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OZONE MARCHES ON - Medical Applications Update

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Medical Applications Update


Excerpt from **Family News** - October, 1997 edition - (305) 759-9500


In medicine, ozone has a number of well-established properties: It is

antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. The largest commercial use of ozone

is in

the purlfication of water. When you buy your next gallon jug of water at the

grocery store, the label will say **ozone treated.** Both the FDA and EPA

certify that ozone destroys 99.9992 percent of all pathogenic germs, while

oxidizing (destroying) 99.9992 percent of all pollutants in the water at the


time. In Germany, over 7,000 doctors utilize ozone in the treatment of

various diseases. Ozone is widely used in Cuba, Russia, France and Italy.


Researchers hope that ozone sterilization for blood fractionates such as

Factor VIII, a clotting agent given to hemophiliacs, will be available soon.

Technologies for sterilizing whole blood may be on the market in a few years.

Ozone sterilization technologies may be approved only for emergency blood

supplies at first, but if evidence is found that some viruses are not being

screened, the treatment may be extended to all blood collections.


**The products of this research have worldwide applications,** says DND*s

Commodore Michael Shannon, who is Canada*s equivalent of the U.S. Surgeon

General. ** In the right concentration, ozone for blood purlfication sounds


too good to be true. We*re trying not to be overly enthusiastic, but the

data so far is very compelling.**


Blood purification isn*t the only or even the main use ozone therapy is

being put to. In a 1994 book written by a German doctor and scientist Dr.


Viebahn there is an indexed compilation of a half century long body of

medical literature that documents the therapy*s benefits in over 40 different

medical conditions.


Although few of the references cited would pass scientific muster in

mainstream journals, a 1980 survey in Europe, where ozone has long been a


alternative therapy, found that over 90 percent of practitioners who had used

it on 384,000 patients reported *good* to *very good* results. Moreover, the

rate of side effects was extremely low; the few that occurred were mainly

attributable to improperly administered intravenous injection.


Many therapists, however, bypass that risk by opting for other methods of

delivery; rectal or vaginal applications, treating blood outside the body, or

absorption through the skin while the patient wears a **sauna bag** that is

filled with an oxygen ozone mixture.


One problem, say proponents, is that the demand generated by the tremendous

number of scientific studies that have been published over the years has

created a grass roots interest. This has prompted many practitioners to equip

themselves with ozone generators before the industry has had an opportunity to

establish standards. This would be risky business if ozone weren*t so safe,

but in a way it does harm the progress of this therapy. A great deal of

valuable findings and results go undocumented.


Another factor is an unreasonable bias against this approach in mainstream

medicine. Don*t expect one cent of the billions spent by CDC or NIH to be

earmarked for ozone research until there is an epidemic of antibiotic resistant

hepatitis or tuberculosis or there is a substantial urban * bloom * of Marburg

or Ebola virus.


At the same time health authorities are taking action against practitioners

for using an **unproven ** therapy, many scientists continue to investigate

its potential for ridding blood of disease causing microbes.


In the mid-1980s, German researchers began testing the use of ozone on HIV

and hepatitis B infected blood outside the body, a procedure called

autohemotherapy, and in 1986 a New York based biotech company called Medizone

International was established to follow up on this approach. Since then,

Canadian and

American scientists have confirmed ozone*s direct antiviral effects as well

as its ability to boost key components of the immune system.


One Canadian study found that ozone completely inactivated deadly SIV, the

simian version of HIV, in monkey blood. The implications for safeguarding of

the human blood supply - from HIV as well as other common viral contaminants

are obvious.


Preliminary clinical trials are under way at five centers in Italy using an

ozone/oxygen mix, diffused through blood, as it is passed outside the body to

treat patients with HIV and hepatitis B infection.


Much research remains to be done to confirm ozone*s promise. Unfortunately,

say advocates, since ozone can*t be patented, it isn't likely to attract

financial backing for the extensive scientific studies needed to win FDA



Geoffrey Rogers in his documentary ** Ozone and The Politics of Medicine **

an award-winning documentary on the medical applications of ozone, which

Rogers produced and directed says, ** It*s the information that counts.** The

film provides evidence which documents that ozone therapy -- essentially mixing

blood with ozone -- is an effective treatment for people suffering from a

number of conditions, including AIDS-related illnesses and cancer.


** The statistics are staggering,** says Rogers. **Ten million people have

used this in continental Europe. Millions of people are getting effective



Rogers traveled to locations in Europe, Mexico, the U.S., and Canada to

interview numerous researchers, doctors and patients who attested to ozone

therapy*s value in combating disease.


Among those captured on camera was Capt. Mike Shannon, Director of Medical

Operations for the Canadian Department of National Defence. Shannon said tests

have yielded a ** profound demonstration ** of ozone*s potential to act as

an antiviral agent against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which is

widely believed to cause AIDS. Specifically, the Canadian military was involved

in a study that showed that monkeys receiving blood plasma contaminated with

SIV (The simian equivalent of HIV), but treated with ozone, remained



Despite such studies, the therapy is illegal in North America; itis use is

restricted to the alternative-medicine underground. David Bates, former dean

of the UBC Faculty of medicine, goes so far as to say in the documentary that

**This is lunatic medicine, and I really won*t pay any attention to it.**


Regulatory agencies, particularly the Food and Drug Administration in the

U.S., have rejected applications to legalize ozone generating equipment used in

the therapy. That*s attributed to the potential risks involved in using

ozone. A major message of the film, however, is that the underlying reason for

opposition to the therapy is the vast influence large pharmaceutical companies

have over the medical establishment. Those companies wouldn*t stand to make

much of a profit on something as inexpensive to produce as ozone.


Why was Rogers, who has no medical training, so consumed with making a film

about ozone therapy? Back in 1986, when Rogers was finishing his film studies

at UBC, he first heard about the therapy from his father. Both of his

parents are doctors. After interviewing some of the key proponents of ozone


Rogers became convinced that the therapy represents a major, but neglected,

medical breakthrough.




In Italy, orthopedic surgeons who used to perform surgery on herniated discs

are now using a special mixture of ozone to treat the pathology of this



Dr. Cesare Verga, an Orthopedic Surgeon developed the system in 1984 and has

treated over 6,000 patients. Dr. Verga claims that surgery really doesn*t

address the underlying cause of back pain. As a matter of fact, it offsets the

biomechanics of the spine.


Ozone, or the **Discosan method ** as it is known in Italy, represents a new

approach in the treatment of herniated discs which resolves both the

biological and biomedical aspect of the pathology. Dr. Verga states that this

approach has a success rate of over 95 percent.


Some of the principal characteristics that make this method so unique are

the following:

- There have been no contraindications with an over 95 percent success rate.

- There is virtually zero recovery time and no side effects.

This should come as welcome news for someone suffering from chronic back

pain and facing surgery.


The treatment consists of injections of a special mixture of ozone and

oxygen applied around the herniated zone. At the beginning, the therapy


two treatments per week for a period of one to two months. On average, a total

of 14 treatments are required, depending on the patient. The Discosan method

has even been shown efficacious in cases where surgery could not alleviate

the discomfort.


One of the main questions often asked about the Discosan method is: **How

does this method work?**, When we look at the anatomy of an intervertebral

disc, we see an outer fibrous covering and an inner soft nucleus, much like a

ripe cantaloupe with a hard outer shell and soft fruit inside. A herniation

occurs when trauma ruptures a part of this outer fibrous covering, most


in the lumbosacral and cervical regions. This then causes the inner soft

region to protrude and compress a nerve root, causing the pain associated with


herniated disc. The Discosan method addresses this pathology by three

different modes of action:


1) The ozone-oxygen mixture has specific action on the protruding pulposus,

by reducing the edema on a molecular level it alleviates the bonds holding

this herniation together. This is turn causes a reduction in the herniation.


2) The method improves micro circulation to this area, therefore bringing

more blood supply and oxygen to the region, all essential for healing. Dr.

Verga also claims that ozone brings more fibroblasts to the area, which will


heal the pathology around the herniation.


3) Reduces the swelling in the area which can also contribute to the

compression and inflammation.


The whole concept of treating a herniated disc without surgery is an

exciting one. The fact that the Discosan method has some sound scientific


gives real hope to people suffering from this debilitating condition.




CAPMED, an American Corporation in Philadelphia, received Orphan Drug

Designation from the U.S. FDA for the use of ozone oxygen for the treatment of

Sickle Cell Anemia in March, 1992.


This coming after they completed clinical trials in cooperation with the

National Institute for Scientific Research, Havana, Cuba, the Institute of

Hematology and Oncology, Havana, Cuba, and the Salvador Allende Clinic, Havana,



These trials were carried out in the years 1989, 1990 and 1991 culminating

in ozone oxygen being approved by the Cuban Ministry of health for general use

in the treatment of sickle cell crisis, the ulcers ensuant to sickle cell

disease, and as a preventative treatment for the disease. The safety and

efficacy established in these trials led to the use of ozone oxygen in the


population for healing wounds and diseases of the extremities (e.g., diabetic

leg ulcers), where below or above knee amputation would be otherwise



In patients with sickle cell anemia, the reduction in the availability of

oxygen for the cells, produces painful crises, organ infarction, abdominal

and/or muscular pains, ulcers, etc.


On the basis of some medical properties of ozone, concerning ability to

increase the rate and the capacity of absorption of oxygen in red blood cells,


evaluation about the effectiveness this treatment for the prevention and/or

the timely resolution of the crisis was made.


For the controlled clinical trial 55 adult sickle cell anemia patients were

studied, each suffering from painful crisis. Two groups were established; a

control group, comprised of 25 patients who received conventional treatment

and ozone/oxygen treated group, comprising 30 patients who received the same

treatment plus ozone therapy, by intra rectal administration, during 15



The average time required for resolution of painful sickle cell crisis in

ozone oxygen treated patients was half the number of hours required to solve

painful crisis in control patients. Frequency and severity of painful crises in

sickle cell anemia patients who received ongoing ozone oxygen therapy

diminished in the six month followup period, in comparison with control group



Sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease which involves the sickle shape of red

blood cells (erythrocytes), when blood oxygen tension is low, is represented

by a modified hemoglobin, HbS, due to the substitution of glutamic acid by

valine in the amino acid chain.


The crystallization of the molecules of HbS occurs when those cells are

deprived of oxygen up to a partial pressure of oxygen PO2 below the threshold

level at which the cells sickle. In these conditions, the erythrocytes lose

their normal elasticity and shape, also losing their capacity to take and


oxygen and increasing the viscosity of the blood.


This leads to a reduction in the availability of oxygen to the cells,

producing painful crisis, infarction, abdominal and/or muscular pain, ulcers,


This process is reversible in the early stages, for when the HbS molecule is

reoxygenated the cell distortion disappears and resumes its normal shape. The

longer the period of time necessary for the reoxygenation of the molecules

of HbS, the greater number of red cells die. Therefore, the increase in the

partial pressure of oxygen and the promptness with which it is normalized are

determining factors for the symptoms to diminish and disappear.


Numerous reports have been published on the safety and clinical results

obtained by the application of medical ozone oxygen in diseases related to

insufficient oxygen supply to tissues and various organs, and/or the disruption


its utilization in the cells. Ozone's virucidal effect has been reported at

dose levels at which no undesirable side effects take place, offering promise

as a means to inactivate viruses in human body fluids and blood products



Among the medical properties of ozone documented are the ability to increase

the rate and capacity of oxygen absorption in erythrocytes and the

activation of glycolysis in the cells via the pentose pathway. This enhances


production of 2,3 DPG, which is known to act as a coadjuvant of oxygen release

from oxyhemoglobin at tissue level.


Both effects lead to significant improvement in oxygen supply to the body,

demonstrated in vivo by the measurement of PO2 increase in arterial blood as

well as the reduction in venous CO2.


In addition, the rheological properties of the blood improve, especially in

regard to red blood cell aggregation. Ozone prevents rouleaux formation and

clumping of cells. There is an increase in membrane permeability and

flexibility, because of the effect of ozone/oxygen on it. As a consequence of


effects, reduction of blood viscosity and enhancement of blood flow are



Numerous preclinical experiments have been performed in vitro and in vivo to

test possible ozone oxygen toxicity related to the therapeutic methods and

ways of administration according to which medical ozone oxygen is currently

applied. Controlled in vitro testing on the degree of hemolysis and **Heinz

Body formation** induced by the administration of ozone to blood at adequate

dosage was performed.


Not finding any significant effect, no damage to the red blood cells nor in

the resistance of erythrocytes to further oxidative stress. These results are

consistent with the fact that ozone stimulates several enzymatic redox

systems responsible for cells protection against oxidation. Ozone is a free

radical scavenger and natural antioxidant contrary to what an individual is


to conclude at first glance.


Doses up to more than ten times the maximum therapeutic levels were tested

for toxicity. These studies comprised cytotoxicity, organs function,

hematological parameters, histological studies by electron microscopy,


and cytogenetic testing. All the results demonstrated the nontoxic nature of

medical ozone/oxygen within the range of therapeutic dose levels when

administered intravascularly, intramuscularly and intrarectally.


Based on the role blood deoxygenation and hypoxia play in the painful sickle

cell crisis, and considering the established therapeutic properties of

medical ozone oxygen, and the absence of negative side effects, an evaluation


the effectiveness of this treatment for the prevention and/or the timely

resolution of the crisis was made, by means of controlled in vitro and clinical



It was encouraged by extensive successful practice in numerous Havana City

Hospitals, fundamentally that regarding the treatment of patients suffering

circulatory insufficiencies, diabetes and many other diseases related to

insufficient supply of oxygen to tissue.


After resolution of the initial crisis, ozone oxygen treatments were

continued to prevent a relapse. The treatments were administered once every 14


over a period of 6 months to patients in the treated group. The number of

subsequent crises per patient in this period were significantly smaller in the

ozone oxygen treated group, compared to the control group (receiving

conventional therapy). The proportion of severe crises also diminished very

sharply in

the treated group, compared to the initial proportion.


There were no adverse reactions observed during or after the administration

of ozone in any of the patients treated. Additionally, it is of interest to

mention that some of the patients in the treated group who suffered from

associated clinical manifestations including: acute severe chest syndrome,

priapism and duodenal ulcer, showed remarkably favorable resolution of such

conditions. The following can be said of the Cuban sickle cell work:


-- Medical ozone significantly raises blood PO2 in vitro.

-- Ozone oxygen therapy produces significant rise in arterial blood PO2 of

patients, which is an objective effect, without significant alterations in

other blood parameters. It does not inhibit hemopoiesis, as is the case with

hyperbaric oxygen treatment.

-- The average time required for resolution of painful sickle cell crises

(mild, moderate and severe) on ozone treated patients was about half of that

required to resolve painful crisis in control patients.

-- PO2 values in the ozone oxygen treated group during the follow-up

remained high enough to significantly reduce the incidence of crisis as

compared to

the control group, regardless of whether their crises were classified as

mild, moderate or severe.

-- Frequency and severity of painful crises in sickle cell anemia patients

receiving ozone oxygen therapy during the six month followup was significantly

lower in comparison with control group patients.

-- No adverse reactions were observed objectively or subjectively in the

patients who received ozone/oxygen therapy.




Ozone may soon be used to destroy viruses in donated blood, thanks to

researchers at the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Red


Society (CRCS).


Under a contract with the Surgeon General Branch of Canada's National

Defence Headquarters, researchers from the national Reference Laboratory at the

CRCS are investigating two ozone sterilization technologies to confirm their

reported efficacy in deactivating a variety of potential viral contaminants of

blood, including HIV-1 and hepatitis.


Many developing countries cannot afford blood-screening, which costs about

$45 for each unit of blood and requires a trained technician. **If the

Canadian military is operating in an underdeveloped part of the world and is

cut off

from its supplies, we may have to resort to local blood sources,** says

Major Brian Crowell, Health Services Research Coordinator at DND. ** We're

looking for a sterilization technique that can be taken to the field, put


on the tailboard of a truck or in a tent, and used to sterilize donated blood

quickly and effectively.**


Once developed, such a sterilization technique would have applications

beyond the military. Dr. Peter Gill, Difector of the CRCS's National Reference

laboratory, says ozone sterilization technology could be used in disasters to

aid civilian populations. Ozone gas is produced by passing electricity through

pure oxygen.


Although ozone is harmful when inhaled over time, at the right

concentrations it is highly effective as an antimicrobial. Over 2,000


plants worldwide, including those in Moscow, Los Angeles and Montreal, use

ozone to decontaminate water.


Researchers are investigating two methods of sterilizing blood with ozone

that have been patented by Medizone (Canada) Inc. and Mueller Medical

International, Inc. One of these methods exposes 10 cm 3 of blood to heat (43.5

C) and

ultraviolet light. Ozone gas is bubbled in through a tube. The blood foams

up alongside the vial, exposing more blood surface area to the light, heat and

ozone. Following treatment, the container is spun to force the blood down.


The other method uses a hollow fibre system between the ozone and the blood.

The membrane separates the blood from~the ozone and oxygen. Over time, a

predetermined amount of ozone absorbed is measured by subtracting the amount of

ozone going back into the machine from the amount that left the machine.


These ozone sterilization methods are easy to operate, quick to perform,

from three to 60 minutes, and cost no more than $15 for each unit of blood.

Researchers will also investigate ways to combine ozone sterilization and

filtration technologies.


Filtering the blood to reduce the number of white cells, the site of most

intracellular viral infections, means viruses can be deactivated using low

leveIs of ozone. This is preferable to using high levels of ozone, which could

change the molecular structure of the blood. For example, the hemoglobin

structure may be altered so that it no longer acts as an oxygen carrier.


Test results so far indicate that even low concentrations of ozone are

extremely effective at deactivating extracellular viruses. In one study, ozone

sterilized 10 cm of blood containing enough HIV to infect the entire world

population 10 times.


Results from Bethesda Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, indicate that

ozone can also be effective against intracellular viruses when used in higher

concentrations. The ozone seems to destroy only infected cells, exposing the

viral material to the gas and ultimately deactivating the virus, all without

creating toxicity problems.






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Hello...I have been Hiv+ since 1987, been on anti-viral drugs since 1996 and

never had alot of success with  the drugs working as they were suppost to.  

They never completely controlled the virus and never allowed me to become

undectable or improve my T-cell count.   I have been using Ozone for almost two

years now, in probably the two least effective methods in Ozone protocal

(breathing Ozone through extra virgin olive oil, and drinking 4-8 glasses of

Ozonated water every day) and I still do take the anti-viral drugs from the Dr.

but after my first blood work after starting to do the Ozone the numbers that

the Dr.'s  look at.....everything totally improved, the virus became undectable

for the first time and my T-cell count started to rise dramaticly higher and

every three month blood draw gets better since beginning these two simple Ozone

protocals.  T-cells now as of 29th of Jan. were 891, in 2003 they were 24.   You

can breath Ozone if run

through the olive oil and Ozone machines are sold for water purification, you

just need the right type Ozone machine.   I have used it in numerous other

applications not related to Hiv, and the stuff really does work if applied







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and not to forget there are air purification machines, produced by Alpine, that

utilize ozone in purifying the air we breath........this might help those

suffering from Aids etc as well. I know of one family that swears by this

application as helping immensely with Asthma, and Allergies as well. Larry



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Thank you for this William. I have been learning about ozone for about 6

weeks now and have been very impressed. But the last couple of days, I have

been wondering if I am all wet.... there is a member of another group whom is

completely postive that there is nothing good about ozone - that anybody whom

says otherwise is wrong and that all the so-calles postive studies etc are

just so much rubbish and a scam. They keep insisting that over and over

regardless what I post about it the last 4 weeks - and this person is very

intelligent. So it seems that I have started wondering if maybe this person

could be

right after all, and my instincts and my brain & judgement are wrong........

It is good to know that somebody else whom has first-hand experiance with ozone

also thinks that is is helpful and effective. Thank you again. Good luck

with the ozone. From what I have read, it says that ozone kills viruses, so

logically it should help get rid of the HIV. And any and all damage done to

your body by the HIV virus should also be helped greatly by the ozone.






_OZONE MARCHES ON - Medical Applications Update _





Posted by: " william heene " _wmheene _



_wmheene _ (http://profiles./wmheene)

Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:52 pm (PST)

Hello...I have been Hiv+ since 1987, been on anti-viral drugs since 1996 and

never had alot of success with the drugs working as they were suppost to.

They never completely controlled the virus and never allowed me to become

undectable or improve my T-cell count. I have been using Ozone for almost two

years now, in probably the two least effective methods in Ozone protocal

(breathing Ozone through extra virgin olive oil, and drinking 4-8 glasses of

Ozonated water every day) and I still do take the anti-viral drugs from the Dr.

but after my first blood work after starting to do the Ozone the numbers that

the Dr.'s look at.....everything totally improved, the virus became

undectable for the first time and my T-cell count started to rise dramaticly


and every three month blood draw gets better since beginning these two

simple Ozone protocals. T-cells now as of 29th of Jan. were 891, in 2003 they

were 24. You can breath Ozone if run

through the olive oil and Ozone machines are sold for water purification,

you just need the right type Ozone machine. I have used it in numerous other

applications not related to Hiv, and the stuff really does work if applied








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If anyone is interested in learning about Ozone there is a that is

very good and helpful with answers to your questions about the different Ozone

protocals.   Dr. Saul Pressman has got an e-book that explains it all.   Good

archives too.


The group is      OzoneTherapy      at







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