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More Organic Food Deception by Wal-Mart

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More Organic Food Deception by Wal-Mart





Wisconsin consumer fraud investigators have released the findings of a three-month investigation into Wal-Mart's alleged practice of misidentifying conventional food items as organic.

The investigation, run by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, found many instances of conventional food products improperly labeled as organic, in violation of Wisconsin state statutes.

Wisconsin regulators sent only a formal warning to the retail giant, and said that they had reached an agreement with the company under which steps would be taken to prevent future misrepresentations. Wisconsin officials said that they would continue their surveillance of Wal-Mart stores.

The Cornucopia Institute, an organization dedicated to preserving organic standards, has a photo gallery on its Web page showing conventional food products that were priced and labeled as organic foods in Wal-Mart stores. News May 8, 2007

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

I warned readers a few months ago how Wal-Mart promotes a substandard and distorted image of organic foods. Obviously, consumer fraud investigators in Wisconsin agree. Among the products Wal-Mart deceptively labeled as organic were Silk Soy Milk, Florida Crystals Natural Sugar, and various produce items.

This isn't the first report about Wal-Mart blurring the line between conventional and organics for the sake of profits either. The USDA has identified numerous incidents of fraudulent labeling in five states, including Minnesota and Texas.

Unfortunately, Wisconsin regulators merely slapped Wal-Mart's wrists. And, while the USDA has been well aware of the problems experienced in Wisconsin since November, they have yet to issue any rulings.

Wal-Mart has a major history of abusive practices, as has been brilliantly documented in the movie Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price. Wal-Mart's entry into the organic food market will increase the substitution of inferior, factory-farmed products for true organic food. This will be especially true if they start outsourcing food from China, where organic enforcement standards are close to non-existent.

Last year, Wal-Mart pledged they will become the major retailer of organic foods. With tactics like these and lax oversight, that may become a reality sooner than later -- although more accurately, they will be the major retailer of "organic" foods.

As always, the best choice for your health is to seek out locally grown, healthier, and safer sources for your foods.

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As I stated in my post yesterday, on this subject, there is not enough truly Organic certified inspected crops, produce, or other labeled Organic categories in agricultural production, domestically, to supply all these false, deceptive, profiteering, & CRIMINAL claims, of being Organic, in the large super market chains!When these super market executives are criminally prosecuted for FRAUD, piercing corporate shield, & do hard personal JAIL time, or seven figure plus fines, for their phony & made up organic certification (or hired services not doing their jobs) then, & only then, we might see some correction (but I'm not holding my breath).Other than the time honored ancient Roman consumer advice: "Let The Buyer Beware", may I also suggest that the previous indicator of higher pricing for Organic CANNOT be trusted AT ALL now...because the retailers are intentionally LYING about it being Organic, to get the higher profit margins!!!Said another way: "Panic, If You Are Being Told It's Organic!"What remains most alarming to me, besides the dumbing down of what are purportedly 'good for you' claims in the food chain, is the false, illegal & deceptive ingredient labeling that pervades the entire packaged natural health food industry. This industry, which is about 4 cents out of every food dollar, in the USA, has semantical ingredient descriptors that in fact do not exist, per CFR, to HIDE the real sourcing & garner higher price points. Yes, Wal Mart got caught RED-HANDED in Wisconsin, per Dr. Mercola's posting, but every day in natural health food stores, independent, or chain runned, the violations in comparison, per labeling are staggeringly higher by percentage (one example is "evaporated cane juice/syrup" - IT'S WHITE REFINED SUGAR, metabolized 100% as SUGAR! Also, "Organic Sugar" is not better for you than white sugar!).

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