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Electropollution - Please sign Petition to President Obama

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Please sign/ make comments on the petition to President Barack Obama **

Petition to halt Universal Wireless Broadband, A public Health Hazard** on the

following site;


_http://www.electricalpollution.com_ (http://www.electricalpollution.com/)


This is really a fantastic site! A must for everyone!


I have signed/commented .My signature/comment is # 236.



In order to sign the petition to President Obama, click on the left column

where it says " action " .This should bring you to the page where there is the

petition. " Petition to halt Universal Wireless Broadband, A public Health

Hazard "


I belive the direct link to the petition is:





Again thank you for your help!


Christiane Tourtet B.A.


International MCS/EMS Awareness









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