Guest guest Posted September 12, 2008 Report Share Posted September 12, 2008 I am a nurse practitioner with a post graduate degree and I disagree with that flippant observation that medical diagnoses are not really diagnoses at all, but some fancy Bs to just " impress " the patients. Bullocks. ---- bestsurprise2002 9/11/2008 7:25:57 PM MCS-Canada << >> Arthritis and the Candida Connection Arthritis and the Candida Connection by Bee Wilder What Is Arthritis? Dr. Ben Lerner states, “During my first quarter of graduate school, I had to take a course in medical terminology. As I found out early on, chiropractic school was not much different than medical school. We had to learn to diagnose and, interestingly enough, terminology was the key to diagnosis. One of the first words we learned in that class was the term " -itis. " " Itis " is Latin for " inflammation of. " Other terminology included some words that probably sound familiar to you: * Arthro means joint. * Stoma means stomach. * Bursa is short for the fluid-filled sack in many joints. * Fibro means muscle fiber. * Mya means muscle. * Cepha means head. * Tendons connect bones. * Ligaments connect muscles to bones. Bee’s Note: Rheumatoid is any disorder of the extremities or back, characterized by pain and stiffness. Dr. Lerner said my classmates and I often laughed as we learned these words, because we realized the vast majority of medical diagnoses weren't actually " diagnoses " at all, but merely turning the name into Latin or something fancy to impress our patients. It's also done, not only to impress, but to make an impact on the patient so they'll be satisfied they have a diagnosis. So if you're told you have " arthr-itis, " " tendon-itis, " " burs-itis " or " stomat-itis, " it means your joint, tendon, bursa sack or stomach hurts. Doctors can then follow medical protocol and write a prescription to give you drugs that will hopefully ease the pain " Algia " is another interesting one that means pain. Therefore, " Cephalgia " is a headache. The oft-used diagnosis, " Fibromyalgia, " means muscle fiber pain. There's one very serious problem with diagnosing: People feel they have a " condition. " Everyone knows, once you have a " condition, " you always have a " condition. " It's like old phones or luggage that used to last forever. Well the medical myth that " conditions " last forever has gone the way of the rotary phone too. Arthritis, tendonitis and fibromyalgia are not death sentences. They're merely Latin terms, combined with fancy medical English phraseologies, for pains doctors don't understand and conditions for which they have no effective treatment. The key problem for the conventional medicine when it comes to aches, pains and degenerative issues like " arthr-itis " : Most doctors are only diagnosing and treating side effects, not the true cause of the problem.†Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of inflammatory arthritis that attacks the synovial membranes surrounding the lubricating fluid in the joints. The cartilage and tissues, the area around joints, and the bone surfaces are also affected. Rheumatoid arthritis creates stiffness, swelling, fatigue, fever and pain. Properly functioning joints don't degenerate. Arthritis is an " inflamed joint. " The joints are created by ends of bones meeting. At this point, they are cushioned by cartilage. The knee, hip, shoulder and other bigger joints have a fluid-filled sac called a bursa ( " burs-itis " ). The inner lining of the joint has a grease-like fluid called synovial fluid which reduces friction and allows for freedom of movement. If the joint begins to malfunction, this is often coupled by a loss of synovial fluid that would aggravate the bones meeting in the joint. When joints become arthritic, swelling causes stiffness, rigidity and tissue damage. The body will warn you with pain if the joint moves beyond its present limits. It's a vicious cycle because, as mobility decreases, the muscles surrounding the joint also weaken and deteriorate, allowing for further damage to the joint. Eventually, you can have cartilage, ligament and tendon damage, as well as further bone erosion. If these joints are functioning normally and well cared for, however, they just don't " itis. " The good news about degenerative arthritis: Outside of an extreme genetic circumstance, it can be avoided and even reversed. Common medical wisdom is that if you have arthritis, essentially you're doomed. This could not be farther from the truth. The body does heal. What causes arthritis? The onset of arthritis is often associated with physical or emotional stress; however, poor nutrition or bacterial infection may also be the cause as well as high toxic levels, and abnormal bowel function. Food allergies can also contribute to the disease. There is a very strong relationship between what grows in the intestines and arthritis. There is even “candida arthritisâ€, where they find fungus in the joints. (Candida arthritis is treated by administering systemic antifungals and by injecting antifungals into the joints.) A common finding in arthritis is bacterial {candida overgrowth} of the small intestine. The advanced concepts suggest that many diverse diseases, such as migraine headache, ulcerative colitis, asthma, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosis, and arthritis, are all interrelated. These diseases appear to result, at least partially, from environmental, nutritional, biochemical, and other influences that affect the victims’ immune systems. By recognizing these correlative causes, and by taking steps to alter them, wholistic physicians are able to help victims of candidiasis without resorting to surgery, hospitalization, radiation, chemotherapy, or other forms of poorly successful and potentially toxic drug treatment. Although some people may inherit tendencies towards certain ailments, incorrect diet greatly contributes towards producing illnesses like arthritis, and rheumatism. Diets should be absolutely natural. Candida contributes to arthritis in many different ways: * Impaired digestion. * High levels of candida toxins (alcohol). * Poor absorption of nutrients. * Food allergies caused by a leaky gut. * Exhaustion of the endocrine system, including adrenals, thyroid, pancreas, etc. which impairs hormone production and digestion.* * Impaired blood flow to the joints. * Lower body production of glucosamine required for joints, cartilage, and synovial membranes and fluid. *Candida exhaustion of the endocrine system is not a simple disease, but rather the result of differing predisposing aberrations in the victim’s immune system – ranging from subtle to life-threatening. A board-certified rheumatologist [Dr. Walmer] practicing in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, made the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) as the source of symptoms for Julian Picola, a forty-one-year-old school teacher, living in the nearby coal-region town of Wiconisco, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Picola was experiencing disabling pain in her limbs, shoulders, and back. She worked every day but felt exhausted by 6 PM, having no energy left for any other tasks. For two years, she had suffered with these distressing symptoms. SLE (also called just “lupusâ€) is a bizarre disease somewhat related to rheumatoid arthritis that attacks various parts of the body [which has a very strong candida connection]. SLE belongs to a group of autoimmune diseases in which the body’s own tissues are attacked by the very cells whose normal function is to fight off foreign invasion – elements of the immune system . . How Candida toxins cause arthritic problems Candida toxins cause cell damage, and also interfere with the body’s production of fluids. Most of the toxins produced by candida are alcohol which makes all of the body’s cells to go rigid. In arthritis the synovial membrane becomes rigid, and the lubricating fluids in the joints become thin and watery. This makes them less able to protect the joints. Candida also makes red and white blood cells go rigid, when they should be flexible and able to fold over and squeeze into the tiniest capillaries. This decreased blood flow will also affect the blood going to the tissues surrounding the joints. Cell membrane defects often prevent nutrients from getting into the muscle tissues and waste products from getting out, which could contribute to muscle weakness and soreness. While arthritis is sometimes the result of an allergic reaction to yeast (the antibodies attack not only the yeast, but the joint tissues as well), it is not the only factor. Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfate Glucosamine plays an important role in maintaining cartilage. It makes synovial fluid thick and gelatinous, which allows it to hold more water. This increases its cushioning ability. Thus glucosamine has the ability to decrease friction and pain in the joint. NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) such as aspirin, have been shown to do the opposite, actually causing the disease to progress at a faster rate. When the fluid levels are close to the norm, there is a tendency for much less damage to the nerves due to a greater resilience in the disk from the higher water content. Simply put, the more water held by the joint, the greater the shock absorbing effect and the greater the health of your joints. However, glucosamine sulfate is a naturally occurring amino sugar synthesized in the body from L-glutamine (amino acid/protein) and glucose*. *Note: Glucose does not need to come from sugar or high carb foods. It is also contained in animal meats and low carb foods. Chondroitin sulfate is another natural substance found in the body. It prevents other body enzymes from degrading the building blocks of joint cartilage. The type sold in health-food stores and pharmacies is derived from animal products. Your body should make all the chondroitin you need from the glucosamine your body produces. Chondroitin supplementation is probably not necessary. Deficiencies of these glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are rare, since it can be manufactured by the body, but deficiencies can develop when you have candida because of digestive problems and inadequate digestive enzymes and hormones required for digestion. Fortunately, God designed our bodies with wonderful self-repair mechanisms. If one makes optimal food choices there is a high likelihood that much of the damage can be reversed. One can also use supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. However, those supplements in many ways are like a drug, in that they do not address the underlying cause of the problem. Additionally, one needs to be very careful about selecting the brand. You can be virtually guaranteed that if the cost is less than $1 per day, the ingredients will be virtually worthless and inactive as high quality grades can not possibly sell for that price. However, even some of the higher priced supplements at $4-5 per day did not have much active ingredients according to recent studies. Adrenal hormones are needed for synovial fluids as well. There is a section on the endocrine system later in this article. Candida Exhausts the Endocrine System Exhaustion of the endocrine system causes many symptoms and disabilities, including rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, and digestive disorders. The endocrine system is made up of the endocrine glands that secrete hormones. Although there are eight major endocrine glands scattered throughout the body, they are still considered to be one system because they have similar functions, similar mechanisms of influence, and many important interrelationships. The major endocrine glands are: * pituitary and pineal glands located in the brain * thyroid gland located in the neck * thymus gland located just behind the breastbone in the chest * two adrenal glands (located just above the kidneys) * pancreas located across the back of the abdomen, behind the stomach * female ovary and the male testis Some glands also have non-endocrine regions that have functions other than hormone secretion. For example, the pancreas has a major portion that secretes digestive enzymes and an endocrine portion that secretes hormones. The ovaries and testes secrete hormones and also produce the ova and sperm. Some organs, such as the stomach, intestines, and heart, produce hormones, but their primary function is not hormone secretion. For candida-related arthritis certain parts of the endocrine system will be highlighted, with suggested treatments at the end of this article that will increase their functioning. Adrenal glands produce adrenalin and noradrenalin, the two hormones that produce effects on the sympathetic nervous system. When the sympathetic nervous system is active there a quickening of the pulse, increase blood pressure, constriction of blood vessels, decreased activity in bladder and bowel muscle, dilation of the pupil and a rise in blood sugar – preparing the body to react to a threat through “flight or fight†behaviour. However, when the parasympathetic nervous system is active it produces the opposite responses to the sympathetic nervous system, i.e. pulse and blood pressure are normal, blood vessels relax, saliva and mucus production is increased, gastric juice is secreted and motility of the digestive tract is increased, digestion is increased, pupils relax, etc. To relax the whole body switch it over from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system by doing deep breathing exercises, particularly when you notice your tension is increasing. Take 3-4 slow deep breaths in a row, and about 5 minutes later repeat the exercise. This will help your body relax and change it over from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system, which will aid digestion and many other functions of the body. The adrenal cortex of the adrenal glands also forms a number of hormones which are essential to life. Two corticosteroids hormones produced are aldersterone and hydrocostisone. They are most important because they regulate the quantity of salt and water in the body, and control carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism and help fight stressful situations. Several other corticosteroids are produced by the adrenal glands, including cortisone and cortisol [one of several steroid hormones produced by the adrenal cortex and resembling cortisone in its action] from the hormone de-oxy-cortisol (DOC). This hormone itself has a remarkable action. It helps the body fight infection and damage by setting up inflammation around bacteria or toxins and walling them off, as in boils for example. Swelling, pain and fever may result, but the body will have been protected. Normally, sufficient DOC will be converted to cortisol to remove the pain and swelling once the intruder has been dealt with. When the diet does not supply the nutrients needed by enzymes that make and balance these hormones, the DOC may fail to be converted and the areas of pain and swelling may collect calcium. Cortisone treatment, however, is not the easy solution. It inhibits our own hormone products, thus lowering resistance. Our bones become further demineralised, and other mineral reactions cause water retention (moon face). The constant robbing of proteins may eat away our stomach cells and give us ulcers. The actions of aldersterone and hydrocostisone are clearly seen in states of adrenal under- or over- activity. Under activity is evidenced by weakness, tiredness, fatigue, low blood pressure (because of lack of salt, water and decreased blood volume), loss of body hair, etc. most often seen in candida sufferers. Help your adrenal glands by doing ‘dry skin brushing†(articles located in the Files and Links) at least once a day, or do rebounding exercises on a small trampoline. Thymus - The thymus produces the hormone thymosin, which plays an important role in the development of the body’s immune system. It is very important in the body’s defences against infection as well as fighting candida. Help your thymus by simply thumping it with the knuckles of your hand several times in a row. Thump gently but firmly about 10-15 times. Do this at least once a day to stimulate the thymus gland. The endocrine system affects digestion by secreting a number of gastrointestinal hormones including: 1. Gastin stimulates gastic acid secretion. Gastrin is stimulated by the presence of amino acids (protein) in the stomach. 2. Cholecystokinin stimulates secretion of pancreatic enzymes, and contraction and emptying of the gall bladder. This hormone is stimulated by the presence of fatty acids (fats) and amino acids (protein) in the small intestines. 3. Secretin stimulates secretion of water and bicarbonate from the pancreas and bile ducts Secretin is stimulated by the acid content in the foods from the stomach. 4. Ghrelin appears to be a strong stimulant for appetite and it is also a potent stimulator of growth hormone secretion. Ghrelin secretion peaks prior to eating and diminishes after eating. 5. Gastric inhibitory polypeptide - inhibits gastric secretion (also inhibits the digestion of proteins and fat) and motility (movement by the digestive tract), and it stimulates the release of insulin by the pancreas. This is in response to elevated blood glucose concentration and to the presence of glucose in the small intestine. As you can see, the important hormones needed for digestion are stimulated by the presence of amino acids (protein) and fatty acids (fats) in the diet. On the other hand sugars and high carbohydrates that contribute to elevated blood glucose actually inhibits gastric secretions, which interferes with the digestion of proteins and fats. Help your digestion by consuming a high protein and “good†fat diet, with no sugars and low carbohydrates. Arthritis & Inflammation Certain fats are very important so the body can respond to arthritis. One group is involved in intense actions, often in response to some emergency such as injury or stress which results in swelling and inflammation. The body creates swelling and inflammation to immobilize areas so they can heal. This group of fats involve butter, animal fats, organ meats, egg yolk and seaweed Lack of many other nutrients can inhibit the breakdown and utilization of these fats, including deficiencies of protein, vitamin E and B vitamins. Consumption of sugar, trans fatty acids and over consumption of commercial vegetable oils, high in omega-6 fatty acids, also inhibits these fat enzymes There is some evidence that an excess of oleic acid (found chiefly in olive oil and nuts) may inhibit fat production as well. On the other hand, saturated fats, especially lauric acid found in coconut oil, improve the body's production of DHA and EPA essential fatty acids (omega-3 fatty acids also contained in cod liver oil and fish oils). Diabetes, poor pituitary function and low thyroid function are synonymous with altered and inhibited fat production by the body, as well as other conditions such as alcoholism, PMS, and irritable bowel syndrome. These conditions are all caused by candida. Therefore it is absolutely required that candida sufferers take cod liver oil to provide pre-formed EPA and DHA (omega-3). Some popular writers claim that saturated fats in the diet inhibit the production of fats by the body. Actually the reverse is true. Saturated fats in the diet improve the body's utilization of essential fatty acids, and protect them from becoming rancid. Remember that the kind of fat the body itself makes is saturated fat, which it needs for energy, for the functioning of every cell in the body, for protection and repair, for making bile for digestion, and a variety of other purposes. Pain Management Calcium and Magnesium - To help alleviate arthritis pain calcium and magnesium are very helpful. They are also very important for muscle, joint and bone formation and integrity. Calcium/magnesium citrate is a good supplement that is readily absorbed. The product should state the “elemental amounts†of calcium and magnesium, which is the amount that is absorbable. It should also contain equal amounts of calcium and magnesium along with potassium and zinc. However, it is common for supplements to contain a 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium instead of a 1:1 ratio. In that case it is necessary to buy magnesium separately to equalize the ratio. Most people have very low levels of magnesium, even in comparison to calcium, in their bodies requiring them to take more than a 1:1 ratio. Most supplements contain about 350 mgs calcium with 175 mgs magnesium per table, and should also contain potassium and zinc which help the body utilize calcium. Take one tablet 3-4 three times a day, depending upon how much calcium is contained in the diet from other sources, and to also take additional magnesium to equalize the ratio, usually available in increments of 50 mgs. Since candida sufferers cannot have dairy products, unless they make their own kefir or yogurt, it is advisable to take a minimum of 2 per day (350 mg x 2 = 750 mg), but some people may need 4 per day. Additional magnesium may be required as well, depending upon symptoms. Muscle cramps are an indication that additional magnesium is needed. Take 50 mgs every hour until the cramping stops. Ginger also eases the pain and swelling of arthritis. Take 1/2 teaspoon of “certified organic†ground ginger in food or drink three times a day. You can also make a tea from ground or raw ginger. Use 1 teaspoon for every cup of boiling water. Grate raw ginger or mince it. When using raw ginger allow it to steep 20 minutes before drinking it. Always buy “certified organic†ground ginger. Not only it is healthier but most regular spices are irradiated (treated with radiation) to prolong shelf life and kill molds. The tea can be mixed with other beneficial herbs such as peppermint or chamomile. Ginger lessens inflammation and inhibits other inflammatory substances called leukotrienes. Ginger's antioxidant compounds help break down inflammatory acids contained in joint fluid. Avoiding caffeine and the nightshade vegetables is helpful for anyone suffering with arthritis. The nightshade family of vegetables include tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, red and green peppers, and paprika. Anti-Inflammatory Aids Ginger: This herb is anti-inflammatory and offers pain relief and stomach-settling properties. Fresh ginger works well steeped in boiling water as a tea or grated into vegetable juice. Powder capsules are also available, but I recommend using the fresh root. Boswellia: Also known as boswellin or " Indian frankincense, " this herb contains specific active anti-inflammatory ingredients, referred to as boswellic acids that animal studies have shown significantly reduce inflammation. This is one of my personal favourites as I have seen it work well with many of my arthritis patients And in another study of 175 patients with rheumatic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, 122 participants had reduced stiffness and inflammation just two to four weeks after starting on boswellia. Fish Oils: The omega-3 fats EPA and DHA found in fish oil have been found, by many animal and clinical studies, to have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce joint inflammation and promote joint lubrication. Animal based omega-3 fats are absolutely essential for any comprehensive anti-inflammatory program. They form the precursors to the molecules that actually produce or inhibit inflammation in your body (prostaglandins). That is why it is essential to make sure you are getting enough. It is also vital to understand that you need to reduce omega-6 fats like vegetable oils, margarine, seeds and nuts, as it is actually the ratio of omega 6 to omega-3 fats that determines how much inflammation is present. You could theoretically consume enough omega-3 fish oils to work but then ruin the effect by consuming too many omega-6 fats. Fish oils are taken in the summer months when you get enough sun exposure to produce vitamins A and D. During the winter months take cod liver oil for omega-3 plus vitamins A and D. In any case take the 3,000 mg of omega-3 per day. Two very good brands of cod liver oil are Garden of Life and Carlson’s. Carlson’s also makes a fish oil. Some health foods stores carry these products. Dr. Mercola says: “Those of you who read the newsletter regularly know that I'm a fan of Carlson's brand fish oil and cod liver oil as I have seen clear and often substantial improvements in my patients who use it. It has shown particularly positive benefits in those with rheumatoid arthritis. You can find the Carlson's fish oil/cod liver oil in my Recommended Products section; your local health food store may also carry Carlson's, and usually they are very helpful in recommending any other trustworthy brands. Bromelain: This enzyme, found in pineapples, is a natural anti-inflammatory and also aids digestion. It can be taken in supplement form. Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO): This oil, found in fish and dairy butter, acts as a " joint lubricant " and an anti-inflammatory. Delicious raw butter oil is sold by a number of natural health sites on line, which contains " Wulzen anti-stiffness factor. " This factor has been found to be highly effective in reversing arthritis and protects against calcification of joints. In one study of 106 people with various types of arthritis who did not respond to NSAIDs, 63.5 percent of those who took CMO orally and applied the cream topically (it's available both in oral supplement and cream forms) improved, compared to only 14.5 percent of those taking a placebo. Cayenne Cream: Also called capsaicin cream, this spice comes from dried hot peppers. It alleviates pain by depleting the body's supply of substance P, a chemical component of nerve cells that transmits pain signals to the brain. Lemons & Limes - Like many of the fruits and vegetables found in the world’s 125 healthiest foods, lemons and limes contain unique flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Several other fascinating research studies on the healing properties of lemons and limes have shown that cell cycles - including the decision a cell makes about whether to divide (called mitosis) or die (apoptosis) – are altered by lime juice, as are the activities of special immune cells called monocytes. In addition to their unique phytonutrient properties, lemons and limes are an excellent source of one of the most important antioxidants in nature, vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the main antioxidants found in food and the primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body. Vitamin C travels through the body neutralizing any free radicals with which it comes into contact in the aqueous environments in the body both inside and outside cells. Free radicals can interact with the healthy cells of the body, damaging them and their membranes, and also cause a lot of inflammation, or painful swelling, in the body. This is one of the reasons that vitamin C has been shown to be helpful for reducing some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and arthritis. Nutrients Needed Every cell in the body requires “good†saturated fats (coconut oil, butter, lard, animal meats with their fats, etc.), essential fatty acids and oil soluble vitamins A, D, and E. In fact, cells cannot be properly lubricated with water in the absence of these fats. Lack of “good†fats, etc. will affect the joints, synovial membrane & fluid, cartilage, etc. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is necessary for the repair of all connective tissue. To help the body produce more glucosamine, joint lubrication and strong cartilage you need a diet high in good quality animal meats and fish, and high in “good†fats such as coconut oil, butter, etc. along with omega-3 essential fatty acid, and vitamins A, D, and E. Detoxing and Increasing Digestion To help the body clear out candida toxins and to increase digestion 1. Drink 6 ounces of good filtered water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon and 1/4 teaspoon of ocean sea salt at least 6 times a day; three of these should be taken with meals to aid digestion. 2. Take 1 tablespoon of liquid chlorophyll in 4 ounces of water 3 times a day. 3. Included plenty of good ocean sea salt, like Celtic in your diet. Add it liberally to meats and vegetables after they are cooked to receive the most benefit, and to raw vegetables. 4. Take good probiotics such as “cabbage rejuvelac†(in my main article) or a 10 billion active cells of a good acidophilus powder or capsule, not based on dairy and free of soy, yeast, wheat, gluten, etc. To increase blood flow 1. Take vitamin B complex with niacin in it, and not niacinamide (synthetic version). You might have to buy niacin separately, which you need to take in addition to the B complex. Start at 100 mgs of niacin per day, but you can increase it up to 500 mgs or more per day, depending upon how your body responds to it. This much niacin can be taken for a few months, but should be lowered after that time. Niacin will cause an uncomfortable red flush and prickly feeling that will pass within 20 minutes. But that is good because it indicates the blood vessels and capillaries are opening up, increasing blood flow. 2. Balance sodium and potassium: It is important for blood vessels to have a good balance of sodium and potassium. Lemons and a good grey ocean sea salt both contain potassium, but it is also contained in avocado, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, celery, greens, and brussel sprouts. 3. Garlic also improves blood flow and protects against clotting. Take 3 raw crushed garlic cloves per day. Tips for improving fat utilization and absorption in the body: 1. Avoid all vegetable fats, including soy, corn, cottonseed, safflower, sunflower, canola, etc. 2. Use small amounts of extra virgin olive oil in salad dressings. 3. Use high quality butter. 4. Take coconut oil as a supplement, and use it in cooking. 5. Supplement with cod liver oil during the winter months, and fish oil in the summer. 6. Eat organ meats and fish eggs occasionally. 7. Eat good quality free-range eggs frequently. 8. Eat plenty of good quality meats and fish. 9. Eat raw meat or fish occasionally. (Note: Fish should be marinated in an acidic medium, and meat should be frozen for at least 14 days before preparation, to avoid parasite contamination.) 10. Avoid high phytate foods that block zinc, which are all grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Modern soy foods have potent zinc-blocking effects and should not be eaten in any form. Eat nuts and grains in moderation, even then only after they have been properly pre-soaked to remove phytates. 11. Avoid all sources of sugars, except small amounts of stevia, and high carb foods, especially grains, starchy vegetables, legumes and others. 12. Eat and drink in moderation—but don't deprive yourself of delicious traditional foods. References 1. What Is Arthr-IT IS?, Lerner, Dr. Ben; _ (http://www.mercola com/2005/jan/12/arthritis.htm) 2. Balch, James E., M.D., and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C., “Arthritis†in Prescription for Nutritional Healing, ed. C.J. Eriksen, K. Price, N.M. Papritz, and D. Lebow, Garden City Park, New York, Avery Publishing Group Inc., 1990. 3. “Arthritis and Candida†_ (http://www . 4. Trowbridge, John Parks, M.D. and M. Walker, P.PM, “The Antiyeast Wholistic Therapy Program – Part One†in The Yeast Syndrome, New York, Bantam Books, November 1986. 5. Remington, Dennis W., M.D. and Higa, Barbara W., R.D. in Back to Health, A Comprehensive Medical and Nutritional Yeast Control Program, Provo Utah, Vitality House International, Inc., 1986. 6. Several articles at _ (http://www 7. Help! for Rheumatoid Arthritis; Jan de Vries, Alive Magazine, #113. 8. Building Healthy Joints with Glucosamine and Chondroitin Supplementation: FAQs, Compiled by Rick Allen, DC, _ (http://www.cascadewellnessclinic com/) 15. Aging US Population Has More Arthritis; Joseph Mercola, M.D., _ ( 16. Endocrine System / Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones, _ ( 17. The ANS (a) Parasympathetic System and (b) The Sympathetic Nervous System, _ ( 18. Seven Ways to Protect Your Heart with Anti-Inflammatory Alternatives at: _ ( 19. Other Endocrine Glands, _http://training.seer.cancer.gov_ ( 20. Overview of Gastrointestinal Hormones, _ ( 21. Tripping Lightly Down the Prostaglandin* Pathways, ( *Prostaglandins are a subset of a larger family of substances called eicosanoids. Eicosanoids are localized tissue hormones that seem to be the fundamental regulating molecules in most forms of life. They do not travel in the blood like hormones, but are created in the cells [involved in] a large number of processes including the movement of calcium and other substances into and out of cells, dilation and contraction, inhibition and promotion of clotting regulation of secretions including digestive juices and hormones, and control of fertility, cell division and growth. Prostaglandins are produced in the cells by the action of enzymes on essential fatty acids. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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