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Kombucha yeasts fight Candida, they do not encourage it

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Kombucha yeasts fight Candida, they do not encourage it

by Günther W. Frank

_http://www.kombu.de/candida.htm_ (http://www.kombu.de/candida.htm)


Worry about Candida or other yeast infections? Not so! Kombucha is a

different kind of Yeast-Fungi. There are pathogen (harmful) and apathogen

(harmless) yeasts. Kombucha is of the harmless kind.


Since Kombucha is called a " mushroom " by many people, and a " fungus " by

others, and since it is a yeast as well as a bacterial ferment, there are those

who will automatically warn all candida albicans victims - those with chronic

candiasis or any other kind of yeast infections - to stay away from Kombucha.


However, this is not right. The Schizosacharomycodes, that is in the

Kombucha culture, is a yeast that is not in the family of candida, so it can be

actually antagonistic to the troublesome yeast that infects so many people.


Kombucha is likely to be very beneficial for the following reason. Candida

albicans is a yeast which competes with your bowel microflora and produces

nothing in the way of benefit to the host organism. It occupies the body's

defenses which have to be mobilized to oppose it. While this is going on your

immune system can not effectively deal with other infections. Kombucha, on the

other hand, is a community of microorganisms that do have a beneficial effect

on the host, namely by producing glucuronic acid. The yeasts in Kombucha

compete with the candida yeasts and gradually replace them. They reproduce

vegitatively or by fission rather than by producing spores. This means that


of having an enemy inside you, you have a friend.


In addition you will also have some of the organisms which will colonize

your gut somewhat and continue their good work. Provided that your batch is not

contaminated with mold, there is nothing in Kombucha that can harm you. It is

true that certain people may have a sensitivity to it, but that can be

alleviated by reducing the dose. So that is about it. Nothing mystical! Nothing

magical! and nothing harmful.


Prof. Rieth, Hamburg, Germans leading expert in Mycology confirmed me: There

is absolutely no risk in drinking Kombucha as regards of yeast infections

since the Kombucha yeast are apathogen. You can rely on his judgment that is

based on careful research work. There is a large amount of scientific papers

which proof, that there is no danger and no concern against the preparing of

your own Kombucha beverage. Prof. Rieth told me, there is very little knowledge

of mycology (fungal diseases) even at doctors and many wrong allegations are



The German **Bundesgesundheitsamt** (the top Public Health Office in Germany

like the FDA in the USA) says: " Kombucha is not injurious to health " . I hope

that this is of value to some people who are worried by the fear and anxiety

spread about KT by the tabloid media in particular.




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© Copyright Günther W. Frank 1999. Permission is granted to freely copy this

document in electronic form, or in print if the publication is distributed

without charge, provided it is copied in its entirety without modification and

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Günther W. Frank - _frank_ (frank)






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