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I am going to

keep it short and sweet, just kidding (that is not in me to do that). As well

provide a couple books that you should read that will help. Asthma is a

physical, nutritional and emotional dysfunction of the body, from my point of

view. There are a lot of approaches and what I present here is what works for

my practice. Look into all and go with what vibrates best with you.




people in society move less and work more, they adapt the position that they

are always in. Your body ends up adapting to that position and you somewhat see

it with people moving in the world today. Most people sit behind a desk all day

or drive, etc and then they go home run, bike and then sit and watch TV/play on

the computer, then go to bed. Each position that you are in is exactly the

same. People end up with a forward head, depressed sternum, increased thoracic

curve (mid back), and rounded shoulders. To keep it simple, this depresses the

rib cage and sternum, putting lots of pressure on the lungs. That trickles down

to put more pressure and weight on the rest of the organs as well, causing

decreased peristalsis, constipation, GERD, etc. We naturally breathe 20K times

a day. When you have this type of posture, your body has to compensate and use

your secondary accessory resp muscles (neck and shoulders) as the primary

muscles of inspiration and expiration, which they are not. This can lead to

headaches, TMJ, and more. In the end, you end up breathing 40K times a day, shorter

and faster breaths. This can lead and does lead to asthma like symptoms. I

would find a skilled PT, CHEK Practitioner (www.chekinstitute.com),

Physiotherapist, etc in your area to get fully assessed by in order to get

corrective exercise program. It has been said that poor breathing plays a role

in about 75% of the ills that cause a person to see their doctor. Here is a

quick exercise to even see if you breathe correctly which plays an important

part in your sx and recovery:


You need to

first find out if you are breathing correctly (diaphragmatically) or inverted

(using your accessory muscles: chest and neck muscles). Sit up straight in a chair

and put one hand on your belly and the other on your upper chest. Take a deep

breath in and then exhale. What did your hands do? The one on your belly should

have moved out (belly protrusion) on the inhalation and came back in on the

exhalation. If your belly or hand did not move at all and the one on your chest

went in/out, then you are breathing inverted. This is done by using the second

string or accessory muscles as the starting pitchers. This can lead to a number

of dysfunction not only with the respiratory system, but can lead to chronic

neck pain, headaches, decreased lung capacity, shallower breaths, more per

minute, decreased peristalsis (constipation), poor lymphatic movement, and

varicose veins and on and on and on!



Nutritional: This is a big one.

Anytime you

are eating the American C.R.A.P (Caffeine, Refined/Processed foods,

Alcohol/Aspartame, and Pasteurized milk) diet or not for your Metabolic Type

(Read Metabolic Typing Diet by Bill Wolcott), you are causing stress to your

bodies energy systems. What does stress cause…increased energy, fire or

what we call inflammation! Inflammation causes an –itis of some sort and

then chronic result of an –itis is an –osis of some sort (not

enough or drained energy). When there is inflammation in one area, there will

be inflammation in other areas of the body. When you eat an unhealthy diet or

lead a poor lifestyle, these can influence the health of other organs as well.

The liver, along with the stomach, intestines, appendix, pancreas, and kidney

are all capable of reflexing into the diaphragm. When the above organs are

inflamed, they can cause inhibition to the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the one

of the main muscle for respiration and is innervated by the phrenic nerve (C3,

4, and 5). When viscero-sensorimotor loop is interrupted by either poor posture

or nutrition in this case, the diaphragm is inhibited. The accessory muscles

have to work harder and the end result is chest breathing. Cleaning up your

client’s diet, whether or not they have asthma, will always increase the

energy flow and vitality of the entire person.

One of

life’s biggest secrets when it comes to asthma is water. Histamine is a

natural occurring neurotransmitter in the body that regulates water metabolism

and distribution in the body. You might have heard of the word histamine used

in anti-histamine medications to get rid of a runny nose of a cold, like the

one you are taking. Well, I am going to educate you on a holistic way to

decrease histamine levels in the body without taking over the counter toxic

medications. They do more harm to your insides than good. As you learned above

that inflammation can cause inhibition, well taking over the counter

medications is a great way to cause inflammation in the stomach and liver,

causing inhibition of the diaphragm.


has been recognized that asthmatics have an increase in histamine content of

their lung tissue and that is the histamine that regulates bronchial muscle

contractions (Batmangheligdji). Dehydration is one of the many major stressors

that we can inflict upon our body. I would have to say that 100% of the clients

that walk through my door are dehydrated. As well, when they start drinking the

recommended amount of half your body weight in ounces of water a day, most of

their aches and pains are alleviated. When we are dehydrated, the body releases

more histamine to regulate who and what gets water and where it goes. When you

are short of breath, the histamine is causing vasoconstriction in the lungs

preserving water for the lungs. When we breathe, water is evaporated in the

lungs. But when there is an increase in histamine, there is constriction and

less water evaporation, which is a natural conservation of the body’s

water. So if you have asthma one of my first recommendations is to drink water!


The next

thing I want to talk about in relation to water is potassium. Many Americans,

young and old, drink OJ in the morning secondary to the belief that it contains

lots of vitamins???? The OJ of today is just enriched, full of sugar, and full

of harmful pesticides, herbicides and fungicides from the GMO Oranges that are

used. My recommendation is to stay away from it either way. As well, OJ

contains high levels of potassium. According to Dr. Batmangheligdji in Your Bodies Many Cries for Water he states

that “high loads of potassium in the body can promote more than usual

histamine production. As you know, histamine causes vasoconstriction, which

will exacerbate your client’s symptoms. The only thing are body was

designed to drink was water. Drinking water in the morning will not only aid in

the healing process of asthma, but also aid with digestion and much much more.

For more information on the benefits of water and its hidden secrets, read:



to Eat, Move and Be Healthy by Paul



Bodies Many Cries For Water by Dr. Batmangheligdji


Messages in Water and The True Powers of Water by Masura Emoto


The last

topic in relation to water is salt. I am not talking about our toxic and

bleached table salt (NaCl). I am talking about Celtic Sea Salt which is taken

from the ocean, dried naturally and then sold without being chemically altered.

When you are dehydrated, you body begins to conserve salt. The problem is that

with the C.R.A.P diet of America today, people are either eating too much NaCl or they are on a

salt free diet of some sort. So when it comes to dehydration and the

conservation of salt, this can be a problem. How does salt relate to

water in the body, as well as asthma? Well, when we breathe in and out, the

body needs water to keep the lungs and airways passages moist. When we are

dehydrated, the bodies produce mucous to protect the lungs and the airways.

Over a period of time and dehydration, there is more mucous build up and air

has trouble going in and coming out. The end result is chronic asthma and a

life of constant phlegm. Well, this is the point that salt comes in. First off,

salt is a natural antihistamine, as well as a mucous breaker. In order for the

body to be reassured, there must be water and salt present before there is

relaxation and secretion of the mucous. “A pinch of salt on the tongue

after drinking water fools the brain into thinking a lot of salt has arrived in

the body. It is then that the brain begins to relax the bronchioles (Dr.

Batmangheligdji). Instead of placing salt directly on the tongue, what I

recommend my clients to do is to put a pinch of the salt in every water bottle

they drink. For the asthmatic client, I recommend two pinches. For more

information on this great product, go to www.celticseasalt.com

to learn more.

Emotional: I will try to keep it simple. As well, remember there are

other techniques, but this is what has worked for me.


breathing can tell us a lot about how we feel. Just like water in a river can

express its calm nature by being still or by flowing at a fast rushing pace.

Anytime we are under stress of any kind, anxious, nervous or anything of the

sort, are breaths becomes faster and shorter. This mimics asthma and in some

cases can cause it over prolonged periods of time. As well, chronic overuse of

the muscles involved can cause many musculoskeletal and physiological


This kind

of stress on the body can have a profound effect on how we think, feel and

look. First off, when we are stressed you are activating the part of your

Autonomic Nervous System called the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) or you

might know it as your “flight or flight” nervous system. The SNS is

activated under any kind of stress, whether it is:





(work related)


(air, exhaust)


(C.R.A.P diet)


(Stinkin Thinkin!)


(Poor self worth)


(Poor posture)


and so on (humanize god)


When you

SNS is activated, blood rushes to the extremities away from the organs and

digestive system, cortisol (stress hormone released by adrenal glands) levels

go up, and our heart rate and respiratory rate increases. Whether it is a big

prominent stress like getting in a fight or something you don’t even know

about, like the stress of a food you are eating, they all add up and have the

same effect on the body.

The society

we know of today is fast paced. People work more, move less and we are being

outrun by technology. No one is taking the time to slow down and actually

recognize what is going on around them or to them. A great example of this is

how most people do not even think about health until they have a symptom or

something major go wrong. Anytime you are in a stressful situation and your

respiratory rate is affected, your breathing becomes almost doubled per minute.

People tense up and tend you to use their chest to breath in order to keep up.

As well, you have learned that people chest breath secondary to the diaphragm

being inhibited. You can see how this all comes together and if one thing is

wrong, it all is wrong. Our bodies are designed to handle stress, which is why

we have our SNS. It is not designed to handle stress over and over again, each

and every day without any use of its opposite, the Parasympathetic Nervous


We have

evolved as humans at a slower rate than society/technology has. The stressors

within our daily routine keep adding up. If you think of your body like a bank

account, it easy to understand the flow of energy in and out. When you are

stressed over and over again, that is comparison to withdrawing money out of

your bank account. If the stress keeps up, before you know it you will be

broke. The only way to keep up and replenish your body is to deposit energy

back into the account. There are many ways to do this and you have two above,

proper exercise and diet/lifestyle. Below I am going to explain a third way to

combat stress and asthma.


Qi Gong is an ancient form

of movement meditation that focuses on the flowing movement of internal energy

call Qi, chi, prana, or lifeforce. “Qi” means air, breath of life,

or vital energy of the body, and “gong” means the skill of working

with, or cultivating, self-discipline and achievement. The word Qigong

(pronounced chi kung) is a combination of meditation, relaxation, physical

movement, mind-body integration, and breathing exercises.

The art of Qi Gong has been

around for thousands of years. Millions of people have benefited from Qigong

practices and believed that improving the movement of internal Qi maintains

health and heals disease. In traditional Chinese medicine, good health is a

result of a free flowing, well-balanced energy system. It is believed that

regular practice of Qigong helps to cleanse the body of toxins, restore energy,

reduce stress and anxiety, and help individuals maintain a healthy and active


It has been said that Qigong

is one of the most powerful healing traditions ever developed in human history.

In my clinical opinion, it is literally one of the many alternative health

wonders of the world. Through working inside your body and mind, using the

methodology of Qigong, you may achieve a perfect harmony in your body, mind,

and spirit, so this may lead to a more energetic and healthier life. Therefore,

Qi Gong is the Chinese way of cultivating the human body and is the ancient

Chinese methodology for health, therapy, and longevity.

Chinese medicine is

traditionally based on the theory of Yin and Yang. Chinese think everything

consists of the yin and the yang. Such as for human being, female is the yin

and male is the yang. The human body is also governed by the yin and the yang.

The yin and the yang are in constant evolution and interaction between them. Disease

and illness are the direct cause of the imbalance between the yin and the yang.

Qigong is the natural method to control and adjust one's yin and yang to

achieve the balance of them, so it optimizes the body's ability to use the most

of latent energy within the human body and to guard against any invasion of

disease or illness.

Now that

you understand what Qi Gong is, let me explain why I am introducing it to you.

As you know, asthma causes problems with the lungs. According to the Chinese,

our organs are the storehouse for our various thoughts and emotions. It is the

brain that carries those thoughts or feelings into reality. When it comes to

treating disease and illness, the Chinese focus on the internal Qi of the


When it

comes to the lungs, the Chinese believe that they are the main source of our

olfactory and kinesthetic senses. Our lungs are associated with good impulses

and righteousness. The lungs openings are associated with the nose and skin,

which involve them in the senses of touch and feeling. This increases your

ability to be more aware of what is going on around you, as well as increasing

your ability to learn.

The lungs

are associated with the air element (To learn more about the 5 elements, read

Between Heaven and Earth). When the air element or lungs express in a negative

manner, they express emptiness, sadness and depression. When our lungs become

stressed and overworked from our poor nutrition, posture and/or other

stressors, the lung energy becomes stagnant. If you think of a stagnant pond,

this is what happens to the air, oxygen, fluids, etc. within the lungs. Toxins

build up and energy is created, but cannot be dissipated away or let go. Qi is

good, but when it cannot flow and move freely, it can become toxic cesspool of

energy. In order to stimulate your internal lung Qi and bring about positive

emotions of letting go, joy, courage and righteousness, following a daily Qi

Gong routine for the lungs and/or other organs is best. There are tons out

there to choose from. I am biases and use Lee Holden’s (www.pacifichealingarts.com) DVD’s,

but the choice is yours. Good luck!



With Qi,


Rubin, OTR/L

You must

BE, before you DO!



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