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Distillation Methods ** And Therapeutic Values ** II

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Hey Slick,


A little egg nog with a liitle spiced rum with a little nutmeg on top and a

little half and half..you got me rolling in the aisles!


I am SO glad others are taking up the baton and taking to task those who

'misinform'. It's taken me frigging YEARS to learn the 'ways' of speaking.

People don't 'lie' they ______.


Off to watch 'em shakin' the dew off their lily!! lolol


me was brought up by me grandmother a goodly portion of my life that I

wasn't brought up by me fither. We's McPhee's of the clan, MacPhee.


I absolutely am DE-lighted I am turning 50! no no no...wrong grammatical

usage. I AM absolutely etc....


time fer 'nother toddy for the body.........



3. There ain't all that many 16 year old virgins willing to work for

pauper wages. (That was a slick way of avoiding criticism). ;-p


off from what I think will happen in the future .. a Standard Operating

Procedure for how far men must stand from urinals and how many times

they will be allowed to shake it off without being arrested for playing

with themselves in public.





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Hi Michael .. other good folks ..


I checked out Imani Natural Products on Google .. sure as hell they are

advertising Medicinal Quality Essential Oils .. not only is this very

dangerous .. as Brian Skiness might find out some day .. but I don't

think he owns a still or the land to produce these so-called medicinal

oils. Says on the site that the oils are distilled for medicinal use.

Says slow distillation produces oils that contain a wide range of

components (he must mean chemical components) that are not present in

commercial oils.


And I see lots of misinformation and marketing hype on the site. But

he might have fine oils.


I don't know Brian Skiness .. but I doubt if Brian Skiness is selling

bad oils .. odds are he is not. Odds are most folks aren't .. with

some exceptions. But nobody has a corner on quality when they deal

with folks who deal in quality.


Odds are that Brian is repeating what his sources (and I mean dealers,

not distillers) tell him .. and that is not unusual either cause there

more slick ways to market out there than you can imagine and some folks

think they gotta be unique to be competitive. Odds are that Brian

Skiness is not doing this from a bad heart but rather from not having

spent enough time viewing the realities .. I won't say that for Gary

Young and the Young Living organization .. I think their intentions are

FAR from honorable .. they are greedy and dangerous!


Nobody has a unique production method to produce a product superior in

chemical profile from those of all the other oils in the world that are

produced through normal distillation using single source aromatics. Of

course, Gary Young claims to have special stills .. and I think he may

be right cause on two occasions he's been fined for safety violations;

the last being when one blew the friggin head off one of his illegal

Mexican workers.


Other folks claim to harvest their products with Tender Loving Care ..

which makes me think of 16 year old virgins dancing around in flowing

white veils thanking the plants for their great sacrifice whilst singing

Hari Krishna and such. Problems with this is if one considers:


1. The amount of aromatic materials needed to produced a kilo of oil.

Often tons (Rose Otto and Vitex) .. and at best, with some aromatics, we

get 15-17 kilos from a metric ton (2,205 pounds) of aromatic materials.


2. The fact that farmers don't want amateurs in their fields and for

wild grown plants .. mostly found in Third World and Emerging Market

countries, the government restricts harvest to the local peasants and

they control their areas of responsibility with knives and guns.


3. There ain't all that many 16 year old virgins willing to work for

pauper wages. (That was a slick way of avoiding criticism). ;-p


Folks can believe as they wish .. but the facts are that unless the

distiller burns the plants .. and that is not likely to happen but one

time even using old equipment cause its a quick way to get fired if you

are an employee or to go broke if you are the owner .. and not likely to

happen at all using modern equipment .. we are going to get a quality

product ALMOST every time. There are some seasonal and harvest time

variables that can be exceptions. Its following the distillation that

weird things can .. and do .. happen to essential oils.


I go along with Ralph Waldo Emerson, who wrote, in " Conduct of Life,

'The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons. "


Now .. to clarify one point I made earlier .. which I would really

prefer not to do but I believe I must even though it provides fuel for

further misunderstanding. I asked Martin Watt about so-called European

standards .. I did this because I know that our European cousins, in

their futile efforts to create a harmonious brotherhood amongst nations

that barely stand each other .. the European Union .. have decided to

legislate many unreasonable and ridiculous rules .. to include (and I am

not joking) a standardized EU condom .. have legislated the following.

This is from Martin:


> There IS a European standard for 2-3 essential oils for medicinal use.

> Those standards are in the European Pharmacopoeia. However, those

> standards can be met completely from manufactured essential oils!


Means .. they are similar to the Emperor's New Clothes. And not too far

off from what I think will happen in the future .. a Standard Operating

Procedure for how far men must stand from urinals and how many times

they will be allowed to shake it off without being arrested for playing

with themselves in public.


> All that stuff on slow distillation is French suppliers hogwash and in

> fact can create some nasty chemicals in the resulting " cooked " oil.

> You may quote me. Martin


So .. that's Martin's take on it. And even considering that the French

do allow medical doctors to prescribe essential oils .. and some French

sellers of essential oils and French Aromatherapy Practitioners have

taken this a bit further than even the French gummit intended .. I will

stand by my statement that those of us in the USA and Canada .. and in

the UK for that matter .. are walking on thin ice when we talk about

selling medicinal or therapeutic essential oils.


That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;-p


Y'all keep smiling. Butch http://www.AV-AT.com

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Thanks for the information. This idea of " medicinal " oils has

confused me for years (started by YoungLiving who used to claim they

have the only " medicinal " oils on the planet). I have talked to Brian

at Imani and his oils are good quality (pretty expensive, though not

as expensive as YoungLiving)...he is probably repeating the

information given to him by his source, a French doctor who uses

oils. I have purchased oils from Imani, YoungLiving, and Appalacian

Valley over the past 5 years. They seem to be equally high quality to

me. Some oils in the stores are clearly not as good (Aura Cacia for

example). Don't know how one could even determine this kind of rating

system on oils (A grade, B, etc.). I go by smell (some smell purer

than others) and if they are organic or wild crafted (though I've

also encountered some weird smelling organic oils from Frontier).





, Butch Owen <butchbsi@s...>


> Hi Michael .. other good folks ..


> I checked out Imani Natural Products on Google .. sure as hell they


> advertising Medicinal Quality Essential Oils .. not only is this


> dangerous .. as Brian Skiness might find out some day .. but I don't

> think he owns a still or the land to produce these so-called


> oils. Says on the site that the oils are distilled for medicinal


> Says slow distillation produces oils that contain a wide range of

> components (he must mean chemical components) that are not present


> commercial oils.


> And I see lots of misinformation and marketing hype on the site.


> he might have fine oils.


> I don't know Brian Skiness .. but I doubt if Brian Skiness is


> bad oils .. odds are he is not. Odds are most folks aren't .. with

> some exceptions. But nobody has a corner on quality when they deal

> with folks who deal in quality.


> Odds are that Brian is repeating what his sources (and I mean


> not distillers) tell him .. and that is not unusual either cause


> more slick ways to market out there than you can imagine and some


> think they gotta be unique to be competitive. Odds are that Brian

> Skiness is not doing this from a bad heart but rather from not


> spent enough time viewing the realities .. I won't say that for Gary

> Young and the Young Living organization .. I think their intentions


> FAR from honorable .. they are greedy and dangerous!


> Nobody has a unique production method to produce a product superior


> chemical profile from those of all the other oils in the world that


> produced through normal distillation using single source

aromatics. Of

> course, Gary Young claims to have special stills .. and I think he


> be right cause on two occasions he's been fined for safety


> the last being when one blew the friggin head off one of his illegal

> Mexican workers.


> Other folks claim to harvest their products with Tender Loving

Care ..

> which makes me think of 16 year old virgins dancing around in


> white veils thanking the plants for their great sacrifice whilst


> Hari Krishna and such. Problems with this is if one considers:


> 1. The amount of aromatic materials needed to produced a kilo of


> Often tons (Rose Otto and Vitex) .. and at best, with some

aromatics, we

> get 15-17 kilos from a metric ton (2,205 pounds) of aromatic



> 2. The fact that farmers don't want amateurs in their fields and


> wild grown plants .. mostly found in Third World and Emerging Market

> countries, the government restricts harvest to the local peasants


> they control their areas of responsibility with knives and guns.


> 3. There ain't all that many 16 year old virgins willing to work


> pauper wages. (That was a slick way of avoiding criticism). ;-p


> Folks can believe as they wish .. but the facts are that unless the

> distiller burns the plants .. and that is not likely to happen but


> time even using old equipment cause its a quick way to get fired if


> are an employee or to go broke if you are the owner .. and not

likely to

> happen at all using modern equipment .. we are going to get a


> product ALMOST every time. There are some seasonal and harvest time

> variables that can be exceptions. Its following the distillation


> weird things can .. and do .. happen to essential oils.


> I go along with Ralph Waldo Emerson, who wrote, in " Conduct of Life,

> 'The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our

spoons. "


> Now .. to clarify one point I made earlier .. which I would really

> prefer not to do but I believe I must even though it provides fuel


> further misunderstanding. I asked Martin Watt about so-called


> standards .. I did this because I know that our European cousins, in

> their futile efforts to create a harmonious brotherhood amongst


> that barely stand each other .. the European Union .. have decided


> legislate many unreasonable and ridiculous rules .. to include (and

I am

> not joking) a standardized EU condom .. have legislated the


> This is from Martin:


> > There IS a European standard for 2-3 essential oils for medicinal


> > Those standards are in the European Pharmacopoeia. However, those

> > standards can be met completely from manufactured essential oils!


> Means .. they are similar to the Emperor's New Clothes. And not

too far

> off from what I think will happen in the future .. a Standard


> Procedure for how far men must stand from urinals and how many times

> they will be allowed to shake it off without being arrested for


> with themselves in public.


> > All that stuff on slow distillation is French suppliers hogwash

and in

> > fact can create some nasty chemicals in the resulting " cooked "


> > You may quote me. Martin


> So .. that's Martin's take on it. And even considering that the


> do allow medical doctors to prescribe essential oils .. and some


> sellers of essential oils and French Aromatherapy Practitioners have

> taken this a bit further than even the French gummit intended .. I


> stand by my statement that those of us in the USA and Canada .. and


> the UK for that matter .. are walking on thin ice when we talk about

> selling medicinal or therapeutic essential oils.


> That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;-p


> Y'all keep smiling. Butch http://www.AV-AT.com

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