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6 yr old sick again..........Help.

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What color is her phlegm?  If it's yellow or green, try coconut.  If it's

clear, try garlic.  You could also try colloidal silver for an infection,

although there's alot of hysteria about " agyria. "   Make sure it's made properly

and that she doesn't megadose on it, if you try it.  (Agyria makes the skin

turn silver or blue.)


Seems like she needs to tonify defensive and vital qi to combat external

pernicious influences. 


Green tea and blueberries to detoxify.  Drink lots of water.


Raspberries, walnuts, black rice, black beans, red grapes, black sesame (boil

for 10 minutes in an inch of water.  When cool, drink the water and eat the

seeds.)  Royal jelly.  Try to get organic.  These foods will build

foundational essence and qi.  Goji.  Shitake mushrooms.









My 6 year old daughter is sick (AGAIN) this is the 4th time in the last 4

weeks that she has been sick! It's crazy. This time I do not want to put

her on more antibiotics again, they are so hard on her tiny little tummy. I

hate her pediatrician; he is a fat old man who gives antibiotics out like

they are candy. So, my question to you is this? Should I hire a good

chiropractic to see her? I just want " Natural " remedies to get my daughter

better. She is coughing right now a lot and I can hear phlegm in her chest

and throat, and her tonsils are red and swollen and she has a fever. I

don't think its strep throat, but it could turn into that soon. She missed

school today and she will miss school tomorrow, she has already missed over

30 days of school this year alone.....I don't know what to do; I am at a

total loss here. I know her diet isn't that good, she doesn't eat junk, but

she just doesn't eat much at all though. Anyway, can you tell me if I

should try an alternative treatment for her, or maybe a chiro or what? I

don't want to take her back to her old doctor again; I need a good doctor

who will figure out why my kids are always so sick all the time.


Thanks SO much.



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