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Sheriff Richard Mack, True Ott, Concentration Camp in Michigan, John in

the IAHF Office



IAHF List:


This message contains a simple solution to CHECKMATE the New World Order

and to DERAIL the mass genocide plan that they intend to unleash via the

weaponized vaccine. It requires your urgent attention and action, and it

can save your life while defending our Constitution which dangles by a

thread! I stand ready to assist all of you every step of the way, and so does

Sheriff Richard Mack, and Drs. True Ott and Bill Deagle. We're here, along

with the Oath Keepers organization to provide you with leadership. We must

urgently reach out to every sheriff in America.... heres the plan:




There is no point in pursuing a legal angle against the weaponized flu and

weaponized vaccine because the courts are too corrupt and theres not

enough time. I've been following the communications between True Ott and his

attorney as he's been attempting to generate language for an injunction, but

theres not much we can do at the present time in that regard because no

court would be willing to hear a case based on hypotheticals when the vaccines

are voluntary at the current time and harm couldn't be proven til after the



Also, the Nuremburg code carries no weight in an American courtroom in

this situation, it only pertains to blocking research- it would not pertain to

an emergency situation with vaccines even if giving improperly tested

vaccines amounted to a spontaneous drug trial on the population at large, and

even though the Pasteur himself rescinded his entire Germ Theory of disease

on his deathbed when he capitulated to his biggest critic, Antoine

Beauchamp by saying " The GERM is NOTHING- the TERRAIN is EVERYTHING! "


So, where does this leave us, and more importantly, what CAN we do to

protect ourselves from the pending threat of forced vaccines in October? I sure

don't want to be culled via a lab created virus and lab created killer

vaccine, and I know none of you want to be either. I also will not be forced

from my home and into a FEMA camp, and I know none of you want to be either.




I spent some time this weekend doing my best to try to unite THREE driving

forces in the hope that all 3 will work together to address this threat

and in the hope that all of us could then confidently really push behind them

because theres safety in numbers. Those 3 forces are: 1. Sheriff Richard

Mack, 2. True Ott/Bill Deagle with their urgent warning against the

weaponized vaccine

3. The Oath Keepers.


I had good phone calls with Sheriff Mack and True Ott and convinced them

that what we most need to do is to have the Oath Keepers embrace True's

warning about the weaponized vaccines and to use it as a recruiting tool to

rapidly bring as many sheriff's, police, and military into their fold so

they'll stand by us during crunch time- which could be upon us as soon as the

end of July if the FEMA exercise goes live (more on that below). Sheriff Mack

has agreed to help use his network to convey True's urgent warning about

the vaccines to every sheriff in the country so that they won't allow the

state or federal governments to set up " vaccine clinics " or to do warrantless

searches or to force us from our homes and into FEMA camps.


After reading Sheriff Richard Mack's 50 page booklet The County Sheriff-

America's Last Hope

_www.sheriffmack.com_ (http://www.sheriffmack.com/) I realize that he is

very courageously going out on a limb to offer us all a solution in our

moment of need! He won a Supreme Court Victory pertaining to the Brady Bill

which he refused to enforce and which the Court backed him up on refusing to

enforce- and we all must realize the good thing that came from this victory

because we can use it right now to protect ourselves against our predatory

state and federal governments which are now threatening all of our lives

with these weaponized vaccines.


What came out of his case directly from the Judges mouth is that within

his jurisdiction, NO ONE can tell a sitting Sheriff what to do- not even the

President of the United States, or the Governor of his state. Within his

county, a sheriff is answerable only to those who elected him, he's not

appointed, he's not answerable to the state or federal beurocracies and he has

the legal right to tell the state and federal governments to GET OUT of his

county! He can do anything he sees fit to defend the constitution, and the

health and safety of his constituents, yet most sheriffs don't realize they

have this power- and Sheriff Mack needs our help to get this message to

them, especially now! This article summarizes what Sheriff Mack won at the

Supreme Court and will help you to really grasp its power


(http://www.lakeconstitutionalcouncil.com/4.html) See this interview with

Sheriff Mack in which he discusses this

Supreme court victory: _http://blip.tv/file/2324579/

_ (http://blip.tv/file/2324579/ )


Mack has a program that I urge you to help with called " No Sheriff Left

Behind " as he seeks to get his book out to every sheriff in the country. You

can help in two ways to do this. You can make a donation via his site to

this program or you can get several copies of his book and assemble a local

group of people to help you communicate with your sheriff- to let him know

you've got his back, but that you need his help. I am currently in a process

of assembling a group here and have already had a very good phone call

with my local sheriff who we will be meeting with. He's been given a copy of

Sheriff Mack's book and we also gave him a copy of the videotaped interview

of Sheriff Mack.


We're going to be bringing him up to speed on everything. To protect

yourself, you should proactively follow my lead and do the same thing in your

county, while urging your friends and family nationwide to do the same.

Sheriffs have the right to deputize people to help them kick the Feds and State

people out of their counties. I stand ready to volunteer for this duty and

urge all of you to as well.







Closed-door session of the House prompts representative outrage, leaks

(March 13, 2008) The House of Representatives held only its sixth closed

session since 1812, and the first since July 1983, when it secretly

discussed U.S. support for the Contras in Nicaragua. The publicly stated reason


the recent closed session was for members to discuss new citizen

surveillance provisions. However, conversations off the record have indicated


the meeting was primarily about nine key issues:

1) the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008

2) the imminent collapse of U.S. federal government finances by February


3) the possibility of civil war inside the USA as a result of the


4) advance round-ups of " insurgent U.S. citizens " (those opposing the New

World Order) likely to move against the government

5) detention of those rounded-up at _ " REX 84 " camps_


constructed throughout

the USA

6) possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the


7) the location of " safe facilities " for members of Congress and their

families to reside during expected massive civil unrest

8) the necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada

(for its natural resources) and Mexico (for its pool of cheap labor)

9) the issuance of a new currency – _THE AMERO_

(http://www.amerocurrency.com/) – for all three nations as the proposed

solution to the upcoming

economic Armageddon....


26,000 Pastors and other religious representatives are being groomed into

secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to _ " obey the

government " _


in the run up to martial law, property and firearm seizures,

mass vaccination programs and forced relocation.



Over 800 American concentration camps are fully operational and ready for


These _camps_


are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency

Management Agency) following declaration of martial law (at the stroke of a

Presidential pen plus the Attorney General’s signature on a warrant)....

_http://www.apfn.org/apfn/camps.htm_ (http://www.apfn.org/apfn/camps.htm)



For 15 years military chiefs have been assessing whether U.S. troops would

be prepared to round up, disarm, an possibly shoot Americans who disobey

orders during a national state of emergency. Origins of this can be traced

back to an October 1994 Marine _questionnaire_


out of the Twentynine

Palms Marine Base in California. Recruits were asked 46 questions, including

whether they would kill U.S. citizens who refused to surrender their




No one can predict whether or not anything will happen at the end of July

when the FEMA National Exercise with Foreign Troops from Canada, Mexico,

Australia, and the UK occurs.


(http://www.fema.gov/media/fact_sheets/nle09.shtm) It could " go live "

if a 911 type psyop occurs, and at this point I'd put nothing past the

ruling elite scoundrels who brought us 911 and who have unleashed a weaponized

flu and " vaccine " on the people of the world.


The " exercise " will occurr within " FEMA Region VI " which includes

Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana,Oklahoma and New Mexico- so if you live in one of


states in particular, please keep your eyes and ears open and observe

anything noteworthy and possibly useful that you can especially if they conduct

roadblocks with foreign troops involved. We must also keep in mind that

Northcom (US Army Northern Command) is a huge detachment of US Mililtary

troops now officially really to conduct battle anywhere in Canada, the US or

Mexico as the NWO puts you and me in their crosshairs.


The " exercise " is ostensibly to " protect US Critical infrastructure from

terrorists " but with Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano now labelling

millions of innocent Americans including returning Iraq war veterans,

" terrorists " just because we are constitutionalists and oppose all aspects of


World Order fascism including Codex vitamin restrictions- we must be

vigilant. _http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view & pageId=101473_

(http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view & pageId=101473) Napolitano is

labelling all

who oppose Soetoro to be " terrorists " because she is a cog in his National

Socialist (Nazi) regime: Hail Hitler: Hail Obama


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