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3 types of clay: Calcium Montmorillonite, Bentonite (a Sodium Montmorillonite), and Pascalite (calcium bentonite/montmorillonite).

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This page provides information about 3 types of clay: Calcium Montmorillonite, Bentonite (a Sodium Montmorillonite), and Pascalite (calcium bentonite/montmorillonite). Calcium montmorillonite is also known as "living clay" (Terramin) for it principally consists of minerals that enhance the production of enzymes in all living organisms. Benefits of calcium montmorillonite minerals have been documented in research conducted by many scientists and leading universities. "In addition to the role it plays as a potent detoxifier, Calcium Montmorillonite Clay has also been used extensively in the treatment of pain, open wounds, colitis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, intestinal problems, acne, anemia, and a variety of other health issues." Dr. Cohen - more about the health benefits of calcium montmorillonite clay Sodium montmorillonite is commonly known as bentonite; the name is derived from the location of the first commercial deposit mined at Fort Benton, Wyoming USA. Bentonite principally consists of sodium montmorillonite in combination with 10 to 20% of various mineral impurities such as feldspars, calcite, silica, gypsum, etc. Sodium montmorillonite clays are the industrial clays used in things like: plaster, oil well drilling mud, cat litter, matches, cement tiles, lubricating grease, paints, copy paper, dynamite, shoe polish, concrete, cleaning agents, wall boards, crayons, and bleaching agents to mention a few Pascalite clay is a calcium bentonite, formed thirty million years ago as the froth and foam of the fiery and convulsive era atop the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming. Over the centuries, it captured the calcium from that limestone formation, and many other minerals (now known to be vital to life) in trace amounts migrated into it --manganese, cobalt, copper, etc...Technically, Pascalite is a calcium-based bentonite. Pascalite is also believed to remove toxins from the body.Dr. Cohen - "In addition to the role it plays as a potent detoxifier, Calcium Montmorillonite Clay has also been used extensively in the treatment of pain, open wounds, colitis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, intestinal problems, acne, anemia, and a variety of other health issues. Clay not only cures minor problems, such as diarrhea and constipation through local application; it acts on all the organs—on the whole organism. Everything unhealthy, that emits negative radiations is irresistibly attracted to clay and becomes subject to immediate elimination." Calcium montmorillonite, also known as "living clay," principally consists of minerals that enhance the production of enzymes in all living organisms. Calcium montmorillonite mineral deposits have been used by Native American healers for centuries as an internal and external healing agent. The Native Americans would use mineral rich clay on open wounds and for stomach or intestinal distress. The key to these benefits is the natural form in which these minerals are found. Technically, the clay first adsorbs toxins (heavy metals, free radicals, pesticides), attracting them to its extensive surface area where they adhere like flies to sticky paper; then it absorbs the toxins, taking them in the way a sponge mops up a kitchen counter mess. Clay’s adsorptive and absorptive qualities may be the key to its multifaceted healing abilities. Knishinsky reports that drinking clay helped him eliminate painful ganglion cysts (tumors attached to joints and tendons, in his case, in his wrist) in two months, without surgery. Clay is also an excellent vermifuge, attracting and binding internal parasites and packaging them for disposal. Knishinsky’s research suggests that the regular intake of liquid clay (typically one to three tablespoons daily, in divided doses) can produce other benefits including parasite removal from the intestines, allergy and hay fever relief, and elimination of anemia and acne. For example, clay helps anemia because it contains both types of dietary iron (ferrous and ferric) in an easily assimilated form; it reduces discomfort from allergies by quickly neutralizing allergens that would otherwise produce allergic reactions; and it reduces heartburn and indigestion by absorbing excess stomach acids. Calcium Montmorillonite Clay is reported to contain no less than 67 minerals. This impressive assortment of minerals includes calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica as well as trace elements, those appearing in very tiny amounts. The mineral content being extremely high sets the stage for replenishing dietary deficiencies. Today more than ever before, diets are lacking essential trace minerals and micronutrients. Without the basic minerals, life cannot exist; without trace minerals, major deficiencies may develop. Lack of either will make it impossible for the body to maintain good health and function properly. In clay the minerals occur in natural proportion to one another encouraging their absorption in the intestinal tract. Natural “Calcium Montmorillonite” restores minerals in the tissues where they are needed. Furthermore, minerals are the carriers of the electrical potential in the cells which enable the hormones, vitamins, and enzymes to function properly. Watch the video December, 1964: Dr. Benjamin H. Ershoff, begins NASA-sponsored research prompted by evidence that astronauts' bodies lose large amounts of calcium from the bones under conditions of weightlessness. According to doctors, such conditions weaken the body and increase chances that kidney stones may develop during flights lasting months or years. Ershoff found that supplementing the diet with calcium alone couldn't reverse the severe damage of severely accelerated osteoporosis--but clay did, for animals. Especially the red desert clay Terramin, (then called "ion-min) produced impressive results in promoting growth and preventing disorders in the bones of tested animals, Ershoff said. When a small percentage of the Terramin clay was added to the diet, Ershoff said, the animals' body weight increased and bone diseases were prevented. Little or no benefits were noted, he said, when calcium alone was added. "This means that the clay supplement contained some factor or factors other than calcium which promoted improved calcium utilization and bone formation," he explained. Ershoff added that the consumption of clay has been observed among many peoples and animals for centuries, especially in areas where there is a marked deficiency of calcium, iron and other minerals in the diet. more about calcium montmorillonite clay (Terramin) I add Terramin calcium montmorillonite clay in my drinking water everyday. I sprinkle a couple of tablespoons of Terramin clay into a quart of ion microwater (alkaline, live water). I also add Terramin clay in my dog's food and drinking water. Unlike the pascalite or bentonite clay, Terramin is not gritty. It is pretty tasteless. I wouldn't drink water without clay again. Terramin clay has done wonders for me health. I also add clay to my bath water. I purchase industrial bentonite 325 mesh by the 50 pound bag from a clay pottery company (about $15 a bag) and use about 3 to 5 cups in my bath water. The 325 mesh is extremely fine clay - it doesn't clog the pipes. To avoid creating clumps, I sprinkle clay gently over the hot water and let it stand without steering. Within 5 minutes or so, the clay will have dissolved into the water and sank at the bottom. Steering clay in water before it has a chance to dissolves on its own will inevitably create clumps which will be difficult to dissolve. more about hydrotherapy Clays Exhibit Novel Antibacterial Properties Beauty treatments that use clay aren't new, but clay-based medicinal treatments are. And if Arizona State University's (ASU) Lynda Williams and Shelley Haydel's research pans out, then clay might one day become an antibacterial standard like penicillin. "We use maggots and leeches in hospitals, so why not clay?" Haydel asks. The ASU duo have just received a substantial grant from the National Institutes of Health that will allow them to examine the mechanisms that allow two clays mined in France to heal Buruli ulcer, a flesh-eating bacterial disease found primarily in central and western Africa. Buruli ulcer (related to leprosy) is caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, which produces a toxin and destroys the fatty tissues under the skin. It was recently declared to be "an emerging public health threat" by the World Health Organization (WHO). more. Medicinal and Detoxifying Clay Baths Treatment - Arsenic, Environmental, Aluminum, Dental Amalgam, Smoker's Drug, Copper & Lead, Mercury, Formaldehyde, Radiation TerraMin Calcium montmorillonite a 100% natural red clay for people) TerraMin Calcium montmorillonite red clay for dogs, cats, horses -- info: Animals and Clay TerraMin Calcium montmorillonite red for fish ponds --- more info Peloid Mineral-rich Peruvian Fango facial mud mask Pascalite clay powder Other types of clay products Wholesale/bulk products (only for retailers and merchants) - Edible and cosmetc clay products - 100% natural, organic pure Calcium Montmorillonite clay for humans, for animals (Koy fish, farm animals, pets) and for agriculture, is available for shipping world-wide. For bulk/wholesale inquiries please send an email Articles on Healing with Clay: Uranium Poisoning --- Lead Poisoning --- Harmful Effect of Radiation Cancer and Clay Healing --- Parkinson Disease and Clay detox. The Clay Cure by Ran Knishinsky Knishinsky writes that clay is part of his diet and he never skip a day without eating clay. He writes "When clay is consumed, its vital force is released into the physical body and mingles with the vital energy of the body, creating a stronger, more powerful energy in the host. The natural magnetic action transmits a remarkable power to the organism and helps to rebuild vital potential through the liberation of latent energy. When the immune system does not function at its best, the clay stimulates the body's inner resources to awaken the stagnant energy. It supplies the body with the available magnetism to run well. Clay is said to propel the immune system to find a new healthy balance and strengthens the body to a point of higher resistance." Naturally absorbent and extremely gentle on the system, clay can treat ailments affecting digestion, circulation, menstruation, and the liver, skin, and prostate. Clay also remedies symptoms of arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, gum diseases, and migraines. The Clay Cure contains complete and up-to-date information on choosing the appropriate type and form of clay, how and when to take it for your specific complaint, the science and history of ingesting clay, and the value of minerals contained in the many varieties of clay. Ran Knishinsky says that he eats clay everyday, that it is part of his diet. He never skip a day without eating clay. On page 95 suggests the following : infants: 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon (in a bottle), Small frame: one teaspoon, Medium frame: one heaping teaspoon, Large frame: one tablespoon. Clay provides an impressive assortment of minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, manganese, and silica as well as trace elements—those appearing in very tiny amounts. Without the basic minerals, life cannot exist; without the trace minerals, major deficiencies will develop. The lack of either will make it impossible for the body to maintain good health. The Healing Clay : The Centuries Old Health and Beauty Elixer/Amazing Cures from the Earth Itself. Where you can purchase clay products http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/clay.htm

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