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The Health Risks of GM Foods: Summary and Debate

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The Health Risks of GM Foods: Summary and Debate





This section summarizes the health risks of genetically modified foods and

serves as a forum for a global discussion and debate. It is organized around

the 65 main point summaries presented on the left side of the two-page spreads

in Part 1 of Genetic Roulette. Each section linked below offers the

opportunity for people to submit updates, corrections, challenges and


Before making a submittal, please review the full content in that section of



Contents at a Glance:

Part 1: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods

Section 1: Evidence of reactions in animals and humans.

1.1 _GM Potatoes Damages Rats_

(http://www.seedsofdeception.com/utility/showArticle?objectID=930) (_see full




1.2 _Rats Fed GMO Tomatoes got bleeding stomachs, several died_


1.3 _Rats Fed Bt Corn had multiple health problems_


1.4 _Mice Fed GM Bt Potatoes had intestinal damage_


1.5 _Workers exposed to Bt cotton developed allergies_


1.6 _Sheep died after grazing in Bt cotton fields_


1.7 _Inhaled Bt corn pollen may have triggered disease in humans_


1.8 _Farmers report pigs and cows became sterile from GM corn_


1.9 _Twelve cows in Germany died mysteriously when fed Bt corn_


1.10 _Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had liver cell problems_


1.11 _Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had problems with the pancreas_


1.12 _Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had unexplained changes in testicular

cells_ (http://www.seedsofdeception.com/utility/showArticle?objectID=1072)

1.13 _Roundup Ready Soy Changed Cell Metabolism in Rabbit Organs_


1.14 _Most offspring of rats fed Roundup Ready soy died within three weeks_

(http://www.seedsofdeception.com/utility/showArticle?objectID=1076) (_see

full content_


) )

1.15 _Soy allergies skyrocketed in the UK, soon after GM soy was introduced_


1.16 _Rats fed Roundup Ready canola had heavier livers_


1.17 _Twice the number of chickens died when fed Liberty Link corn_


1.18 _GM peas generated an allergic-type inflammatory response in mice_


1.19 _Eyewitness reports: Animals avoid GMOs_


1.20 _A GM food supplement killed about 100 people_


Section 2: Gene insertion disrupts the DNA and can create unpredictable

health problems.

2.1 _Foreign genes disrupt the DNA at the insertion site._


2.2 _Growing GM crops using tissue culture can create hundreds or thousands

of DNA mutations._


2.3 _Gene insertion creates genome-wide changes in gene expression._


2.4 _The promoter may accidentally switch on harmful genes._


2.5 _The promoter might switch on a dormant virus in plants._


2.6 _The promoter might create genetic instability and mutations._


2.7 _Genetic engineering activates mobile DNA, called transposons, which

generate mutations._


2.8 _Novel RNA may be harmful to humans and their offspring._


2.9 _Roundup Ready soybeans produce unintentional RNA variations._


2.10 _Changes in proteins can alter thousands of natural chemicals in

plants, increasing toxins or reducing phytonutrients_


2.11 _GM crops have altered levels of nutrients and toxins._


Section 3: The protein produced by the inserted gene may create problems.

3.1 _A gene from a Brazil nut carried allergies into soybeans_

(http://www.seedsofdeception.com/utility/showArticle?objectID=1157) .

3.2 _GM proteins in soy, corn and papaya may be allergens._


3.3 _Bt crops may create allergies and illness._


3.4 _The Bt in crops is more toxic than the Bt spray._


3.5 _StarLink corn’s built-in pesticide has a “medium likelihood†of


an allergen._


3.6 _Pollen-sterilizing barnase in GM crops may cause kidney damage._


3.7 _High lysine corn contains increased toxins and may retard growth._


3.8 _Cooking high lysine corn may create disease-promoting toxins._


3.9 _Disease-resistant crops may promote human viruses and other diseases._


Section 4: The foreign protein may be different than what is intended.

4.1 _GM proteins may be misfolded or have added molecules._


4.2 _Transgenes may be altered during insertion._


4.3 _Transgenes may be unstable, and rearrange over time._


4.4 _Transgenes may create more than one protein._


4.5 _Weather, environmental stress and genetic disposition can significantly

change gene expression._


4.6 _Genetic engineering can disrupt the complex relationships governing

gene expression._


Section 5: Transfer of genes to gut bacteria, internal organs, or viruses.

5.1 _In spite of industry claims, transgenes survive the digestion system

and can wander._


5.2 _Transgene design facilitates transfer into gut bacteria._


5.3 _Transgenes may proliferate in gut bacteria over the long-term._


5.4 _Transgene transfer to human gut bacteria is confirmed._


5.5 _GM foods might create antibiotic-resistant diseases._


5.6 _The promoter can also transfer, and may switch on random genes or

viruses_ (http://www.seedsofdeception.com/utility/showArticle?objectID=1197) .

5.7 _If Bt genes transfer, they could turn our gut bacteria into living

pesticide factories._


5.8 _Genes may transfer to bacteria in the mouth or throat._


5.9 _Transfer of viral genes into gut microorganisms may create toxins and

weaken peoples’ viral defenses._


Section 6: GM crops may increase environmental toxins and bioaccumulate

toxins in the food chain.

6.1 _Glufosinate-tolerant crops may produce herbicide “inside†our

intestines._ (http://www.seedsofdeception.com/utility/showArticle?objectID=1205)

6.2 _Herbicide-tolerant crops increase herbicide use and residues in food._


6.3 _Tiny amounts of herbicide may act as endocrine disruptors._


6.4 _GM crops may accumulate environmental toxins or concentrate toxins in

milk and meat of GM-fed animals._


6.5 _Disease-resistant crops may promote new plant viruses, which carry

risks for humans._


Section 7: Other types of GM foods carry risks.

7.1 _Milk from rbGH treated cows may increase risk of cancer and other

diseases._ (http://www.seedsofdeception.com/utility/showArticle?objectID=1215)

7.2 _Milk from rbGH-treated cows likely increases the rate of twin births._


7.3 _Food additives created from GM microorganisms pose health risks._


Section 8: Risks are greater for children and newborns.

8.1 _Pregnant mothers eating GM foods may endanger offspring._


8.2 _GM foods are more dangerous for children than adults._











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