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Alpha Lipoic Acid and Explicit Memory/Thank you this was so helpful!

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My son has sensory isssues. Many thigs we have tried have helped not I can look


ALA chelating. Thank you this was very helpful!



--- On Fri, 7/10/09, yburkett <yburkett wrote:


yburkett <yburkett

Re: << >> Alpha Lipoic Acid and Explicit



Friday, July 10, 2009, 6:00 AM


















Like ALA, iodine also " knocks loose " heavy metals such as mercury and

lead, and halides such as bromide and fluoride. Another substance is needed to

attach to these elements that have been knocked loose - namely chlorella. Also

said to chelate (remove from the body) mercury and other heavy metals is

cilantro leaf. There are natural preparations made from both of these

substances, chlorella and cilantro leaf.




John from Israel


Alternative- Medicine- Forum@ s.com, " Ma Ananda Anugraha "

<reikimamma@ ...> wrote:




> From what I've read, ALA (alpha lipoic acid) is used to chelate heavy metals


> in the body (like mercury). It crosses the brain barrier, so if not taken


> properly, it will redistribute the metals in the body instead of having a


> chelating effect. It shouldn't be taken without a doctors supervision. It's


> widely used to cure vaccine injured kids with autism and ADHD, etc., but


> there aren't that many doctors trained in ALA chelating. One should look for


> a homeopath/natural doctor.




> Be well!










> -


> " Alobar " <Alobar


> <Alternative- Medicine- Forum@ s.com>


> Wednesday, July 08, 2009 1:39 AM


> << Alternative- Medicine- Forum >> Alpha Lipoic Acid and Explicit


> Memory






> > I started using Alpha Lipoic Acid as a supplement for


> > diabetics, back in ~2004. It helps prevent diabetic blindness and can


> > help reverse diabetic neuropathy.


> >


> > When I started using ALA, I was taking 2 capsules x 3 times a


> > day. Within months I began to regain feeling in my fingers and feet.


> > Being frugal, I cut back to 1 capsule x 3 times a day.


> >


> > This Spring, I had surplus cash for the first time in years.


> > So I did a little experiment. I upped my ALA dose to 2 caps x 3 times


> > a day.


> >


> > In less than 2 weeks I noticed my memory had begun to work


> > differently. Bits of biographic memory have always surfaced unbidden.


> > But now, the memory fragments had more substance. Now, if I have a


> > memory fragment about a particular event, I know not only the other


> > people involved in the event, but where the event happened, and even


> > some idea of when it happened.


> >


> > I did some googleing while at the Bastille internet cafe. I


> > have no links, but it seems that ALA enhances explicit memory (see


> > below for definition).


> >


> > I have always been a problem solver. I fiddle around to get a


> > grasp of the problem, then I put the problem on the back burner to


> > simmer. Then, days or weeks later, the solution pops into my


> > conscious mind.


> >


> > Now, however, the problem solving is much quicker. Not


> > instantly by any means, but an hour instead of a day, or a day instead


> > of a week.


> >


> > Memory begins to fail as humans age. futurologist Alvin


> > Toffler wrote of Future Shock in 1970. When I was young, I noticed


> > that old people did not adapt well to rapid societal and technological


> > change, whereas I and my peers adapted easily


> >


> > It seems to me that supplements which reverse age related


> > brain sluggishness might be of interest to those who wish to keep


> > their minds sharp over the decades.


> >


> > Lots of snippets from webpages along with URLs are in my blog post


> > http://alobar. livejournal. com/3258954. html


> >


> > Alobar


> >


> >


> > ------------ --------- --------- ------


> >




> > Laughing at least 4 times a day for better health.


> >


> >


> >


> >

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