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IMVA - New Medicine,Biogenic Medicine and HeartHealth - March 28, 2008

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Dear IMVA, We received many interesting remarks about the chapter on Dr. Hamer’s work. “Though I have always agreed with most of his writings I felt he was irritatingly over the top with his all or nothing approach - detrimental to his cause unfortunately.” "No one can know everything about anything. This statement is absolutely correct!" “I agree that shock equals cancer is too simple. I would claim that cancer is caused by the multiple poisons in our environment, as in Our Stolen Future, a magnificent book. But I agree that cancer may be accelerated, brought on, by shock.” “I really believe that what Dr. Hamer says about cancer is possible in adults. But how can we transfer this hypothesis to children? They don’t have conscious about their experiences. They don’t understand what an emotional shock is.” ”I fully agree with you both about emotions contributing to disease and not being the sole cause of EVERY disease.” “I was saddened today to read your article on German New Medicine. I believe you muddied the waters. You did not mention WHY Dr. Hamer claims that ALL cases follow a pattern. Instead you treated it as an egotistical, arrogant person having to be right, going against the rules of General Semantics. You give the impression that you and Walter Last have great reservations about Dr. Hamer's German New Medicine, yet the last part of your article appears to support Dr. Hamer. Again confusing and unfair to Dr. Hamer? From what I have read by several doctors, including Dr. Mercola, they somewhat concur with Dr. Hamer and then go back to their own beliefs about cancer and disease and curing cancer. Which means, then that they don't really understand what Dr. Hamer had to say at all.” “I just really wanted to thank you for your email regarding the New German Medicine. Everyone thinks this is the new rage. I personally found it confusing in regards to my dog. It made me feel very guilty, I knew her cancer comes from the chemicals put in my back yard, but the New German medicine would not account for this. Leaving me feeling very badly, what did I do to my dog, what happened? Finally, someone had the courage to challenge the "allness of his writings and beliefs. Thank you for taking a huge burden off me. Thank you very much for your courage to challenge.” Provoking guilt is a result of impure intentions and sloppy communication styles. That cancer can easily be induced in animals and even people through chemical poisoning directly challenges the assumptions or things overlooked by the New Medicine. The IMVA is officially on record that emotions do matter in medicine and in this we are in total agreement with the substance and body of Dr. Hamer’s brave work. Personally I am only prepared to receive people in Brazil who are interested in working on the deeper levels that Dr. Hamer speaks about but my paradigm goes much further then the New Medicine, which stops somewhat short with its focus on emotional shocks. I have not spoken directly about my work called Biogenic Medicine to the IMVA, which has as its main focus the human heart, heart chakra, emotional center - all of which represent our deepest vulnerabilities. I have defined the heart as the vulnerability of being and it is clear to me that the most vulnerable people are the strongest. This is of course opposite to what most people think, which is that our vulnerabilities represent our weaknesses so they hide them. The most vulnerable person is not afraid to show their full selves meaning they are not afraid to suffer - for that is what happens most often on planet earth to our vulnerabilities. The most important question above actually is about children who sadly are baring the burden of the bestiality of adult human consciousness. My disdain for medicine is mostly focused on its treatment of babies and pregnant women and that is why I wrote Cry of the Heart and The Terror of Pediatric Medicine. Would you believe I live in a Brazilian city where the rate of C sections by private doctors is 97 percent? Below I will share the first two pages of HeartHealth, which was published for the first time in my Survival Medicine compendium. It focuses on this question of children’s emotional sensitivity but does not address medicines brutal treatment of the unborn, just born and of children in general. The fact that society cannot address and confront this professional brutality is a great reason to not respect modern civilization with all of its laws that incredibly miss the entire point to life. Perhaps one day the staffs of the CDC and the FDA will awake to the horrors they are perpetuating against children but I will not hold my breath waiting for the cruel intellectually arrogant ones to humble themselves. One of the main reasons I have left much of my more vulnerable work with people aside in favor of my almost obsessive work in medicine is the perception that it is imperative to stop the murderous ways of medicine if we want to save babies from ruinous harm. If you can detect my feelings in saying this you will know and understand my choice of title of my first book about vaccines – Cry of the Heart. In the beginning we just are a being with the capacity to feel. At the moment of our conception things change, we grow, take shape, destiny awaits us in human form. In the womb we transverse millions of years of evolution, each second a tremendous wind on our souls. Then we are born in spirit and flesh, totally open to relate to other hearts with intimacy, love, and joy. As babies we need a holy touch, an affection and understanding in which to bathe ourselves, a space where every remnant of separation is cast aside - looking to unite in bliss with the beings that have brought us into the world. It is in this that the heart is completely visible, though vulnerable, needing unbreakable bonds of love and trust. Deep within is our pure being which has incarnated into this body.This being is ultra sensitive. From the moment of conception this pure being is picking up subtle impressions from the environment through the heart center of pure feeling. The essence of our suffering as beings is seen in the pain of separation (rejection of our being) that cuts into this needed bond of total love. Something seems to go wrong as we approach life on earth, and this wrongness of feeling often begins in pregnancy. Our incarnating beings are supersensitive to the emotional environment so when a mother smokes or does drugs, for instance, or the child is unwanted and unplanned, there are emotional waves of disturbance that become very apparent to a being even though no mind is yet present or conscious. Today we see that emotions or emotional environments are very contagious and one person’s bad mood can act like a virus and infect the people around them. On a being level we could say that we come to earth looking for pure and perfect love and don’t find it. Yes a mother may offer pure love at the birth but the before and after is a river delta of complex problems, struggles and difficulties. If the love between the husband and the wife is not totally harmonious the emotional environment will not be that way for the inbound vulnerable being. And of course we have the medical community waiting, making our birth a problem; ripping the experience away from its natural and most beautiful state. And then we have had the pharmaceutical companies doing their best to drag us away from the breast and the nipple and mother’s warmth and natural immune strengthening milk. Life on earth! Though there are many theories of incarnation, karma, destiny and having to learn our lessons the hard way, we can still look at this pure being that is born and is that nature that Christ said that we must get back to. The ground state or essence self is just a being that feels. But when we start to study “human” beings who live on this planet we need to begin to study the distortions and knots and convolutions of feeling and emotion that happen inside of us as we hit the stratosphere of uncaring and are forced to accept the status quo of separation, pain, hurt, and all to often, the deliberate abuse of our being. Scientific evidence does show that even very young children are capable of experiencing deep anguish and grief in response to trauma, loss, and personal rejection. Dr. Kyle Pruett, clinical professor of psychiatry at the Yale University Child Study Center, says “infants are highly attuned to mood even when in the womb making them susceptible to things like parental depression.” The reality is that a 4-month-old can be clinically depressed for if they do not get the love and care they deserve and need they begin to withdraw. Our pure beings need and deserve pure love. Children are programmed to interact and the quality of that interaction is crucial for their emotional, physical and mental development. Thus warns Pruett “We need to help parents early on with things like maternal depression, marital conflict and violence in the home.” These things do ‘cause’ suffering in the hearts and minds of the young. In infancy the flashes of pain that come from rejection are the same as the pains of misunderstandings that arise from poor communication with adults. In practice, because of the hurt we feel deep down, and our own separation from ‘that which is hurt,’ (separation from our own being nature) we tend to manifest our uncaring and insensitivity in many ways that hurts others and us. The most common way this manifests in daily life is seen in our inability and basic refusal to listen to others at any meaningful level of being. The walls of Jericho, in the bible, really were walls of separation and division which are other words for uncaring and the distancing of beings from each other and nothing shows off our separation more than our lack of listening and general fear of expression. To listen is to suffer because we do not want to listen to anything that might require a change. To listen is to change.We cannot change without listening. Listening implies a change.We need to change just to listen. Mark Sircus Ac., OMDDirector International Medical Veritas Association http://www.imva.infohttp://www.magnesiumforlife.comhttp://www.winningcancer.com/ International Medical Veritas Association Copyright 2008 All rights reserved. Legal Notice: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information written is published for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Images, text and logic are copyright protected. ALL rights are explicitly reserved without prejudice, and no part of this essay may be reproduced except by written consent. ©2008 by Mark Sircus

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