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World wide Action 5th Anniversary of Iraq War---March events

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(Vancouver) March 15 noon Art Gallery--see below.... ********************* Funny we didn't hear about any of this in the mainstream media..... In case you thought the peace movement was dead.... http://resistinmarch.org/ Add Your Organization Contact Home Use One of These Graphics to Link to This Site Please post one of these graphics on your website and link it to this one: By Raoul Widman By Adam Kokesh By David Swanson By David Swanson By David Swanson By David Swanson By David Swanson By David Swanson (You can also design us a new graphic and we'll add it here! This is a collaborative effort. Get involved!) This site is maintained by a union shop at MayFirst.org. Events Planned for March 10-19, 2008, to Resist the U.S. Occupation of Iraq, Oppose New Wars, Demand ImpeachmentSubmitted by davidswanson on Thu, 12/20/2007 - 18:47. We are asking congress members and senators to simply do this. MARCH 6, 2008 in Washington, D.C.Subcommittee hearing on flushing another $100 billion down the Iraq occupation. MARCH 7-9, 2008 in Washington, D.C.: NCORNational Conference on Organized Resistance MARCH 10 to 12, 2008 (Monday to Wednesday) in Washington, D.C.: Stop-Loss CongressThis March, while tens of thousands of Americans in Washington, D.C., and all over the United States will be participating in acts of nonviolent civil resistance to protest the ongoing occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and involuntarily deployed U.S. soldiers and innocent civilian victims will begin another year of occupation,

torture, and murder, U.S. congress members will be on vacation (from the 15th to 30th, technically a "district work period"), ignoring the killing and suffering they have enabled, supported, and financed. To intensify the irony, Congress has condoned a widespread stop-loss policy in the military which requires soldiers to involuntarily extend their tours and prolong the killing. It is time to Stop-Loss Congress! On Monday March 10, and Tuesday March 11, we will deliver "official" stop-loss notices to all members of Congress in their Capitol Hill offices. These will notify them that all of their LEAVES, VACATIONS and HOME VISITS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED until further notice. Just as they require that active-duty personnel

endure involuntary extensions of their tours of duty, we, the people for whom they work, are notifying them that they, too, will have their tours of duty INVOLUNTARILY EXTENDED until every foreign soldier and mercenary is out of Iraq, and home. When all the troops and contractors get home, then Congress can go home, and no sooner. Monday evening March 10, 10 PM: Party at St. Stephen's Church with political HIP HOP performers SON of NUN and HEAD ROC, Admission is by donation. Tuesday evening March 11, 6PM-8PM: Premiere of the documentary film "DAD ON FIRE BLUES" by filmmaker Scott Haman at BUSBOYS & POETS in Washington, D.C. Carlos Arredondo will speak. Rick Burnley will recite poetry. LIVE Music by EMMA'S REVOLUTION. Click for flyer: On Wednesday March 12, We will take nonviolent action on Capitol Hill, to ensure that, while thousands of Iraqis, Afghanis, and foreign invaders die and are injured for life, the members of Congress and their staffs do not go home but remain to DO THEIR DUTY, and immediately end the funding of the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. No members of Congress goes home until THE TROOPS COME HOME. Participating Organizations: Hip Hop Caucus, AfterDowningStreet.org, Backbone Campaign, Camp Casey Peace Institute, CODEPINK Women For Peace, Common Ground Collective New Orleans, Democrats.com, Global Network, Gold Star Families for Peace, Progressive Democrats of America, Our Spring Break, The Critical Voice, Artists Against The War, Cities for Peace, ConsumersForPeace.org, Grandmothers Against the War, Kennebunks Peace Department, New Orleans Voices for Peace, Daughters of Vietnam Veterans, Why Not News, DC Chapter of IVAW, World Can’t Wait – Drive Out The Bush Regime!, Peace Majority Report, Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice, Coalition for the Constitution, Grassroots Impeachment Movement, Florida Peace Action Network, Liberty Tree, Maine Veterans for Peace, Boston IVAW, National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, Washington Peace Center, Delaware Valley Veterans for America, Texans for Peace, North Texas for Justice and Peace, Campus Antiwar

Network, Courage to Resist, Action Center for Justice, Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice, Watch All the Stop-Loss Action Live on Youtube: Also on Wednesday March 12: Ghosts of War. Also on Wednesday March 12 for those not in DC: A congressional call-in day organized around the theme of "No to War, No to Africom." Let's oppose the militarization of Africa. MARCH 13-16, 2008 (Thursday-Sunday) in Silver Spring, Maryland: Winter SoldierIraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW)'s Winter Soldier Testimony Details. Preview. Bush has been invited. Winter Soldier will be held at the National Labor College, 10000 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20903 Audio and video of panels will be available live online on satelite TV and

on Pacifica radio: HOW TO WATCH. Everywhere:Local events supporting Winter Soldier. Other Anti-Occupation international events:March 15 in London, EnglandMarch 15 in Vancouver, CanadaMarch 15 in Brussels, BelgiumMarch 15 in Dublin, IrelandMarch 15 in Madrid, SpainMarch 15 in Seville, SpainMarch 15 in Barcelona, SpainMarch 15 in Prague, Czech RepublicMarch 15 in Alborg, DenmarkMarch 15 in Odense, DenmarkMarch 15 in Arhus, DenmarkMarch 15 in Bergen, NorwayMarch 15 in Oslo, NorwayMarch 15 in Puerto RicoMarch 15 in Seoul, KoreaMarch 15 in Rome,

ItalyMarch 15 in Reykjavik, IcelandMarch 15 in Berlin, GermanyMarch 15 in Glasgow, ScotlandMarch 15 in Sidney, AustraliaMarch 15 in New ZealandMarch 15 in TurkeyMarch 15 in Helsinki, Finland Other Anti-Occupation local events:March 15 in Santa Barbara, CAMarch 15 in Los Angeles, CAMarch 15 in Albuquerque, NMMarch 15 in Minneapolis, MNMarch 15 in Charleston, SCMarch 15 in Richmond, CAMarch 15 in Lancaster, PAMarch 16 in San Francisco, CAMarch 13-16 in Charlottesville, VAMarch 16 in Philadelphia, PAMarch 16 in Newburyport, MA MARCH 16 to 18, 2008 (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday) in Washington, D.C.: Training, Lobbying, Restoring the ConstitutionTraining in Nonviolence in preparation for March 19, Training in lobbying, Lobbying and on the 18th: Take Back the Constitution Day. PREPARATION FOR MARCH 19:March 16th6-8pm Spokescouncil Meeting at the Warehouse Theatre March 17thAll

day trainings & workshop at the Warehouse Theatre6-8 p.m. ET at Busboys and Poets in DC, PDA and John Conyers and Jim Hightower launch Health Care Not Warfare campaign: GET A TICKET.8-9 p.m. ET listen to General William Odom discuss the need to withdraw from Iraq on http://thepeoplespeakradio.net March 18thAll day trainings & workshops at the Warehouse Theatre6-8pm - Final Spokescouncil Meeting March 18th, Tuesday: CODEPINK Action Day to Take Back the Constitution Join us for a spirited day in the Halls of Power in Washington, D.C., from Congress to the Justice Department to the Parties' Headquarters to the White House, and an evening event with Constitutional scholars and writers.

This is a call for impeachment, an end to the occupation, an end to torture. 9 am Meet Up: Meet at the CODEPINK House (712 5th Street NE, between G and H) for a day-long Restore the Constitution Tour/March that will be marked with actions at key points throughout Capitol Hill. The schedule is as follows... 10- 10:30 am Press Conference: Newseum Museum (555 Pennsylvania Ave, NW at 6th St.), a brand-new interactive media museum that has the 1st Amendment etched into the front of the building's stone structure! 10:30-11 am Restore the Constitution with Liz Holtzman: National Archives (700 Pennsylvania Avenue and Constitution, NW between 7th and 9th) 11-11:30 am Action at the Justice Department: Clean up your act! We will create a laundry line of all the investigations, airing out the Administration's dirty laundry and more! 11:30-12 noon: Don't Buy Bush's War Action with Ben Cohen: IRS building (Constitution between

10th and 12th). We'll unfurl our "Don't Buy Bush's War" banners and declare our resistance to being taxed for an unjust, illegal war. Noon-12:30 pm MOST WANTED Action: FBI at the J Edgar Hoover building (Pennsylvania between 9th and 10th). We will target CODEPINK's MOST WANTED Terrorists in DC: Bush, Cheney and others. This action will continue on to the Reflecting Pool.Special Cleansing at the Reflecting Pool with Visionary Activist Caroline Casey: We will make a brew from all the stops in our "Peace and Justice Cauldron". 12:30-2 pm March on Congress & lunch: Location TBA 2-5 pm Tour the Halls of Shame: We will be calling for Impeachment in Congress, marchers to visit their Members of Congress' offices on Senate and House side. 8:00 pm Evening event with Constitutional scholars and writers: Location TBASpeakers will include: Bill Moyers, Larry Sabato, Liz Holtzman, Melanie Sloan, Jamie Raskin, John Nichols,

Michael Ratner and others! Participating Organizations: AfterDowningStreet.org, Grassroots America, DC Chapter of IVAW, CODEPINK Women For Peace, Our Spring Break, Democrats.com, Backbone Campaign, Progressive Democrats of America, The Critical Voice, Artists Against The War, Cities for Peace, ConsumersForPeace.org, Replace Pelosi (petition to be delivered),

Grandmothers Against the War, Kennebunks Peace Department, Delaware Valley Veterans for America, New Orleans Voices for Peace, Daughters of Vietnam Veterans, Why Not News, Peace Majority Report, Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice, Coalition for the Constitution, Grassroots Impeachment Movement, Liberty Tree, Texans for Peace, North Texas for Justice and Peace, Campus Antiwar Network, Courage to

Resist, Action Center for Justice, Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice, Freeze at Union Station: 5 p.m. on 18th. March 18 at 6 p.m.: The Hip Hop Caucus announces the WE CARE CONCERTWe will highlight the plight of Internally Displaced Persons in the U.S. because of Hurricane Katrina and displaced Iraqis because of the war in Iraq. Featuring: Saigon, Mia X, Mambo Sauce, Wise Intelligent, Uncalled 4 Experience, GRIME, Rebel Diaz, Sess 4-5, Akir, Emoni Fela, Head-Roc and more.Pre-Concert Party in front of the 9:30 Club starting at 6:00 pmDoors at 7:30 pmWhere: The 9:30 Club815 V St. NW, Washington DCTickets: $15Tickets can be purchased online at http://www.930.com (highly recommended) or at the box office The TrueMajority.org "IranMobile", a Dr. Strangelovian thermonuclear missle/bomb that rises for launch 20 feet in the air with George W. Bush astride, is coming to Washington, DC. It will be at Busboys and Poets on March 16th, 7:00 pm with CodePink; again at Busboys and Poets on March 17th at 6:00 pm with PDA and Jim Hightower for their launch of the Health Care Not Warfare campaign; at the CodePink House for breakfast on March 18th at 9:00 am; Union Station on March 18th at 5:00 pm and at McPherson Square on March 19th at 7:00 am, staging ground for the UFPJ actions taking place all day. Everywhere:Local events supporting Constitution Day:ColoradoMarch 17 Impeachment Rally at Minnesota CapitolMarch 18 Indict Bush and Cheney in Portland, Maine Other Anti-Occupation Events:Students for a Democratic Society Campus Events March 17-21 MARCH 19, 2008 (Wednesday) Everywhere and in Washington, D.C.: Nonviolent ResistanceNonviolent Civil Resistance and/or Disobedience in All 435 Congressional Districts and in the Nation's Capital on the Fifth Anniversary of the Occupation of IraqLocations in each congressional district, to be determined locally, can include congressional offices (Congress Members and Senators will be in their districts on this day), federal buildings, military recruiters, weapons makers, war profiteers, or corporate media outlets. In

Washington, with Congress out of town, the focus will be on war profiteers in the military industrial disaster-capitalism complex. Where possible, events will include a place for people not willing to risk arrest. Evening town hall forums can also include a larger audience. Click for flyer: LOCAL EVENTS: Post Yours! Update it. FIND LOCAL EVENTS AT http://5yearstoomany.org AND IN A SEPARATE

LIST AT http://worldagainstwar.org WASHINGTON DC EVENTS: Join us! OTHER CITIES: San Francisco, Chicago, College Station, Texas, Denver, Clifton, NJ, Resources for nonviolent activism: HERE. Resources for promoting your event in the media: HERE. Flyers and posters with room for local info: HERE. Ideas for local actions: HERE. DETAILS ON DC EVENTS: 7-8am - Morning gathering at McPherson Square15th & K St NW Also 7:30 Arlington march. 8am - Blockade the IRS with War Resisters League and friends – Help expose the real cost of war by shutting down the IRS first thing in the morning and making a clear statement to stop FUNDING war! Click here for more details.1111 Constitution Ave NW (between 10th & 12th Streets) 11am - Rally at McPherson Square 12pm - Funk the War! with Students for a Democratic SocietyStreet march dance party against the war - meet at Franklin Park Other actions (times and locations TBA)... Disrupt the War Profiteers with No War, No Warming and a whole host of student groups who are planning a variety of

creative actions using nonviolent civil disobedience, mobile teams and delegations to offices in the K St. Corridor. Who’s in the K Street area? The American Petroleum Institute, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Shell, Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, Bechtel, the IMF/World Bank, the American Enterprise Institute, and lobbyists and lawyers for many, many more. Civil Resistance by the Vets with the Veterans March for Peace that will visit several key sites with creative acts of civil resistance culminating with an action at the White House by IVAW demanding that the White House hear their Winter Soldier testimony and that they end the war and bring the troops home now. Shut Down the Military Recruiters Office on 14th & L with the Grannies, bring your rocker and knitting needles and prepare to stay for the day! March of the Dead with Activist Response Team (A.R.T.) and other activists who join us will imagine what would happen if the dead, civilian

and military, return to enter Washington to seek justice for the crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan because of U.S. foreign policy. In death masks, all in black, some wearing the name of someone killed, others with statistics measuring the scale of the tragedy, we will proceed through the city in small groups riding the metro, walking the streets and haunting the periphery of the other actions. We will then converge at a given time all-together to make the long march for justice with stops at the State Department, Justice Department and Supreme Court culminating with acts of civil resistance. Participating Organizations: AfterDowningStreet.org, Backbone Campaign, Camp Casey Peace Institute, CODEPINK Women For Peace, Common Ground Collective New Orleans, Democracy Rising, Democrats.com, Global Network, Gold Star Families for Peace, Grassroots America, Hip Hop Caucus, Progressive Democrats of America, United for Peace and Justice, Voters for Peace, World Can’t Wait – Drive Out The Bush Regime!, DC Chapter of IVAW, Activist Responce Team (A.R.T), Washington Peace Center, Our Spring Break, The Critical Voice, Artists Against The War, Cities for Peace, ConsumersForPeace.org, Grandmothers Against the War, Kennebunks Peace Department, Delaware Valley Veterans for America, New Orleans Voices for Peace, Daughters of Vietnam Veterans, Why Not News, Peace Majority Report, Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice, Coalition for the Constitution, Grassroots Impeachment Movement, Liberty Tree, No War No Warming, Texans for Peace, North Texas for Justice and Peace, Campus Antiwar Network, Courage to Resist, Action Center for Justice, Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice, Sacramento for Democracy, Calling All Poets! World Can't Wait Events in DC on 19th: Join in acts of creative non-violent civil resistance! 1:30 p.m. in Lafayette Square Park join World Can't Wait and a sea of orange jumpsuits in solidarity with and representing those being tortured in Guantanamo Bay Prison, Abu Ghraib, Bagram in Afghanistan, and CIA “black sites” around the globe. A demonstration showing that waterboarding IS TORTURE, is planned directly in front of the residence of our biggest war criminal other than Dick Cheney. The Park will become a rallying center for all those who are determined to put an end to this illegitimate and immoral occupation and demand justice by driving the war criminals from office now, not waiting for 2009! We are done with secret renditions, warrantless spying, lying to the public, using signing statements to disobey laws, rounding up immigrants and detaining them. 3:30 p.m. in Lafayette Square Park join Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War. Sundown in Lafayette Square Park: view the film exposing the ultimate crimes committed by this regime: The Bush Crimes Commission. No War, No Warming Events in DC on 19th: On the 5th anniversary of the Iraq war, TAKE ACTION at the American Petroleum Institute in Washington D.C. at 13th and L Sts. NW, On the morning of Wednesday, March 19 - END the War in Iraq -- SHIFT Funding from War and Big Oil to Clean Energy and Human Needs -- SEPARATE Oil and State - Veterans for Peace Events in DC on 19th: Arresting Bush and Cheney. Something else that anyone anywhere can do on the 19th: International Actions on 19th:Helsinki, FinlandParis, France March 20 SDS Campus Protests Students for a Democratic Society Campus Events March 20-23 Split This Rock Poetry Festival Stick around to TALK about what you've been doing, with Split This Rock in Washington, D.C. Cosponsored by D.C. Poets Against the War, the Institute for Policy Studies, Sol & Soul, and Busboys & Poets. MORE EVENTS AROUND THE WORLD March 22 in Tokyo, JapanMarch 22 in Athens, GreeceMarch 22 in Osaka, JapanMarch 22 in Sapora, JapanAnd March 22 in Brussels, Belgium In Vancouver: On the 5th anniversary of the Iraq War, join the World Against War Days of Action...RallySaturday, March 1512 NoonVancouver Art Gallery(Georgia side, at Hornby)Music by Vancouver's legendary D.O.A. & PicketWednesday, March 1911am to 1pm, U.S. Consulate (1075 W. Pender, at Thurlow) Bring the troops home from Afghanistan Give refuge to Iraq war resisters Don't attack Iran End the siege of Gaza Spread the word, get your organization to sign on to endorse these events, and invite your friends to be part of this worldwide action against war. Organized by StopWar.ca and Canadians Against War. Endorsers listed here for information. To add your organization's name as an endorser, email contact[a]stopwar.ca. MusicHeadwaterThe Carnival BandSolidarity Notes, VDLC Labour ChoirStereoground

BandWandering SnowmanBusiness & Professional Babylon ButtonsDunnett Classic DrumsPeople's Coop Book StoreCities and municipalitiesCity of BurnabyEnvironmental groupsFORPA, Forest Protection AlliesSociety Promoting Environmental ConservationImmigrant and Refugee RightsChinese Refugees Rights CommitteeDirect Action Against Refugee Exploitation DAARE)No One Is IllegalWar Resisters Support CampaignLabour organizationsB.C. Government and Services Employees' UnionBC Federation of LabourBC Teachers FederationBurnaby Civic Employees' Union, Local 23 CUPECanadian Union of Postal Workers,

(Vancouver Local)Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 15CAW CanadaCEP Local 525GCUPE Local 407 (Vancouver School Board Outside)CUPE Vancouver Metropolitan District Hospital Employees UnionInternational Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees, Local 891International Longshore Workers Union, Local 400 Public Service Alliance of Canada, Local 60Surrey Teachers AssociationTrade Union Committee for Justice in the Middle

EastVancouver & District Labour CouncilVancouver Secondary Teachers' AssociationMediaCo-op RadioCommon GroundOutlook: Canada’s Progressive Jewish MagazineSeven Oaks MagazineNeighbourhood and Community groupsKits4PeacePalestine Community Centre – VancouverPeace and Justice organizationsADALA, Canadian Arab Justice Committee ALPHA Canada Assoc. for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in AsiaArab Palestine Association BC ALPHA Association for Learning & Preserving the History of WW II in Asia BC Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines Canada Asia Pacific Resource Network Canada Colombia Solidarity CampaigCanada Cuba Friendship Ass Canada Palestine Association Canada Palestine Support Network Canadian Network for Democratic NepalCanadian Peace Alliance – NationalCoalition in Solidarity with the People of Iraq Committee for Solidarity with Columbia Comox Valley Peace GroupEnd the Arms Race Haiti Solidarity BCInternational Society for Peace & Human Rights International South Asia Forum Jews For A Just Peace Muslim Canadian Federation Nelson Light for Peace CoalitionPalestine Solidarity Group The Peace Walker Society - BC School of the Americas Watch Kootenay BranchSerbian-Canadian Society of Vancouver South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy Sunshine Coast Peace Group The Canadian Latin-American Collective Vancouver Association of Chinese Canadians Vancouver Non-Violence Training Collective Veterans Against Nuclear Arms World Sikh Organization Writers

Against the War Political PartiesCommunist Party of CanadaCommunist Party of Canada, Marxist Leninist COPEDecember 9 Coalition Freedom Socialist PartyGreen Party (BC)Green Party of CanadaInternational Socialists New Democratic Party - National New Socialist Group Simon Fraser Green

PartyVancouver Green Party Vancouver-Kingsway Provincial NDP Constituency Association Work Less PartyPoliticiansLibby Davies, MP (Vancouver East)Peter Julian MP (Burnaby-New Westminster)Bill Silksay, MP (Burnaby-Douglas) David Chudnovsky, MLA Vancouver-KensingtonDavid Cadman, Vancouver City CouncillorLisa

Barrett, Councilor Bowen IslandDr Fred Bass, Former City Councilor Don Davies, candidate Vancouver-Kingsway (NDP)Spencer Herbert, Vancouver Parks Board CommissionerTim Louis, Former Vancouver City CouncillorAdrienne Montani, Former Trustee VSBSvend Robinson, Former MPProfessional AssociationsBC Association of Social WorkersDouglas College Faculty Association & Executive CouncilFederation of Post Secondary EducatorsLawyers Against the WarPhysicians for Global SurvivalCuba Education ToursProminent IndividualsDan Chambers, United Church MinisterLloyd Edwards, Past President of Surrey Teachers’ AssociationJef Keighley, Exec. Dir. World Peace Forum 2006Valerie Raoul, Professor Women’s Studies &

FrenchBob Rosen, Past President, Surrey Teachers AssociationDr. David Suzuki, EnvironmentalistDr. Michael Wallace, Professor Political Studies UBCReligious OrganizationsAcross our DifferencesAnglican Diocese of New Westminster Justice and Peace Unit Bible Holiness MovementCanadian Memorial Church & Centre for PeaceChristian Task Force on Central America (BC)Franciscan Sisters of JoyFranciscan Sisters of the Atonement Global and Societal Ministries BC ConferenceKootenay Fellowship of ReconciliationMennonite Central Committee Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Social Justice

Committee of South Frazer Unitarian CongregationSocial Justice Committee Unitarian Church of VancouverSpritual Direction (North Vancouver)St Chiara CommunitySynod-Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada Trinity United Church (Kitsilano) Social Justice Group Trinity United Church, Port Coquitlam Union of Spiritual Communities in Christ (Doukhobors)United Church of Canada - nationalVancouver Catholic WorkerSeniors groupsSenior Networks BCSeniors on Guard for MedicareGlobal Justice

organizationsAnti-Poverty Committee Artists Against WarBikes Not BombsBus Riders Union Canadian Association of Sexual Assault CentersCanadians Concerned About Free TradeCanadian Network for Democratic NepalCheck Your Head Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BCCouncil of Canadians (BC)Council of Canadians, Mid Island ChapterCouncil of Canadians (Richmond Chapter)Council of Canadians (Vancouver Chapter)Global Justice Marginalized Workers Action League Necessary VoicesOxfam CanadaPacific Spirit Family & Community Services SocietyQueers United Against KapitalismSalaam VancouverVancouver VigilsVancouver Committee for Domestic Workers and Caregivers RightsStudent & Youth groupsCanadian Federation of StudentsCity Centre Student UnionColor ConnectedDouglas College Student Union Emily Carr Students Against the War CoalitionLangara Peace CoalitionMedical Students For Global Survival SFU Centre

for Labour StudiesSFU Muslim Student AssociationSimon Fraser Student SocietySouth Asian Students AllianceUBC NDP Student ClubUBC Nursing Undergraduate SocietyUBC Social Justice CentreYouth For A Better World Women's organizationsAMS Women's CentreVancouver Raging GranniesWomen Elders in ActionWomen's International League for Peace and Freedom (BC)Website with more information on March actions against war: http://stopwar.ca/ http://theworldagainstwar.org/http://canadiansagainstwar.org/ ********************** ********************** In Victoria: Join The Worldwide Action in VictoriaWORLD AGAINST WAR DAY- 5 Years After the INVASION OF IRAQSaturday, March 1512 noonCentennial SquareJoin us in demanding troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and for US War Resisters to stay in Canada.12 noon - Centennial Square (City Hall)Marimba band NjivaMusician Bryan SkinnerSpeaker ZainumBahadshah12:30 pm - Peace walk around downtown, featuring a die-in and speech by war resister Brad McCall.1:30 pm - St. Gather in Kirk Hall, Andrew's Church (Douglas at Broughton)Vic High speaker Robyn MorganDocumentary film and more musicRefreshments, information tablesBringyour friends, family, colleagues, neighbours, and LOTS OFNOISEMAKERS (spoons and pans make a great contribution!)Banners and placardsSponsoring and

endorsing organizations are encouraged to bringinformation materials for the tables in the church hall.For information email: worldagainstwarOrganized by Word Against War Committee.Sponsors: Victoria Peace Coalition, War Resisters Support Campaign, Canada out of Afghanistan Campaign, Council of Canadians - Victoria chapter, Greater Victoria Seniors, UVic Students Against War, Raging Grannies, International Socialists. Endorsers: Canadian Islamic Congress (Vancouver Island region), BC Labour Against War, Women in Black, Victoria Earth Walk Committee. ************** ************** In

the US http://resistinmarch.org/ In Rome: http://www.peaceandjustice.it/march-15-2008.php

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