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The Dangers of Natural Gas

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I was going to post this page, but there is a great deal of info and several

good helpful urls here - not only Roxanne Bedford's story. I could not post

it nor do it justice. blessings, Shan

The Dangers of Natural Gas




Editor's note: Contaminants in natural gas (methane) may cause cancer. Clean

indoor air filled with oxygen is absolutely necessary for good health and

cancer prevention.


Natural gas has another danger besides leaking deadly carbon monoxide and

causing explosions. It is not safe as the industry leads you to believe. It is

poisonous to breathe and can kill humans and animals. I did not have a faulty

furnace, I did not have carbon monoxide poisoning. My home did have a small

natural gas leak that never accumulated to the point of explosion. What it

did is poison my family and make us very ill. Here is my story...


MY STORY by Roxanne Bedford








Breathing indoor natural gas is harmful to your health. It is poisonous.

What is natural gas? Around 70% of it is made up of methane. Methane is an

asphyxiant which can cause death by asphyxiation. Asphyxiants take away oxygen.


small leak in a well sealed home can cause a number of health problems. Other

toxic chemicals are added to methane for odor. Plus, methane contains many

contaminants. Some are listed on the state of California’s list of cancer

causing chemicals - _http://www.oehha.ca.gov/prop65/prop65_list/Newlist.html_

(http://www.oehha.ca.gov/prop65/prop65_list/Newlist.html) . Click on


65 current list of chemicals.



What can families do to help protect themselves?

Purchase a methane detector. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors

do NOT detect natural gas leaks. Kidde Nighthawk makes an explosive

gas/methane detector for sale at Target. You can also purchase a natural gas


online. I have no financial interest in either. Educate yourself and family on

the health symptoms to look out for and never leave a leak un-repaired.




AEHA (Allergy & Environmental Health Assoc.) " Natural gas may be harmful to

your health...





Toxnet _http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/_ (http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/) Choose to

search the HSDB records. Type methane in the search box and pull up METHANE

CASRN: 74-82-8. Then click on Emergency Medical Treatment in the left hand

column. You will see seizures and other symptoms listed here.


Facts about natural gas: _http://www.gascape.org/_ (http://www.gascape.org/)

...contaminated natural gas contains chemicals that are known to the State

of California to cause cancer, birth defects and reproductive harm.


Add gov or government in your searches to pull up governmental information

on natural gas.




he EPA also identifies and regulates toxic or hazardous air pollution.

Toxics are substances that can cause adverse health effects if a person


enough exposure to them. The EPA does not list natural gas. I received this

answer from the EPA when I asked why... the EPA does not have any regulations

dealing with indoor air quality as Congress does not give us that authority.

See the EPA’s indoor air quality information at: " _http://www.epa.gov/iaq_

(http://www.epa.gov/iaq) "


Health Effects of Toxins




_http://www.ucsusa.org_ (http://www.ucsusa.org/) Union Of Concerned



Something I’ve learned along the way. Natural gas contamination can lower

the value of your home.


More links at Mary Brickner’s website: _http://help4you.iwarp.com/_



Gov Info. on Seizures - Click on the 6 seizure types listed,

partial-seizures are often confused with not paying attention.




My 1998 Homebirth Story (It has nothing to do with nat. gas but it does show

readers that I did not like doctors long before the gas leak happened.)











Ethyl Mercaptan (Ethanethiol) Links

















(http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/pel88/75-08.html) Study human volunteers exposed BUT

only for only a few days






Methyl Mercaptan







_http://www.fngas.com/MethaneMSDS.doc_ (http://www.fngas.com/MethaneMSDS.doc)

MSDS-In low concentrations, may cause narcotic effects...



Gas Dectection In Homes And Buildings





Gathering Stories About Chemical Injury





Hutchinson, Kansas A Geologic Detective Story






Fragranced Products Information Network


_http://www.fpinva.org/_ (http://www.fpinva.org/)

_http://www.nottoopretty.org/_ (http://www.nottoopretty.org/)




MCS Information

_http://www.princesstigerlily.com/_ (http://www.princesstigerlily.com/)


_http://www.mcsbeaconofhope.com/_ (http://www.mcsbeaconofhope.com/)













_http://www.mcs-global.org/_ (http://www.mcs-global.org/)






" Telling a person with MCS that it is only a little perfume, is like telling

a person in a wheelchair that it is only a few steps. " - author unknown


It's The Chemicals, Stupid




Lung Association Scent Free Building

_http://www.nf.lung.ca/contact.html_ (http://www.nf.lung.ca/contact.html)


LA Poster





Methane Detectors Safehome Products

_http://www.safehomeproducts.com/shp2/sm/methanedetectors.asp?PLC=1 & GFM=25 & b=i

e6b & w=734 & h=485 & f=N & tp=34 & frompg=127 & topg=127 & menupage=5_

(http://www.safehomeproducts.com/shp2/sm/methanedetectors.asp?PLC=1 & GFM=25 & b=ie6\

b & w=734 & h=485 & f=N &

tp=34 & frompg=127 & topg=127 & menupage=5)




Natural Gas Information












(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_gas) Click on natural gas, scroll down

to Safety. Click on New London

School explosion and read about the third deadliest disaster in the history of

Texas. Then under Aftermath, click on thiols. Under Examples of thiols, click

Methanethiol and Ethanethiol. Both are toxic, both are added to natural gas

as odorants.




You Don't Look Sick



I appreciate this woman's story because many sick people look great.


Voices from the Gas Fields



Aftermath China Gas Leak




Brass Gas Pipes




Pittsburgh Explosion




Gas Leak Long Island




CA Gov. Gray Davis Signs Bill - Scroll down to Press Releases




Please ask the President and the Gov. of your state to sign the MCS

Proclamation. Search for it online.











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