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By Dr. James Howenstine, MD.

May 28, 2008




When a health condition persists despite the availability of a simple safe

solution for the condition, one needs to be suspicious that powerful entrenched

interests are at work preserving their turf. This seems to be the situation with

drug addiction, which joins cancer (chemotherapy, radiation), arteriosclerosis

(cardiac bypass surgery, stents), diabetes (diet, sugar, drugs), eclampsia

(emergency delivery, drugs for hypertension), HIV (anti-retro viral drugs), and

burns (surgery) as solved health problems which persist because the health care

providers involved in these conditions do not want to lose their livelihood.


Morphine addiction became a significant problem dating to therapy of injured

Civil War soldiers with morphine salts. In 1890 heroin was introduced to the

USA. The year 1912 saw the development of legalized opium clinics, hoping to

stem rising crime rates and marketing of black market drugs. These clinics

closed as a dismal failure in 1924.


Methadone currently is being used to treat drug addiction in the USA. This

involves replacing a narcotic with another narcotic (methadone) that does

nothing to heal the addiction and often creates more problems than the addicting

drug did. Side effects can last 24 hours, and include addiction, fatalities,

depressed breathing, wheezing, low blood pressure, severe constipation,

vomiting, impaired thinking, and sedation.


Human beings lack the L-gulonolactone oxidase enzyme (GLO). Lack of this enzyme

makes humans unable to synthesize ascorbate from blood glucose. All mammals

except primates, guinea pigs, and humans use glucose to create ascorbate when

placed in stressful situations. A normal animal under minimal stress increases

ascorbate output to the human equivalent of 10 to 20 grams daily. Under physical

and chemical stress, animals can increase this ascorbate output three to five



A daily intake of 10 to 20 grams by an unstressed human is not high. Under

stress the need for ascorbate may go up to 30 to 100 grams daily. The

continuation of sub-therapeutic doses of vitamin C recommended for 40 years in

the USA would barely keep animals alive in poor health. High doses of vitamin C

in viral infections have proven amazingly effective. The low daily level of

vitamin C in humans obtained from our foods grown in depleted soil has produced

a state of chronic subclinical scurvy (CSS Syndrome). This problem probably

affects more than 90% of humans.


Most drug addicts become involved with drugs (marijuana, alcohol, barbiturates,

PCP, LSD, heroin) as youth. The addict often gets " high " on weekends, but

usually ends up in a daily habit they are unable to escape. The stress of this

lifestyle completely depletes the already dangerously low levels of ascorbate in

their system.


When trapped in the drug culture, addicts lose their appetite for food. This

produces severe depletion of protein, minerals,[1] and vitamins. All amino acid

levels become very low. The illness resembles kwashiorkor seen in starving

African children.


Therapy for Drug Addiction


The therapy for drug addicts involves the following:


.. 25 to 85 grams a day of ascorbate in divided doses with initial dosage

determined by severity of clinical deterioration.

.. Large doses of vitamins, minerals, and predigested proteins are given. After 4

to 6 days, the ascorbate dose is gradually reduced to 10 to 30 grams daily.

.. Appetite returns and the patient begins to eat large amounts of nutritious


.. The universal restless sleep or inability to sleep seen in drug addicts


.. Addicts taking methadone, heroin, and morphine are withdrawn without any


.. Addicts taking a fix of their usual narcotic experience none of their usual

symptoms of a " high " unless their ascorbate dosage is too low. Many addicts

decide to remain on heroin during methadone therapy because it enables them to

cope with the worse side effects of methadone.

.. Well being is restored in 12 to 24 hours.

.. Mental alertness and visual acuity promptly improve


In normal persons, ascorbic acid causes diarrhea in doses above 10 grams. This

diarrhea is attributed to an acid fluid irritating the normally alkaline surface

of the small intestine. Patients taking sodium and potassium ascorbate avoid

this problem.


Studies on Ascorbate


Humans suffer severe damage from stress unless they are being provided

supplemental ascorbate, as their needs may rise to 30 to 100 grams of ascorbate

daily. Uncorrected, this metabolic disorder keeps humans in subclinical scurvy

their whole lives.


This deficiency of proper amounts of ascorbate and vitamin C produces:


.. Arteriosclerosis. Dr. Linus Pauling has shown that 6 grams of vitamin C

combined with 6 grams of Lysine in divided dosage causes prompt healing of

arteriosclerosis and normalization of treadmill tests. Blood pressure


.. Inability to tolerate stress.

.. Exposure to toxic substances in large amounts may prove fatal (narcotics,

snakebite poisons, barbiturates, PCP, heroin, alcohol, marijuana, LSD) as the

body cannot degrade these toxic substances without supplemental ascorbate.

.. Unnecessary morbidity from viral infections. Dr. Klenner saw remarkable

healings in polio,[2] including bulbar forms, when he treated patients with

large daily doses of intravenous vitamin C(100 grams).

.. Greater possibility of prolonged fatal low blood pressure occurs when ascorbic

acid is not promptly given in all forms of shock.[3] Twelve grams intravenously

promptly restores blood pressure to normal. Barbiturate poisoning and carbon

monoxide poisoning also promptly respond.

.. Pain from terminal cancer,[4] burns, and snakebite[5] is promptly quenched by

the analgesic effects of ascorbate therapy. Morphine can be discontinued.

.. Compromised immune function occurs in diabetics and persons with high blood

sugar values. High blood sugar values cause inability of macrophages and killer

lymphocytes to kill cancer cells and bacteria, so malignancies grow unchecked

and infections become fatal. The provision of ascorbate decreases the amount of

sugar available to raise the blood sugar by creating NADPH, which creates

superoxide and reactive oxygen species that kill pathogens. Ascorbic acid also

promotes the production of 5 carbon sugars (ribose and deoxyribose) that can be

turned into DNA and RNA. When ascorbate is lacking, these new white blood cells

needed to fight infection are not built because the DNA and RNA fragments are



Ghione[6] has shown that 100 mg per kilo of ascorbate injected into rats

attenuated and abolished the narcotic effect of morphine. A paper from Thailand

showed that after an injection of 15 mg of pentobarbital, the sleeping time of

rabbits progressively decreased to no sleep as the dosage of ascorbic acid was

increased from 250 mg to one gram injected 5 minutes before the injection of



The main anti-narcotic effect of Libby and Stone's drug treatment protocol is

provided by sodium ascorbate, which is supplemented by vitamins, minerals,

predigested protein, and nutritious food.


Analgesic Effects of Ascorbates


Ascorbate has important analgesic effects that have been utilized to relieve

patients with terminal cancer of pain, which may be due to bony spread of

malignancies and tumor growth into painful sites. The use of ascorbates not only

relieves their pain but also stops rapid progression of cancer, as many cancers

have morphine receptor sites on their surfaces. Morphine suppresses natural

killer cell activity (NKCC). When morphine[8] and its derivatives (Fentonyl,[9]

codeine, etc.) are used to treat pain, these receptor sites are activated and

the cancer grows and spreads more rapidly. In this manner, the ascorbate can

help the patient overcome the malignancy by allowing the morphine to be



Ascorbate also has great value in relieving the pain of snakebite and burns.


Ascorbate Therapy in Shock


Dr. Klenner stated, " Ascorbic acid can be lifesaving in shock. Twelve grams of

the sodium salt given with a 50 cc syringe will reverse shock in minutes. In

barbiturate poisoning and carbon monoxide poisoning, the results are so dramatic

that it borders on malpractice to deny this therapy. " It seems likely that the

ascorbate acts on all narcotic molecules. There appears to be competition for

opiate receptor sites in the brain. High doses of sodium ascorbate prevent the

attachment and displace narcotic molecules already attached to the narcotic

receptor sites


The possibility exists that the delay in " coming out of anesthesia " following

surgery could be expedited by a massive intravenous injection of sodium

ascorbate (30 to 50 grams) at the end of operations. This might allow the

patient to wake up before leaving the recovery room, as suggested by Drs. Libby

and Stone. Quick regaining of conciousness could speed up healing and prevent



Ascorbate Therapy and Schizophrenia


In schizophrenia, large doses of ascorbate and niacin are routinely used. The

brain receptor sites in schizophrenic patients may be saturated with

hallucinogenic metabolites of adrenaline from stress. Oxides of the adrenaline

released in stressful events produce excessive quantities of adrenochrome.

Adrenochrome has the capability to produce paranoia and hallucinations both of

which are seen in schizophrenia. Allergies to foods

play a role in causing schizophrenia, as nations eating lots of wheat (gluten)

and dairy have higher rates of schizophrenia than nations eating little of these

foods. Allergic reactions to foods release adrenaline, which breaks down into

adrenochrome. Resolving food allergies eliminates this production of

adrenochrome and often leads to great improvement in schizophrenic patients.

This suggests that brain receptor sites in schizophrenic patients may be filled

with hallucinogenic substances responsible for paranoia and visual aberrations.

With adequate ascorbate therapy, these substances become removed from the

receptor sites by displacement of the toxins by ascorbate thus causing patient

improvement. Allergic substances in water and air as well as foods, by releasing

adrenaline, can also contribute to producing symptoms. All measures that

decrease allergic actions will prove helpful including high dosage of ascorbate.

Hypoglycemic reactions also cause release of adrenaline, which can be stopped by

dietary changes that emphasize low glycemic foods.


Case Histories


Case 1: A 23 year old who had used drugs for 10 years had failed several

hospital conversions to methadone therapy. In three days his mind was clear and

he stated, " I don't want to go stealing anymore. " He remains on 10 grams of

ascorbate daily, has been drug free for 3 months, and is gainfully employed for

the first time in his life.


Case 2: A 24 year old male began heroin use at age 15 with a $150 to $200 a day

habit. He had tried 7 hospital detoxification programs and had been on methadone

for 3 years. He was so skeptical of the new ascorbate therapy he injected more

than $300 of heroin, which produced no high. When last seen before moving to

another state, he had been drug free for 3 months, was feeling well, and had a

good attitude.


Case 3: This 35 year old male had been on drugs for 23 years, with the last

seven while taking methadone. He had severe constipation from methadone and was

having bowel movements every three weeks that were so hard and painful to pass,

he fainted or blacked out from the pain. His mental attitude became excellent

after ascorbate therapy and he was having normal bowel movements. His therapy

with 10 grams of ascorbate daily was continued.


Thirty out of thirty drug addicts were successfully treated with large doses of

ascorbate, predigested protein, and supplements of vitamins, minerals and



Drug Overdosage


Drug overdosage is a common cause of death in the drug-addicted populace. The

quality of street-obtained narcotics varies markedly and is a prime contributor,

along with the tendency of addicts to mix multiple drugs, leading to overdosage



Slow injection of 30 grams of ascorbate intravenously wakes up unconscious

patients. Fifty grams of ascorbate mixed in milk can be used in conscious

patients who are able to swallow.


Case Report: A 16 year old son who took angel dust (PCP) was brought in by his

mother incoherent and out of touch with reality. He was given 30 grams of

ascorbate in milk. Within 45 minutes he could hold a normal conversation.


Political Reasons Why Addicts Will Never Receive Ascorbate Therapy


Drug addiction clearly plays a big role in crime and incarceration in the USA.

Important persons and organizations are becoming incredibly rich because of

their participation in the enormous profits of drug trafficking. This wealth

would be lost if ascorbate therapy converted addicts into ordinary citizens, so

it will not occur. No prominent US citizens have ever served jail time for

leading important branches of the narcotic business, and it is very unlikely any

will ever be caught or imprisoned. There were strong rumors that the profits

from drug sales in the USA helped finance the war against the Sandinistas in



Few US citizens are aware that the Plunge Protection Team has the authority and

capital of the U.S. treasury available to protect the US stock market from

collapse by intervening to support the market on bad market collapse days by

having cooperating stock brokerage firms purchasing the indices of 500 stocks.

This same Team has the authority to continually drive down the price of gold and

silver by selling futures contracts so that the paper money scam can be

prolonged as long as possible.


The elitists running the world (Club of Rome, Illuminati, Bildenbergers,

Rothschild family, Rockefellers, Council of Foreign Relations, Jesuits, CIA,

high level Masons, Trilateral Commission, Central Banks, Federal Reserve Banks.

etc.) have nearly complete control over world economic activity. There are no

accidents as wars, genocides, famine, newly created diseases (SARS, Lyme, HIV,

chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, etc.), and economic collapses plague the

world. In their secret meetings, plans are laid to bring about the programs that

will serve these elite leaders. The programs of these elite leaders of the New

World Order are strongly oriented toward lowering the world population by 90%

and bringing about a world community that has a few wealthy elites and masses of

serfs to carry out their work. Programs that encourage death and world

population decrease include vaccines, planned starvation such as what lies ahead

for the USA (ethanol, ruined soil from poor fertilizers) and depleted uranium

destruction of soil bacteria, dangerous Genetically Modified Foods, monosodium

glutamate, fluorides, widespread death of bees, aspartame, dangerous transfat

cooking oils, decreased algae in oceans depleting fish population secondary to

depleted uranium fallout in oceans, expensive fuel related collapse of food

deliveries to supermarkets could produce food riots, mercury dental amalgams,

root canal teeth, etc.). In this setting of attempting to decrease the world

population, it is easy to see why no changes to heal drug addicts are going to

be made.


We have lost two of our most courageous and intelligent presidents to the

international bankers. President Lincoln refused to borrow from the Rothschild

banks in Europe to finance the Civil War. John Wilkes Booth was an agent of this

bank. President Kennedy's private papers disclosed that he made the correct

decisions to eliminate the Federal Reserve System of private banks receiving

interest income from the constantly growing debt of the U.S. government and to

eliminate the CIA. These correct decisions probably cost him his life.


In simple terms, there is a gigantic conflict between good and evil, death and

life, truth and lies. Fortunately, the Bible in the book of Revelation lays out

in clear fashion the fate of the evil world leaders and plans for the Saints

that are faithfully serving Our Lord and Savior, which will surely come about in

God's timing.




1, Libby, Alfred F.M.D. Stone Irwin, M.D. The Hypoascorbemia-Kwashiorkor

Approach to Drug Addiction Therapy: A Pilot Study Western Regional Seminar

International Academy of Preventative Medicine July 16, 1977.

2, Klenner, F.R. Significance of High Daily Intake of Ascorbic acid in

Preventative Medicine. J Int Acad Prev Med 1: 45-69,1974.

3, Ibid

4, Cameron, E. & Baird, G.M. Ascorbic acid and Dependence on Opiates in Patients

with Advanced Disseminated Cancer. J. Int. Res. Communic 1:(6):33, 1973.

5, Klenner, F.R. ibid.

6, Ghione, R Morphine Spasm and C-Hypervitamkinosis. Vitaminologia (turin)

16:1310136, 1958.

7, Bejrablaya, D. & Laumjansook, K. Effect of various doses of Ascorbic acid

upon pentobarbital. J Med Assoc Thailand 59:(4): 188-189, 1976.

8, Simon, R.H. & Arbo, T.E. Morphine increases metastatic tumor growth. Brain

Research Bull. 1986 Mar; 16(3): 363-7.

9, Shavit, Y. et al. Neuroimmunomodulation. 2004; 11(4):255-60.


© 2008 Dr. James Howenstine -




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