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Bai Dian Feng Wan - Vitiligo

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Hi Attilio


Were there any replies to your query? I might have missed the post...I was

wondering how is vitiligo confirmed besides visual observation in Western

medicine? Does it not look like other possible dermatological ailments? Are

there specific tests...blood, biopsies?? Also

I have a related question: Has anyone tried Vitamin B point injections for




Attilio D'Alberto <attiliodalberto wrote:

Hi all,


Has anyone used Bai Dian Feng Wan for vitiligo and found it to be successful

or not?


Warm regards,


Attilio D'Alberto

Doctor of (Beijing, China)

B.Sc. (Hons) T.C.M., M.A.T.C.M.

Company Director

The Earth Health Clinic

0208 367 8378


<http://www.theearthhealthclinic.com/> www.theearthhealthclinic.com





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Nope, no replies to my query.


I've also heard of it being related to a vitamin B deficiency. As you know,

vitamin B is found in red meat, some fish and foods such as yeast. Whilst I

was in India, I saw quite a few cases of vitiligo. Indians are vegetarian

and a lack of vitamin B in their diet may explain this skin disorder.


Warm regards,


Attilio D'Alberto

Doctor of (Beijing, China)

B.Sc. (Hons) T.C.M., M.A.T.C.M.

Company Director

The Earth Health Clinic

0208 367 8378



Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine On Behalf Of Twyla


01 November 2005 15:14

Chinese Medicine

Re: Bai Dian Feng Wan - Vitiligo




Hi Attilio


Were there any replies to your query? I might have missed the post...I was

wondering how is vitiligo confirmed besides visual observation in Western

medicine? Does it not look like other possible dermatological ailments? Are

there specific tests...blood, biopsies?? Also

I have a related question: Has anyone tried Vitamin B point injections for




Attilio D'Alberto <attiliodalberto wrote:

Hi all,


Has anyone used Bai Dian Feng Wan for vitiligo and found it to be successful

or not?


Warm regards,


Attilio D'Alberto

Doctor of (Beijing, China)

B.Sc. (Hons) T.C.M., M.A.T.C.M.

Company Director

The Earth Health Clinic

0208 367 8378






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Thanks...Attilio. I had heard that also...another AP told me he had success with

the B12 injections and herbs...but I did not ask him what specific herbal

formula. It was a pediatric case. I will try to reach him and find out if it was

Bai Dian Feng.



Attilio D'Alberto <attiliodalberto wrote:

Nope, no replies to my query.


I've also heard of it being related to a vitamin B deficiency. As you know,

vitamin B is found in red meat, some fish and foods such as yeast. Whilst I

was in India, I saw quite a few cases of vitiligo. Indians are vegetarian

and a lack of vitamin B in their diet may explain this skin disorder.


Warm regards,


Attilio D'Alberto

Doctor of (Beijing, China)

B.Sc. (Hons) T.C.M., M.A.T.C.M.

Company Director

The Earth Health Clinic

0208 367 8378




Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine On Behalf Of Twyla


01 November 2005 15:14

Chinese Medicine

Re: Bai Dian Feng Wan - Vitiligo




Hi Attilio


Were there any replies to your query? I might have missed the post...I was

wondering how is vitiligo confirmed besides visual observation in Western

medicine? Does it not look like other possible dermatological ailments? Are

there specific tests...blood, biopsies?? Also

I have a related question: Has anyone tried Vitamin B point injections for




Attilio D'Alberto <attiliodalberto wrote:

Hi all,


Has anyone used Bai Dian Feng Wan for vitiligo and found it to be successful

or not?


Warm regards,


Attilio D'Alberto

Doctor of (Beijing, China)

B.Sc. (Hons) T.C.M., M.A.T.C.M.

Company Director

The Earth Health Clinic

0208 367 8378






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I haven't used bai dian feng wan, but this is an external formula for

vitiligo which a friend of mine prescribed for a patient. After one

month the patches were noticeably filling in. (in the beginning white

patches were around the wrist / hands less than 2 inches in

diameter). I don't know the final story of how it ended up.


The formula used for the vitiligo was

bu gu zhi,

bai ji li,

ku shen,

fang feng,

hua jiao or (chuan jiao), and

wei ling xian.

50 grams each in about 600ml of 80 proof vodka for 1 week.

An internal herbal treatment was also given based on TCM zang/fu.


I researched vitiligo a while back. Nearly all the formulas have two

herbs in common - buguzhi and baijili. A synthesized form of buguzhi

is also used as the basis of a psoralean western medicine treatment.


Brian Beard


Chinese Medicine , Twyla Hoodah

<twylahoodah> wrote:


> Hi Attilio


> Were there any replies to your query? I might have missed the

post...I was wondering how is vitiligo confirmed besides visual

observation in Western medicine? Does it not look like other possible

dermatological ailments? Are there specific tests...blood, biopsies??


> I have a related question: Has anyone tried Vitamin B point

injections for vitiligo?



> Attilio D'Alberto <attiliodalberto> wrote:

> Hi all,


> Has anyone used Bai Dian Feng Wan for vitiligo and found it to be


> or not?


> Warm regards,


> Attilio D'Alberto

> Doctor of (Beijing, China)

> B.Sc. (Hons) T.C.M., M.A.T.C.M.

> Company Director

> The Earth Health Clinic

> 0208 367 8378

> enquiries@t...

> <http://www.theearthhealthclinic.com/> www.theearthhealthclinic.com





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Here's some notes I gathered on vitiligo. The herb formulas came off

the net or class notes or the TCM chinese-english encyclopedia.


Possible Causes:

1) possible auto-immune disorder where the body attacks the

melanocytes. Often happens alongside other auto-immune disorders -

hypo / hyper thyroid, diabetes, pernicious anemia, addison's disease,


2) Could also be related to a suppressed immune system

2) Can be related Vitamin deficiency - B12 (vegetarian?), folic acid,

B8, C

3) Sometimes happens alongside a fungal infection - repeated

athlete's foot, diet high in sugar, etc

4) A decrease in the enzyme catalase causes an increase in hydrogen

peroxide in the skin.

5) photographic chemicals or other industrial products containing


6) High stress period of life, or severe illness, mild trauma to area

(rubbing shoes, etc)

7) Vitiligo is the result of the damage or death of the skin's

melanocytes. There are different theories about the cause of vitiligo:

The body's immune system may destroy melanocytes. Pigment may be

destroyed as the body responds to a substance it perceives as foreign

(the most accepted theory).

There is genetic defect that makes the melanocytes susceptible to


Abnormally functioning nerve cells may produce toxic substances that

injure melanocytes

Melanocytes self-destruction. While pigment is forming, toxic by-

products could be produced injuring and destroying melanocytes.

Researchers believe that a combination of these theories may provide

the best explanation.

The familial incidence is almost 20 to 30%.





Western Medicine

What are you looking to get out of this? - full, partial, blur of



PUVA - psoralen ultra violet therapy.

PUVB - a narrow UVB ray with less side effects

Protopic - an immune suppressor

What are Elidel, Aldara and Imiquimod?

These products are all immunomodulators that affect immune response.

What is Pseudocatalase (Pcat)?

Pseudocatalase, also called Pcat for short, is also a relatively new

treatment option for vitiligo. The cream, which is applied twice a

day, is designed to reduce epidermal hydrogen peroxide in

vitiliginous skin

What is Ratokderm?

Ratokderm is a laser technology for treating vitiligo, only available

in Milan, Italy. Many people find their website accidentally,

because, ironically, the Italian Ratokderm company happens to own the

domain, " vitiligo.com " which nearly every person with vitiligo has

visited just to see where it leads.

What is an Excimer Laser?

As described above, an excimer laser is basically a highly

concentrated beam of UV light, directed at vitiligo spots or patches,

without affecting the pigmented skin around them. Developed by Dr.

James Spencer at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York, this treatment has

the advantage of requiring no medications, and with virtually no side


Ratokderm basically uses a laser beam of Narrow Band UVB light. The

company says that this technology allows patients to completely give

up the use of drugs in treating their condition, allow a point by

point treatment of their vitiligo with the laser, and, avoid the more

dangerous bands of UV light. This treatment is virtually identical to

the American Excimer laser.

What is V-Tar?

V-Tar is a 30% Standardized water soluble coal tar product which also

contains natural anti-inflammatory agents, skin conditioners, and

antioxidants. V-Tar has been used successfully in many patients with

vitiligo and other hypopigmentary disorders. It will not stain the

skin, and its once weekly application is convenient for many

patients. V-Tar is available only with a physician's prescription.

What is skin grafting?

What is autologous melanocyte transplant?

What is Melagenina?

Melagenina (now Melagenina Plus) was developed in Cuba about 20 years

ago, using human placenta tissue. They may now use other animal

placental tissues. The company in Cuba that markets it claims high

success rates, but these cannot be substantiated, and many people on

our site have claimed no results at all. The product instructions

indicate that application of the cream should be several times a day,

followed by 15 minutes of natural sunlight. In 1998, Melagenina Plus

was announced, which unlike the previous treatment requires only once

daily application and does not require exposure to the sun. The

company claims that the calcium chloride contained in the product

strengthens the skin's pigmentation. The product is not available in

the U.S. or Canada, and is not approved by the FDA for use on

vitiligo. The medicine can be obtained in Cuba, and also at

Melagenina sponsored centers in Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru,

Uruguay, El Salvador, Nigeria, Russia and Ukraine. '

What is Novitil/Sinvitil/Dermabest?

Novitil (also known as Sinvitil or Dermabest) is a natural topical

products that some people use, which contains sources of vitamins,

phytonutrients and antioxidants. Some people report that Sinvitil is

helping them repigment. Many report no results at all, even after

months of treatment.

What is depigmentation?

Depigmentation involves fading the rest of the skin on the body to

match the already white areas.


Alternative Medicine


What is Olive Leaf Extract (OLE)?

What is L-Phenylalanine?

L-Phenylalanine is an amino acid that is used in conjunction with

natural sun exposure or ultraviolet radiation therapy to treat

Vitiligo. L-Phenylalanine can be converted into L-tyrosine, L-dopa,

norepinephrine, and epinephrine, but the conversion into L-tyrosine

is the process that is important as L-tyrosine is eventually what is

formed by skin cells into melanin. L-Phenylalanine is used mainly to

increase the extent of repigmentation induced by UVA or NB-UVB

therapy. It is not phototoxic and does not make the skin sun

sensitive. Doctors have prescribed this supplement orally or in the

form of a topical cream or gel. When taken orally, the recommended

dosage amount is generally around 50 mg per kilogram body weight per

day. L-Phenylalanine gel is available at Weise Prescription Shop in

Jacksonville, Florida and can also be prescribed by your doctor as

10% L-Phenylalanine in Cliniderm.


What is Novitil/Sinvitil/Dermabest?

Novitil (also known as Sinvitil or Dermabest) is a natural topical

products that some people use, which contains sources of vitamins,

phytonutrients and antioxidants. Some people report that Sinvitil is

helping them repigment. Many report no results at all, even after

months of treatment. The company has an aggressive marketing program,

which leads to many people trying the product. Sinvitil is a

formulated gel that contains an extract of proteolipids (oils). It

purports to help stimulate the pigmentation process. The other

ingredients are distilled water, glycerine, carboxymethylcellulose (a

derivative of cellulose used in the manufacture of processed foods as

a stabilizing and emulsifying agent and in medicine as a laxative),

camphor, Menthol, and Kathon (preservative).


What vitamin therapies are recommended for people with vitiligo?

Although there is no specific recommended system, many members have

posted their vitamin regimens and testimony's under the member

registries. By browsing through these you will get a good idea what

most people are using and what seems to be working for them. Some

studies describe the use of vitamin supplements in the treatment of

vitiligo. Folic acid and/or vitamin B12 and vitamin C levels have

been found to be low in many of the people with vitiligo studied.

Supplementation with large amounts of folic acid (1–10 mg per day),

along with vitamin C (1 gram per day) and intramuscular vitamin B12

injections (1,000 mcg every two weeks), did produce repigmentation in

some people. In other studies of people with vitiligo, oral

supplementation with folic acid (10 mg per day) and vitamin B12

(2,000 mcg per day), combined with sun exposure, resulted in some

repigmentation after three to six months in a large number of cases.

What about Vitamin D/Dovonex/Calcipotriol??

When used topically in combination with sun exposure, some patients

claim that a pharmaceutical form of vitamin D, called calcipotriol

(Dovonex), may be effective in stimulating repigmentation in some

patients with vitiligo. Calcipotriol is a prescription medication to

be used only under the supervision of a doctor. It is not known if

vitamin D as a dietary supplement has any effect on vitiligo. It

should be noted that some experts have indicated cases where

Calcipotriol caused an exacerbation of vitiligo.

What about diet and nutrition?

Many believe that nutrition plays a part in the onset of vitiligo,

and that proper nutrition can help in healing vitiligo. In his

book " Emily's Vitiligo " , Erick Fricker discusses the fact that

Vitiligo is theorized to be an autoimmune disorder. He goes on to

say, " As an autoimmune disorder it should respond well to a low fat

vegetarian diet. Just as diabetics require less insulin when on this

diet. Reducing the amount of saturated fat floating around in your

veins will make it easier for your body's immune system to identify

good and bad cells. This is the foundation of the treatment we use

and besides helping Emily's vitiligo it has helped my cholesterol and

my blood sugar levels. "



Is it true that I can make my own safe skin-colored stain to cover

the spots?

Yes! Some members of Vitiligo Support have created their own safe

homemade skin stain, made entirely out of rubbing alcohol

(isopropryl) and ordinary Schilling Food Coloring. By mixing the

ingredients together, a brownish color results, and the tone can

easily be adjusted to match your skin.


Individuals with malfunctioning stomachs do not absorb vitamin B12

and folic acid very well. This may be part of the reason why these

nutrients, along with vitamin C, are often successfully used as part

of a vitiligo repigmentation program. I usually recommend folic acid,

5 milligrams along with vitamin C, 1000 milligrams, twice daily. For

the best chance of success, the vitamin B12 should be given by

injection, 1000 micrograms weekly. Since vitamin B12'S usually safe,

I recommend learning self-injection both for convenience and to

control costs. Several months are usually required before early

repigmentation is seen. If you need to locate a physician who can

help you with necessary prescriptions, you might call the American

College of Advancement in Medicine, I'll give you their number later

in this brief.

Melanin, the normal body pigment, is synthesized from the essential

amino acid L-phenylalanine by an enzyme system dependent on copper,

vitamin B6, vitamin C. That's why these nutrients are all part of

vitiligo repigmentation programs, also.



Things to do:

avoid refined sugar, baked goods, sweets

avoid peanuts / peanut oils

avoid photographic chemicals or other industrial products containing


avoid hair colorings, bleaches.

stress management

Black sesame seeds, mulberry fruit, soy sauce and peanut skin help

melanin production in the treatment of vitiligo.



Vitamin C 1000 mg

Vit B12

folic acid 5 mg

l-phenylaline 2-3 grams

copper 4 milligram of copper sebacate [seb-ah-kate] daily

vit B6 1000mg

Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), 500-2000mg


Chinese formulas:


Bai Dian Feng Wan:*

bu gu zhi 3.7

huang qi 3.7

hong hua 3.7

chuan xiong 3.7

dang gui 3.7

xiang fu 3.7

tao ren 3.7

dan shen 3.7

wu shao she 3.7

zi cao 3.7

bai xian pi 3.7

shan yao 3.7

bai ji li 48.1

gan jiang 3.7

cuperic sulfate 0.1

(liu suan tong)

long dan cao 3.7


Bai Shi Wan (Vitiligo) (Zhong Yi Brand)

he shou wu

ling zhi

dan shen

hong hua

bu gu zhi

bai ji li

gan cao


No Name

han lian cao 90

bai zhi 60

he shou wu 60

bai ji li 60

sha ji 60

zi cao 45

dan shen 30

chong lo 10

ku shen 30

cang zhu 24

Make into powder, taking 6g each time, three times daily


Fu Fang ji Ji Pian

bai ji li 15

fu ping 12

jin xie 9

hong hua 9

dang gui 12

yi mu cao 12

zhi he shou wu 15

chuan xiong 12

wu gong one whole

Grind into fine powder, take in 0.3 g boluses


Modified Bai Bo Pian:

fang feng 9

bai ji li 30

fu ping 15

chuan xiong 9

chi shao 9

hong hua 9

dang gui 9

ji xue teng 15

bu gu zhi 9

dou juan 15

chen pi 9


Bai Bo Pian2:

zi cao

jiang xiang

zao he che

bai yao zi

bai fu zi

cang zhu

hai piao xiao

sheng shou wu

long dan cao

hong hua

tao ren

bai ji li

gan cao


Bai Bo Pian:

Hong Tiao Zi Cao

Chen Zhen Xiang

Zhong Leng,

Bai Yao Zi

Bai Wei

Cang Zhu

Hong Hua

Tao Ren

raw He Shou Wu 50g @,

Wu Zei Gu

Gan Cao, 35g @,

Long Dan Cao, 20g,

Bai Ji Li, 750g.

Grind (the above) into a fine powder and make into tablets each

weighing 1 gram. Take 10g each time, 2 times per day.


Bai Ji Li Wan

Take Bai Ji Li, 6g each time, 2 times per day.


Xi Xian Wan

Take Xi Xian Wan, which consists of an unspecified amount of Herba

Siegesbeckiae (Xi Xian Cao). This ingredient should be mixed with

rice wine (Huang Jiu) and then steamed and dried in the sun 9 times

before being ground into powder. Pill with honey into the size of

Chinese parasol tree seeds (approximately the size of a pea).

Method2: Make into powder and 9g honey boluses, take twice daily with

warm water.



Chan Tui

Bo He

equal parts of the above two herbs, 2g each time, 2 times per day.


External Therapies:

1) A 30% tincture of Fructus Psoraleae Corylifoliae (Bu Gu Zhi) may

be used externally.

2) Powder equal parts Rhizoma Typhonii (Bai Fu Zi) and Sulphur (Liu

Huang), mix with ginger juice, and apply externally.


Bu Gu Zhi Ding

tincture of 25% bu gu zhi (by weight). Apply three times per day.


No Name

Rou Gui 30

bu gu zhi 90

Soak in 50 ml of alcohol for one week. Apply externally daily.


No Name

A mixture of Bu Gu Zhi and alcohol—30g and 100ml (75%) respectively,

can be rubbed on the skin, as an external treatment, in addition to

taking the powder.


Ayurveda essential oils:


bu gu zhi

xiang fu Opens up capillaries on the skin

da feng zi hydnocarpus seeds, chaulmoogra, Hydnocarpus

Anthelmintica Sem

Plus, Aloe vera or cucumber Gel is added to prepare the herbal paste

before it is used.


Dr. Cheng''s vitiligo treatments:

1) [vitiligo -


18-40% is a genetic disorder

Stress-LR qi yu - T4 cells - kill blood cells, make skin white


Reduce Stress

Use fresh animal LR (chicken, etc, but esp. pig). Make a paste, add

salt and Bai ji li. Put on white area of skin. Rub for 20 minutes,

then follow with TDP lamp 30 minutes. Wash off after two more hours.

Do every day for two weeks. Black spots should appear where the white

was. This indicates the pathogen is coming out. If after two weeks

the patches are still white, discontinue treatment.


No vitamin C, orange, tomato. This can turn skin to white.]


2) Bu gu zhi

Method: Used topically as a tincture for alopecia, psoriasis, and


[For the above three, especially alopecia,

Ce Bai Ye 30g

Bu Gu Zhi 12g

Gu Sui Bu 12g

Soak in 75% alcohol for one week, then apply with cotton ball 10

minutes, twice per day. 15-30% success rate]


From jude roman:

Also, the formula I used for the vitiligo was

bu gu zhi,

bai ji li,

ku shen,

fang feng,

hua jiao or (chuan jiao), and

wei ling xian.

50 grams each in about 600ml of 80 proof vodka for 1 week.

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Thanks, Brian! Brilliant job!


briansbeard <briansbeard wrote:Here's some notes I gathered on

vitiligo. The herb formulas came off

the net or class notes or the TCM chinese-english encyclopedia.


Possible Causes:

1) possible auto-immune disorder where the body attacks the

melanocytes. Often happens alongside other auto-immune disorders -

hypo / hyper thyroid, diabetes, pernicious anemia, addison's disease,


2) Could also be related to a suppressed immune system

2) Can be related Vitamin deficiency - B12 (vegetarian?), folic acid,

B8, C

3) Sometimes happens alongside a fungal infection - repeated

athlete's foot, diet high in sugar, etc

4) A decrease in the enzyme catalase causes an increase in hydrogen

peroxide in the skin.

5) photographic chemicals or other industrial products containing


6) High stress period of life, or severe illness, mild trauma to area

(rubbing shoes, etc)

7) Vitiligo is the result of the damage or death of the skin's

melanocytes. There are different theories about the cause of vitiligo:

The body's immune system may destroy melanocytes. Pigment may be

destroyed as the body responds to a substance it perceives as foreign

(the most accepted theory).

There is genetic defect that makes the melanocytes susceptible to


Abnormally functioning nerve cells may produce toxic substances that

injure melanocytes

Melanocytes self-destruction. While pigment is forming, toxic by-

products could be produced injuring and destroying melanocytes.

Researchers believe that a combination of these theories may provide

the best explanation.

The familial incidence is almost 20 to 30%.





Western Medicine

What are you looking to get out of this? - full, partial, blur of



PUVA - psoralen ultra violet therapy.

PUVB - a narrow UVB ray with less side effects

Protopic - an immune suppressor

What are Elidel, Aldara and Imiquimod?

These products are all immunomodulators that affect immune response.

What is Pseudocatalase (Pcat)?

Pseudocatalase, also called Pcat for short, is also a relatively new

treatment option for vitiligo. The cream, which is applied twice a

day, is designed to reduce epidermal hydrogen peroxide in

vitiliginous skin

What is Ratokderm?

Ratokderm is a laser technology for treating vitiligo, only available

in Milan, Italy. Many people find their website accidentally,

because, ironically, the Italian Ratokderm company happens to own the

domain, " vitiligo.com " which nearly every person with vitiligo has

visited just to see where it leads.

What is an Excimer Laser?

As described above, an excimer laser is basically a highly

concentrated beam of UV light, directed at vitiligo spots or patches,

without affecting the pigmented skin around them. Developed by Dr.

James Spencer at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York, this treatment has

the advantage of requiring no medications, and with virtually no side


Ratokderm basically uses a laser beam of Narrow Band UVB light. The

company says that this technology allows patients to completely give

up the use of drugs in treating their condition, allow a point by

point treatment of their vitiligo with the laser, and, avoid the more

dangerous bands of UV light. This treatment is virtually identical to

the American Excimer laser.

What is V-Tar?

V-Tar is a 30% Standardized water soluble coal tar product which also

contains natural anti-inflammatory agents, skin conditioners, and

antioxidants. V-Tar has been used successfully in many patients with

vitiligo and other hypopigmentary disorders. It will not stain the

skin, and its once weekly application is convenient for many

patients. V-Tar is available only with a physician's prescription.

What is skin grafting?

What is autologous melanocyte transplant?

What is Melagenina?

Melagenina (now Melagenina Plus) was developed in Cuba about 20 years

ago, using human placenta tissue. They may now use other animal

placental tissues. The company in Cuba that markets it claims high

success rates, but these cannot be substantiated, and many people on

our site have claimed no results at all. The product instructions

indicate that application of the cream should be several times a day,

followed by 15 minutes of natural sunlight. In 1998, Melagenina Plus

was announced, which unlike the previous treatment requires only once

daily application and does not require exposure to the sun. The

company claims that the calcium chloride contained in the product

strengthens the skin's pigmentation. The product is not available in

the U.S. or Canada, and is not approved by the FDA for use on

vitiligo. The medicine can be obtained in Cuba, and also at

Melagenina sponsored centers in Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru,

Uruguay, El Salvador, Nigeria, Russia and Ukraine. '

What is Novitil/Sinvitil/Dermabest?

Novitil (also known as Sinvitil or Dermabest) is a natural topical

products that some people use, which contains sources of vitamins,

phytonutrients and antioxidants. Some people report that Sinvitil is

helping them repigment. Many report no results at all, even after

months of treatment.

What is depigmentation?

Depigmentation involves fading the rest of the skin on the body to

match the already white areas.


Alternative Medicine


What is Olive Leaf Extract (OLE)?

What is L-Phenylalanine?

L-Phenylalanine is an amino acid that is used in conjunction with

natural sun exposure or ultraviolet radiation therapy to treat

Vitiligo. L-Phenylalanine can be converted into L-tyrosine, L-dopa,

norepinephrine, and epinephrine, but the conversion into L-tyrosine

is the process that is important as L-tyrosine is eventually what is

formed by skin cells into melanin. L-Phenylalanine is used mainly to

increase the extent of repigmentation induced by UVA or NB-UVB

therapy. It is not phototoxic and does not make the skin sun

sensitive. Doctors have prescribed this supplement orally or in the

form of a topical cream or gel. When taken orally, the recommended

dosage amount is generally around 50 mg per kilogram body weight per

day. L-Phenylalanine gel is available at Weise Prescription Shop in

Jacksonville, Florida and can also be prescribed by your doctor as

10% L-Phenylalanine in Cliniderm.


What is Novitil/Sinvitil/Dermabest?

Novitil (also known as Sinvitil or Dermabest) is a natural topical

products that some people use, which contains sources of vitamins,

phytonutrients and antioxidants. Some people report that Sinvitil is

helping them repigment. Many report no results at all, even after

months of treatment. The company has an aggressive marketing program,

which leads to many people trying the product. Sinvitil is a

formulated gel that contains an extract of proteolipids (oils). It

purports to help stimulate the pigmentation process. The other

ingredients are distilled water, glycerine, carboxymethylcellulose (a

derivative of cellulose used in the manufacture of processed foods as

a stabilizing and emulsifying agent and in medicine as a laxative),

camphor, Menthol, and Kathon (preservative).


What vitamin therapies are recommended for people with vitiligo?

Although there is no specific recommended system, many members have

posted their vitamin regimens and testimony's under the member

registries. By browsing through these you will get a good idea what

most people are using and what seems to be working for them. Some

studies describe the use of vitamin supplements in the treatment of

vitiligo. Folic acid and/or vitamin B12 and vitamin C levels have

been found to be low in many of the people with vitiligo studied.

Supplementation with large amounts of folic acid (1–10 mg per day),

along with vitamin C (1 gram per day) and intramuscular vitamin B12

injections (1,000 mcg every two weeks), did produce repigmentation in

some people. In other studies of people with vitiligo, oral

supplementation with folic acid (10 mg per day) and vitamin B12

(2,000 mcg per day), combined with sun exposure, resulted in some

repigmentation after three to six months in a large number of cases.

What about Vitamin D/Dovonex/Calcipotriol??

When used topically in combination with sun exposure, some patients

claim that a pharmaceutical form of vitamin D, called calcipotriol

(Dovonex), may be effective in stimulating repigmentation in some

patients with vitiligo. Calcipotriol is a prescription medication to

be used only under the supervision of a doctor. It is not known if

vitamin D as a dietary supplement has any effect on vitiligo. It

should be noted that some experts have indicated cases where

Calcipotriol caused an exacerbation of vitiligo.

What about diet and nutrition?

Many believe that nutrition plays a part in the onset of vitiligo,

and that proper nutrition can help in healing vitiligo. In his

book " Emily's Vitiligo " , Erick Fricker discusses the fact that

Vitiligo is theorized to be an autoimmune disorder. He goes on to

say, " As an autoimmune disorder it should respond well to a low fat

vegetarian diet. Just as diabetics require less insulin when on this

diet. Reducing the amount of saturated fat floating around in your

veins will make it easier for your body's immune system to identify

good and bad cells. This is the foundation of the treatment we use

and besides helping Emily's vitiligo it has helped my cholesterol and

my blood sugar levels. "



Is it true that I can make my own safe skin-colored stain to cover

the spots?

Yes! Some members of Vitiligo Support have created their own safe

homemade skin stain, made entirely out of rubbing alcohol

(isopropryl) and ordinary Schilling Food Coloring. By mixing the

ingredients together, a brownish color results, and the tone can

easily be adjusted to match your skin.


Individuals with malfunctioning stomachs do not absorb vitamin B12

and folic acid very well. This may be part of the reason why these

nutrients, along with vitamin C, are often successfully used as part

of a vitiligo repigmentation program. I usually recommend folic acid,

5 milligrams along with vitamin C, 1000 milligrams, twice daily. For

the best chance of success, the vitamin B12 should be given by

injection, 1000 micrograms weekly. Since vitamin B12'S usually safe,

I recommend learning self-injection both for convenience and to

control costs. Several months are usually required before early

repigmentation is seen. If you need to locate a physician who can

help you with necessary prescriptions, you might call the American

College of Advancement in Medicine, I'll give you their number later

in this brief.

Melanin, the normal body pigment, is synthesized from the essential

amino acid L-phenylalanine by an enzyme system dependent on copper,

vitamin B6, vitamin C. That's why these nutrients are all part of

vitiligo repigmentation programs, also.



Things to do:

avoid refined sugar, baked goods, sweets

avoid peanuts / peanut oils

avoid photographic chemicals or other industrial products containing


avoid hair colorings, bleaches.

stress management

Black sesame seeds, mulberry fruit, soy sauce and peanut skin help

melanin production in the treatment of vitiligo.



Vitamin C 1000 mg

Vit B12

folic acid 5 mg

l-phenylaline 2-3 grams

copper 4 milligram of copper sebacate [seb-ah-kate] daily

vit B6 1000mg

Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), 500-2000mg


Chinese formulas:


Bai Dian Feng Wan:*

bu gu zhi 3.7

huang qi 3.7

hong hua 3.7

chuan xiong 3.7

dang gui 3.7

xiang fu 3.7

tao ren 3.7

dan shen 3.7

wu shao she 3.7

zi cao 3.7

bai xian pi 3.7

shan yao 3.7

bai ji li 48.1

gan jiang 3.7

cuperic sulfate 0.1

(liu suan tong)

long dan cao 3.7


Bai Shi Wan (Vitiligo) (Zhong Yi Brand)

he shou wu

ling zhi

dan shen

hong hua

bu gu zhi

bai ji li

gan cao


No Name

han lian cao 90

bai zhi 60

he shou wu 60

bai ji li 60

sha ji 60

zi cao 45

dan shen 30

chong lo 10

ku shen 30

cang zhu 24

Make into powder, taking 6g each time, three times daily


Fu Fang ji Ji Pian

bai ji li 15

fu ping 12

jin xie 9

hong hua 9

dang gui 12

yi mu cao 12

zhi he shou wu 15

chuan xiong 12

wu gong one whole

Grind into fine powder, take in 0.3 g boluses


Modified Bai Bo Pian:

fang feng 9

bai ji li 30

fu ping 15

chuan xiong 9

chi shao 9

hong hua 9

dang gui 9

ji xue teng 15

bu gu zhi 9

dou juan 15

chen pi 9


Bai Bo Pian2:

zi cao

jiang xiang

zao he che

bai yao zi

bai fu zi

cang zhu

hai piao xiao

sheng shou wu

long dan cao

hong hua

tao ren

bai ji li

gan cao


Bai Bo Pian:

Hong Tiao Zi Cao

Chen Zhen Xiang

Zhong Leng,

Bai Yao Zi

Bai Wei

Cang Zhu

Hong Hua

Tao Ren

raw He Shou Wu 50g @,

Wu Zei Gu

Gan Cao, 35g @,

Long Dan Cao, 20g,

Bai Ji Li, 750g.

Grind (the above) into a fine powder and make into tablets each

weighing 1 gram. Take 10g each time, 2 times per day.


Bai Ji Li Wan

Take Bai Ji Li, 6g each time, 2 times per day.


Xi Xian Wan

Take Xi Xian Wan, which consists of an unspecified amount of Herba

Siegesbeckiae (Xi Xian Cao). This ingredient should be mixed with

rice wine (Huang Jiu) and then steamed and dried in the sun 9 times

before being ground into powder. Pill with honey into the size of

Chinese parasol tree seeds (approximately the size of a pea).

Method2: Make into powder and 9g honey boluses, take twice daily with

warm water.



Chan Tui

Bo He

equal parts of the above two herbs, 2g each time, 2 times per day.


External Therapies:

1) A 30% tincture of Fructus Psoraleae Corylifoliae (Bu Gu Zhi) may

be used externally.

2) Powder equal parts Rhizoma Typhonii (Bai Fu Zi) and Sulphur (Liu

Huang), mix with ginger juice, and apply externally.


Bu Gu Zhi Ding

tincture of 25% bu gu zhi (by weight). Apply three times per day.


No Name

Rou Gui 30

bu gu zhi 90

Soak in 50 ml of alcohol for one week. Apply externally daily.


No Name

A mixture of Bu Gu Zhi and alcohol—30g and 100ml (75%) respectively,

can be rubbed on the skin, as an external treatment, in addition to

taking the powder.


Ayurveda essential oils:


bu gu zhi

xiang fu Opens up capillaries on the skin

da feng zi hydnocarpus seeds, chaulmoogra, Hydnocarpus

Anthelmintica Sem

Plus, Aloe vera or cucumber Gel is added to prepare the herbal paste

before it is used.


Dr. Cheng''s vitiligo treatments:

1) [vitiligo -


18-40% is a genetic disorder

Stress-LR qi yu - T4 cells - kill blood cells, make skin white


Reduce Stress

Use fresh animal LR (chicken, etc, but esp. pig). Make a paste, add

salt and Bai ji li. Put on white area of skin. Rub for 20 minutes,

then follow with TDP lamp 30 minutes. Wash off after two more hours.

Do every day for two weeks. Black spots should appear where the white

was. This indicates the pathogen is coming out. If after two weeks

the patches are still white, discontinue treatment.


No vitamin C, orange, tomato. This can turn skin to white.]


2) Bu gu zhi

Method: Used topically as a tincture for alopecia, psoriasis, and


[For the above three, especially alopecia,

Ce Bai Ye 30g

Bu Gu Zhi 12g

Gu Sui Bu 12g

Soak in 75% alcohol for one week, then apply with cotton ball 10

minutes, twice per day. 15-30% success rate]


From jude roman:

Also, the formula I used for the vitiligo was

bu gu zhi,

bai ji li,

ku shen,

fang feng,

hua jiao or (chuan jiao), and

wei ling xian.

50 grams each in about 600ml of 80 proof vodka for 1 week.












and adjust








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