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19 yr old girl diagnosed with pancreas cancer help

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Hello this is my first time post. I have a friend who has a 19 yr old

daughter just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 4. it has spread

to her liver and lymph nodes. This is an otherwise healthy lean girl

always active in sports. Please please help with any info! it would be

much appreciated. Anything at all, including diets and

clinics/hospitals in the usa or outside. Thank you very much!


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Oh Deb I am so sorry, so very sorry. The pancreas is a very vital organ. The

cancer is a nightmare, death sentence. If caught early, they can stop it but it

will come back. Low carb/high protein diet will help sustain her time, Q-10,

mariguana improves survial rates by I think 90%. But that is a relative term.

Super healthy lifestyle will help. My husband got it, made it seven years. He

was an onogolosit, scientist. Treated himself outside the box. His life was

miserable to his death.





Saturday, November 17, 2007 10:40 PM

19 yr old girl diagnosed with pancreas

cancer help

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You can do google searches for Dr William Kelley. He survived

pancreatic cancer for 30 years.






, " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777 wrote:


> Hello this is my first time post. I have a friend who has a 19 yr old

> daughter just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 4. it has

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Is she open to alternative medicine? I believe if it were me again with cancer

I would do the following: 1) I would quickly read (re-read for me) Dr. William

Donald Kelley, DDS., MS's book One Answer to Cancer (he had late stage

pancreatic cancer and cured himself with a change of diet testing for correct

metabolic type) and through the use of metabolically designed formulas for

each metabolic type). These formulas are a combination of pancreatic enzymes at

very high doses and other nutrients; someone would probably have to read these

books for her to help her...; 2) I would invest very quickly in a Rife machine

and learn as much as I can about how to properly use it. I believe both of

these systems will cure ANY cancer, late stage or not, but beware, they are both

tough--you feel sick when the body is detoxifying at these levels and then you

have to get the body on the road to total wellness by a complete change of diet

and lifestyle. That involves really educating yourself

about what is healthy and what is not, and what is just plain hype and/or



Best wishes and blessings... Linda


-------------- Original message ----------------------

" flowerpowers7777 " <flowerpowers7777

> Hello this is my first time post. I have a friend who has a 19 yr old

> daughter just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 4. it has spread

> to her liver and lymph nodes. This is an otherwise healthy lean

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, " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777 wrote:


> Hello this is my first time post. I have a friend who has a 19 yr


> daughter just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 4. it has


> to her liver and lymph nodes. This is an otherwise healthy lean girl

> always active in sports. Please please help with any info! it would


> much appreciated. Anything at all, including diets and

> clinics/hospitals in the usa or outside. Thank you very much!

> Deb



this has worked with many people you can try, its very simple.

No. 1. Tulsi( basil) Leaves juice 2 tea spoon

No. 2. Turmeric powder 3/4 spoon twice a day after meals

No. 3. Carrot juice 2litres to be consumed slowly through out the day.

thats it.

i am sure in few days you will notice the result


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Hi Deb,


This is basically the same info I posted for someone else who had a

similar request a couple months back...


I recommend you investigate the Gerson and Plaskett cancer therapies.


Both therapies are based on a vegan whole food diet, fresh juicing

and coffee enemas. The Plaskett therapy also includes supplements.


By doing this the body is provided with maximum nutrients, minimum

toxins, and an opportunity to heal and detox. (Not bad advice for any

of us!)


Info on The Gerson Therapy



Info on The Plaskett Therapy




What Dr. Lawrence Plaskett has done is 'updated' the Gerson Therapy

based on more current research. He also started the Nutritional

Cancer Therapy Trust (NCTT) in England:




He is still alive and practicing, although I believe semi-retired:




I do hope your friend gets better.



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try shatter stone leaves powder by boiling and drinking dicoction regularly evey

4 hours. the item is available from surinam thru internet




flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777


Saturday, November 17, 2007 8:40:50 PM

19 yr old girl diagnosed with pancreas

cancer help


Hello this is my first time post. I have a friend who has a 19 yr old

daughter just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 4. it has spread

to her liver and lymph nodes. This is an otherwise healthy lean girl

always active in sports. Please please help with any info! it would be

much appreciated. Anything at all, including diets and

clinics/hospitals in the usa or outside. Thank you very much!









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If she was my daughter I would put her on an aggressive raw foods diet


Praying for her healing,





flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777 wrote: Hello this is my

first time post. I have a friend who has a 19 yr old

daughter just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 4. it has

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4 stage cancer needs high treatment including chemotherapy and other medicines.

pls its serious so need a consultance from doctors. usa is best place al over

the world for cancer treatment. strictly avoid non veg eat more fruits including

anti oxidants found in lemon tomato . eat food having vit a e c. consult doctor

immediately. go for yoga. it has been found a divine method of curing cancer.


flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777 wrote: Hello this is my

first time post. I have a friend who has a 19 yr old

daughter just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 4. it has spread

to her liver and lymph nodes. This is an otherwise healthy lean girl

always active in sports. Please please help with any info! it would be

much appreciated. Anything at all, including diets and

clinics/hospitals in the usa or outside. Thank you very much!









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There is a yogic diet for pancreatic cancer. I cannot vouch that the

girl will get well. However, it has worked for pancreatic cancer

before. Take equal weight of Basmati rice, milk and garlic. Cook

rice in milk and eat this exclusively for 7-10 days.


Best wishes to the girl



-- In , rajen babu

<rajen_b wrote:


> try shatter stone leaves powder by boiling and drinking dicoction

regularly evey 4 hours. the item is available from surinam thru internet


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hai try Naturopathy with English Medicines & also try Fasting


rajen babu <rajen_b wrote: try shatter stone leaves powder

by boiling and drinking dicoction regularly evey 4 hours. the item is available

from surinam thru internet

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Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez has the best cure rate for stage

4 pancreatic cancer. His work is based on that of Dr.

Kelley who was able to live for 30 years after

diagnosis of pancreatic cancer:



I can not stress enough that your friend seek Dr.

Gonzalez' help immediately as Stage 4 pancreatic

cancer patients do not have any time to waste and

fooling around and approaching this without

professional help is a death sentence as is seeking

help from the traditional cancer professionals.


I speak from first-hand experience as my father died

of stage 4 pancreatic cancer. His GERD prevented him

from being a candidate for the Gonzales program.


Unless you have a qualified Rife professional

available, you do not have the time to acquire and

accurately use a Rife machine.


Time is of the essence.


At least apply immediately for acceptance into the

Gonzales program. If not accepted, then seek other

routes suggested. However, as the pancreas is a vital

organ, methods, such as organic and raw foods and

juicing, that work on other cancers are not as

successful with pancreatic cancer. You also need the

pancreatic enzymes and each person needs an

individualized approach which the Gonzales program



--- flowerpowers7777 <flowerpowers7777



> Hello this is my first time post. I have a friend

> who has a 19 yr old

> daughter just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage

> 4. it has spread

> to her liver and lymph nodes. This is an otherwise

> healthy lean girl

> always active in sports. Please please help with any

> info! it would be

> much appreciated. Anything at all, including diets

> and

> clinics/hospitals in the usa or outside. Thank you

> very much!

> Deb



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My heart goes out to you and the family with the sick young woman. In

researching alternatives for my sister who had cancer I found the

book, " Outsmart Your Cancer... " by Tanya Harter. She is enthusiastic

about Protocel and other treatments. Also there is the organization

" Cancer Victors and Friends " in L.A. , Santa Barbara and San Jose,

etc. for resources and info. Also the Moss Reports..... My sister

needed to know the prognosis for conventional treatment if she were to

find a way to survive. Blessings and good luck , robert







, " flowerpowers7777 "

<flowerpowers7777 wrote:


> Hello this is my first time post. I have a friend who has a 19 yr old

> daughter just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 4. it has spread

> to her liver and lymph nodes. This is an otherwise healthy lean girl

> always active in sports. Please please help with any info! it would be

> much appreciated. Anything at all, including diets and

> clinics/hospitals in the usa or outside. Thank you very much!

> Deb


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There are a lot of alternate protocals. This site list, rates and

makes recommendations for the different kinds of cancer.


Gerson is good. I knew a lady 50 years ago that was cured of bone

cancer with it. There are others an you need to read an decide whats

best for you. My god at 19 having to do this. My heart goes out to

you an your family.



, Jim Clark

<huuman60 wrote:


> Gerson's treatment relies heavily on carrot juice, so this makes





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Check out Dr. Loraine Day, MD at: http://drday.com/ she made a huge

difference in my life and well being. be well doreen



, " bannh1102 "

<bannh1102 wrote:


> There are a lot of alternate protocals. This site list, rates and

> makes recommendations for the different kinds of cancer.

> http://www.cancertutor.com/

> Gerson is good. I knew a lady 50 years ago that was cured of bone

> cancer with it. There are others an you need to read an decide


> best for you. My god at 19 having to do this. My heart goes out


> you an your family.

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There are many sources for cancer treatment. The standard allopathic

treatment here in the U.S. is not the only treatment available. At 19

years of age, she can make her own decisions and would not be as

difficult to get treated as someone under 18. There are many clinics

(Germany, Mexico and other countries) and you can find info regarding

those in the links below. Hope this helps. Godspeed on your journey.




Cancer Tutor:

Information on alternative cancer treatments



Cancer Cure Website:

Good non commercial site covering alternate cancer treatments



Cancer Information

" Exposing the cancer industry and the suppression of (so called)

alternative treatments. "



Cancer Victors and friends

A grass roots organization to have chapters in communities for support

and education about alternative cancer therapies.




This site has a link with some good resources to fight cancer with

alternative methods.



Cure Research Foundation

began in 1976 with a special focus on cancer, and our cancer division

is the backbone of our current program. In March 2002, we decided to

cover other health disorders as well.



Cure Zone

Online Health Forums, Wellness Newsletter " Educating Instead of

Medicating! "



Doctor Yourself Health Library

One of the best health and healing sites on the net. A fantastic on

line library of health conditions and cures.



Dr. Edward Bach

The bach flower remedies and more.



Dr. Joanna Budwig

Dr. Budwig on flax seed oil, omega 3s and cancer.



Dr. Lorainne Day M.D.

site for Dr. Day M.D.



Dr. Mattias Rath (co-researcher with Linus Pauling

Good web site showing studies for nutritional treatment of major diseases.



Dr. Mercola

Complete nutritional and emotional plans to prevent and eliminate

sickness and extend your life. And an unflinching dedication to expose

the dangerous habits and lies, and the greedy motives behind them, of

the existing healthcare establishment.



Dr. William D. Kelley DDS MS

Site for outspoken critic of standard cancer treatment who cured

himself of cancer. Wrote a well known book on cancer therapy.



Essiac Information.

Essiac for treatment of cancer.



Fighting Cancer

For cancer resources, information about cancer treatment options and

cancer patient support. Free online book by Jonathan Chamberlain



Flax oil for Cancer (Group)

Good group that uses flax oil to treat and control cancer



Gerson Institute

The Gerson Institute for cancer treatment. Following principles of Dr

Max Gerson who had success with nutritional approaches to curing cancer.



Hoxsey Treatment for Cancer

Good site for links about Hoxsey and the treatment for cancer and




Iodine List

Iodine and human nutrition. How much iodine do we need? What are the

best sources? What happens if we don't get enough? Or get too much?



Linus Pauling PHD

Two time nobel winner Dr. Pauling research on vitamin C and heart

disease and cancer.



Ralph Moss On Cancer

At this site you will find a wealth of information on the topic of

complementary and alternative cancer treatments. It contains the

Archives of ten years of The Cancer Chronicles.




This Rife Group is for all those who wish to discuss the treatment,

invented by Royal Raymond Rife, that uses resonance frequencies to

treat a wide range of diseases.




Discussion of Rife inspired and other variable or fixed frequency

therapies. Includes devices, protocols, and anecdotes regarding such




Royal Rife

This Website Reviews the Work History of Dr. Royal Rife as reported in

The MEDIA & MEDICAL Journals Between 1930-1971



World Without Cancer

Site presenting Laetrile and Vitamin B-17 information



Australian site for B17

Australian site for treating cancer using B 17 and other complimentary




Burzynski Clinic for the treatment of cancer.

Dr. Burzynski uses amino acid parts to cure cancer. He has very good




Cancer Control Society

alternate cancer society and clearinghouse for information using

alternate methods since 1976



Dr Clark Information Center

The Dr. Clark Information Center is an independent organization

dedicated to bring you the latest information about Dr. Hulda Clark.



Dr Clark University . Org

DrHuldaClark.org is a non-profit organization formed by the supporters

of Dr. Hulda R. Clark's research in the area of alternative medicine.

The people behind this institute have all tried the methods taught by

Dr. Clark and some are survivors of serious life-threatening illnesses.



Dr. Tim O'shea


Many chapters, but especially the one entitiled " To The Cancer Patient "


Living and Raw Foods.

About the power of the living and raw vegetarian food diet.






, " bannh1102 "

<bannh1102 wrote:


> There are a lot of alternate protocals. This site list, rates and

> makes recommendations for the different kinds of cancer.

> http://www.cancertutor.com/

> Gerson is good. I knew a lady 50 years ago that was cured of bone

> cancer with it. There are others an you need to read an decide whats

> best for you. My god at 19 having to do this. My heart goes out to

> you an your family.

> Barbara

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