDA (Food and DrugAdministration) fox being put in charge of this home remedy henhouse. Colloidal Silver is a pre-1938

healing modality, makingit exempt from FDA jurisdiction under the grandfather clause.(13)So why haven't you heard of it? I suspect the user friendly economicsof Colloidal Silver may have something to do with its low profile inthe media. Colloidal Silver can't help but shine a spotlight on theexpensive and deadly nature of our pharmaceutical industries, who arebigger than the Pentagon economically.For example, the pharmaceutical cartel's relentless promotionof dangerous vaccines for humans and animals through governmentprograms have now been linked to everything from increasing cribdeaths in infants (who in many documented cases scream for hoursbefore dying), to the increasingly common disease, felineleukemia, in house cats.(14) Colloidal Silver, on the other

hand,is a safe and reliable alternative to expensive pharmeceuticals.It is true that consuming large amounts over long periods of time maykill some friendly bacteria in your intestines. If taking largeamounts, you should supplement your diet with yogurt or acidophilus,or compensate for possible bacteria loss in some other way.This is not, however, a serious problem, and unlike antibiotics,Colloidal Silver does not weaken the body's immune system. In fact, itis said to give the body a second immune system, creating a shieldagainst disease of all kinds.A good quality Colloidal Silver can be diluted as much as 8 to 1 andstill be highly effective. An average adult dose might be one or twoounces of concentrate mixed in an eight-ounce glass of water, not morethan three times a day. However, there would appear to be a great dealof leeway here,

since no toxic dose is known.Sadly, some Colloidal Silvers currently on the market have as littleas 1 part per million (ppm) and sell for as much as $60.00 for eight ounces. However, thanks to physicist Bob Beck's brilliantly simpledesign outlined below, you can now construct your own generator andproduce unlimited amounts of high-quality Colloidal Silverconcentrate. And for only 1/10th of a cent per gallon, plus the priceof water!How to make your own Silver Colloid Generator.While it has been discovered that 30 volts is the ideal for SilverColloid production, 27 volts is very effective and happens to be theconvenient result of wiring three 9-volt batteries together.Therefore, you'll need three 9-volt transistor radio batteries,three battery snap-on lead connectors, 2 insulated alligator clips,1 "grain-of-wheat" 24 volt

40 mA sub miniature incandescent bulb,a foot of 3/32" heat-shrink insulation tubing,a foot of 2-conductor stranded insulated wire for clip-leads,a small box to put it all in, and10" of pure silver wire (.999 fine).This should cost under $30.00 for everything. Assuming some skill witha soldering iron, you should spend about thirty minutes constructin the generator.Solder your three snap-on battery clips in series (red to black) toprovide 27 volts. Connect a 24V incandescent lamp in series with either positive ornegative output lead.Solder the red insulated alligator clip to the positive (anode) andthe black insulated clip to the negative (cathode) 2-conductor lead wires. Insulation is shrunk over soldered connections using a heat gun orhair dryer.Cut your 10" of silver wire in half. Bend top ends of your two 5" silver electrode wires so they can clipover the top rim of a plastic or glass cup (not metal).About 4" of each wire should be submerged.WARNING!Use ONLY pure silver (.999 fine) electrodes. #14 gauge is the preferred thickness. Pure silver is sometimes available atelectroplating supply companies. Or, inquire at a jewelry storespecializing in silver about who their wholesale supplier is.Do not use sterling silver (.9275) since sterling contains copper and nickel.NICKEL CAN BE TOXIC. (With this in mind, you may want to have achemical analysis (assay) of your purchased silver in additionto the written word of your supplier.)If the Silver Colloid is to be ingested

or injected, be sure touse distilled water. Tap water is fine for other uses, such as for a topical spray or for plants.************ ********* ********* ********* ********* **NOTE: one point of interest since this file was posted;An ingot of silver cut in half works better than wire************ ********* ********* ********* ********* **Now you're ready to make Colloidal Silver. Pour eight ounces of waterinto your glass. Insert silver electrode wires. Placement of wires is not critical,but they must not be touching each other or the process will stop.(You cannot shock yourself in this process so do not be concerned.)Attach alligator clips to the ends of the silver electrode wirescoming over the outside rim of the glass and you will see a grey mistinside the glass start to peel away from the positive polarity wirewhile bubbles of hydrogen rise

from the other.Laboratory tests show that this method creates a silver colloid ofapproximately 1 ppm per minute of activation time.Since you are only taking microscopic particles from the silver wire,your silver wire may very well last for years.The brightness of the light bulb is related to the conductivity of thewater. It is not necessarily a problem if the bulb is very dim or evenremains dark as long as the process itself is occurring. Of course, when batteries are old, the light will also become dimmer,signaling it's time for a change. Touch the two alligator clipstogether to test the brightness of the bulb as a battery check. Afresh set of three alkaline batteries should make several hundredthousand batches of concentrated Silver Colloid.When

finished, detach alligator clips. Clean silver electrode wireafter each use to remove dark oxide on the anode. Use a small piece of1/4" thick nylon kitchen scouring pad to polish dried silver, thenwipe with paper napkin to make ready for next use.Store your Colloidal Silver in dark, non-conductive (and if plastic,non-reactive) containers, like empty hydrogen peroxide bottles. Keepaway from light as even room light will degrade colloids rapidly byturning solution grey or black just as exposure to light darkens thesilver in camera film. Stir thoroughly or shake each time beforeusing. Keep cool, but do not refrigerate.In using your own home-made silver colloid generator it will becomeapparent that you now have the power to safely protect yourself, yourfamily, your

pets and plants, your community, and (through thedissemination of this information) , our nation, from over 650 microbes, fungi and parasites.Upon creating your first batch of Colloidal Silver, you will find ittastes the same as untreated water. And it won't sting, even in ababy's eyes.Congratulations and bon appetit!c1995 Mark Metcalf, a.k.a. Mark Nine All rights reserved.References1. "Medical malpractice alone kills an estimated 45,000 peopleannually (in the U.S.), making it the leading cause ofaccidental injury and death." -- Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD2. As many as 14,000 people die in Australian hospitals every yearthrough preventable mistakes, ranging from misdiagnosis to being giventhe wrong drugs. This makes hospitals the third largest killer inAustralia after heart disease and cancer. For those who survive,between 25,000 and 30,000 patients are left with a serious andpermanent disability as a result of such mistakes.-- The SydneyMorning Herald, 6/2/95 and the New Scientist, 6/10/95.3. Using statistics from the 1984 Harvard study, the National SafetyCouncil and other sources, the Campaign to Protect Consumer Rightssays that more people die in the U.S. from medical negligence than anyother accidental cause. If these statistics are valid, medical errorskill more people each year than automobiles, falls, drownings, fires,choking, guns and poisons combined.4. "Only 10 to 20 percent

of all medical procedures currently used inmedical practice have been shown to be efficacious by controlledtrial. -- U.S. Office of Technology Assessment5. Encyclopedia Britanica, 19106. Health Consciousness Magazine, vol. 15, no. 47. "Use of Colloids in Health and Disease." Colloidal Silver is provenparticularly effective in cases of intestinal troubles. Dr. HenryCrooks found that Silver in the colloidal state is highly germicidal,quite harmless to humans and absolutely nontoxic. Rather than in achemical compound, the Silver, in the colloidal state, may be appliedin a much more concentrated form, with correspondingly better results.All fungus, virus, bacterium, strep-tococcus, strphylococcus, andother pathogenic organisms are killed in three or four minutes; infact, there is no microbe known that is not killed by Colloidal Silverin six minutes or

less, a dilution of as little as five parts permillion, though there are no side effects whatsoever from highconcentrations. -- Provo Herald, Feb. 2, 1992, pg D1: Colloidal Silveras a cure for AIDS.8. "(Colloidal Silver) is not a chemical compound containing Silver,but pure metallic silver of submicroscopic clusters of just a fewatoms, held in suspension in pure water, by the tiny electric chargeon each atom." -- Health Consciousness, Vol. 15, No.49. As an antibiotic, Silver kills over 650 disease causing organisms;resistant strains fail to develop. Silver is absolutely nontoxic.Silver is the best all-around germ fighter we have. Doctors arereporting that, taken internally, it works against syphilis, cholera,and malaria, diabetes and severe burns. -- Bio/Tech News, 199510. Dr. Bjorn Nordstrom, of the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, has usedSilver in his cancer cure method for many years. He says the wholething is quite simple. This brought rapid remission in patients givenup by other doctors.-- "Silver, Our Mightiest Germ Fighter" Science Digest, March, 1978.11. Metallic Silver (Colloid) is non-toxic, however, silver nitrateand other compounds of silver are and should not be ingested. --Dr. Bob Beck12. Environmental Protection Agency's Poison Control Center reports notoxicity listing for Colloidal Silver, considering it harmless in anyconcentration.13. The FDA has stated that because Colloidal Silver is (by fifty

years) a pre-1938 drug, it may continue to be marketed. Sept. 13,1991, letter received from consumer safety officer Harold Davis, U.S.,Food and Drug Administration. Moreover, the FDA has no jurisdictionregarding a pure, mineral element. The HTML graphics in this message have been blocked. [show HTML Graphics - Edit Preferences] DeleteReplyForwardSpamMove... Previous | Next | Back to Messages Save Message Text | Full Headers Check MailCompose Search Mail: Search MailSearch the Web Move Options [New Folder] Inbox Dave Schabacker Jobs Monster Paypal Tressa dougs folder Draft vacation Pics Forward Options As Inline Text As Attachment Reply Options Reply To Sender Reply To Everyone Address Book Shortcuts Add Contact Add Category View Contacts View Lists QuickBuilder Import Contacts Synchronize Addresses Options Addresses Help Calendar Shortcuts Add Event Add Task Add Birthday Day Week Month Year Event List Reminders Tasks Sharing Synchronize Calendar Options Calendar Help Notepad Shortcuts Add Note Add Folder View Notes Notepad Options Notepad Help Advanced Search Advanced Search 1994-2007 Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of Service - Copyright/IP Policy - GuidelinesNOTICE: We collect personal information on this site.To learn more about how we use your information, see our Privacy Policy kotheimerdc <kotheimerdc wrote: Dear "Mom,"Viruses can be killed by frequency generators set to the frequencies for the individual virus. There are also natural remedies for viruses.Wm Kotheimerkotheimerdc , "hatfields101" <hatsbooks wrote:>> Hi,I am Jan,> I am just going to send this letter to anyone I think> might be interested.> We just had our Christmas yesterday with family.> It is always kind of sad as we lost our oldest son> in a very tragic way a few years back,he was 37> yrs old.> Our youngest son had a complete personality change due to his death > & his new

marriage.He> lives 100 miles away & has not been here to visit or for Christmas in > at least 10 yrs.Our son died of> Aids and my daughter in law will not associate with us.He was not > Gay,not that it matters but he was> abused by men & that is a long tragic story like> you have most likely never heard.> Our 2nd oldest son Bob is very ill.He has hepatitus C & went through > treatment for a year,> this was 5 years ago & he has not been the same> since.> Almost contant Depression & then the various> drugs given to him and a Heart Attack with 3 stents> and now to make a long sad story shorter,he is> SEVERELY addicted to Prescription drugs.> (I could write a book on what I think of all these> WONDERFUL drugs the Doctors give out so> freely.> He also for many years has been plagued with> Cluster headaches,VERY SEVERE

too & would> need more Imitrex shots then a normal person,he would get almost > paralyzed with pain.> What has all this done to my son.???> I looked at him yesterday & I thought he looked like he was 85 yrs > old.He is 47 yrs old & looks far> older than his Dad.> I could go on & on I guess,but this family is really> suffering & I wish I could help him> My husband & I are retired & on Social Security> so we are so limited in money.> My husband is also not so good as he has lung> problems & just got out of the hospital with a> partially collapsed lung & still being treated too.> We have good insurance for our care which helps.> But I wish my son could go to Mayo Clinic where> they would just start from the beginning & really> put a better picture together.He has just a small> town Doctor that has possibly

contributed to his> problems.> My heart aches for my son & the thought of losing> another son is overwhelming.I've already lost one to death & one > living.> Can someone help at all,I think my son's insurance might cover some > of Mayo but not all,> he has no money as its been hard for him to work steady.> My husband would like to go to Mayo with him but> we don't even have the money for motel to stay> while he go's through the clinic.> I have never been like a beggar but I am very> desparate to help him.> Please contact me,A MOM>

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Doug and to all of you who obviously did not see on TV the man who

used colloidal silver and whose skin is now a blue/gray (called

argyria). This is a permanent color due to the colloidal silver

you are posting to make. I have been saying this all along - DO

NOT MAKE YOUR OWN. Do not use colloidal silver without the sol

technology. You must stop telling people to use silver without

the sol technology. You are trying to save money at the expense

of people's health.


The difference is that the colloidal silver w/o the sol technology

is an ionic silver which acts with the hydrochloric acid in the

stomach to form insoluble silver salts, which can deposit in the

body causing the argyria which is a condition that causes a

blue/gray discoloration of the skin and inner eyelid inflammation)

which is permanent. This colloidal is not clear.


Silver Shield which is a sol technology is a true colloidal silver

containing tiny nano particles of metallic silver, not silver

ions. It is clear and will not cloud when table salt is added and

it does not deteriorate when exposed to light and does not need to

be stored in blue or amber glass containers. It is not affected by

the hydrochloric acid, does not combine with other elements and can

be circulated through the bloodstream to kill pathogens. It is

easily eliminated from the system and will not build up in the body.

It is 14 ppm and is made by using 10,000 electrovolts of current.

It is made in a controlled environment and is tested for consistency

and quality. You can get it at www.mynsp.com/herbal


This can be used for gum dieease, tooth declay, viruses, bacteria,

acne, shingles, yeast and fungi. My email is nathlth


Carol Hartwell, CNHP

Health & Healing

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, " Carol Hartwell "

<nathlth wrote:


> Doug and to all of you who obviously did not see on TV the man who

> used colloidal silver and whose skin is now a blue/gray (called

> argyria). This is a permanent color due to the colloidal silver

> you are posting to make. I have been saying this all along - DO

> NOT MAKE YOUR OWN. Do not use colloidal silver without the sol

> technology. You must stop telling people to use silver without

> the sol technology. You are trying to save money at the expense

> of people's health.


> The difference is that the colloidal silver w/o the sol technology

> is an ionic silver which acts with the hydrochloric acid in the

> stomach to form insoluble silver salts, which can deposit in the

> body causing the argyria which is a condition that causes a

> blue/gray discoloration of the skin and inner eyelid inflammation)

> which is permanent. This colloidal is not clear.


> Silver Shield which is a sol technology is a true colloidal silver

> containing tiny nano particles of metallic silver, not silver

> ions. It is clear and will not cloud when table salt is added and

> it does not deteriorate when exposed to light and does not need to

> be stored in blue or amber glass containers. It is not affected by

> the hydrochloric acid, does not combine with other elements and can

> be circulated through the bloodstream to kill pathogens. It is

> easily eliminated from the system and will not build up in the body.

> It is 14 ppm and is made by using 10,000 electrovolts of current.

> It is made in a controlled environment and is tested for consistency

> and quality. You can get it at www.mynsp.com/herbal


> This can be used for gum dieease, tooth declay, viruses, bacteria,

> acne, shingles, yeast and fungi. My email is nathlth


> Carol Hartwell, CNHP

> Health & Healing





Reports of people turning gray (argyria) from the use of colloidal

silver (CS) invariably refer to colloidal silver protein (CSP), which

is very different from true CS and does sometimes result in

undesirable side effects.


For the past few years, I have been taking a tablespoonful of homemade

CS at 10 parts per million (ppm) every two hours and have not turned

gray, nor do I expect to.


There is a book entitled, " Colloidal Silver Today, " which is available

from Amazon.com through this link




In it, the author states that he was unable to unearth a single

reported instance of true 10 ppm CS causing argyria.


For more information about true CS, visit




Best regards,


Dudley Delany, R.N., M.A., D.C.,



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As a home brewing CS person, for quite a few years with never

having turned blue nor having experienced any health issues

as a result of taking my CS (unless getting rid of the problem I

was taking it for in the first place,is seen as a side effect) I am a

little puzzled about your adamant condemnation for people using CS other

than buying an expensive product you seem to promote.. What is this

sol technique you are talking off?

Mine is crystal clear, usually around 14 ppm but costs only a

few cents per litre.

I looked up the description via the website link you gave and it doesn't

tell me anything at all. Only that it is very expensive indeed,

well out of reach for most.


SILVER SHIELD (4 FL OZ) (14 PPM) Benefits: •Provides more powerful support to the immune system.

•Uses only the finest particle-size colloids to ensure maximum


•Is completely non-toxic, no heavy metal contamination.

Silver Shield [immune] provides 14 ppm of silver that stays

suspended in purified, deionized water. Higher

concentrations found in other brands (as much as 30 ppm) can separate and

settle at the bottom. Moreover, prolonged use of higher

concentrations may cause a gray discoloration of the skin and inner

eyelid inflammation.

Silver Shield has become a popular alternative to other products on

the market. The fine particle-size colloids ensure maximum efficiency.

Just 1 teaspoon provides a full 70 mcg of pure silver without heavy

metal contamination. This product compares with herbal products like

Golden Seal and VS-C.

Adults: Take 1 teaspoon with a meal three times daily. This

product may be mixed with other liquids such as Liquid Chlorophyll or


As a member of several colloidal silver groups, the discussion

about the blue man is still continuing.

Many more facts need to be disclosed by the smurf look alike. What

sort of procedure did he following making his own? What type of

water did he use, did he use salt? It might turn out

that what he made wasn't colloidal silver at all in spite of what he set

out to produce. The person himself has not abandoned the use

of it, knowing its benefits.

For all modalities away from mainstream medicine it is wise to do your

homework. Learn and learn some more. Ask questions, read. There are many

knowledgeable people who are willing to answer the questions one might

have. It is all about taking responsibility for one's own

health. Learning and educating is part of it.


An excellent place to learn about making CS is


http://silverlist.org. An email based group with very

knowledgeable people indeed.


http://www.silvermedicine.org/ is another website where one can

learn about CS, the generators and making one's own.




At 12:56 AM 27/12/2007, you wrote:

Doug and to all of you who

obviously did not see on TV the man who

used colloidal silver and whose skin is now a blue/gray (called

argyria). This is a permanent color due to the

colloidal silver

you are posting to make. I have been saying this all along -


NOT MAKE YOUR OWN. Do not use colloidal silver without

the sol

technology. You must stop telling people to use

silver without

the sol technology. You are trying to save money at the


of people's health.

The difference is that the colloidal silver w/o the sol technology

is an ionic silver which acts with the hydrochloric acid in the

stomach to form insoluble silver salts, which can deposit in the

body causing the argyria which is a condition that causes a

blue/gray discoloration of the skin and inner eyelid inflammation)

which is permanent. This colloidal is not


Silver Shield which is a sol technology is a true colloidal silver

containing tiny nano particles of metallic silver, not silver

ions. It is clear and will not cloud when table salt is added


it does not deteriorate when exposed to light and does not need to

be stored in blue or amber glass containers. It is not

affected by

the hydrochloric acid, does not combine with other elements and can

be circulated through the bloodstream to kill pathogens. It


easily eliminated from the system and will not build up in the body.

It is 14 ppm and is made by using 10,000 electrovolts of current.

It is made in a controlled environment and is tested for consistency


and quality. You can get it at



This can be used for gum dieease, tooth declay, viruses, bacteria,

acne, shingles, yeast and fungi. My email is


Carol Hartwell, CNHP

Health & Healing








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Post message:



Any information here in is for educational purpose only; it may be news

related, purely speculation or SOMEONE’S OPINION. Always consult with a

qualified Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment,

especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.

By becoming a member of this group you AGREE to hold this group its

members, list owners, moderators and affiliates harmless of any liability

for any direct, consequential, incidental, damage incurred.

YOU AGREE; to accept responsibility and liability for your own actions

and to contact a licensed Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of

treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


IF YOU DO NOT AGREE; you must :


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Is having blue/gray skin color really a health issue?

Kind of like eating/drinking too much orange juice will change your skin an orange color.

Kenneth T



Carol Hartwell

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 9:26 AM

Re: My Son Very Ill

Doug and to all of you who obviously did not see on TV the man who used colloidal silver and whose skin is now a blue/gray (called argyria). This is a permanent color due to the colloidal silver you are posting to make. I have been saying this all along - DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN. Do not use colloidal silver without the sol technology. You must stop telling people to use silver without the sol technology. You are trying to save money at the expense of people's health. The difference is that the colloidal silver w/o the sol technology is an ionic silver which acts with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form insoluble silver salts, which can deposit in the body causing the argyria which is a condition that causes a blue/gray discoloration of the skin and inner eyelid inflammation) which is permanent. This colloidal is not clear.Silver Shield which is a sol technology is a true colloidal silver containing tiny nano particles of metallic silver, not silver ions. It is clear and will not cloud when table salt is added and it does not deteriorate when exposed to light and does not need to be stored in blue or amber glass containers. It is not affected by the hydrochloric acid, does not combine with other elements and can be circulated through the bloodstream to kill pathogens. It is easily eliminated from the system and will not build up in the body.It is 14 ppm and is made by using 10,000 electrovolts of current.It is made in a controlled environment and is tested for consistency and quality. You can get it at www.mynsp.com/herbalThis can be used for gum dieease, tooth declay, viruses, bacteria, acne, shingles, yeast and fungi. My email is nathlthCarol Hartwell, CNHPHealth & Healing«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»Other like groups: MedicalConspiraciesSubscribe: MedicalConspiracies- Post message: MedicalConspiracies Any information here in is for educational purpose only; it may be news related, purely speculation or SOMEONE'S OPINION. Always consult with a qualified Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.By becoming a member of this group you AGREE to hold this group its members, list owners, moderators and affiliates harmless of any liability for any direct, consequential, incidental, damage incurred.YOU AGREE; to accept responsibility and liability for your own actions and to contact a licensed Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE; you must :

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Organic Red Clover and Garlic are known to kill viral agents. See


-------------- Original message ----------------------

" kotheimerdc " <kotheimerdc

> Dear " Mom, "


> Viruses can be killed by frequency generators set to the frequencies

> for the individual virus. There are also natural remedies for

> viruses.


> Wm Kotheimer

> kotheimerdc





> , " hatfields101 "

> <hatsbooks wrote:

> >

> > Hi,I am Jan,

> > I am just going to send this letter to anyone I think

> > might be interested.

> > We just had our Christmas yesterday with family.

> > It is always kind of sad as we lost our oldest son

> > in a very tragic way a few years back,he was 37

> > yrs old.

> > Our youngest son had a complete personality change due to his

> death

> > & his new marriage.He

> > lives 100 miles away & has not been here to visit or for Christmas

> in

> > at least 10 yrs.Our son died of

> > Aids and my daughter in law will not associate with us.He was not

> > Gay,not that it matters but he was

> > abused by men & that is a long tragic story like

> > you have most likely never heard.

> > Our 2nd oldest son Bob is very ill.He has hepatitus C & went

> through

> > treatment for a year,

> > this was 5 years ago & he has not been the same

> > since.

> > Almost contant Depression & then the various

> > drugs given to him and a Heart Attack with 3 stents

> > and now to make a long sad story shorter,he is

> > SEVERELY addicted to Prescription drugs.

> > (I could write a book on what I think of all these

> > WONDERFUL drugs the Doctors give out so

> > freely.

> > He also for many years has been plagued with

> > Cluster headaches,VERY SEVERE too & would

> > need more Imitrex shots then a normal person,he would get almost

> > paralyzed with pain.

> > What has all this done to my son.???

> > I looked at him yesterday & I thought he looked like he was 85 yrs

> > old.He is 47 yrs old & looks far

> > older than his Dad.

> > I could go on & on I guess,but this family is really

> > suffering & I wish I could help him

> > My husband & I are retired & on Social Security

> > so we are so limited in money.

> > My husband is also not so good as he has lung

> > problems & just got out of the hospital with a

> > partially collapsed lung & still being treated too.

> > We have good insurance for our care which helps.

> > But I wish my son could go to Mayo Clinic where

> > they would just start from the beginning & really

> > put a better picture together.He has just a small

> > town Doctor that has possibly contributed to his

> > problems.

> > My heart aches for my son & the thought of losing

> > another son is overwhelming.I've already lost one to death & one

> > living.

> > Can someone help at all,I think my son's insurance might cover

> some

> > of Mayo but not all,

> > he has no money as its been hard for him to work steady.

> > My husband would like to go to Mayo with him but

> > we don't even have the money for motel to stay

> > while he go's through the clinic.

> > I have never been like a beggar but I am very

> > desparate to help him.

> > Please contact me,A MOM

> >








Dear " Mom, "


Viruses can be killed by frequency generators set to the frequencies

for the individual virus. There are also natural remedies for



Wm Kotheimer



, " hatfields101 "

<hatsbooks wrote:


> Hi,I am Jan,

> I am just going to send this letter to anyone I think

> might be interested.

> We just had our Christmas yesterday with family.

> It is always kind of sad as we lost our oldest son

> in a very tragic way a few years back,he was 37

> yrs old.

> Our youngest son had a complete personality change due to his


> & his new marriage.He

> lives 100 miles away & has not been here to visit or for Christmas


> at least 10 yrs.Our son died of

> Aids and my daughter in law will not associate with us.He was not

> Gay,not that it matters but he was

> abused by men & that is a long tragic story like

> you have most likely never heard.

> Our 2nd oldest son Bob is very ill.He has hepatitus C & went


> treatment for a year,

> this was 5 years ago & he has not been the same

> since.

> Almost contant Depression & then the various

> drugs given to him and a Heart Attack with 3 stents

> and now to make a long sad story shorter,he is

> SEVERELY addicted to Prescription drugs.

> (I could write a book on what I think of all these

> WONDERFUL drugs the Doctors give out so

> freely.

> He also for many years has been plagued with

> Cluster headaches,VERY SEVERE too & would

> need more Imitrex shots then a normal person,he would get almost

> paralyzed with pain.

> What has all this done to my son.???

> I looked at him yesterday & I thought he looked like he was 85 yrs

> old.He is 47 yrs old & looks far

> older than his Dad.

> I could go on & on I guess,but this family is really

> suffering & I wish I could help him

> My husband & I are retired & on Social Security

> so we are so limited in money.

> My husband is also not so good as he has lung

> problems & just got out of the hospital with a

> partially collapsed lung & still being treated too.

> We have good insurance for our care which helps.

> But I wish my son could go to Mayo Clinic where

> they would just start from the beginning & really

> put a better picture together.He has just a small

> town Doctor that has possibly contributed to his

> problems.

> My heart aches for my son & the thought of losing

> another son is overwhelming.I've already lost one to death & one

> living.

> Can someone help at all,I think my son's insurance might cover


> of Mayo but not all,

> he has no money as its been hard for him to work steady.

> My husband would like to go to Mayo with him but

> we don't even have the money for motel to stay

> while he go's through the clinic.

> I have never been like a beggar but I am very

> desparate to help him.

> Please contact me,A MOM


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I guess I'm jumping in, but the argyria is permanent. The blue/gray skin doesn't go away when you quit taking the silver. I've been making and taking my own colloidal silver for ten years and I've NEVER had a bad reaction so I don't know what all the fuss is about.


Kenneth <plisca Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2007 4:20:15 PMRe: Re: My Son Very Ill



Is having blue/gray skin color really a health issue?

Kind of like eating/drinking too much orange juice will change your skin an orange color.

Kenneth T



Carol Hartwell


Wednesday, December 26, 2007 9:26 AM

[Health_and_ Healing] Re: My Son Very Ill

Doug and to all of you who obviously did not see on TV the man who used colloidal silver and whose skin is now a blue/gray (called argyria). This is a permanent color due to the colloidal silver you are posting to make. I have been saying this all along - DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN. Do not use colloidal silver without the sol technology. You must stop telling people to use silver without the sol technology. You are trying to save money at the expense of people's health. The difference is that the colloidal silver w/o the sol technology is an ionic silver which acts with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form insoluble silver salts, which can deposit in the body causing the argyria which is a condition that causes a blue/gray discoloration of the skin and inner eyelid

inflammation) which is permanent. This colloidal is not clear.Silver Shield which is a sol technology is a true colloidal silver containing tiny nano particles of metallic silver, not silver ions. It is clear and will not cloud when table salt is added and it does not deteriorate when exposed to light and does not need to be stored in blue or amber glass containers. It is not affected by the hydrochloric acid, does not combine with other elements and can be circulated through the bloodstream to kill pathogens. It is easily eliminated from the system and will not build up in the body.It is 14 ppm and is made by using 10,000 electrovolts of current.It is made in a controlled environment and is tested for consistency and quality. You can get it at www.mynsp.com/

herbalThis can be used for gum dieease, tooth declay, viruses, bacteria, acne, shingles, yeast and fungi. My email is nathlth (AT) comcast (DOT) netCarol Hartwell, CNHPHealth & Healing«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §http://groups. / group/Health_ and_HealingSubscribe:.. ....... -

«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»Other like groups: http://groups. / group/MedicalCon spiraciesSubscribe: MedicalConspiracies -Post message: MedicalConspiracies Any information here in is for educational purpose only; it may be news related, purely speculation or SOMEONE'S OPINION. Always consult with a qualified Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment,

especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.By becoming a member of this group you AGREE to hold this group its members, list owners, moderators and affiliates harmless of any liability for any direct, consequential, incidental, damage incurred.YOU AGREE; to accept responsibility and liability for your own actions and to contact a licensed Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE; you must :

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I am not certain if argyria caused by taking improperly made

colloidal silver is permanent. It probably depends much also on the

physical condition of the blue person who might have underlying

health issues involving cyanosis.


There are several websites around which deal with a cure. Would be

nice to find testimonials from those who had a need to follow a

protocol to reverse argyria.








At 12:40 PM 27/12/2007, you wrote:

>I guess I'm jumping in, but the argyria is permanent. The blue/gray

>skin doesn't go away when you quit taking the silver. I've been

>making and taking my own colloidal silver for ten years and I've

>NEVER had a bad reaction so I don't know what all the fuss is about.


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Hi Ken,Blue/gray skin (argyria) is not a health issue. It is a cosmetic issue, and it can be avoided if people use true colloidal silver (CS) rather than colloidal silver protein (CSP) or silver compounds like silver nitrate, etc.For more information about CS, visithttp://tinyurl.com/2fd7xsBest regards,Dudley Delany

http://profiles./dudley_delany Kenneth

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 7:20 PM


Re: Re: My Son Very Ill



Is having blue/gray skin color really a health issue?

Kind of like eating/drinking too much orange juice will change your skin an orange color.

Kenneth T



Carol Hartwell

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 9:26 AM

Re: My Son Very Ill

Doug and to all of you who obviously did not see on TV the man who used colloidal silver and whose skin is now a blue/gray (called argyria). This is a permanent color due to the colloidal silver you are posting to make. I have been saying this all along - DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN. Do not use colloidal silver without the sol technology. You must stop telling people to use silver without the sol technology. You are trying to save money at the expense of people's health. The difference is that the colloidal silver w/o the sol technology is an ionic silver which acts with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form insoluble silver salts, which can deposit in the body causing the argyria which is a condition that causes a blue/gray discoloration of the skin and inner eyelid inflammation) which is permanent. This colloidal is not clear.Silver Shield which is a sol technology is a true colloidal silver containing tiny nano particles of metallic silver, not silver ions. It is clear and will not cloud when table salt is added and it does not deteriorate when exposed to light and does not need to be stored in blue or amber glass containers. It is not affected by the hydrochloric acid, does not combine with other elements and can be circulated through the bloodstream to kill pathogens. It is easily eliminated from the system and will not build up in the body.It is 14 ppm and is made by using 10,000 electrovolts of current.It is made in a controlled environment and is tested for consistency and quality. You can get it at www.mynsp.com/herbalThis can be used for gum dieease, tooth declay, viruses, bacteria, acne, shingles, yeast and fungi. My email is nathlthCarol Hartwell, CNHPHealth & Healing������������������������������������������������������������������ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! �http://groupsSubscribe:......... - �����������������������������������������������������������������Other like groups: MedicalConspiraciesSubscribe: MedicalConspiracies- Post message: MedicalConspiracies Any information here in is for educational purpose only; it may be news related, purely speculation or SOMEONE'S OPINION. Always consult with a qualified Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.By becoming a member of this group you AGREE to hold this group its members, list owners, moderators and affiliates harmless of any liability for any direct, consequential, incidental, damage incurred.YOU AGREE; to accept responsibility and liability for your own actions and to contact a licensed Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE; you must :

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The Wonder Cure Time Forgot




Protecting your health

Unfortunately, as quickly as modern science creates

antibiotics, nature responds with super-strain microbes that resist them

and steal years off your life. Paradoxically, nature also provides

silver, a precious solution to the problem. The colloidal form of silver

is certainly " nature's safe and effective antibiotic and

disinfectant. "

Colloidal Silver can be used topically and internally on people (from

infants to seniors) and even pets and may prove very helpful as an

alternative to prescription drugs and antibiotics for fighting the

following health problems: acne, allergies, athlete's foot, blastocystis

hominous, burns, chronic diarrhea, colds, conjunctivitis, cuts, ear

infections, influenza, emphysema, eye infections, fungal infections,

Giardia lamblia, head lice, hepatitis B and C, herpes, laryngitis, lyme

disease, osteomyelitis, psoriasis, ringworm, rosacea, shingles, sinus

infections, skin infections, sores, throat infections, ulcerative

colitis, urinary infections, warts, wounds, yeast infections (candida

albicans), and more!

Some Silver History

Silver has been used as a remedy for centuries. Greek and

Roman societies stored liquids in silver-lined containers to keep them

fresh. American settlers traveling west would put a silver dollar in milk

to delay its spoilage. Native American Indians added powdered silver to a

newborn's first bath as protection against a harsh and stressful world.

In 1834, the German obstetrician F. Crede administered silver nitrate to

the eyes of newborn infants, virtually eliminating the incidence of

disease which caused blindness. In the late 1800's Western scientists

were able to prove what had been known in Eastern medicine for literally

thousands of years . . . that silver was a proven germ fighter! By the

early 1900's the antibacterial colloidal silver became the choice of

medical practitioners. It proved to be enormously effective against

infectious organisms and extremely safe to use, without the negative

side-effects associated with drugs. The use of silver as a medicine was

widespread until World War II when antibiotics became the standard

treatment for infections.

Silver Is Essential to Life!

The human body contains about .001% silver. We obtain silver

and all minerals in the body through the food we eat. There are billions

of living organisms in a handful of soil, which break down the minerals

so they can be assimilated into the plant. when we eat the plant, these

minerals (now in an ionic form) are absorbed into the bloodstream and

carried to various organs to be utilised. This is how nature intended us

to get our minerals. Long ago, kings and queens were called 'blue bloods'

because of the silver content of their blood and the blueness of their

skin. Royalty used silver plates, bowls and utensils almost exclusively

when eating. Over a long period of time, they ingested large particles of

silver that caused a permanent discoloration of the skin due to silver

compound deposits. This condition is known today as argyria. There is no

danger of argyria happening today if using pure silver (99.999%) in

manufacturing is colloid.

Minerals in the soil control metabolism of cells in man, plants and

animals. Soil has become so depleted, trace minerals are not available

for adequate nourishment. Silver is a trace mineral that has literally

disappeared from the soil. If we cannot get the quality of nutrients from

the food we eat, deficiencies develop.

Just What is Colloidal Silver?

Modern Colloidal Silver is a powerful, natural antibiotic,

antiseptic, and antimicrobial solution. Various forms of silver have been

used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of health problems.

Colloidal Silver has no known negative side effects. It provides the

catalyst which disables the enzyme that all one-celled invaders use for

their oxygen metabolism. In effect, Colloidal Silver 'strangles' over 650

disease-creating bacteria, fungi (including yeasts), viruses, and

parasites by cutting off their oxygen supply. Because these

micro-organisms are suffocated, rather than poisoned, resistant strains

fail to develop (the germs cannot mutate and develop), keeping your body

protected and healthy throughout the years. Yet Colloidal Silver is of no

harm to human enzymes or any part of the human body chemistry. It kills

all disease-causing organisms, in six minutes or less, upon contact -

even those that are pleomorphic. The body does not develop a tolerance to

Colloidal Silver and sufficient amounts of this substance in your body is

equivalent to a superior second immune system!

In Colloidal Silver, small clusters of silver atoms are electronically

suspended in deionized, distilled water (see the definition of a colloid

below). Many modern uses for silver as an antimicrobial agent exist. NASA

uses a silver system to purify water on space shuttle missions. As an

algaecide in swimming pools, silver is excellent because low

concentrations (only two parts per million) are needed and it does not

irritate a swimmer's eyes. Silver salts are used to treat burn victims so

that infection can be avoided. In fact, silver is used in all major burn

centers throughout the United States. Some cosmetic companies are using

silver as a preservative in products because of its non-toxicity. UCLA

medical labs found it effective on every virus they tested it on.

Colloidal Silver exceeds the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's

recognized standards.

What is a Colloid?

The dictionary definition of a colloid is " a substance

that - is in a state of division preventing passage through a

semi-permeable membrane - consists of particles too small for resolution

with an ordinary light microscope, and in suspension or solution, fails

to settle out and diffracts a beam of light. " Okay, so what does

that mean? Basically, a true colloid of silver will stay suspended in a

solution of water and not fall to the bottom or clump together.

Therefore, the colloid of silver is small enough to be effectively used

by the body to destroy invading bacteria and other microbes. A typical

colloidal silver particle is a microscopic 0.001 microns. Clinical

observations have determined that the smaller the particle, the more

antiseptic effect it has. Particle sizes of 0.001 microns and smaller are

a necessary factor in choosing a quality Colloidal Silver product that is

going to work.

Colloidal Silver Usage

Liquid Colloidal Silver can normally be found in dark brown

glass bottles that contain two to four fluid ounces. The bottles will

either have a pump sprayer or eyedropper for applying the doses. At times

of need, the solution should be taken one or two times per day, with one

or two dropperfuls at each dose. Colloidal Silver is completely odorless

and the more potent formulas are a dark yellow color. It tastes just like

distilled water and can be ingested or applied to the skin, in the eyes,

nose, or ears, or any other body part that requires treatment. It is the

perfect solution for use on small children and since it tastes just like

water, getting fussy kids to take it is quite simple. It is very safe for

pregnant and nursing women to use and is known to aid the developing

fetus in growth. It will not generate free radicals that damage cells or

interfere with enzyme activity. It has no reactions with other


The Pharmaceutical Movement

People often ask, 'if this stuff is so terrific, why haven't

I heard about it before?' Much of the colloidal research was set aside

due to the introduction of penicillin and other fast working, less costly

and more profitable pharmaceuticals. Actually, using the allopathic,

medical approach to treating infectious disease is relatively new but is

already in serious trouble because of changing pathogenic microbes, Often

nasty side effects accompany the use of drugs and medications do not

treat the cause of disease. For literally thousands of years people have

used food, herbs, fasting, colon cleansing and other natural methods to

strengthen the immune system to keep themselves healthy and to prevent

disease. Today there is a tremendous resurgence of this information and



Colloidal Silver is truly an all-natural alternative to

prescription antibiotics and may just be the answer to any of a number of

health conditions that you or someone you know may be suffering from. It

is non-toxic, safe, effective, without negative side-effects and can be

used by anyone - young and old alike. Colloidal Silver is one of the best

options available for strengthening the body's immune system and helping

to eliminate infectious diseases of all types.

We hope that you found this special report on Colloidal Silver to be

helpful and we certainly welcome any comments, suggestions, or questions

you might have. Please e-mail them to info.



More About Silver



The Universal Germicide




Click here

to read about Beck


here to read an introductory article by Beck

Colloidal Silver Database



Colloidal Silver


Modern day uses, but certainly not all!



Internal Infections









External Infections

eyes & ears

sore throat

abscesses /dental


poison oak & rashes

burns, cuts & bites

athletes foot or groin



Recent articles have described Silver being used to treat:


Aspergillus Niger

Bacillius Typhosus

Bovine Rotavirus

Candida Albivans

Entamoeba Histolytica (cysts)

Escherichia Coli

Legionella Pneumophila

Poliovirus 1 (Sabin Strain)

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Salmonella 22

Spore-forming Bacteria

Staphylococcus Aureus

Streptococcus Faecails

Vegetative B. Cereus Cells




Recent articles

have described Silver being used to treat:


Aspergillus Niger

Bacillius Typhosus

Bovine Rotavirus

Candida Albivans

Entamoeba Histolytica (cysts)

Escherichia Coli

Legionella Pneumophila

Poliovirus 1 (Sabin Strain)

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa


Spore-forming Bacteria

Staphylococcus Aureus

Streptococcus Faecails

Vegetative B. Cereus Cells




Appendicitis (post-op)

B. Coli

Hypopyon Ulcer

B. Dysenteria

Anthrax Bacilli

Axillae and Blind Boils of the Neck

B. Coli Communis

B. Pyocaneus

Bacillary Dysentery

Bladder Irritaion



Bromidrosis in Axille

Bromidrois in feet

Burns and wounds of the Corneal

Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis

Chronic Eczema of Anterior Nares

Chronic Cystitis

Chronic Eczema of Meatus of Ear


Cystitis Puritis Ani

Dermatitis suggestive of Toxemia




Enlarged Prostate



Eustachian Tubes (potency restored)

Follicular Tonsilittis




Gonorrhoeal Conjunctivitis

Gonorrhoea Opthalmial



Interstitial Keratitis

Infantile Disease

Inflammatory Rheumatism

Infected Ulcers of the Cornea


Intestinal Troubles


Nasal Catarrh




Perineal Eczemal



Puerperal Septicemia

Pustular Eczema of Scalp

Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis

Purulent Opthalmia of Infants

Pyorrhoea Alveolaris (Rigg’s Disease)

Offensive Discharge of Chronic


Ringworm of the body




Septic Tonsillitis

Septic Ulcers of the legs



Soft Sores

Spring Catarrh


Staphylococcus Pyogenea

Staphlococcus Pyogens Aureus

Staphyloclysin (inhibits)

Staphylococcus Pyogens Albus

Subdues Inflammation

Supporation in Otitis Media

Suppurative Appenclicitis (post-op)

Tiea Veriscolor



B. Tuberculosis

Turbinates without True Hyperplasia

Typhoid Bacillus

Ulcerative Urticaria

Urticaria suggestive of Toxaemia

Valsava’s Inflammation

Vincent’s Angina


Whooping Cough




Please note: the information contained herein has

been compiled from various sources. We make no claims, either expressed

or implied, that any products mentioned in this newsletter will cure

disease, replace prescription medication, or supersede sound medical




Colloidal Silver Uses


Generator Order Here


Pulser Order



Order Here




Home Page

Centreforce Australia, PO Box

227, Gin Gin Qld 4671 Australia



Phone 0741574262






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Thanks for the link about CS. I have been intrigued about it since I first heard of it a couple of years back and every now and then I read a little here and there and I am craving more. I will surly check out the link.


Thanks again,Kenneth T



Dudley Delany

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 10:05 PM

Re: Re: My Son Very Ill


Hi Ken,Blue/gray skin (argyria) is not a health issue. It is a cosmetic issue, and it can be avoided if people use true colloidal silver (CS) rather than colloidal silver protein (CSP) or silver compounds like silver nitrate, etc.For more information about CS, visithttp://tinyurl.com/2fd7xsBest regards,Dudley Delany



KennethWednesday, December 26, 2007 7:20 PM Subject: Re: Re: My Son Very Ill


Is having blue/gray skin color really a health issue?

Kind of like eating/drinking too much orange juice will change your skin an orange color.

Kenneth T



Carol Hartwell

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 9:26 AM

Re: My Son Very Ill

Doug and to all of you who obviously did not see on TV the man who used colloidal silver and whose skin is now a blue/gray (called argyria). This is a permanent color due to the colloidal silver you are posting to make. I have been saying this all along - DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN. Do not use colloidal silver without the sol technology. You must stop telling people to use silver without the sol technology. You are trying to save money at the expense of people's health. The difference is that the colloidal silver w/o the sol technology is an ionic silver which acts with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form insoluble silver salts, which can deposit in the body causing the argyria which is a condition that causes a blue/gray discoloration of the skin and inner eyelid inflammation) which is permanent. This colloidal is not clear.Silver Shield which is a sol technology is a true colloidal silver containing tiny nano particles of metallic silver, not silver ions. It is clear and will not cloud when table salt is added and it does not deteriorate when exposed to light and does not need to be stored in blue or amber glass containers. It is not affected by the hydrochloric acid, does not combine with other elements and can be circulated through the bloodstream to kill pathogens. It is easily eliminated from the system and will not build up in the body.It is 14 ppm and is made by using 10,000 electrovolts of current.It is made in a controlled environment and is tested for consistency and quality. You can get it at www.mynsp.com/herbalThis can be used for gum dieease, tooth declay, viruses, bacteria, acne, shingles, yeast and fungi. My email is nathlthCarol Hartwell, CNHPHealth & Healing������������������������������������������������������������������ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! �http://groupsSubscribe:......... - �����������������������������������������������������������������Other like groups: MedicalConspiraciesSubscribe: MedicalConspiracies- Post message: MedicalConspiracies Any information here in is for educational purpose only; it may be news related, purely speculation or SOMEONE'S OPINION. Always consult with a qualified Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.By becoming a member of this group you AGREE to hold this group its members, list owners, moderators and affiliates harmless of any liability for any direct, consequential, incidental, damage incurred.YOU AGREE; to accept responsibility and liability for your own actions and to contact a licensed Medical Doctor before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE; you must :

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Yes, I too make my own CS - using the purest water as recommended by the designer of the CS maker - an important point - and disagree that it is necessary to buy CS ready made - turning grey is the result of excessive use of CS which is sometimes necessary to cure difficult ailments as already discussed in a previous post - not related to quality of CS but to how much it is necessary to ingest.






Thursday, December 27, 2007 11:01 AM

Re: Re: My Son Very Ill

As a home brewing CS person, for quite a few years with never having turned blue nor having experienced any health issues as a result of taking my CS (unless getting rid of the problem I was taking it for in the first place,is seen as a side effect) I am a little puzzled about your adamant condemnation for people using CS other than buying an expensive product you seem to promote.. What is this sol technique you are talking off?Mine is crystal clear, usually around 14 ppm but costs only a few cents per litre. I looked up the description via the website link you gave and it doesn't tell me anything at all. Only that it is very expensive indeed, well out of reach for most.

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Carrot juice especially ...






Thursday, December 27, 2007 11:20 AM

Re: Re: My Son Very Ill


Is having blue/gray skin color really a health issue?

Kind of like eating/drinking too much orange juice will change your skin an orange color.

Kenneth T


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, " Jane MacRoss "

<highfield1 wrote:









> Carrot juice especially ...


> Jane

> -

> Kenneth


> Thursday, December 27, 2007 11:20 AM

> Re: Re: My Son Very Ill



> Is having blue/gray skin color really a health issue?

> Kind of like eating/drinking too much orange juice will change

your skin an orange color.


> Kenneth T


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Hi Carol,

My own concern with your post was mostly about it containing


After my initial response to your email, I discussed your

assertions with experts on colloidal silver.

I am passing on their responses. Not all are flattering regarding

your assertions but I assume you will appreciate additional information

to your knowledge base which may only assist you in truly helping


My only interest is in helping people to understand alternative health

approaches and methods.

Response 1.


She definitely does not know

what she is talking about. She states what she indicates are facts

are are plain wrong. For instance:

1. She says that ionic silver combines with the acid in the stomach

producing insoluble silver salts. Fact is it produces silver

chloride with a solubility of around .8 ppm.

2. She says that these insoluble salts are transferred to the skin.

Fact is, if they are insoluble, they would not be able to leave the


3. She says that argyria is insoluble salts in the skin. Fact is that

argyria is NOT silver salts, but silver particles.

Considering that she is clueless as to what argyria is, and what causes

it, it follows that any conclusions she draws will be lacking in any


She is correct that if the product she is talking about is pure colloid,

then it should not cause argyria. It would in fact be a

prophylactic against it. She ignores the fact that ionic silver

helps with healing, allowing the body to produce stem cells when and

where needed. Pure colloid will not help burns like the ionic


Fact is you need both for optimum performance as my fact sheet indicates.

Ionic for healing AND as a strong antimicrobial, and colloidal as a

microbial and to prevent argyria.

She also states that the person who turned blue was taking colloidal

silver. No one was even making colloidal silver when he started, they

were all making silver salts, which we all know causes argyria. As

far as I know there has never been one case of argyria from true

colloidal silver made with distilled water and pure


Response 2:

There is a product report on a product called " Silver Shield "

on the

commercial products reports page of the Silver Colloids site however it


NOT the product being referred to in the post you quoted. You can find


report at:



This product is made by a company called " Silver Mountain " who

claims to have

a trademark on the name " Silver Shield "

The product your quoted poster is talking about is produced by a company


called " Natures Sunshine " It is however called " Silver

Shield " , I wonder how

they get around the trademark? You can find the company website's page on


this product at:



Here is a link to another site offering " silverShield " This

is again offering

the one from " Natures Sunshine " . It has a good deal more

information or

rather dis-information about the product.


I not that in my quote below that I didn't include the URL for the

site so here it is:

http://home.earthlink.net/~hs4u/id39.html And here is yet another.


http://www.a-renewedhealth.com/new_products.htm They are a distributor for natures sunshine products. It is my opinion that this person is a shill. I say this for several


1- The post is filled with many false or uninformed statements I.E.


dis information stated with authority. This is often a good sign of a


2- I believe anyone recommending one brand-name product and one


product only to be a shill, unless of course there is no other existing


similar product available. In this case there are many. This person even


Do not use any other product, home made or otc.

In any event, this stuff sells for $31 for four ounces. I think this is


highest price per ounce I've ever seen for a " colloidal silver "

product. This

can only be a rip off. By the time one buys four or five bottles of this


stuff, one could have bought a high quality generator and have high


EIS for the rest of their lives for little more than the cost of





You wrote:

Doug and to all of you who obviously did not see on TV the man who


used colloidal silver and whose skin is now a blue/gray (called

argyria). This is a permanent color due to the

colloidal silver

you are posting to make. I have been saying this all along -


NOT MAKE YOUR OWN. Do not use colloidal silver without

the sol

technology. You must stop telling people to use

silver without

the sol technology. You are trying to save money at the


of people's health.

The difference is that the colloidal silver w/o the sol technology

is an ionic silver which acts with the hydrochloric acid in the

stomach to form insoluble silver salts, which can deposit in the

body causing the argyria which is a condition that causes a

blue/gray discoloration of the skin and inner eyelid inflammation)

which is permanent. This colloidal is not


Silver Shield which is a sol technology is a true colloidal silver

containing tiny nano particles of metallic silver, not silver

ions. It is clear and will not cloud when table salt is added


it does not deteriorate when exposed to light and does not need to

be stored in blue or amber glass containers. It is not

affected by

the hydrochloric acid, does not combine with other elements and can

be circulated through the bloodstream to kill pathogens. It


easily eliminated from the system and will not build up in the body.

It is 14 ppm and is made by using 10,000 electrovolts of current.

It is made in a controlled environment and is tested for consistency


and quality. You can get it at



This can be used for gum dieease, tooth declay, viruses, bacteria,


acne, shingles, yeast and fungi. My email is


Carol Hartwell, CNHP

Health & Healing

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