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Treating Narcolepsy?

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Has anybody had any luck treating narcolepsy with acupuncture? I have a

patient, age 46, who has suffered from narcolepsy since his late 20, early 30s.

He mostly has symptoms around noon-1pm...It comes on somewhat slowly, with

pressure building up inside of his head. His pulse is deep and somewhat

slippery, and I hate to say that I forgot to look at his tongue.

He also has occasional problems with adrenaline related to the

narcolepsy...sometimes when he laughs or is startled, he literally falls to the


I treated this problem by opening the yin qiao meridian and treating points on

the head (gv 20, gv 22, gv 24), as well as st-40 to clear phlegm.

The day after treatment he was exceptionally groggy and not sure that he wants

to continue with acupuncture treatment.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




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working with given data let's see if a 5 E pattern emerges


a 5 E pattern is indispensable in a complicated and chronic case such as






this will present data from known studies



:: this will be the creation of a 5 E structure which lisa can improve

on or let go


5 E - this will indicate an emerging pattern



here goes



narcolepsy - overwhelming excessive daytime sleepiness



:: Fire HT element which rules shen in seriously deficient state



a person with narcolepsy is likely to become drowsy or to fall asleep,

often at inappropriate times and places



:: HT shen is now outside the horary clock structure, a serious development



Daytime sleep attacks may occur with or without warning and may be




:: HT yang is insufficient to rise to head, and dips erratically



attacks can occur repeatedly in a single day



:: lucidity is regulated by the erratic yang rising and falling



In addition, nighttime sleep may be fragmented with frequent wakenings.



:: this is more a picture of yin & yang of HT losing anchor


Three other classic symptoms of narcolepsy:



Cataplexy: sudden episodes of loss of muscle function, ranging from

slight weakness (such as limpness at the neck or knees, sagging facial

muscles, or inability to speak clearly) to complete body collapse



:: HT does not nourish Earth, muscles ruled by SP are giving way



Attacks may be triggered by sudden emotional reactions such as laughter,

anger, or fear



:: if triggered by laughter, HT shen is expended

:: if triggered by anger, mother Wood of HT shen is expended

:: if triggered by fear, oppressor Water is expended



Sleep paralysis: temporary inability to talk or move when falling asleep

or waking up



:: HT mother not nourishing son Earth, this is getting to be pronounced



Hypnagogic hallucinations: vivid, often frightening, dream-like

experiences that occur while dozing or falling asleep



:: a manifestation of the shattered shen


Daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations can

also occur in people who do not have narcolepsy.


ok now on to lisa's provided symptoms & signs



patient, age 46, who has suffered from narcolepsy since his late 20,

early 30s



:: such an early onset takes us to a perinatal shen injury



He mostly has symptoms around noon-1pm



:: clearly Fire time which begins with HT at 11:00 AM, ends 03:00 PM

with SI. 01:00 PM is the exact time when HT yang shifts into HT yin.

a very significant sign


5 E - this beginning to look like a HT yang deficient illness



....It comes on > somewhat slowly, with pressure building up inside

of his head



:: actually the shen ebb begins at 11:01 AM, with yin of HT still

sustained when HT yang begins, this is a HT yang illness, the symptoms




His > pulse is deep and somewhat slippery, and I hate to say that I

forgot to

> look at his tongue



:: slippery is decidedly son Earth. deep will take us to Water being

the culprit element, for deep cannot present on HT pulse


!!!this is an uncharacteristic pulse needing immediate attention



He also has occasional problems with adrenaline related to the




:: of course! adrenaline is ruled by adrenal glands sitting on K


5 E - now it seems a HT yin deficient because of Water yin consumed

as the primary marauder



....sometimes when he laughs or is startled, he literally falls

> to the ground



5 E - almost certainly a K overwhelming HT pattern which set in almost

at birth


next step:

quickly confirm this pattern and if you are satisfied this is what

is happening, try a bi phasal intervention


ideal time to treat is between 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM


i would suggest bi phasal horary points, given below -


step 1. shallow needle on HT 4, keep for 20 mts, tone twice

step 2. shallow needle on P 7, keep for 20 mts, even movement

turning, v light, twice


step 3. tone BL 23 of L, shallow needle, tone twice, follow

with thread moxa, make certain it si thread, maybe 7

[one will presume there is no overt Heat]


by now the Fire Water Axis will be largely settled and to a

significant extent narcolepsy will have been contained


frequency: 1 treatment every other day for 4 days, the

every 4 days for 4 more turns


this should make it so there is no more narcolepsy spells


after this a supporting regimen can begin to take care of the

problem birth onwards


hope this helps


dr holmes


symptomology courtesy of: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcolepsy

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Hi Lisa

I would be really interested in how you get on with this case since I

have a friend who suffers from narcolepsy. Feel free to contact me off-

list if you prefer. Thanks.


Kind regards

Johanna Schuster, MAOM, Lic.Ac., MATCM(UK)



Chinese Medicine , <lisa@m...> wrote:

> Has anybody had any luck treating narcolepsy with acupuncture? I

have a patient, age 46, who has suffered from narcolepsy since his late

20, early 30s.

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take narcolepsy and connect it with catatonia

then take catatonia and connect it with sleep apnea

lastly take sleep apnea and place it on the legitimate element


the answer is apparent




annahoj_mt wrote:

> Hi Lisa

> I would be really interested in how you get on with this case since I

> have a friend who suffers from narcolepsy. Feel free to contact me off-

> list if you prefer. Thanks.


> Kind regards

> Johanna Schuster, MAOM, Lic.Ac., MATCM(UK)



> Chinese Medicine , <lisa@m...> wrote:

> > Has anybody had any luck treating narcolepsy with acupuncture? I

> have a patient, age 46, who has suffered from narcolepsy since his late

> 20, early 30s.




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Hi Holmes & All


Holmes wrote:

> take narcolepsy and connect it with catatonia then take catatonia and

> connect it with sleep apnea lastly take sleep apnea and place it on the

> legitimate element the answer is apparent. holmes


One may be tempted to put narcolepsy into the Fire Element, but, like

every other symptom, the root may lie in one or more other elements,

and maybe not in Fire at all.


Holmes, I am a slow learner! The answer is not apparent to me. Please




Best regards,


Email: <


WORK : Teagasc, c/o 1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

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Chinese Proverb: " Man who says it can't be done, should not interrupt

man doing it "

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