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Alcohol Depression: The Bottle May Be Increasing The Depression.

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Alcohol does a host of horrid things to the body, some of which include causing

hypoglycemia (that is where the tempers and violence come from - low blood sugar

in the brain). Some people actually argue that treating hypoglycemia is

fundamental to cure, and hyperglycemia may be the motivator to drinking. The two

actually go together. Even Bob who wrote the big book progressed to this decades

ago. There may be a chicken or egg comes first argument here, I'm not resolved

to argue. I from experience in going on a high protein/high fat diet found

alcohol distasteful.


Alcohol also causes the inhibition of the uptake of niacin.That has to do with

enzymes produced by the liver. Anyone who drinks or quits drinking needs to

supplement B-3 - it is now recommended for treatment centers. Extreme deficiency

is common in alcoholics and can cause dementia (shut down of functions of the

brain in particular areas) At its worse, B-3 deficiency can cause psychosis

that is not reversable. I would recommend a good multivitamin as people who have

been abusing alcohol tend to have poor eating habits anyway, plus you are

talking about healing. And a high protein/low carb diet is to the wise.


Alcohol also screws up gaba, seratonin, and dopamine transmission - all

neurotransmitters that produce good feelings. It also screws up cortisol

production. The key to getting off of the garbage is to getting healthy,

supplementing with vitamins, eating high protein and fat, cutting sugars and

carbs, exercising, etc. Atkings treated alcoholism as a sign of glucose

metabolism problems.


The chemical should not be legal. MJ should be and will actually help withdrawal

and the depression.


Now all that being said, there are medical problems beyond simply the use of

alcohol wherein people use alcohol as self medication for those problems. Those

problems can include cancer, schizophrenia, dementia, etc. If healthy diet,

exercise, and good supplementation does help much, one might be wise to go to a

doctor and get tested. I would not necessarily recommend their treatments but

nothing is wrong with their tests.








Supporter " yas "

Saturday, August 02, 2008 3:27 PM

<< >> Alcohol Depression: The Bottle May

Be Increasing The Depression.



Alcohol depression is very grave and should not be one's state of

living, however just how one can overcome this form of depression

could be quite challenging as two factors are being addressed here: a

substance abuse and an emotional disturbance.


Dealing with depression means at the moment you may not be feeling too

good. What with low energy, poor sleep and a general feeling of

helplessness, naturally finding a solution out of being depressed is a

much expected step. Sadly, most people turn to either legal (e.g.

Zoloft) and illegal (e.g. marijuana) drugs or the use of drinking

alcoholic beverages in a quest to ease the pain, however, research has

shown that both illegal drugs and alcohol are marked depressants. (in

spite of the buzz they may temporarily give) and speaking of

depression drugs from recent studies, these substances just may not be

worth the side-effects.


Now on the subject of alcohol use and depressive illnesses; this is

actually the worst possible strategy for dealing with depression.

Depressed moods can be a direct outcome of substance abuse.

Conversely, use of alcohol by people with a depressive disorder may

increase the severity of their depression symptoms and thus should be



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I am here for your comments and replies ..


Best Regards







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