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Lung cancer

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I have also read numerous times over the last few years that marijuana has been

show to be effective in shrinking cancerous tumours. I only for the first time

made canna butter last weekend and while it was a lot of work straining the

plant matter out, the results were worth it because you end up with herbal

infused butter that is makes it easy to take in medical marijuana without

smoking it. It also lasts a lot longer when you ingest it. In the past I've made

canna teas from stems and leaf ( always fresh and safe) and that takes about a

good long time to make too because you have to simmer it really low for like

five hours or so and then let it sit over night to make sure that it's

completely infused into the liquid. It seems like a couple of cookies or a few

glasses of the tea would be a safe and sure way to take in medical marijuana.

I've heard that vapourisers are very expensive and also that it wastes the

product a little. I use it for epilepsy and









mistytrepke <mistytrepke


Thursday, 20 August, 2009 23:30:04

<< >> Re: Lung cancer



Medicinal marijuana is worth investigating, and smoking is not the most

effective way to take it anyways.


I know people that have been given the ok to take it for health reasons by their

state-(I think there are like 13 states so far...) and there are alot of reports

of improvement/ cure. Check out the video (should be on youtube or

google.video) called, " Run From The Cure " it is about Rick Simpson and his

success with curing cancer and other ailments.


If you want to follow it further, Rick Simpson will be giving a video seminar on

Aug. 28th at 3:00 eastern time. During this seminar you will be able to ask him

questions. You can find more info at: www.phoenixtears. ca


Hope this helps.





- -- In Alternative- Medicine- Forum@ s.com, " magpie152 " <magpie152@.

...> wrote:


> My partner's cousin has lung cancer and has had 3 courses of chemo and one

course of radiation therapy. He still has some tumours and is not at all well.

Given the treatment he has had already can anyone recommend anything that might

help him? Thanks

> Magpie







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