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Eighteen Overlooked Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

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Eighteen Overlooked Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue



by Patty Donovan, citizen journalist



(NaturalNews) More and more alternative health practitioners are beginning

to recognize how widespread adrenal fatigue (hypoadrenia) is in the

general population. In mainstream medicine, doctors refuse to recognize there


a problem with the adrenal glands unless you meet the diagnostic criteria

for Addison's disease (extremely little adrenal function) or Cushing's

disease (hyper adrenal). These diseases together affect less than 2% of the

population, but some experts believe that upwards of 80% of the population

suffers from some level of adrenal insufficiency. Besides the usual symptoms of

overwhelming fatigue and inability to handle stress, the symptoms listed

below provide a more complete picture of adrenal fatigue and are often

overlooked even by alternative practitioners.




Any person with lung problems, especially asthma and bronchitis should be

checked for poor adrenal function. The lungs cannot respond appropriately

to stress, allergens etc because of lack of cortisol. Asthma is often

considered an emotional disease because stress can trigger an attack. Fix the

adrenals so the body can respond normally to stress and the asthma will





Most allergies involve an inflammatory process. As the adrenal function

decreases, allergies worsen. Generally, if the adrenal glands were

functioning properly, the body would not respond to the allergen. This same

anti-inflammatory effect is important in asthma also. As the adrenal glands


allergies are markedly reduced.




Severe and/or recurrent infections (especially respiratory) often indicate

adrenal problems. The more severe, the more frequently it occurs or the

longer it lasts, the more likely adrenal fatigue is involved in the





Dr. Goodheart identified five skeletal muscles which can indicate adrenal


These are 1) sartorius, 2) gracilis, 3) posterior tibialis, 4)

gastrocnemius, and 5) soleus. When the adrenal glands are malfunctioning, there


be weakness in one or more of these muscles. The sartorius and gracilis

attach on the pelvis. Weakness in these muscles can cause the sacro-iliac joint

to subluxate posteriorally (toward the back) leading to low back pain. In

persons with adrenal fatigue, low back pain is frequently caused by

instability of the pelvis rather than an actual back problem. These same two

muscles also attach to the knee and help provide support. Weakness will cause

knee pain, weakness and instability of the joint. Any person with knee

problems should be checked for adrenal fatigue. The other 3 muscles mentioned

stabilize the feet and ankles. Weakness of any of these muscles leads to

complaints of tired, aching feet, weak ankles or aching calves. The symptoms

related to the muscle weakness will improve when the adrenal glands are





Cortisol production follows a curve from highest levels around 8am,

dropping throughout the day until the lowest levels are reached about 11pm. In

early stages of adrenal fatigue the body compensates with high night time

cortisol. In this case the person finds it difficult to relax from the stress

of the day and has trouble going to sleep. High night-time cortisol results

in reduced REM sleep which is neither restful nor restorative. This can

lead to depression and reduced energy levels the next day. In later stages of

adrenal fatigue, the body may produce adrenaline (**fight or flight**

hormone) in an attempt to compensate for low cortisol. This too will result in





When a person stands from a sitting or lying position, the systolic blood

pressure usually rises about 10 points as blood vessels in the lower body

constrict to force blood to the heart, lungs and brain. This is a result of

the action of epinephrine on the blood vessels. In people with adrenal

fatigue, the blood vessels are unable to respond to the release of epinephrine

because of lack of cortisol, so blood pools in the abdomen and pelvis and

blood pressure drops. This systolic drop ranges from 10 to 40 points and is

present in over 90% of those with hypoadrenia. Dizziness is usually present

on standing; however, in some people it is present intermittently or

constantly throughout the day as even resting blood pressure is low.

Paradoxically, in order to prevent pooling of blood in the abdomen and lower

extremities, the body may keep blood pressure extremely elevated. Pressure will


drop when the person stands but only to around 150. Remember, it may have

been 180 or higher before standing. Treating the adrenals will lower blood

pressure whereas anti-hypertensives and diuretics will make the adrenal

problems worse in many cases.




Cortisol and other glucocorticoids produced by the adrenal glands are the

body's own anti-inflammatory hormones. People who have responded to

injections of corticosteroids into joints or to taking them orally are usually

those whose adrenal glands produce insufficient amounts of these hormones. Any

person who responds to corticosteroids should be checked for adrenal





As adrenal fatigue progresses, blood glucose levels will tend to fall too

low. The body responds to hypoglycemia by causing the person to crave

anything that will rapidly raise blood sugar levels, such as a soda, candy bar,

a cup of coffee or even cigarettes. Often adrenal fatigue leads to the

abuse of alcohol, marijuana, and hard drugs because of the need to " fix "

recurrent hypoglycemia. Unfortunately, the rapid rise in blood glucose provided

by the " fix " only serves to start the whole cycle over.




This is caused again by blood pooling in the abdomen and pelvis leading to

inadequate blood supply to the head.




Cortisol even regulates the electrical activity of neurons in the brain

and thus influences behavior, mood and memory. Behavior changes frequently

occur in both excess and deficient cortisol levels. Sleep disorders for

example, are common with both high and low cortisol. Symptoms more closely

related to adrenal fatigue involve decreased tolerance (quick to anger),

decreased clarity of thought, poor memory and memory retrieval.




The adrenal glands produce many more hormones than just glucocorticoids.

One very important hormone is aldosterone, a mineralocorticoid. Aldosterone

regulates fluid and electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium and

magnesium) in the blood, between and in the cells of the body. As adrenal


progresses, the production of aldosterone lessens. This causes

*salt-wasting*. As the salt is excreted by the kidneys, water follows leading to

electrolyte imbalance and dehydration. Those with adrenal fatigue should always


salt (preferably sea salt with its trace minerals) to their water. Soft

drinks and electrolyte drinks like Gatorade are high in potassium and low in

sodium, the opposite of what someone with low cortisol needs. Commercial

electrolyte drinks are designed for those who produce high cortisol when

exercising, not for someone who produces little or no extra cortisol during

exercise. You need to add ¼ to 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of water or eat

something salty to maintain fluid/electrolyte balance.




A person with low aldosterone may also urinate 15 to 20 times a day and

drink excessive quantities of water. Unless salt is added to the water, the

fluid/electrolyte balance in the body is further disrupted.




As the body tries to keep the ratio of electrolytes and fluid balanced,

fluid may pour into the tissues and cause swelling. Most doctors will only

see the symptom and not the cause and prescribe a diuretic which further

compounds the dehydration and electrolyte imbalance and making the patient





Hemorrhoids are basically varicose veins of the rectum and are caused by

blood pooling in the abdomen and pelvis. When a person presents with

hemorrhoids, it is usually do to adrenal fatigue, but can be caused by liver

congestion. Once again, listening to the heart can help determine the cause. If

the loud second sound is over the pulmonic valve, it is indicative of

adrenal problems, while a loud 2nd sound over the tricuspid valve is indicative

of liver congestion.




Varicose veins of the lower extremities result from the same pooling of

blood in the abdomen and pelvis that causes hemorrhoids.




The same sluggish circulation in the abdomen can cause symptoms of

indigestion and poor absorption of nutrients.




Although more often seen in actual Addison's disease, hyperpigmentation is

occasionally seen in adrenal fatigue. This increased pigmentation of the

skin may show up as " bronzing " somewhere on the body or as unusual brown





The heart normally makes a " lub-dub sound, with the second sound being

much quieter than the first sound. In a person with hypoadrenia, the second

sound will be equal or louder than the first sound over the pulmonic valve.

When the body is stressed, it produces epinephrine which will cause

vasoconstriction throughout most of the body, including the lungs. This

vasoconstriction decreases the production of mucous in the airways. At the same


epinephrine will relax the bronchi (bronchodilation) allowing more air to

reach the lungs. In those with adrenal fatigue, the body cannot respond to

the epinephrine because of lack of cortisol so they experience

bronchoconstriction instead, leading to symptoms of asthma. The


along with vasodilation and swelling of the mucous membranes create a back

pressure in pulmonary circulation (pulmonary hypertension) that causes the

pulmonary valve to slam shut, hence the accentuated second sound over the

pulmonic valve. Lung diseases such as tuberculosis or tumors can also cause


loud 2nd sound.



The adrenal glands are very complex parts of the endocrine system

producing glucocorticoids (cortisol is the most important), mineralocorticoids

(aldosterone), epinephrine, norepinephrine and even sex hormones. Adrenal

fatigue affects every part of the body and every aspect of life. If you are

experiencing the symptoms described above it is imperative you find a

practitioner and get tested and treated. It may be helpful to print this out


take it to your practitioner. Saliva cortisol testing usually includes the sex

hormones too and can be ordered from several on-line sites without a

doctor's order. If you do it this way though, testing will not be covered by

insurance. Saliva testing is the most accurate test because it shows the rhythm

of cortisol production and because it shows how much cortisol is present

that the body can actually use. Blood tests only show bound cortisol which

gives no indication if that cortisol is actually available to enter the

tissues. Many people test *normal* on blood cortisol yet very low on saliva.




The Adrenal Glands



Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome by Dr. James Wilson





About the author

Patty Donovan was in a wheelchair and could only walk around her house

with a cane. She was on over 20 medications. When told to **take the morphine,

get in the wheelchair and learn to live with it** by a neurosurgeon, she

knew her life had to change. She is now almost a fanatic when it comes to

healing through the use of *whole foods* and and natural remedies. Since

that time, she has spent countless hours researching nutrtion and alternative

health. After spending 30 years in the allopathic health care industry in

both pharmacy and as an RN, she brings a unique perspective to Natural News

readers. Since committing to this new life style, she no longer uses even a

cane, has gotten off over 20 medications, lost over 50lbs and returned to








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