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Fw: IAHF Report from Capital Hill- Some Must Watch- While Some Must Sleep (Old Zulu Saying) Why U Should Join Nemenha

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Thursday, February 19, 2009 5:17 PM

IAHF Report from Capital Hill- " Some Must Watch- While Some Must Sleep "

(Old Zulu Saying) Why U Should Join Nemenha



IAHF List:


I'm here in the Library of Congress after a week of work on Capital Hill during

which time I've had numerous meetings with key staff members within the Health

Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and I have some more

meetings still to go over on the Senate side as well. I'd like to thank the

handful of you from the IAHF list who contributed to my being able to make this

trip, which has been very productive so far.


Congress is not in session, which is a mixed blessing for a trip such as this. A

lot of staff schedule vacation time when congress is not in session, so some

people I was hoping to have meetings with aren't here right now, but the up side

is that my meetings have been far longer and far more productive than they've

usually been- and given the variety of topics I've been discussing about

different aspects of the health freedom front- thats been a GOOD thing because

its given me far more time to educate staff to bring them up to speed on all of

our concerns! (When congress IS in session, I typically get no more than 5-10

minutes with a staffer, when its NOT in session, I sometimes get 45 minutes in a

meeting so on this trip I've been able to build some valuable relationships with

staff that we'll be needing in the not too distant future as we strive to defend

DSHEA from the inevitable Pharma driven attack that I fully expect will come.


Just prior to my leaving for this trip I urged all of you to oppose the

mammothly thick (1100 page) so called " Stimulus " package bill, because buried

within its fine print was a ton of truly Orwellian language intended by the

ruling elite to set the future stage for micromanaging MDs to heavily control

all aspects of health care (ostensibly from a " cost containment " standpoint),

and also language that threatens to digitize all of our medical records- a

nightmare from a civil libertarian perspective because it threatens to put us

all under a much larger government magnifying glass- and it especially threatens

to drive all alternative practitioners out of business. My friend Sue Blevins

from the Institute of Health Freedom has done a very good job of sounding the

alarm on this http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view & pageId=88457

Her concerns bear very close scrutiny, but it was not my main purpose for making

this trip since for the time being this is water already over the dam.


Those of you who are ardent Obama supporters need to ask serious questions as to

how the man considers any of this non transparent dictatorial Health care

rationing dictates to be any sort of harbinger of any sort of allegedly

" positive change " when all it clearly is is more of the same Club of Rome,

Bilderberg instigated societal control/ population control measures.(Meet the

new boss- same as the old boss- in the dead of night they're up to their usual

tricks here inside the District of Criminals, ramming bills no one could

possibly have read right down our throats to please their Bilderberg overseers

as they move at breakneck speed to make us all slaves on their global



Scott Tips of the National Health Federation recently pleaded with vitamin

consumers NOT to support the call for FDA Reform recently sounded by Bill Faloon

of the Life Extension Foundation, and by the American Association for Health

Freedom. His basic view is that while the reforms we see as necessary

undoubtedly ARE necessary- he feels that our timing in pushing for such reforms

is spectacturly bad- even dangerous- due to the level of control exercised by

the historically anti dietary supplement Democrat Party which via Waxman,

Durbin, Dingell and Kennedy combined with a Democrat President currently

exercise very heavy handed control over. Tips view is that its best to " let

sleeping dogs lay there " (don't rile 'em), but he's failing to take proper

notice of the fact that DeLauro has already introduced a bill called " The Food

Safety Modernization Act " which would remove food completely from FDA's purview

and put it under the jurisdiction of a new Federal Agency




Terry Allen of the Federal Strategy Group- a pro DSHEA lobby backed by numerous

dietary supplement companies fears that Waxman could attemp to drop some

nefarious language into this legislation as it moves through his Energy and

Commerce Committee which could do something such as remove ordinary food from

FDA's purview while LEAVING DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS to STILL be regulated by FDA

(along with DRUGS) (which dietary supplements are NOT (under DSHEA as currently



Since its long been Waxman's (and FDA's) wettest wet dream to redefine dietary

supplements as drugs and to try to screw us this way, I say this bears the

closest possible " EYES ON " scrutiny- and monitoring this unfolding possible

development was one reason I made this trip.


Another reason was to discuss the libertarian Free Market views of Life

Extension Foundation's VP William Faloon as expressed in the following well

written editorials:












4.) ENDING THE ATROCITIES- Life Extension Urges Immediate Petition Action For

Health Freedom



I handed copies of these articles out to everyone in the Health Subcommittee of

the Energy and Commerce Committee, and since I never knew how much time I'd get

in any one of my meetings, I had to be prepared to distill the information so as

to touch on the main points, expanding only as time permitted.


The gist of LEFs concern is that the FDA is so frought with problems that are so

expansive that we need Obama to move to a Free Market Economy- one in which the

FDA will no longer be allowed to be the gate keepers that they are, and we need

MILLIONS of Americans to echo LEFs, AAHF's and IAHF's message on this while we

simultaneously monitor potentially dangerous legislation that could open up

DSHEA such as De Lauro's Food Safety Modernization Act, the language of which

hasn't yet been put on the Thomas legislative database http://thomas.loc.gov

(The last time a bill by this name was introduced in the last congress the ever

dangerous Dick Durbin was the Senate sponsor, and he could be again for this new



IAHF is working very closely with LEF and AAHF on these issues, and I urge you

to sign AAHF's petition at

https://secure3.convio.net/aahf/site/Advocacy?cmd=display & page=UserAction & id=283

which will help us to harness your energies in our darkest hours which could

easily come within the next Congress if Waxman, DeLauro, Durbin, and Kennedy

decide to try dismantling DSHEA via the Food Safety Modernization Act or via any

other mechanism.


IAHF is also working very closely with Mike Ellis, former owner of Metabolife

who just got out of Prison and who is in a process of creating a new gigantic

health freedom PR Campaign because he's angry as hell that the FDA destroyed his

company and that the IRS was used to throw him into prison (on trumped up

charges). I've been having some good conversations with Mike's son Christian who

I hope to meet in person soon in California.


I've also recently joined the Nemenha Band of the Native American Church as yet

another angle to preserve Health Freedom and urge you all to give serious

thought to their very powerful Libertarian message: http://nemenhah.org/ A

Supreme Court decision makes it legal for anyone in good standing who is a

member of the Native American Church to possess peyote (actually, any substance

that they choose to consider a " sacrament " .


I consider every damn thing the UN Codex pondscum and the FDA Varmints want to

BAN to be a SACRAMENT whether it be Coenzyme Q 10, Probiotics, Megadoses of any

Vitamin, or literally ANY herb to be a sacrament if I feel like ingesting it for

ANY reason!


After several very good conversations with Cloudpiler Landis, and after reading

the Constitution of the Nemenha Band

http://nemenhah.org/internal/constitution.html I decided to join, and I urge YOU

to join too!


Cloudpiler is 1/4 Nez Perce indian, a descendent of the famous Chief Joseph, a

man who fought 13 spirited battles against the stinking US government which

included a highly strategic 1200 mile retreat into Canada before his eventual,

highly reluctant, albeit tactical surrender. When Chief Joseph surrendered, he

uttered these immortal words: " " Hear me, my chiefs, I am tired. My heart is sick

and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever. "


Well make no mistake about it folks, a new LEADER has emerged on the Global

Health Freedom Front, his name is Cloudpiler Landis, and I endorse him and his

goals to oppose the FDA and out of the UNs Codex Alimentarious Commission

tyrannical and dictatorial genocide campaign with every fiber of his being armed

with this Supreme Court decision. Anyone can join the Nemenha Band, you don't

have to have a drop of Native blood- you just have to be in sync with their

goals and feel alligned with their views on Spiritual Adoption.


Just how powerful is this Supreme Court decision and how can we use it

creatively to give the FDA fits?


Ponder THIS: A disgruntled Vietnam Vet was sitting on the hood of his car at a

rest stop in Utah, his medicine bundle unrolled on the hood of his car. He'd

stopped driving due to extreme pain from an old shrapnel injury in order to use

his herb of choice- marijuana- for which he has a license to grow for medical

purposes from the State of Washington. While casually smoking this joint in full

view of passing motorists on the highway, a Utah State Trooper pulled up, lights

flashing, and upon inspecting the man's car found 600 pounds of Peyote buttons.


The Trooper drew his gun on the man, aimed it at his head, and was on the verge

of arresting him when the man very calmly said after drawing in an especially

huge toke for dramatic effect " Ahhh, Officer, you don't wanna be doin' this or

I'll have your ass arrested and thrown in jail and I'm very serious because

although you fail to realize it, you're currently in a process of violating

Federal law by attempting to arrest me, a person who you have ZERO JURISDICTION

over. So, before you get your ass any further in a SLING than it ALREADY is, I

strongly suggest you ALLOW ME to reach very slowly into my pocket, so I can

extract my WALLET, so I can produce my ID, so you can communicate with the State

Attorney General's office, because I'm trying to help YOU stay out of serious

TROUBLE here!!! "


The officer did a double take at this bold statement, and said " Well, I was

going to ask for your ID anyway, so sure, it fine, please show it to me. "


So the man showed his membership card in the Nemenha Band, explained about this

Supreme Court Decision: http://nemenhah.org/internal/resources.html (see issues

of law). The officer got on the horn back to his HQ who must have patched him in

to the Attorney General's office because he was on the radio for over a half

hour. Finally he came back to the guy who had finished smoking his joint and was

sitting stoned on the hood of his car, clearly feeling pretty mellow, and he

said " Sir, you're free to go, and although I won't be able to do a damn thing if

you decide to drive out of here right now, since you just smoked that joint, as

a favor to me I'm going to ask you to please consider sleeping in your car in

this rest stop tonight. "


To which the man said " No problem officer, thats just what I was going to do

before you pulled me over. My shrapnel injury from Vietnam causes such pain that

I can only drive but so far before I have to smoke a joint, and I often sleep in

my car at rest stops when I'm tired which I am now, so not a problem. "

Now, I'm not sure you grasp the implications of this, (anyone but a member in

good standing in the Native American Church would have been sent upriver for a

VERY long time for possessing the Peyote alone) but its huge for our purposes as

dietary supplement consumers because we can make creative use of this Supreme

Court decision in a variety of ways that Cloudpiler, a Naturopath and

traditional native american medicine man has thought of.


Example, we can set up Buyer's Clubs to which people who are members of the Band

can go to pick up supplements that they've already paid for, and FDA won't have

any jurisdiction because technically nothing will have entered into Interstate


So as long as America continues to exist, we can outwit the elements of coersion

via this strategy, but of course we still must oppose the planned North American

Union Dictatorship- and IAHF is leading the charge against that- now with help

from Mike Ellis, former owner of Metabolife, a man with a serious anti Fedstapo

Axe to grind since they destroyed his multimillion dollar ephedra business and

forced him into prison on trumped up IRS charges.


If you appreciate this work I'm doing for you right now on Capital hill, and

these creative outside the box anti FDA strategies I'm working hard to develop

alongside my new buddies Cloudpiler and Mike Ellis, kindly consider sending your

most generous contribution to:


IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd.

Point Roberts WA 98281 USA or slip me a few bucks at least via paypal at



Every sheckle you fork in this direction will be used to kick the FDA's ass

harder than its ever been kicked, you've got my solemn promise on that!! If any

of you have anyone here you need to put me in touch with before I return home on

Saturday, my cell number is 480-309-3027.


Reporting LIVE from the District of Criminals:

John Hammell from the Library of Con-gress



For Health Freedom, John C. Hammell, President International Advocates for

Health Freedom 556 Boundary Bay Road Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA

http://www.iahf.com jham 800-333-2553 N.America 360-945-0352 World






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