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Diane - I have never found 5-htp to help with sleep. GABA is better (relaxing)

for this but I personally use Liquid Melatonin. If I wake up again, I take 2

more droppersful. Source naturals makes this.

5HTP is for moods but I find that it stops working after a few weeks. It helped

when I changed brands but then it stopped giving me that happy, uplifted feeling

after a few weeks. ~ Lynn Koiner




Saturday, August 08, 2009 11:36 AM

<< >> 5-HTP



Has anyone used 5-HTP. Is it better then Melantonin for inducing sleep. I

sometimes have hard time going to sleep.




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I use it and yes it is better (for me) than melatonin.



In a message dated 8/9/2009 11:18:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

Boonight writes:





Has anyone used 5-HTP. Is it better then Melantonin for inducing sleep. I

sometimes have hard time going to sleep.




[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]









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I find that a couple of cups of fresh brewed German Chamomile works fast and

easy for sleep. With summer and all you can even make it into 'ice tea' so that

you can have it in the refrigerator and you can just drink some in the evening

if it's too hot out. It works just the same when it's cold so that's not a

problem.  If you drink enough of it like a few glasses you will be looking for

your bed to climb into because it really does make you tired. It works so good

for me that I keep wondering why big pharma hasn't lobbied for it to be illegal

yet! Also, I would like to add that I grow my own in the summer and then cut the

flowers every week and then I have it for winter. If not, then I buy the flowers

in bulk at the health food store. Fresh Chamomile is always better.








Lynn Koiner <koiner


Monday, 10 August, 2009 8:05:52

Re: << >> 5-HTP



Diane - I have never found 5-htp to help with sleep. GABA is better (relaxing)

for this but I personally use Liquid Melatonin. If I wake up again, I take 2

more droppersful. Source naturals makes this.

5HTP is for moods but I find that it stops working after a few weeks. It helped

when I changed brands but then it stopped giving me that happy, uplifted feeling

after a few weeks. ~ Lynn Koiner



Boonight (AT) aol (DOT) com

Alternative- Medicine- Forum@ s.com

Saturday, August 08, 2009 11:36 AM

<< Alternative- Medicine- Forum >> 5-HTP


Has anyone used 5-HTP. Is it better then Melantonin for inducing sleep. I

sometimes have hard time going to sleep.





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Is there a preferred brand for 5-htp that you use and in what amounts.

The actor/comedian, Jim Cary, said that he now takes 5-htp and tyrosine for his

bi-polar. I understand that tyrosine produces dopamine and 5htp produces

serotonin///Lynn Koiner



Monday, August 10, 2009 8:29 PM

Re: << >> 5-HTP



I use it and yes it is better (for me) than melatonin.



In a message dated 8/9/2009 11:18:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

Boonight writes:


Has anyone used 5-HTP. Is it better then Melantonin for inducing sleep. I

sometimes have hard time going to sleep.




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I never have trouble sleeping since I started taking my daily calcium at

bedtime. Puts me out within a half hour and I sleep straight through.




I started this because I couldn't sleep because of ringing in the ears, and I

have told many people about it who have the same problem and other problems,

and it works for them, too.




My mom won't listen to me about it. She takes her calcium after breakfast and

usually needs a morning nap.







" Lynn Koiner " <koiner


Monday, August 10, 2009 8:05:52 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Re: << >> 5-HTP







Diane - I have never found 5-htp to help with sleep. GABA is better (relaxing)

for this but I personally use Liquid Melatonin. If I wake up again, I take 2

more droppersful. Source naturals makes this.

5HTP is for moods but I find that it stops working after a few weeks. It helped

when I changed brands but then it stopped giving me that happy, uplifted feeling

after a few weeks. ~ Lynn Koiner





Saturday, August 08, 2009 11:36 AM

<< >> 5-HTP


Has anyone used 5-HTP. Is it better then Melantonin for inducing sleep. I

sometimes have hard time going to sleep.





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  • 2 months later...

I take it but I find it loses that initial punch after awhile...but I do still

take it. Dr. Oz and a DC doctor both say that it can be taken in large

quantities, depending upon weight. I weigh about 170 and I take about 400 mgs a

day or when I need it. It stimulates Serotonin and this makes you feel like

moving and moving is exercise too.

I know that Jim Cary, bipolar, now takes Tyrosine and 5HTP....but probably not

at the same time since Tyrosine promotes Dopamine. There is a great book, THE

EDGE EFFECT, that discusses all of this. It is great....Lynn



Brenda Lu

Friday, October 23, 2009 12:10 PM

<< >> 5-htp



Anyone have any luck with this? I got off my depression/anxiety meds. on my

own. Also trying to lose weight with 5-htp. Seems to be working.


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