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- Thursday, November 03, 2005 2:34 AM



----Tonya Brooks has fought for women's rights to decide on what typeof birth they want to have. For the right to have a drugless and gentlebirth. Knowing that the consequences of drugs lead to a downward spiralof unnecessary medical interventions and more drugs that ultimatelylead to major surgery and you can deduct from there where this goes. She hasheld her own for over 25 years and continues to fight the heavysuppression of the Medical Board and its politicians; but it is time to giveher some help.She has delivered over 4000 babies . She has trained midwives,childbirth educators, labor coaches and generally guarded our rightsas patients and mothers. She has proven her stats and willingness to helpour community. The current situation involves ALL of us.It's not just about alternative medicine.Currently the Medical Board of California is trying to pass a regulationthat states that women who have breech babies-(Breech: is a position whichis other that the head facing down onto the uterine opening, it could be thebabies butt, back or feet are basically in position to come out first;rather than the head- which is the most common position)-are to be deliveredby c-section "ONLY".This regulation is based on a false study done in Europe- that is called"The Hannah Study". This study doesn't take in to consideration that "firstbabies" have a higher rate of problems than second or third babies, etc. -thus combining two different research studies and results.Along with this- women who have had prior c-sections will no longer be"allowed" to deliver out of the hospital and/or vaginally!The consequences of these (enforced c-sections) are vast and detrimental- anexplainable only in detail, by much hatting and reading. I don't want to giveyou too many misunderstood words. I would be happy to provide references toanyone that wishes hatting; speaking with anyone and basically giving you asummary if needed.The fact that epidurals (drugs) during birth, c-sections (major surgery),and hysterectomies (removing of the uterus by major surgery) are the highestever- is alarming! When confronted by this fact at the last Medical BoardMeeting - this past Friday- Tonya Brooks Midwife- brought up the question:"What about the rising rates of hysterectomies, morbidity (injury), andmortality (death) rates of mothers?" The doctors and politicians simplyreplied that this was not a concern, since this is not a point they aregetting law suits on.The consequences of heavy medical drugs and unnecessary interventions areknown to "most" of us. The need for "gentle" drugless, quiet births are amust for the sanity of our future (in or out of the hospital).Also a good book to read is "BIRTH WITHOUT VIOLENCE" by Dr.Frederick Leboyer.PLEASE, PLEASE, HELP US!Write to The Medical Board of California, We NEED YOU at the next Medical Board meeting, in Sacramento; we will alsobe putting this together. It will take place November 4th.--------------------October 26, 2005Dear Friends,Here is the data regarding the Medical Board Hearing; Nov 4th.I have reviewed the data and considered the proposed regulations and theyseem pretty "logical" and yet are far from it. In setting these rules, whatthe regulatory body is doing, whether they realize it or not, is making thefield of midwifery and alternative medicine for childbearing women "EXTINCT". Making the practice of Midwifery impossible, little by little.Their propositions are irrational as the regulations are meant for "perhaps"a very uneducated group of midwifes. Maybe assuming that stopping everythingis the way to go- rather than training those midwifes who maybe- have hadbad outcomes.So "their" (Medical Board/Law Making Bodies) theory goes something likethis:1. Hit don't Hat2. and when you do HAT3. don't allow the person to actually "WEAR THE HAT"4. And if they DO.5. Hit some MORE!...But considering that MD's can and do commit many crimes in this field ofobstetrics; injuring or loosing patients as a -modus operendai- seems hardlyfair that midwifes should be judged as criminals when taking the mostpro-survival course on a given situation. Unfortunately the actualemergencies- those unpredictable situations which everyone worries about-happen in the hospital as well as out in the field; the heavy lights andheavy intervention will not make you immune to these. Only great and carefulobservation; exact obnosys; great communication with your patients and staffand competence in your field will save you ass in a case like this.These situations should always be handled with the outmost care andexpertise; by anyone who cares for patients.However some of these regulations propose that a midwife shouldn't be hatted;shouldn't be accredited and shouldn't practice life saving skills- whendeemed necessary! Even when a provider is fully adept and trained on suchskills. This belittles, degrades and puts into non-existence the entirefield of Midwifery, the great and wise training, knowledge and knowingnessMidwifes have had- prior to Doctors, the field of alternative medicine andwomen in general.I believe you will agree that this NEEDS TO CHANGE. ("a disaster issomething that has not been predicted or prepared for"...)Needless to say all of these are very speculative "regulations" prone toextreme prejudice and subjective to whoever the judging body is. They do notaccount for the fact that women of sound mind actually want and preferalternative birth rather than hospital delivery. And pretend to assume thatonly "unsound" people would whish for alternative birth.Furthermore with such open statements as "historic medical conditions" youcould disqualify almost anyone from delivering out of the hospital. Theserules do not allow any credit for midwifes who have a long and proven recordof good safe deliveries, have advanced training and are experts in theirfields. Rather they are a judge based on the false opinion that midwifes canperform less than MD's are not trained and basically do not know what theyare doing. This is stupid and prejudiced, as well as so many other thingsthat I won't mention at this pointJust the fact alone that Cesarean Sections are "Major Surgery" somewhere inthe level of "Heart or Brain Surgery"- is enough to get one to consider thisa bit. Think what it would be like having to have 2, 3 or 4 "brain surgeries" just because the law mandates that "You cannot be healthy onceyou have been ill". This is literally what the regulations are stating whenthey require that all prior c-sections cases to submit to future in hospital"only" deliveries; leading to future c-sections every time you are pregnant!This is another aspect that is included in these regulations that I don'tthink we covered before. "Prior C-Section mothers cannot deliver out of thehospital!" C-Sections are causing major complications for younger women.Women in their 40's are having to get their uteruses removed due to havinghad multiple c-sections!Ok. Thanks for reading my comm. and let me know if you have questions,suggestions, etc.FROM TONYA BROOKS:October 21, 2005Dear Friends,Thank you for your support. The California Law requiring the Medical Boardof California to enact new regulations- passed last year. These regulationsdetermine the "Scope of Practice" of midwifery (what midwifes can and cannotdo). Among the proposed required rules are- Midwives cannot deliver:1. Breeched babies (all are to be referred for C-Section)2. Twins or multiples.3. Anyone with any medical issues current or "historic"4. Anyone deemed to have "mental" issues.This is what we need to do specifically. Everyone we can contact needs toe-mail The Medical Board by October 26, then follow up by sending a hardcopy to them at the address below- BEFORE NOV 4th- when the proposedregulations will be voted on by the actual doctors on the California MedicalBoard.The letters/e-mail should cover the following but need to be "individual"not form letters.1. The "Proposed Midwifery Standards of Care" deny the right of women tochoose their provider and place of birth by not allowing women withbreeches, twins or other "issues" to choose midwifery care.2. These regulations do not address doctors' (MD's) refusal to providesupervision or our rising maternal morbidity (injury) or mortality rates dueto increasing cesareans for literally everything.3. The regulations do not provide guide lines for advanced training- thatall healthcare providers need. Nor do they provide advanced practice guidelines, by or for very experienced midwives.4. Under these guidelines we are required to send almost everyone to a"Mental Health Professional" and only "mentally competent" adults can chosea midwife to deliver them.5. By sending all these women to doctors and hospitals they are at greaterrisk for cesarean delivery without regard to a rising maternal risk due tomajor surgery, drugs, infection, etc.Please state in your letter you are 1.) a woman - if you're a woman- 2.)Consumer, 3.) A resident of California and that you don't support theseregulations.Obviously if you're a male you can say you're a concerned father or fatherto be, etc. etc.Please write an e-mail and send a hard copy to:a.) Birth Center attn: Claudia, 14140 Magnolia Blvd. - Sherman Oaks, CA.91423b.) And to the following addresses/e-mail:Addressed to: Herman HillMedical Board of California1426 Howe Ave. Suite 54Sacramento, CA. 95825And e-mail to: HHillIn the heading please state:"Proposed Midwifery Regulations for Hearing of November 4, 2005"If you can come the location/date of the hearing is: November 4. 20059:00 amSheraton Suites701 "A" StreetSan Diego, CA. 92101Thank You.Much Love,Tonya Brooks, CPM"Either you're busy living, or you're busy dying..."The Shawshank Redemption

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